® 1 Matricola Data di consegna SIn. DeUvery dete Ne. de$lnie Date de livr.aison Semt.wmummer Ven;anddatum N° del chasis Fecha de entregn CATAllOGO PARTI DI RICA BI SPARE PARTS (~~TALOGUE CATAL GlUE PIECES DE RECHANGE ERSATZ1"EILKATALOG CATALOGO DE REPUESTOS 59820018 AVOID ACCIDENTS Most accidents. Whether they occur to Industry. on tS·K\l farm, at homo or on the highWay, arocaused by tho fallure ot some IndlvIduBl to follow Simple and fundarmmtal safety ruleS Of precautions. For this reason MOST ACCIDENTS CAN BE PR£:VENTED by fOOOghlzlng 1M real cau~ and do!ng oomothlng aboollt befor\'rj the aookient occurs. ReQafdless o~ tho care used In the deslgn and construction of any type of equipment there are conditions that cannot be completely safeguarded against wtt:tICU1 mtM'oril'lg with re8S')Il8b/a accesslblll:ly and efficloot operation. A careful operator Is tho best insurance agalnst M acclOent. The complete obst\\'\IllfiCe of 00& simple rule would prevent I'Mtly thousand Sl!lrious Injuries ooch YflIlt. That rule Is: Never attempt to clean. oil or adjust a machine while it is in motion. WARNING On machines having hydraulically, mectumlcaUY. and/or cable controlled equIp­ ment (Such as shovels, loaders, oo4:ers, scrapers, etc.) be certain the equipment Is IoWerod to the ground before servicing, adjusting and/or repairing. If It IS necessary to haw the hydraul!calty, moehanlcally. andlor atbleoontrolled equlpmMt partially or fUlly 1'81800 to gain access to cerlaln Items, be sure the equipment 1$ suitably supported by m&al'\S other than tM hydraulic lift cyllndem, cable a.m:I/or mechank;al devices used for L:~:~lpment _._ _ __ CAUFORNIA Propo~tHcn 65 W~mlng Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects; and other reproductive hann. COPYRIGHT BY FIATALUS All rights l"Oool"/3d. Reproduction of text and Illustrations in \I\t'N)le or In part, is SirIctiy prohlbl\ad. La rlchiaste delle parti di ricambio debbono pervenire!!ll pill To order spare parts. always contact your nearest local vicino AGENTE Ol ZONA dealer. Oppure in mancanza di questo alia: OR: FIAT·HITACHI STABIUMENTO OIIMOLA FIAT·HITACHI STASILIMENTO DI IMOLA Servizio Assistenza e Ricarnbi spare parts and service department Via S.S. 610 Selice Nil 101C - OPERATING HEAD OFFICE 40020 SUSANO 01 MORDANO (80) VIA S.S. 610 Saliee W, 10lC Tel. (0542) 601 111 ,. 640251 40020 SUSANO MOROANO (SO) Telex 511242 SENSER ~ I Tal. (05421 601 11 1 .. 840251 Telefax (0542) 51256 Telex 511242 SEN5ER .. I DIREZIONE E STABILIMENTO Telefa)( (0542) 61266 Via S.S. 610 Salice N° 43/A - 400261MOLA -ITALY HEAD OFFICE & WORKS Tel. (0542) 601111 - 640251 Via 5.S. Selic'!) N° 43/A40026IMOLA-ITALY Telefax (0542)640381 Tal. (0642) 501111 .. 640251 Telex 51 1286 SENEX • I Telefax (0642) 640381 Telex 511286 SEN EX -I Pour comander las pieces de rechange, s'addresser a Dla Anfragen nach Ersatzteilen mussen zu dam nachsten I'agent de zane Ie plus proche ou alors a: Venreter gelangen. FIAT·HITACHI STABILIMENTO DIIMOLA Andemfalls zu: Selvice assistance at pieces de rechange FIAT·HITACHI STABIUMENTO DIIMOLA Via 5.S. 610 Sallee N° 101C • Kundendiest und Ersatzteile 40020 SUSANO DI MORDANO (sO) Via 5.S. 610 Sellee N° 1ole . Tel. (0542) 601111 - 640251 40020 SUSANO Dl MORDANO (bO) Telex 611242 SENSER - I Tel. (0642) 601111 • 640261 Telefax (0542) 51256 Telex 511242 8 ENSER • I Direotion et uSlne Telefax (0542) 51256 Via S.S. 610 5alice N° 43/A -40026 IMOLA • ITALY Hauptwerk Tel. (0542) 601111 .. 6402.51 Via S.S. 61 0 Selit~e N° 43/A • 40026 IMOLA - ITALY Telafax (0542) 640381 Tel. (0542) 60111 1 • 640251 Telex 511285 BENE><-I Telefax (o542) 640381 Telex 51 1285 BENEX·I Los pedidas de los repuestos debeo hacerse al REPRESENTANT!: DE ZONA mas pr6xlmo. O. a faits de este, a: FIAT·HITACHI STABILIMENTO DIIMOLA SeMclo Asistencla y Repuestos Via S.S. 610 Seriee N° lO/C, 40020 SUSANO 01 MORDANO (BO) Tel. (0542) 601111 • 64CCS1 Telex 511242 BENSER • I Telefax (0542)51256 Direcci6n y Establecimiento Via 5.S. 610 Selioe N°43/A·40026IMOLA.ITALY TcU0542) 601111 - 640251 Telefe>; (0542) 640381 Telex 511285 BENEX • I INTRODUZIONE Questa catalogo Perti di Rlcamblo vlena fornito allo scopo di servire come guida per "operatore all'atto dell'ordinazione delle partl dl ncambio ed e stato realin8to tenendo canto dt due eSlganze fondamentah: 1} Consentlre UM raPIds identiflc8ziona della mscchlna In tutte Ie sue partl e quindi una rapids individuazlone dei comPO~1Emti, 2} Consentll'e I'aggiomamento periodlco mediante 113 sostitutione 0 I'aggiunta di Tav. nuove. n contenuto del presente Catalogo e dl natura tecnica riservata. e pertanto non pub essere riprodotto psrzialmente 0 totalmente S3nzB I'autonzzazione scritta della FIAT·HITACHI STABlllMENTO DIIMOLA the si nserva II dmtto di apportare sen:;za preawiso tutte Ie modi fiche che $1 renderanno nec::essarie. FOREWORD This spare parts hst is supplied to aid the operator when ordertng spare parts. It has been designed In such a way as to allow: 1} Rapid identificatIon of all the machIne parts and components. 2) P~rlodlcal updating of the list by replacmg or adding new tables. Since the contents of thIS sparte parts list are of technical nature, theIr partIal or total reproduction, or reorint IS allowed only under wntten authorization fror'l FIAT-HITACHI STAB1L1MENTO DIIMOLA. The manufacturer reserves the nght to introduce changes WIthout pnor notIce. INTRODUCTION Ge catalogue Pieces de Rechange a Ie but de seMf de gUIde a I'operateur au mornent de la commande des pIeces, de rechange. II a ele realise en tenant compte de deux eXIgences fondamentales; 1) Permettre une Identl!icatlon raplde de la machine dans to utes ses parties et par consequent locallser rapldement ses composants. 2) Permattre une mIse aJour perlodlque par Is substitution ou !'adJonctlon de nouvelles planches. Le contenu de ee catalogue est purement technIque at done reserve: II ns peut etre reprodult m partleltement nJ totalment sans I' autOl1sat'On ecnte de Is FIAT-HITACHI STAB1LlMENTO OIIMOLA qUi se reserve Ie drOIt d' apportertoute modIficatIon qu'elle retindra necessalre sans aviS prealable. EiNFUHRUNG Oar Ersatzeilkatalog Wlrd mit Ziel ausgageben, alsAnleltung fOrden Fahrer bei der Bestellungvon den Ersatztzellen tu dlanen. Dlsser Katalog is! unter Ben1cksiehttgung von !lNei hauptsachlichen Aniorderungen reahsiert worden: 1) Die lelchte und schnelle Etmrttlung der MaschlnentEIlle und deren Komponenten. 2) Ole penocitschen Erneuerungen durch den Ersatz oder den Zusetz neuer Tafeln. Da del' Inhalt dleses Katalogs ausschhesslich techninisch ist, kano er weder teilwelse noeh veiling ohne dIe Genehmgtmg der FIrma FIAT·H1TACH! STAB1LtMENTO DIIMOLA nacligedruclct werden. Die Firma FtAT·HITACHI STABILIMENTO DI IMOLA. behiilt sioh das Recht vor. aile notwendlge ,o,enderungen ohne \(orhenge Benachnchtlgung vorzunehmen INTRODUCCION Este(',stalogode Repuestossirve como guia para af operador, cuando debe hacer un pedido deestos~ se he raalrzado temsndo en cuenta dos eXIgenCies fundamerwales: 11 Consentir una Idetltlficaci6n rapids de la maqulns y de todas sus partes, y, par 10 141nto, una raprda tndlVlduacI6n de sus componentes. 21 Consentir una pertodica puesta al dia medlal'lte Ie sustitu~i6n ola aiiadldura de nuevas tablas. EJ cont.enido del presents oat61090 as de naturaleza tecnlca reservada. por to tanto, no puede ser reproducido m parCIal, nt totalmsl'Ite sin la autorizaclon escnta de FIAT~HITACHI STABIUMENTO DIIMOLA, que sa reserve el derecho de sporter. Sin previo avISO, todes las modiflcaclcilGS que retandra necesanas. ., • m~ _ Err *tv.,.. .·""I-e iE. 7 = MODALITA' PER ORDINARE I PEZZa Dt RICAMBiO Par facilitate la nceras a Is spediziona dei paui di ricambio si invitano i Sigg. Chenti ad attenct'si alia sotto etenoate norme a specificare sempre: • Madello, anno di Clostruzlona e m~tneola della macchlna • Numero del catalogo Parti di Rical'nbio • Numero della tavola e numeto della ~ione ~ Verificare Ie validittt della Tav, consultata in relaziona al NlI di matncola • Quantita dei pezzi richiesti - Codiee e denomlne21one dei pe:z:zi - IndiJ'izzo esatto e ragione sOCIale dei Sigg. Chent! con "eventuale rer.aplto per' la consegna della merea • Meno desiderato per la espedizione. Oualam tale mdletaione non SIS specificata la FIAT-HITACHI STABILIMENTO 01 IMOLA SI riserva di users II meno pill Idoneo. HOW TO ORDER SPARE PARTS To facilate the identification and shIpment of spare parts. carefully follow the directions below and always ind,cate: - Model. vear of manufacture and serial number of the mathlrae • Number of the spare parts list - Number of the relevant table and positIon .. Make sure that the table corresponds to the senal number .. Ouantity .. Code and denommation of the spare parts • Your address and bUSiness name, or any other place to deliver the spare parts .. Means of trasport if the customer should not provIde thiS mtormatlon, FIAT·HITACHI s'r AB1LlMENTO DIIMOLA reserves the nght to use the best SUIted means. INSTRUCTIONS POUR COMMANDER lES PIECES DE RECHANGE Afin de {semter 18 recherche de I'expeditlon des pIeces de rechange. nous prions nos chents de survre les instructions suivantes en specifiant: .. Mode.le. annee de constructIon et nun'lElro de Ie machine .. Numero du ca'italogue Pieces de rechange .. Numero de Ie planche et nume'o de Ie position .. ContrOler la vahdite de la planche consultee par rapport au numero de la machIne .. Nombre de pieces demandees .. Code at denomination des pieces .. Adresse exacte et raIson socials du chent avec adressa .eventualla pour la hvraison de la marchandlse .. Moyen de t~nsport deSire pour "expedition. S, tomafols. cette lndica~lon devait falra defaut, Is FIAT--HITACHl STABILIMENTO OIIMOLA sa reserve Ie drol1 d'utdlser Ie moven Ie plus approPie. BESTELLUNG DEft ERSA TZTEILE Um die Ermlttlung der K<'denummer und die Versendung der Ersatztetle lU erlelch~em, werden die Kunden empfohlen.

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