Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel: 01964 614984. Email: info @withernseatowncouncil.co.uk Web: www.withernseatowncouncil.co.uk AGENDA Issued 30.1.18 Dear Councillor, You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 5th February 2018 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly by 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below. Yours sincerely J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon, PSLCC, Clerk to the Council. Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions. AGENDA. Part 1. Public session. 1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. 3. To discuss various Pumping Station matters with Mr Gary Collins, Yorkshire Water Authority (YWA) – to include lighting, maintenance of the building and flooding update from Jan 2017. 4. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of the Town Council minutes from 15.1.18. b. Receipt of Tourism/Christmas Lights minutes from 17.1.18. c. Receipt of Withfest minutes from 23.1.18. 5. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report* and allow police and public the opportunity to speak. 6. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.* 7. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. 8. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllr TD 24.1.18 East Yorkshire Local Councils meeting: b. Any other meetings. 9. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 24. 10. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To discuss the future of the Withernsea Town Bus Service (Service 549)*. b. To discuss residents concerns re. ownership and condition of the track on Belvedere. c. To consider Architects Brief – Withernsea Promenade extension, for The Withernsea Pier and Promenade Association (WPPS)*. d. To consider suggestion from the Christmas Lights Committee for a weekend switch-on event on 1st December 2018 – Times to be confirmed. e. To consider request from Christmas Lights Committee to hold 14 car boot sales on Valley Gardens. f. Invitation to Rural Housing Challenges free seminar, 1.3.18 at Bishop Burton*. g. To consider action regarding fly tipping in Withernsea. h. To consider erection of a fence between Italian Gardens and the Promenade. 11. Property Officers Report. To consider report from 30.1.18 and agree recommendations. 12. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below. a. Application 18/00068/PLF for the change of use of first and second floor to house of multiple occupancy (4 rooms) at This N That, 193 Queen Street, Withernsea for Messes O & E Pearson. https://newplanningaccess.eastriding.gov.uk/newplanningaccess/PLAN/18/00068/PLF b. N.O.D 17/03628/PLF for the erection of a building, consisting of 3 flats, following demolition of existing storage building (re-submission of 16/04131/PLF) at land east of 2 Edward Street, Withernsea for Mr R. Kelly. REFUSED. 13. Financial matters: a. To receive interim audit report for year ending 31st March 2018*. 14. Councillors reports. ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors WITHERNSEA TOWN COUNCIL The confirmed minutes of the Withernsea Town Council meeting held on Monday 5th February, 2018 in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Present: The Mayor Councillor T. Dagnall (TD) and Deputy Chair Councillor P. Wilkinson (PW). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), E. Saxby (ES), L. Healing (LH), K. Hardcastle (KH), B. Dawson (BD) and S. Winters (SaW). The Town Clerk: Mrs J. Moxon (JM). Public : 7 Press: 0 Police: 1. Minute Points raised or agreed Action By Fire evacuation and recording policy addressed. AGENDA. Part 1. Public session. 4302. 1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. 2. Apologies tendered by Cllr D. Hillman-Barnett and Cllr F. Walmsley. No apologies from Cllr D. Edwards. Noted. 4303. 2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllr LH declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 12a of the agenda as on ERYC planning committee and Cllr PW declared a non pecuniary interest in item 10a as a member of the JM WPPA. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None. 4304. 3. To discuss various Pumping Station matters with Mr Gary Collins, Yorkshire Water Authority (YWA) – to include lighting, maintenance of the building and flooding update from Jan 2017. Mr. Collins unable to attend due to illness. To be placed on another agenda. JM 4305. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. a. Confirmation of the Town Council minutes from 15.1.18. The minutes of the meeting JM were CONFIRMED as a true record and signed. b. Receipt of Tourism/Christmas Lights minutes from 17.1.18. Minutes RECEIVED. c. Receipt of Withfest minutes from 23.1.18. Minutes RECEIVED. 4306. 5. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and allow police and public the opportunity to speak. AGREED. a. PC M. Ainley advised that the Chief Inspector has introduced a new format Police report however the information they require was not available to them to produce the report. Feedback on the new report is welcome. The police station is now open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 8-6pm. Hedon is open on a Wednesday and Friday. Staffing levels are increasing in March. Four have been arrested in ERYC owned property today on drug warrants and class A drugs removed. Police are liaising with other agencies to encourage ERYC to serve notice on those offending whilst in council property. As a result of public assistance and CCTV footage, several teens responsible for the rise in damage and theft have been apprehended and appeared before Magistrates and Youth Court. b. A member of the public was given clarification regarding a proposed fence on the Italian Gardens. 6. c. Two members of the public spoke regarding the loss of the little bus. Could the less popular routes be removed to save money? Some of the problem is that people cannot get on it with shopping trolleys. Cllr PW advised that there is a meeting on Wednesday to see PW what can be done to retain a service of some description. 4307. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. Report circulated and attached to master copy of the minutes. 4308. 7. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. a. Ward Cllr LH gave information on the ‘Safe place for vulnerable people’ scheme. The contact is Isobel Anderson at Humberside Police. LH encouraged appropriate organisations in Withernsea to get involved with the scheme. b. Cllr LH has written to Jane Hawkard at the CCG to ask how the 8-8 system at the hospital will work, given that it appears they will be reducing services available at Beverley – one of their preferred designated ‘urgent care’ centres. A reply has been received from Quintina Davies to say a response will be sent by 26th February. c. Cllr LH has spoken to Graham Stuart M.P about the loss of the little bus. He is in support of retaining some form of service. d. Cllr PW asked about details of the new steps being fitted on the promenade. Cllr LH will LH get the details. 4309. 8. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllr TD attended East Yorkshire Local Councils meeting on 24.1.18. Discussion was mainly about an 18 point parish charter – though only 8 responses have been received about the draft document. Other meetings attended. b. Cllr BC attended a Health Forum Meeting on 18.1.18 where he asked questions about how the 8-8 system would work in reality. He too has seen that services in Beverley are to be downgraded. c. Cllr BC also attended the Big Local Annual Meeting. Mr. P Crawley is the Chairman, T. Larsen is the Vice-Chairman. It was very open and approachable. d. Cllrs: BC, LH and TD attended a meeting with representatives from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (formerly the DCLG). There will be £40m of funding available from 2019 for Coastal Communities and we should be able to tap into this funding in the future.
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