f|_ -..n . 11 a I rave ADVERTISING mg Copyright, 192«, New York Tribun« Inc. South America Africa Islands Europe Europe(Continued) Europe(Continued) (Cantinned) of Atbw (ContlnnedV r» (Continued) Steamship Companies, Ship¬ Bergen, Christiania, Copenhagen, Hamburg (Continued) Queenstown, Boulogne, London La Plata, Buenos Delagoft Bay West Indies From Philadelphia Montevideo, Ayres . From New York |1 Prom New fork Norrkoping, Stockholm Ä . From New York Sept. 80.IRISHMAN <FR) Oct. 87.PANHANDLE STATE (PF) Oe*. »-CHICOMICO (F) Sept. 80.EASTERN PILOT (K) Caribbean een Addresses Aise TrondhJem. Christiania _ Oriental Agenta, and American Line V. S. Mail Steamship Co., Ins. Barber S. S. Line. Ine. Navigation Co S3 ping From New York Oet. tS.HINCKLEY (F) American Line See Oct. SB.WESTERN SPIRIT <F) Loading.MT. VERNON BRIDQH (F) Oct. 1».WEST TACOOK (F) Reral, Danzig Moore & McCormack Co., Ina. Orienta) Navigation C» Moore. A McCormack Co.. Ina. Oct. 80.WESTERN STAR (F)« See Iceland Port» Rico f Numbers American Line Reykjavik, From Philadelphia Mombasa (Ktlindini) (Su Joan, Telephone «Sept. SO.WEST MUÑHAM |5f Bergen, Christiania, Copenhagen, Not. B.CHARLOT (F) See Danili (F) From New Inc. Riga, International Freighting Corp. York Mayagnes) | Inc. Skein Kerr Steamship Company, Oct. *.NOCKUM (FR) Sept. 80.EASTERN PILOT (F) «From American Line (!. M. M.) Moore & McCormack Co., Dee. 6.ALAMOSA (F) Rotterdam International Oriental Navigation Co. «Sept. Baltimore S-ll Broadway. X. Y. Commercial Baltic Line, From New York . Kerr Steamsip Company, Inc. Also see Antwerp Oct. Freighting Corp. Oct. 15.OSAK1S (F) S«».LAKE ELLERSLIB t*\ i P. Bowling G. 5800; F. Rowling O. 9t30 Commercial European Lina. Oct.. t.MASSICK (F) Seager Line .Accepts cargo at Hamburg for Scandi¬ 20.COTATI (FR) United American Lines. Ibo. Baltimore 8. 8. Co,, w Commercial India Line. Oct. 0.MARCUS (F) Seager Line navian and Baltic ports. From New York International Freighting Corp. Oct. 25.HINCKLBY (F) y& Oet. 4.LAKE ONTARIO (irV^ American Oct. ».INDIANA BRIDGE ._ Baltimore S. Commercial South Line. (F) Oct. KIWANIS _ From New Oriental a .-.-. American Star Line Indian Line. Seager Line From Boston 5.CHESTER (F) Oct.__. Orleans Navigation Co. Oet. U.LAKE Co, lu. X. Y. Broad 8S8-8S4, Commentai West Oct. 2.EAST INDIAN (F) Black Diamond 9. S. Corp. 1.PUGET SOUND (F) Ward Line ELSINORB (Ä* 25 B"»ver St.. 6 Broadway. X. Y. Oct. 16.TOLEDO BRIDGE (F) Oct. «.F. J. LÜCKEN BACH North ._.. Baltimore S. S. American Line (F) See Para Africa, Madeira, Morocco .Other port» on Ce.. ta«. Bowling Green 2885. Seager Line Oct. 2.WELSHMAN (F) Luckenbach Lines Natal, From New York application. Atlantic Fruit Co. See Islands American Line Oet. 1».EDGAR F. LUCKENBACH <F) Oct. 10.BAY HEAD Y. Bilbao, Canary ' Para, Ceara, (F) St* «I Broadway. X. National Shipping Corp. Luckenbach Lines Maceio, Pernambnco, United American Linea In«s. Thomas, St. Croo, $1 Bawling Gr*e» ',099. 25 Broad St.. X. Y. Black Sea Ports, see riraeas, From New Orleans Oct. 80.JULIA LUCKENBACH (F) CabedeUo, Natal Oct. 20.OSAKI8 (F) gj Line M. Broad 3112. Constantinople Loading.PEEKSKILL (F) Luckenbach Lines United American Line«, Ino. Atlantic Transport (I. M.) Steele S. a. Line Oct. 88.COLLINGSWORTH (F) From New York Nov. 2.COLD HARBOR <F) »-It Broadway. X. Y. N. Y. & Cuba Mail S. S. Co. Bordeaux Sept. 80.TRIPP (F) Steele S. S. Line. Black Diamond S. S. Corp. Oct. 15.FRANCIS United American Inc. r, Bowling G. .\S«X>; Ï". now»«! O. .î'° York Oct. 31.HONNEDAGA (F) (F) Lines, From New (Ward Line) _- . From New Booth American Shipping Corp. York Font Wall St., X. Y. John 4600. Oct. 8.CANNONIER (F) Hamburg, Bremen Black Diamond 8. 9. Corp. North East Africa, via Red Sea. .Oet. 6.KATAMDIN (F) Baltic S. S. Corp. of America Lloyd Royal Beige From New York Oct. 87.LEWIS LUCKENBACH (F) Para, Clyde 8. 8. Co. Woolworth Bldg X. V. Barclay 5419, North & South Line Oct. 2.LAKE SAVUS (F) Richard Lines Luckenbach Lines Maranham, Ceara, Natal, Aden, Mombasa (Kilindini), Rapen! &_Ut P. Bordeaux, Dunkirk, Havre Oct. 20.LAKE GANADO (F) From Baltimore CabedeUo, Pernambnco, St Baltimore Oceanic S. S. Co. Kleppe a Co., Inc., 11 Broadway. Richard Lines Maceio, Beira, Delagoa Bay Thomas, St Croó, Si Inf.. X. Y. Bowling Green 6130-4. From New Orléans Oct. 12.CHESTER KIWANIS (F) Bahia Q C. B. Mallory « Co..** Asenta. From New York Antigua, (F) ^ From New Orleans Black Diamond S. S. Corp. Il Broa«.« av. X. Y. Loadln».WESTLAND Oct. 4.KENOWIS (F) Oct. 15.COLLINGSWORTH From New York Sept. 30.EASTERN PILOT (F) Goadebcp«, D*éM Ho« line Green ,\550-S5M. ', Norwegian America Line Steele S. S. Line (F) Oct. 16.SALLUST Oriental Nr«vleation Co. Martinique, St 1221-8 Mm«»»-» Hide. Baltimore, Md. Xorwegian America Line Ag'ey, Inc. Sept. 30.TR1PP (F) Steele S. S. Line Kerr Steamship Company, Inc. Black Diamond S. S. Corp. (F) Lamport & Holt Oct. 25.HINCKLBY (F) Laca, M$J St. Paul 44Ä1-2. 8 Bridge St.. X. Y. B'ling Gn. 5570. Oct. 25.CORSON <_<') Oct. 25.HONNEDAGA (F) Oriental dos, Demerara 8ee Queenstown Kerr Steamship Company, Inc. Slack Diamond 8. S. Corp. Para, Maranham, Manaos, ¡quitos Navigation Co. Baltimore Co., Inc. Boulogne, Nov. 12.EAST CAPE (F) From New York From New York Steamship Broad 89». Oriental Navigation Co. Kerr Steamship Company, Ino, From Philadelphia Oran, Algiers, Valencia, Barcelona, Oet 9.KORONA «2 Bmnilwi»', X. Y. 39 Broadway, X. Y. Whitehall 780. Bremen 80.WATONW aN Oct. 1.MICHAEL (F) Oct. (PF) Quebae . a-. American Bids.. Baltimore, Md. Havre AN« see Bremen, Rouen Sept. (F) Booth American Marseilles le-PARIMA (PK) St. Pan» 3523-6-7-8-9. From New Orleans Luckenbach Lines Shipping Corp. dan Sm PortoqSSTM2 Oriole Steamship, Lines Loading.PEEKSKILL (F) Frorr. New York Not. 6.CHARLOT (F) See Demerara From New York Joan, Rie« Barber S. S. Line, Inc. (Export Transportation Co.) Steele S. 8. Line Sailed.ME1S80NIBR (F) Kerr Steamship Company, Inc. Paramaribo, SaUed .LAKE GREENBRIAR (F) 1Î Battery Tl.. X. Y. WhitehaU ISO«: 00 West St., X. Y. 4695 Rector. Sept. SO.TR1PP (F) Steele S. S. Line Lloyd Royal Beige Dec. 6.ALAMOSA (F) See Pernambuco Elwcll Lines. Stewart Bid*,, Baltimore. Md. From Galveston Kerr Steamship Company, Inc. Paranagua, S. S. St. Paul 6561. see West Coast Funchal Black Diamond Corp. Bremen, Danzig Also Hamtmrg Loading.BAV1NQTON (F) Pelotas, See Pernambuco Ports, (Madeira 67 Rechange PI.. X. Y. Pacific Mail Co. From New York Steele S. S. Line Ronen, Havre Islands), Casa Blanca, China. Rector 2817-2618. Steamship NOT. 17.SUSQUEHANNA (PF) From New York Rio de Janeiro, Rio Canary Japan, 1© Hanover Square. N. Y. U. S. Mail Ina From Texas City Oct. Pen.ambuco, Islands, Booth Line Bowling Green 4630. Steamship Co., Loading.BA VI NGTON (F) 0.ALGERIER (F) 'Grande do Parana¬ Dakar, Bathurst, Bissao, Booth American Shipping Corp. Steele S. S. Line Lloyd Royal Beige Sul, Santos, Conakry, Philippines 1? Place. X. Y. Whitehall 730. Bristol Also see Hull Oct. 2.RED Oct. 20.BOMBARDIER (F) Freetown, Monrovia, Battery Panama Line MOUNTAIN (F) Lloyd Royal Beige gua, Pelotas, Porto Alegre Grand Hong 24 State St., X. Y. Bowling Green 5380. From New York Steele S. S. Line Also see Para Bassam, Axim, Seccon- See Kong, Bull & Co., A. H., Agents Salónica Also see Firaeus Yokohama. Honolulu. Kobe 17 Whitehall Oct. B.LAKE ELSAH (F) From New York dee, Accra, Lagos, Battery Tl.. X. Y. 187t. Providence Atlantic Line Winchester Lines Helsingfors, Christiania, Copenhagen, From New York Matadi, Cape Oct. 85.LAKE FARBER (F) Oct. Receiving.WEST NOSSKA (F) Le Lobito Honolulu, Caribbean Line Gllmarttn & Co., Managing Agents Stockholm 15.JACONA (F) Moore A McCormack Co., Ina Palmas, anda, Bay Yokohama, Kobe, Sty M Bridge St. X. Y. B'lbi« On. 10084k. 77 Broad St., X. Y. Broad 6491 Winchester Lines From Baltimore Oriental Navigation Co. From New York bai, Manila, 15 Westminster St..»Providence, B. I. Oct. 80.CHANTIER (F) Peril, See Chile. Loading.JOLEE (F) Cull «St Co.. Agenta Hong Kong Winchester Lines Loading.EASTERN STAR (F) Santander, See Canary Islands Receiving.CLONTARF (F) From San Clyde Steamship Company Standaid S. S. Co.. Inc. au Bull A Co., .Oct. Francis«» Pier 30 X. It.. X. Y. Spring 8800. Quebec S. S. Co. From Norfolk Skein, See Bergen Port Prince, Cristobal, Buenaven¬ Agents._ IS.ECUAPORPacific (PF) 84 Whitehall St., X. T., B'ling G'n 7808 Oct. S.LAKE FURNAS (F) Helsingfors, Gothenburg, Not. Mali S. S. Co Clyde Steamship Company Harris Maglll 6- Co., Inc. Christiania, Southampton tura, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, 18.VENEZUELA (PF) (Raporet Lines) R. Lawrence Smith, Inc. Oct. 80.PAWTÜCKET (F) Stockholm Pacific Mail S. 3. Co. Pier 44. X. R.. X. Y. Spring 8800. 17 Battery Pi., X. Y. Whitehall 8«4. Harris, Maglll A Co, Inc. From From New York Guayaquil Cuba and See Baltimore Oct. 8.PHILADELPHIA (PF-R) From New York Mexico IloÜO, Kobe Di Giorgio & Co. Red D Line Canary Islands, Lisbon, Vigo, Gijon, Sailed.BANNACK (F) American Line Pier 7, E. R.» X. Y. Bowl. Ore'jrt Z%19. Bliss, Ballett & Co., Gen. Mgra. Standard S. S. Co.. Inc. Oct. 0.OLYMPIC (PFR) Oct. t.OEN. W. C. GOROAS (PF) Antiila, NuevitaS Alao ace Xuevltaa. Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Koig, | 82 Wall St.. X. Y. Hanover 10073. Santander, Bilbao White Star Lin» Panama Line From New Also see Yokohama, Eiweil Lines Helsingfors, Gothenburg, Malmo, Oct. 16.NEW YORK (PF) American Line See Pernambuco York Uewt^ Star Line M. From New York Oct. 20.ADRIATIC (PFR) Porto Alegre, Oet.
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