F Railway Accidents ·Reports by the Government Inspectors of Railways of Inquiries into certain Accidents "llh.il ··~~urrnJ durin~ tht: Half-year endin~ the Jist /\'\arch 1931 No. 9 Issued by the Oo•·crnment of lnd/11 Rllil,..ll}' Dep11rtment • RDIII4'11Y Ho11rd) CAI.fTTT.\: I;C>\'J.H:'OII..\T to!' 1:\'111.\ CE.\TIL\1. !'rlll.lf'.\TI(t.\ IIIL\.\('H I ~.'!2 Pr/u A•. "(I or lfJd. Government o! India PubUcations are obtainable from~ lment of India Central Publication Branch, 3, Government Place, w...l Calcutta, and from the following Agents: -"- Bl7BOPE. 0nro11 tn ~ IDGH OOliWISSIONER li'OB INDIA, Ilma Hovs., Ar.DwrOB, LONDON, W. 0. 2. AD4 at an Booklellen. DIDIA AlfD CEYLOll : l'!OYillcial Book Dep611. ll.uruls--Suporin~ent, Guvemment P-. Mount Road, Madras. BoKur :-Superintendent., Government Printing and Stationery, Queen'• Rood, Bomba;r. 8nm :-Libruy attaobecl to the Offioo of the ColllDllaioner in Sind, Karaohi. 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Boobtall, !1, Budhwar, PoonL The Hydorabad Book Dep6t, Cbaderghat, Hyderob..J llaft!1111du a: Sono, Bookoelloro and Pnblishon, Bhogo (Deooon). Tal&o, Sorat.. S. Krishnuwamy a: eo. Toppa'knlom P. 0~ Triollil-. Tho Standard Book and Stationery Co., 32-33, Arhob poly, Fort. Road, PCIIbawar. 'K&motako Publishing HoUBe, Bangalore Cit;r. The Student& Own Book Dep6t, Dbonnr. Bhoemo Solis, Fort, Bangalore Cit;r. Shri Shankar Komatako Pnetako Bbondon, )!ala. Supc:rintendont., Bangalor8 p._ l.ako Vsew, My.o,. mod.U. DborlfU, R<...J, Baui<alor<t Cit;r. Ao,.,... r.< 1-.u.ISTil<lt:-Steimotzlry, J..,...lom. • AJ"'lt& to< publ.ioatiUDS on niaUon nnl;r. CONTENTS. 1. South. Inditm Rai!way.-Mr. H. Dale Green'• report on a clernilment of No. 376 Up Passenger (Pollachi Branch) at mile 348/10/11, on the 26th Ootober 1930. • • • • • • • • • , • 1-8 · 2. Buf'7114 Railvtay•.-Y.r. R. Hatt-Cook'a report' on a derailment of No. 4 . Down Mail at mile 144/17. between Sibinthl!o and Nyaungchidauk on the 28th October 1930. • • • · • • • • • • 7-10 8. Norlh. W81tem Railway.-M.r'. J. Scruby's report on a collision between No. 33 Up mixed train and a motor. bus at a level croBBing, mile 16/11, betw'!en Nasrola and Sham Chauraai on the loth November 1930. • · • 11-la 4.. Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway.-M.r. G. W. N. Rose's . · report on a collision between 131 Up special service train and a motor bus on level crossing No. 207, neaw Mhow Station on the 16th November 1930. • • . • • • • : • . • • • • • 14-U 6. Bengal Nagpur Railway.-Mr. E. B. Robey's report on a trolly accident at mile 268(16-16, near Rourkela Statioa on the Birmitrapur Branch, on the.. 22nd November 1930. • • • • • • • • • 16-18 6. Bengal Nagpur Railway.-Y.r. E. B. Robey's report of an enquiry on the ··derailment o.f No. 206 Down goode train at J aleawar ou the 22nd Decem· be_r 1930. • • • • .. • • • • • • • 19-111 ·'f. Ea.t Indiml. Railway.-Mr. E. R. Casement's report on a derailment of No. 73 Down Debra Dun-Lahore Passenger tram at Hanawala Station · on the 20tli January 1931. 22-ts 8 Bengal mul North-Weoum Railway.-M..r. E. R. CMement'a reporl on • an enquiry into the derailment of No. 3 Up Pa....,nger train bet.,..een Maijapur and Colonelganj on the 26th January 1931. • • • 24-26 9. Bengal and Norlh..Wutem Railtllll.y.-M.r. E. R. Caaement'a report on an accident to a atone train in Dara N ala siding at J arwa Stat1on on the 26th February 1931. .,. · 26-27 10 Ea.t Indian Rtlt"lway.-Mr. E. B. Robev'a report on a derailment of an ' Up Gomoh Special goods train on the 27th March 1931 at Pradhankanta - Station. • . • • · • • . ~8-29 . SOUTH INDIAN RAILWAY. DERAILME~T OF No. 375 UP PASSENGER (POLLAClll BRANCll) AT MII.E 348/10/11 ON THE 25m OCTOBER 193ll. FBOK lb. H. DALB GBEBN, Suioll Govut<H:ENT lt<sracTOa oP luu.wns, CiacL& No. T, OOTACAJCIJND, TO THB SBCRETABY, RAILWAY BoAli.D, u:rru 110. S.-30/644, DATIW Tll& 22ND NoVBHBu 1930. (3670-T.) In accordance with Rule 7 of the Railway Board's Notification No. 1926/T, dated the 19th March 1930, and in continuation of my tele­ gram No. 2/G.fll/11/30, dated the 11th November 1930, I have tho honour to submit herewith my report of the Enquiry held by me into the circum­ stances attending the derailment of No. 375 Up Passenger from Pollnchi to Podanur, South Indian Railway, metre gauge, at mile L.-348/10-11 on the 25th October 1930 at about 18-4 hours. 2. I started my enquiry on the morning of 1st November 1930 at Kovil­ palaiyam where I inspected the damaged engme and coaches. I then inspected the scene of the aecident and ita approaches and proceeded to Pollachi to record evidence. I continued my enquiry on the 3rd and 4th at Podnnur Junction and carried out experiments with YF, F and YF (modified) class engines between Podanur and Pollachi on the 8th, 9th and lOth November. S. The District Officers of the Railway and the Government Railway Police Inspector attended the enquiry.
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