Chile: debt vs. physical economy (indices 1973=100) --- 700 600-, 500 - 400 300 .-J 200 100- 0 - Whatao ,� these two men have in common? Stop the UN's New United States, and targets over a dozen Third World countries World Order: on its "population enemies Hitler in Blue Helmets. list"? • that since NSSM 200 was written, American dollars DID YOU KNOW: have paid for the sterilization • that the population control r----------------------, of roughly of Brazil's movement is nothing but a half Please send the EIR Special Report, Stop the U.N. New women of childbearing age? I 0 I whitewashed version of the World Order: Hitler in Blue Helmets to the adrn:ess This report, revised and I I Nazi eugenics policy, which below. Enclosed is for each report postpaId. expanded from the I $250.00 was developed in Britain and 1992 : Special Report "The genocidal I Please send a full lis ing of publications available from the United States, then export­ 0 � roots of Bush's 'New World I EIR News Service, including other Special Reports. I ed to Hitler's Germany? Order,'" is intended to help I Mail to: I • that the United Nations has catalyze a fight for national I I set up a series of conferences, Name sovereignty, the family, and I I beginning with the September human life in the face of the I Address I International Conference 1994 Malthusian onslaught of the I I on Population and City State Zip United Nations and its one­ I I Development, in Cairo, Egypt, world imperial supporters. I Phone ( I whose purpose is to reduce The new sections include I I world population by more my Mastercard Visa texts of major statements I Charge 0 0 I than two billion people and against the Cairo population I No. _ Exp. Date. I institute a utopian world dicta­ conference by the Schiller I I torship? Signature Institute, Vatican, and others, I I • that Nation3I Security Study and self-indicting extracts I Make check or money order payable to: I Memorandum written 200, from the planning documents I I under the direction of Henry EIR News Service drafted by the United Nations I I Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft P.O. Box Washington, D.C. bureaucrats. 17390 20041-0390. I in defines population I 1974, I I growth as enemy of the 250 pages $250 EIR 94-005 the L ----------- ___________ � Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editorial Board: Melvin Klenetsky, Antony Papert, Gerald Rose, Dennis Small, Edward From the Managing Editor Spannaus, Nancy Spannaus, Jeffrey Steinberg, Webster Tarpley, Carol White, Christopher White Senior Editor: Nora Hamerman reative genius bridles at the very idea that it ust limit itself to Associate Editor: Susan Welsh C � Managing Editors: John Sigerson, only one field of endeavor, and let's not be bashful about it: A Ronald Kokinda leading modem-day example of this , is our Founding Editor, Lyndon Science and Technology: Carol White LaRouche. In this week's issue, LaRouche fires t:neopening shots of Special Projects: Mark Burdman Book Editor: Katherine Notley his Presidential primary campaign, and sets the goal of breaking the Advertising Director: Marsha Freeman U.S. Justice Department coverup of the Waco massacre, as the Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol crucial lever for defeating the Conservative Revolution crowd INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Agriculture: Marcia Merry (p. 64). In our coverage of the unfolding tragedy in Bosnia, Asia and Africa: Lindo de Hoyos LaRouche calls upon the United States to completely break with the Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Paul Goldstein United Nations, and to take decisive air-based' military action in Economics: Christopher White order to end the Serb-led aggression (p. 40). European Economics: William Engdahl Thew-America: Robyn QUijano, Dennis Small On the profound question of the economic policies which have Law: Edward Spannaus driven this and other conflicts around the world to such a bloody Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas, Konstantin George point in our supposedly "peacetime" era, our Ibe�-American editor United States: Kathleen Klenetsky Dennis Small applies LaRouche's physical-ecoqomic principles to INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: reveal the hoax of the "Chilean economic miracle," and shows a way Bangkok: Pakdee Tanapura, Sophie Tanapura Bogota: Jose Restrepo out (p. 16). Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel Our proceeds to the field of Classical music-a field Buenos Aires: Gerardo Teran Feature Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen where physical science, politics, and artbecome one. In LaRouche's Houston: Harley Schlanger Lima: Sara Madueiio address to a select group of musicians this past Memorial Day week­ Mexico City: Hugo L6pez Ochoa end, he allows us to experience musical performances which he Milan: Leonardo Servadio New Delhi: Susan Maitra recently attended in Europe, as if through his owq eyes and ears,and Paris: Christine Bierre then lays out the criteria for reviving the high standards of Classical Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios Stockholm: Michael Ericson musical education (p. 24). Washington, D.C.: William Jones Although LaRouche is the most masterful applier of "musical" Wiesbaden: Goran Haglund principles to all fields he touches, this is certainly not unique to him. E1R (ISSN 0273·6314) is published weekly (50 issues) If you are inclined to think that "music and politics don't mix," except for the second week ofJuly, and the IDst week of December by E1R News Service Inc., 317 Pennsylvania you should read about how a great 20th-century musician, Wilhelm Ave., S.E., 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 2()()()3. (202) 544·7010. For subscriptions: (703) m·9451. Furtwangler, who liked to claim that he was "al)ove politics," was EIU'OpHIJ HHIiII_n: Executive intelligence Review sacrificed to the interests of British geopolitics (p. 34); and how a Nachrichtenagentur GmbH, Postfach 2308, 0-65013 Wiesbaden, Otto von Guericke Ring 3, D·65205 major American political leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, has al­ Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Gennany Tel: (6122) 9160. Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich, ways been inspired by Classical music, and is now fighting to take Michael Liebig In De..-rk: EIR, Post Box 2613, 2100 Copenhagen fiE, this seminal influence in his own life, out into�the lives of many Tel. 35·43 60 40 others who have been deprived of it (p. 37). : In Mnko: BIR,Francisco Dlaz Covarrubias 54 A·3 Colonia San Rafael, Mexico DF. Tel: 705·1295. ]optmsubseriplion .1Iks: O.T.O. Research Corporation, Takeuchi Bldg., 1·34·12 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku·Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 3208·7821. Copyright © 1995 EIR News Service. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in partwithout pennission strictly prohibited. Second-class postage paid at Washington D.C., and at an additional mailing offices. Domestic subscriptions: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225, I year-$396, Single issue-$l0 Postmaster: Send all address changes to E1R, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041·0390. TIillContents Interviews Reviews National Economy 6 Yakubu Bako 37 Farrakhan plays Mr. Balm, the military Mendelssohn administrator for Nigeria's Akwa A review of the videotape, "For Thom state, speaks on development Love of Music-Farrakhan Plays efforts there . the Violin." 8 Gregory Agbonemi Group Captain Gregory Agbonemi, Departments the military administrator of Nigeria's Cross River state, says The"Chile8\l economic miracle," brainchild of Milton 12 Report from Bonn Friednuul Chicago that in a nutshell, Nigeria's . aIjdthe Boys, � meant thegrowth Fiscal constraints block of only one economic indicator: debt to the interna- . problems all economic . are employment. tiona! banks. 43 Nedzib Sacirbey 13 Labor in Focus 16 An obituary for London's The Bosnian ambassador-at-Iarge Challenge to the AFL-CIO old 'Chilean economic miracle' and the spokesman of President guard. After the Mexican miracle went Alija Izetbegovic in the United kaputt, the Chicago School used­ States, speaking on July 5 and 11 car shlesmen have trotted out the after the fall of Srebrenica, says, 61 Andean Report Military 1, SamperO. neo-liberal Chilean success story "We asking for air strikes to are for sale to a gullible public. The defend the population." 72 Editorial trutlt is that in 22 years of Friedmanite administration, Chile's Don't privatize your grandmother. 49 Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. physical economy has declined in The American statesman arid author percapita and per household terms, sees the recent British Tory Party while the bubble of foreign debt Photo and graphic credits: Cover election, as a defeat for the Nazi grew more than sixfold. design, EIRNS; photo, PBS. Pages wing. 18,20-23,27,32, EIRNS. Page 25, EIRNS/Stuart K. Lewis. Page 54 Maximiliano Londono 30,PB S. Page 35, New York Economics! Penilla Public Library Picture Collection. The leader of the lbero-American Page 38, EIRNS/Carlos Wesley. 4 FoQd cartel companies Solidarity Movement in Colombia under fire for price-fixing explains why Colombia must change its legal framework in order scheme The /lction promises to have a to win the war on drugs . dramatic impact on world food prodUction-and U.S. politics. 57 Raffaele Morini A former comrade of Enrico ! Mattei's in the liberation war 9 Cu�rency Rates against Fascism. 10 Its granaries full, India 58 Fulvio Bellini looks to become a The author of a 1971 book, The foodgrain exporter I Assassination o/Mattei, recently gave key testimony to the state 14 Business Briefs prosecutor of Pavia. Volume22, Number29, July21, 1995 Feature International National 24 The principle of unity of 40 'U.S. must puD out from 64 LaRouche fires salvo science and art the U.N.,' says LaRouche against Republican Waco Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in Documentation: Statements by coverup . dialogue with collaborators of the Bosnian President Izetbegovic , The opening issue of Lyndon movement to found the National Prime Minister Silajdzic, Pope John LaRouche's campaign for the 1996 Conservatory of Music, highlights Paul II, and others .
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