. CONGRESSIONA·L RECORD-· HOUSE· JANUARY 30 Mr. SMOOT. As· It passed the House. I have not the tele­ Seth E. Barron to be temporary lieutenant (junior grade) . gram with me, but I thought it said as reportedto the Senate. Raymond V. l\larron to be temporary lieutenant (junior :Mr. Sll\11\IO:NS. Yes; that is what the telegram said. · grade). 1\Ir. SMOOT. I said it did not apply to the Senate com­ COABT A -n GEODETIC SURVEY mittee bill, and it does not apply to the Senate-committee bill. John l\Iahlon Neal to be junior hydrographic and ~eodetJc Mr. SIMMONS. I said the telegram referred to the bill as engineer. pa sed by the House. It does not apply to the Senate com­ Philip Chester Doran to be junior hydrographic and geodetic mittee bill, because the Senate committee has increa ed the engineer. reduction. To be aids 1\Ir. McKELLAR. Mr. President, I de ire the attention of Ector Brooks Latham, jr. Charles Roland Bush, jr. the senior Senator from Utah [Mr. SMooT] for just a moment. George Riley Shelton. Harry King Hilton. ·The Senator differed with me about figures in reference to tax John Bowie, jr. Bennett Green Jones. refunds a few moments ago. I have taken the trouble to go to the clerk of the Committee on Appropriations and get the PROMOTIONS, BY TRANSFER, IX THE ARMY exact figures, and I want to give them to the Senate and call John Blacl:well Maynard to be major, Coast Artillery Corps. the attention of the Senator from Utah to them. George Bateman Peploe, Air Service, to be second lieutenant, In the deficiency bill of 1924 there was an appropriation of Infantry. $133,607. In the deficiency bill of 1925 there was an appro­ PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY priation of $12.000,000, and in the second deficiency appropria­ Gra_nville Sevier to be colonel, Coast Artillery Corp . tion bill of 1925 there was an appropriation of $150,000,000. In Odiorne Hawks Sampson to be lieutenant colonel, Quarter- all, in less than a calendar year, the1;e was appropriated master Corps. $295,607,000 for refund , and there is a bill now before the Stephen Roscoe Beard to be major, Finance Department. Appropriations Committee. or an item in a bill before that George Nicoll Watson to be major, Finance Department. committee, for refunds of taxes la t year in the main, but to Maylon Edward Scott to be captain, Field Artillery. apply partially to this year, amounting to $149.250,000 more, a Lewis Burnham Rock to be captain, Infantry. total in slightly more than a year of $4-!4,857,000. Charles Moorman Hm·t to be captain, Cavalry. 'l~he figures for 1921 were, in round numbers, $8,000.000; for John Taylor 'Vard to be fir t lieutenant, Cavalry, 1922, in round numbers, $2-1,000,000; for 19!?3, in round num­ John Elmer Reier on to be first lieutenant, Coast Artillery bers, $480,000,000. There has been a total since the income tax Corps. law was passed in 1917 down to September 30, 1925, of $5l»,- Henry Jackson Htmt, je., to be first lieutenant, Infantry. 835,125.28, which, added to the item now before the committee RESERVE CORPS of nearly $150,000,000, will bring the grand total up to $700,- 000.000 of refunds. It is worse than as I gave it. Brice Pursell Disque to be brigadier general, reserve. Mr. S1\100T. That is not what the Senator said at all. PosTMASTERS l\Ir. McKELLAR. It is very much more than I said. FLORIDA 1\Ir. SMOOT. The Senator said it was four hundred million Daniel L. Thorpe, l\Ianatee. and odd dollars in one year. ILLINOIS 1\lr. McKELLAR. According to these figures it would be, in about a calendar year, $4--H,857,000. 0 car L. Anderson, Cobden. 1\lr. S.MOOT. In order that the record may be straight I David B. Troxel, De La:nd. want to give the exact an10unts so there will be no question James A. Duncan, Flat Rock. about it at all. In the fiscal year 1924, beginning July 1, 1923, Howard L. Scott, Fox Lake. and ending June 30, 1924, it was $127,220,154.47; for the fiscal Elmer Beck, Henick. year ending June 30, 1925, it was $147,777,03-!.05; for the fiscal Claude W. McDaniel, Martinsville. year 1926, which is estimated, as the year does not end until Albert L. Weible, New Athens. June 30, 1926, it is $157.625,000. The estimate for the fiscal Carlysle Pemberton, Oakland. year ending June 30, 1927, is $152,225,000. That i' what the Elmer C. Nethery, Palestine. Treasury report states, and there was no $-!00,000,000 in any Albert R. Cooper, Pe otum. one year. John B. Dillon. Sadorus. 1\Ir. McKELLAR. The report is just in error, because the Rudolph ~Ineller. Sherrard. figures I gave are taken from the actual appropriations made Norredden Coven, Sorento. by the Congress. Norman A. Jay, Steeleville. 1\lr. SMOOT. The appropriations have nothing to do with MARYLAND .the year in which rebates are decided. Fred R. Tucker, Forest Hill. EXECUTIVE SESSIO~ NEW JERSEY l\lr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the con­ LeRoy Sofield, Avon by the Sea. sideration of executive business. George G. Titus, Belmar. The motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to the Helen 1\Iylod, Glen Ridge. consideration of executive bu ·iness. After five minutes spent in Alvin C. Stover, Pennington. executive session the doors were reopened. NORTH DAKOTA ADJOUR~MEXT Ettephina C. w·. ".,.inkier, l\Iontpelier. :Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate adjourn. Allan R. Rowatt, Rolette. The motion was agreed to: and the Senate (at 5 o'clock and PEXNSYLVANIA 15 minutes p. m.) adjourned until Monday, February 1, 1926, Howard S. Crownover, Curwensville. at 12 o'clock meridian. Ira L. Humes, Tarentum. R. Oscar Smeal, West Decatur. COXFIR~IATIONS RHODE ISLAXD E:recutiL-e 1101ninations confirmed by the Se1Ulte Ja-nuat·y 30 George w. Burgess, Pawtucket. (legislatire day of January 16), 1926 EXAMTh""ER IN CHIEF UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICII George Russell Ide to be examiner in chief. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U~ITED STATES CoAsT GuARD SATURDAY, Janum ...y 30, 19~6 Francis S. Van Boskerck to be captain. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. John G. Berry to be temporary captain. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered Philip H. Scott to be commander. the following prayer : William H. Shea to be temporary commander. Frederick A. Zeusler to be lieutenant commander. Our blessed heavenly Father, we do hope that our confidence is Ra~mond T. McElligott to be temporary lieutenant com- in Thee; then we shall be able to triumph over om· fears. While mander. it is a great thing to have faith in God, impress us deeply that Joseph Greem~pun to be temporary lieutenant commander. it is a much greater thing for God to ha,·e faith in us. We 1\l~rlin O'Neill to be lieutenant. · · beseech Thee, 0 Lord, to make us worthier of Thy trust. Norman H. Leslie to be lieutenant. Enable us to go to our labors with a willing spirit, and thus Harold G. Belford to be temporary lieutenant (junior gr!l_de). _we shall stand abo_ye the!ll rathe~ than toll beneath them. 1926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3027 When silence means the pause of disappointment, whoo plans matter to buy these bonds, so that every day the delay goes are overthrown, when our energies end in the defeat of our on these women are lasing more and more money by holding best wisdom, then, Father, take us by the hand and light and their money ready to buy the bonds. · lead the way and give the heart the blessing of repose. Amen. Mr. DYIDR. If this matter could be referred to the proper The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and committee and reported back promptly-say, within a week or 10 days-would it interfere with the purposes for which this approYed. legislation is intended? J\IESS.AGE FROM THE SENATE 1\Ir. JOHNSON of Kentucky. Yes; it is just that much A message from the Senate, by Mr. Cra\en, one of its clerks, added to their already long delay. They anticipated that this announced that the Senate had passed bill of 'the following would become a law the first week or 10 days of December, title, in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives and that they would have the plans and money already on the wa requested : way. If there was ever any possible reason for doubt about S. 780. An act to amend section 2 of the act entitled "An the matter, it was when they were authorized to bold a million act to incorporate the National Society of the Daughters of the dollars' worth of property ; but it is immaterial to the Con­ American Reyolution." gress or to the American people as to whether they shall have DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIO:N a $5,000,000 plant or a lesser one. It will not cost the Gov- Mr. TILSON. Mr. Speaker, I am informed that the bill ernment a penny in any event. · which has just been messaged over from the Senate is one of con­ Mr. CRAMTON. 1\Ir. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? siderable importance to the Daughters of the American Revo­ Mr. JOHNSON of Kentucky. Yes. lution. It is really an emergency matter, as I understand, con­ 1\Ir.
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