S PRACTICAL TRICK OF TRAp Money He Received on Leaving Sy h CAP pox Hospital Is Declined by Res. and taurant Proprietor, of “] have not come to solicit almy Storm Tenter madam,” he said to the reStaUrané proprietress; “I have just calleq purchase, s Swiss ;. make a small and, g the same time, to show to you mapy o humanity to man, and Reformation what 3 colg BELLS it is which hard world in we liyg I ONE thousand Zurich wo- meantime, would you uni- the kindly put men have declared for up & nice beef re- me sandwich, wity versal suffrage. It is a a plentiful supply of mustard, cent movement there, ete,, for which I will tender the equivalep; I though other Swiss cities coin of the realm? have been interested for some time “As I was saying—thank Alto- yoy, in the much mooted question. madam, that will do admirably—tj, gether country has 17,000 ad- the little cold, cruel world. For instance, theg vocates the ballot. for giving women few bronze coins, with which | canton an Recently the women of Zurich about to pay you for my sandwig to petitioned the state for the right represent my worldly goods, ang the§ act as jurors on a case in which a wo- we~e given with a niggardly hang thig man Their re- TRAGEDY AFTER ALL was the defendant. NOT A morning on my leaving the Smallpey quest was refused. Later, with char- hospital. bravery, they sent in Piercing Screams and Heart- acteristic Swiss Woman’s “What! You won’t accept theps petition legislature ask- From School another to the broken Sobs Come Nor take the food back? I may tay ing to in judgment on Dramatic Art. the right sit of them and go? Thank you, madam;| special courts, such as are held in wish you a good morning!” France for adjusting differences be- A woman’s piercing scream smote thump! tween mistress and maid, and other the air. Thump, thump, Heart- Rather Strenuous. cases differences arise between breaking sobs broke upon the ears where “Sir,” announced the would-he SOD. a woman employer and a woman em- of the horrified listeners. as he up in-law invaded the library, “ ployee. this, too, was denied, VeSVe0oo.aww With one accord they rushed the come a While of have to—er—have serious f, Parliament adm:itied the sex’s eligibii- ND staircase and burst open the door terview with you.” 241 'TJ/HE P. | sounds pro- ity to such an office. ALP 3 the room from which the “Oh, very well,” rejoined the lit,” old “We are not talking much about man, as he proceeded to remove pj ceeded. v hair, torn said the vice president of the Zurich A lady, with dishevelled coat and roll up his sleeves. “Lgty clothing, and eyes Woman’s Suffrage society, Fraulein and dust-covered get busy and have it over with.” in middle “lest publicity frighten the red with weeping, stood the And a few minutes later the Honneger, coat yom state into retarding the concession. It of the room. A man, with off, in escaping rolling man succeeded with much of a gain, but,” she added sleeves rolled up, his eyeballs life, but without his hat. i 3 not intruders. with true suffrage optimism, “it is a in frenzy, confronted the here?” he de- step forward. !f we had made that de- “What do you want HE WAS WISE. mand years ago, when to speak of manded. ten hu- _our having the ballot was to be laugh- “We are here in the interests of of xg??:’ at as a dreamer, our petition would manity,” sternly answered one them. ‘“You are brutally maltreating this lady.” “Am I?” he said, turning to her. “No—o,” she said, “you are not. Gentlemen, he is teaching me how to Y express natural emotions. This is irME ADBEY the 8 EINSIEDELpN a school of dramatic art.” U OF o Then the avengers slunk out of the door. THINEIGHBORHOOD OF, IN f//Y.f/eo?g\£Lp ! The Retort. VAN e é Mrs. Bizey—l notice you're cleaning g ET house, Mrs. Newcome, and I was unbroken line the prince- preserved an from first afraid you might throw your rubbish with the national edu- pres- AN abbot, Eberhard, Duke of Franconia, to the don't do exhibit and out on the back lot. We cational ent head, Abbe Colomban I. It is the only Cath- of here—-. that sort thing ~ Pestalozzi cabinet. in the world dedicated by human the olic church not Mrs. Newcome—Tl burned all our rub- The modern Catholic hands; the is that Christ himself legend perform- bish in the furnace this morning, Mrs. Church of Our Lady is the act. ed Bizey, including book on “Etiquette” magnificent basilica. a a Einsledeln and vicinity were known as the Som- which I might have saved for you.— The Church of St. Pe- century, bre Forest away back in the eighth when Catholic Standard and Times. ter holds the tomb of a holy hermit, Meinrad, the son of Prince Berthold Lavator, who was {ts of Hohenzollern, built for himself a cell in which Gerace Bakeß WINGL] PREACHED IN ZURICH: THE GROSSMUENSTER. o WIERE 2 pastor. The town hall, he lived many years. He was murdered by bri- Collecting Arrears. the Renaissance, dates from 1694. The gands whom he had offered hospitality and “Cascaretta,” he said, “is it all over Mrs. Jones—You mus‘ get the land- not hLave got past the porter’s desk. But a city in German to university famous federal polytechnic hoped to find treasures; all between us?”’’ lord see for himself the tha: was the first in Europe to open its university and the who had concealed to come and numerous institutions, laboratories and it lis all over. the the to women will not finally deny us our citizens’ with their they got was a chalice and some books. Ravens, “Yes, Geoffrey; damage furnace has done to part of Grosse Stadt. merely rights.” clinics are in the northern whose evil characteristics had been disarmed by Henceforth we are friends.” ceiling. the gentle hermit and had become his compan- “Then, if you don’t mind, I'll take Mr. Jones—Yes, and if do hell Switzerland has no women's clubs. But while Switzerland is the most mountainous country T being fons, pursued the assassins to Zurich, screaming back that diamond ring.” see the damage the children have the suffragists are engaged along one line, anoth- of Europe, three-fourths of its area covered the scenery has and picking at the villains’ heads. The strange The lovely maiden frowned. done to rest of the house. er hody of women is working for philanthropy. with mountains. The grandeur of the times. actions of the irate birds attracted the townspeo- “No, Geoffrey,” she said; “you didn’t A group of young women representing the fore- been pictured and described innumerable year portions of Amer- ple’s attention and they questioned the murderers, give me this ring until we had been most Zurich families has organized this a With the exception of certain Business Is Business. study nothing to equal it in who, terrified, acknowledged their crime. In the engaged six months. I'll wear it six practical training school where members ica, there is in the world Proprietor—Did that man who just central and southern parts are oc- Einsiedeln Abbey coat-of-arms are two ravens. months longer, if you please.” the needs of poor children and thereby help to beauty. The went out buy one of our misfit suits’ cupled by Swiss Alps, which spread over better their unfortunate lot. the When the noble edifice was erected over the New Clerk—No, sir. We're entirely of the entire area. The Jura hermit’s were enclosed “Wa are endeavoring to interest our young girls nearly three-fifths cell the walls of the cell Much the Same. out of them. cover the northwestern portions of the marble a of leisure and education in this work,” said one of Mountains in black and made into chapel. It stands “But,” protested tne Englishman, Proprietor—Well, have a lot more country. in and, plain style, the promoters, Fraulein Fertz, herself a beautiful, the nave of the church while in “you have no family trees in your made up at once and see that you simplicity earncst, and cultured young woman. The medical Far up in the mountains is the beautiful little the richness of the material and the of country.” don’t let the stock down this way design make it impressive. run inspector of schools s assisted by this guild. Chil- town of Einsledeln. I was fortunate enough to be On the altar stands “True,” rejoined the plain Amer- again. dren of the poor receive two fuli meals gratis in present during a week-end musical fete, in which the renowned statute of the Black Madonna, ican, “but we have a lot of measly many years Swiss schools, and if the mothers of these chil- singing societies from the country and from neigh- bronze and hundreds of old. The underbrush, which is quite as much chapel Holy Chapel, because of Viewpoint. dren be employed at outside werk until a late boring Bavarian towns were present in numbers is known as the in the way and just as detrimental to From Pa’s legend regarding pa, hour the guild takes charge of the little ones. exceeding 2,000. Switzerland, having only the the remarkable its dedicatiorn.
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