I • • • INDEX A Arizona Guards Confederate, 161. Acoma-59. Arizona Copper Co., Ltd. 422. Acus 47, 49. "Arizona" Battleship-':'387. Adams, Rev. G. H.-493. Arizona City-139. Adams, J. C.~ 358, 545. Arizonac":'Mines of, 102. Adamsville 275, 573. Ashurst, Sen. H. F.-347, 352, 36~, 377. Agua Caliente 183. Ashurst, Wm.-310, 448, 558. Ainsworth, C. F.-355, 365. Associated Ajo Mines First copper workings in Ari- Asuncion, Juan de la-43, 45. zona, 105, 408. Asuncion, Rio de la 45. , Akers, C. H.-346, 347, 352, 505. Atwood, Bishop J. W.-495. Alarcon, Hernando de 52, 56. Aubrey, Felix X.-117. Albuquerque, N. M.-Establishment of, 61. Automobile Races-546. Alchisay, Chief- 232, 243. Awatobi-19, 20. Allen, J. B.-600. Aztecs-6, 7, 13. • Alexander, J. B.~O . Azul, -Pedro-1'74. Alexander, J. L. B.":-350, 360, 513, 514, 517. Azul oder Blaufluss 79. Alsap, J. T.-320, 332, 566, 568. Alvord, Burt- 477, 478. B Allyn, Judge J. P.-314. American, First Child Born-137. Babac6mari-Rancho, 174. - American Guard"':"'342. Baca Float Grant-182, 531. American Occupation of Southwest-82. "Bad Men" of the Southwest 465. Ancient and Honorable Pueblo-579: Bagg, S. C.-506, 509. Ancient Settlement-4. Bailey, N eill-356. • Anderson, Dr.-8•• Baker, J'udge A. C.-346, 365 . Antelope Hill-ll1. Bandelier, A. F.-9. • Anza Expeditions-21, 69-71. Banghart, George 174. Apache, Fort-156, 179. Banta, A. F.-502, 554, 563. Apache Pass-178, 180, 181, 216. Barnes, Judge W. H.-472, 506. Apacheria-172. Barrett, Fort-153. Apaches-Racial, 26, 28; 172-3, 252. Barth, Sol- 109, 111, 190, 272, 553, 609. Apache Tejo-178. Bartlett, John R.-Boundary commissioner, Aravaipa Callon-179. 113, 179. Arazuma~ 103. Bartlett, Yank-211, 259. Arbuckle, Henry- Pioneer R. R. engineer, 298. Bascom, Sec. Lieut. G~ o. N.-180. Arizona-Origin of name, 1; Terr. Est., 91, Baylor, Col. J. R.-159. 141; county of, 142; 1st terr. conv., Beach, C. W.-502, 504. 142·3; t err. of confederacy, 144; con­ Beale, E . F.-84, 122, 192. • federate organization, 160; volunteer Bean, C. C.- 335, 403. • battalion, 194; native troops, 196; cre­ Bees- 449. ation of terr., 313; first officials, 314 ; Bell- Bandit, 126. organization, 318 ; seal, 319, 365 ; first Bell's Callon-1S8. election, 324; first legislature, 326; offi­ Bennett, Lieut. Col. C. E.-153, 168. cial ode, 351; statehood, 375 ; pet names, Bent, Gov. Chas.-88. 375; state flag, 381; counties of, 324, Berry, Mrs. R. Ie-3Sl. 551; valuations, 551 ; holidays, 552; Bevp.ridge, Senator- 363. Arizona day, 380. Richard, Nick- 275. 623 • • , • , • , 624 INDEX I INDEX 625 Bill Williams' Fork-59. Callaghan, J. C.-379. • Clans, Indian-Hopi, 5; Apache, 29; Navajo, Crawford, Capt. E.- 244, 245, 246, 248, 249; Big Dry Wash Indian Fight-240. Camels- 122; with Beale survey, 283; wild 29. killed by Mexieans, 253. Birdno, J. J.-376, 509. in Arizona, 284-5. Clanton Gang-480. Cremony, Capt. Jno. C.-168, 169, 172, 173, Bisbee Discovery of , mines, 424; lynching, Cameron, R H.-357, 359, 380. Clark, C. M.-287. 174, 178, 181. 462; massacre, 463; newspapers, 508; Campbell, John G.-140, 326. Clark, Fort-155. Crittenden, Camp-150, 202: • anti·Cbinese regulation, 583; fire and Campbell, Thos.- 379, 380. Clark, "Wallapai"-269. Crook, Gen. George-148, 218, 221, 225, 228, flood, 584. Cananea- Riots, 584. Clark, Surv. Gen. John- 402, 448, 538, 556, 243; first Mexican campaign, 245; first Black Jack-1S6. Canoa Ranch-181. 558. capture of Geronimo and his escape, 247, Blind Miner-390. Capitals of Arizona-348. • Cliff Dwellers-13-14-15. 253; second drive into Mexico, 253; sec­ Blondy Tanks-186, 415. Capron, John-270, 273. Clifton-Early history, 420; floods, 423; ond surrender of Geronimo's Band, 253; Doard of Control-342. Capitols-arizona's first, 321; site, 338, 348; • strikes, 424; foundlings, 548. escape of chiefs, 255; resignation, 256; dedication of Capitol at Phcenix, 349. Clum, John P.-228, 503, 505. 266, 330. Boggs, T. W.-187, 191. • Bonds Funding of territorial, 340; railroad Cardenas, G. L. de 54. Coats, Geo. F.- 568. Cubero, Gov.-21. • fraudulent, 343·4, 347. Carleton, Gen.-25, 91, 146, 159, 401; Apache Cochise, Chief-172-178-180-182, 200, 202, Cuchillo Negro-174, 179. Bonilla, Francisco L.-58. campaign, 169, 317. 216, 217; twelve-year warfare, 179. Culiacan-42, 46, 51. Boulbon, Raousset de-124. Carpenter, Harry-343. , Cochise County-Organization, 583. Culling's Wells-278. Boundary S)lrvey-113. Carpenter, L. 1'.-376. Cochise Train Robbery-477. Cunni/I, M. G.-366, 377, 378, 381. • Bourgarde, Bishop Peter 492. Carr, E. A., Gen.- 232, 243. Cocopah Indians-40. Curley Bill-203. Bourke, Capt. Jobn G.-146, 220, 246, 577. Carretas-279. Colorado, Camp- 152. Curtis, Bracey- 366, 588. Bowie, Camp-l54, 204. Carson, Kit-22, 26, 84, 92, 123. Colorado City-138, 139. Cushing, Frank H.-4, 49. Bowie - Town of, 585. Casa Blanca- First steam flour mill, 275. Colorado Ferry- 137. Cushing, Lt. H. B.-200. • Brady, Peter R-414, 502, 598. Casa Grande 6, 7, 93. Colorado River-56, 65, 94, 183, 30'2; first Cushman, Pauline 605 . Brazleton Affair-473. Castenada; P. de- 50. steamboat, 303; navigation, 303; steam­ Breckenridge, Camp-150, 159. Cataract Canon-39, 54, 72. boat captains, 306. D Brickwood, John T.-587. Ca ves-Fight of the, 222. Colvig, J. L.-Chief of scouts, 238. Brodie, Alex 0.-221, 346, 351" 353, 354, Census- G.eneral census figures, 349; popula- Colyer, Vincent-211, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, Daggs Brothers- 484, 486. 513, 526. tion of settlements, 550 . 227. Daniels, B. F.-350, 360. Brook, Harry-408, 506, 510. Chacon, A.-470. Commonwealth Mine 414. ' Date Creek Apaches-225. , llrooks, Wm.-381. Chalmers, L. H.-340, 347. Congress Mine-405. Date Creek, Camp-157. Brown, G. W. & R. C.-508 . Chaffee, Gen. A. R-153,240, 245. Confederate Invasion of Arizona-162. Date Creek Indian Plot-219. Brown, Herbert-503. - Chandler- Town of, 573. Confederates-30, 143. Davidson Canon-202. Browne, J. Ross- 140, 194, 322. Chatto, Chief-244, 246; deportation of, 258. Confederate Advance in New Mexico-160; Davis, A. P. 433. • Bruce, C. M.-342. Chaves, Col. J. F.-315, 362. into Arizona, 162 . Davis, Judge G. R-353. • • Buchanan, :Fort- 150, 159, 179, 180, 181. Chemehuevis-38, 39, 72. Congressional Visitors-363. Day, Dr. J. A.-228. Buenagnia, Rio de-57. Cherry Creek Raid-239. • Constitutions-351, 361, 362, 365. De Chelly Canon-13, 17,26. Bullion Tax-333. Chichilticalli-7, 52 . Connell, Chas. 1'.-172, 181, 232, 238. Defiance, Fort-25, 90, 149. Bumblebee Station-279. Chihuahua, Chief-172, 174, 175. Conner, D. E.-107, 176. Delgadito, Apache Chief- 174. Burg\yin, Capt. J .. E. K-89. Chino Valley-121. Contzen, Fritz-598. Dellenbaugh, F. S.-308. , Durke's Station-213. Chiricahua Indians- 178-179, 180, 182, 216; Cook, Rev. Chas. H.-34, 36, 215. DeLong, S. B.-166, 206, 212, 263,501, 600. Burnett, Justice Jim-487, 603. escaped from San Carlos, 234; deporta- Cooke, CoL P. St. George · 97. Del-shay, Chief of Tonto Indians-226-227. > Burns, Capt. James-221. tion of Chihuahua's band, 257; deporta- Cooley, Indian Scout-233. Derby, Lieut. G. H.-151, 303. • Durn·s,· lIfil~e~2 24. tion of main band, 258; deportation of Cooper, W. F.-355, 365. Detroit Copper Co.-422. , Burnt Ranch-185. N achis-Geronimo band, 264. Corazones, Valle de ]os-46, 57. De Raylan Case-570. Burros- 286. Chloride-Pioneer mining, 400. Corbin, Gen. H. C.-22. Diaz, Melchior-42, 51, 57. Butterfield Mail Contract-271. Christy, I. M_-352. Coronado, F. V.-46, 50, 51. Diaz, Lieut. Porfirio-179. Byalille, Navajo Cbief-=--26, 257. Christy, Wm.-341, 353. Copper Mining-Indian, 174; Spanish, 103. Dillon, J. P.-376. ~. Chuntz, Ch ief-2 11 , 229. Copper Production 430. Direct Primary-358. • .~ - . c Churches- Catholi c diocese, 492; Protestant Copper Queen Mine 425. Divorces, Legislative-331. • Costello, Martin-428. pione!!ring, 493; Episcopal diocese, 494; Dodson; Jjm-468. Cabeza de Vaca-41, 45. • Friday fasting, 78. Cowboys- 445. Doe, E. M.-357, 359, 365 . • • Calderwood, Capt. M. H.-,.167, 278, 474 .. Chl'i st, Geo.- 539, 587. '" Cortez, Hernando-10, 11, 13, 43, 51. Doniphan, Col. J. W.-25. • Calhoun, Camp-151. Cibicu Outbreak-233. Coues, Elliott-73. Doran, A. J.-345, 356, 362, 510 . Calnbasas--'136, 588. Cibola- 47, 53. Coulson, Joe 279. Dorantes, Andres-4l. • Calumet & Arizona Mines~. 427. Civil IVar-:-15 8, 172, 173, 182; Carleton's ad­ Counties-Organization of, 551. • Douglas, Dr. J as.-426 . Calhoun, Jas. S.- First governor N. M., 90. vance on New Mexico, 164; fight at Courtland, Camp of-585. Douglas-Newspapers, 508; location of, 585. I California Column-159, 173, 178, 181; Ari· Apache Pa s, 165; capture of New Mexi­ Coyotero Apaches-l73, 179. I Douglass, Prof. A. E.-16, 498, 557. zona stations of, 166; Cal. Nativlf Cav- . can posts, 165; Carleton assumes com­ Crabb, Henry A.-Filibuster, 127. Downing, \Vm.-477, 478. • aIry, 168, 174. mand of department, 165. Crampton, John H.- 274. Dracbman, S. H.-602. • • " • • • • • • .\ I , - • 626 INDEX INDEX 627 • Dragoon Pass-181. Free, Mickey- 179. Griflith, W. M,-Stage superintendent, 276; Holmes, "Hunkydory"- 267, 415. Duels-Mowry-Cross, 501; Purdy-Hamilton, Ifreeman, Dr. M, P.-1, 132, 341, 579. 352. Holsinger, S. J.-429. 506. ' Freighting, Pioneer-The freighter, 279; Groom, R-317. Home Gua-rds- 250. Duffield, Milton D- 314. great wagons, 280, 416. Grossman, Capt, F, E.- 8. Hopis-5, 17, 19, 73, 120.
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