Regrn.i Resear•h (Privste) Ltd, Kat-hmandu: March J.-,·· 1979. Reqni Research Series · Yeat\ 11, No. 3 Ed.iced by Mahcs h (;. R��•i ***** Contents Page 1. Eon1age and Enslavement 33 Regulations 2. for Khumb.1 40 3. The Unification of Nepal 40 *****""******* Regni Research (Private) Ltd Lazimp at, Katnmandu, N �p("l Compiled by Regni Resea.cch (Private) Lt1 for private s�udy and research. Not meant for public sale or display. Bond.ag� an:.i Snslav-::IT11.:nt \ I l 11 Jiu masnya h.:chnya" ( Enslav1::n1-.;0'•; aa:i traffic in human LE.ings). Shri 5 surc-2D:.irabikrama shahad.:c:v2ka shc:sana- }. <'Jlama B0n,�:ko l"iuluki Ain (L,,:g.;,l Coje ,.mact· :j during t:he . r"-:'ign of King Sur ..::ndra Bik.cam Shah D•.:•v) • Kathmandu: 1, inistry of Law an'.:l Justic-:c!, His Maj,.:.sty• s G::>v.�rnmc>nt, 2022 (1965), pp. 355-61). :. If a f at-hue r and his son, or ·.jau;·ht,Jr, or two br.)th':rs, or two sist<·rs, or a broth-�r an.j his sist -r, of cast•?s · which can be 2nslav ::d hav(.;!k ¼Or .;:::l as l::ondsrn-=11·r o h:>nds­ wom,?n at th -..;· h;;us., of any p.:;;;rson sine,:- b,:-,fore A.D. 1857, end th�::- two agr,-=::�:?h2 t t on. b.-:.- ,::nslaved. and th-� oth-r obtain fL::c dom, andi aco:,r:.iingly, oni::• of,than is .--nslav12d at any gov.=-.:.rnment office. or court ( adalat, amil, thana) th,.: er litor, or thi.;; fat..h-:-r who p.arm,ic,s such t::n�-lav 'Illent, shall no b.:; h.:;1:1 guilty , r, ..:-causa this was :ion-.. dt a 9)Vclrn·t1,-c.:nt officd or court. Th,;: oth:r pa:rson shall th<?n sign a. b:>nd un:i, rtaking to work aE: a tondsman or l:::on::lswoman i:i c0nsi:ieration of the· loan prt. viously provid,;d to the per�n wh:> �nslav,-::s hims�lf voluntarily in this manner. H� shall not b.1 c11slaved. If the chief of ar.1 g::,v2mmc:nt office or court pcnnits the; enslav(;ITl.. :- nt of any person aft.2r th-� •,nact- m .. -nt of this law, h ,.;: hall be punish0d with a fin;:: of one hundred .rup -�c:s. If th""" cro:=:.::litor has �slav<?d that pt.roon without th:.! pl�rmission of a g:>v,2mm-.nt·office or cour�, his loan shall b� appropriat•':-cd by th.:=:, c hi,= f of such office or co urt. Th� father or moth.;r whop, rmitted E.Uch <:.:llslav�m .....nt in consideration of mon0y shall b ,, punish:=:d w ith a fine of on,- hW1dred rupees. Th,?. p,·,roon who has b�cll enslaved shall b< iree. Th1.::. -;;.nslav,3n._.mt of a child wh:> is b-alow sixteen Years of age by making him sign a l:ond to that ;;;;££ ct 3.t a, gov0rnn1t.>n t o ffic-i or court shal 1 not be h,�ld val id. 1·h-= cr:·-ditor shall not b1; p-.::.tlTlitt�d to r,2cov,?r his loan; Lhe chief ot th.-: govornr.1.:nt otfic -· or courtnj a th::.� r-.=latiVc wlu pcrn1itted th� enslav,.JT1 .:!nt. shall ;�;,ch ":>� punish�d with a fin12 fo one hundr�d rup.-c>.�s, ani th� ,,n slav� pers;m shall b.c: s�t fr,., '• 2 • If any P-:.·rson b,,alor:.ging to' a s,3cr·:c.d-thr.;ad-w,.:aring caste, or to a liquor-drinking cast.,-.·, tnk:-:s up as his wif·.� a �lav�-girl own�d by anoth�r person, and b�g�ts chil1rm imrn h�r, the fac.hc,r or other r..::•l2itiv,.;,s of such childrt:n �hall hav •. , no right to ri.:. j:"' ,.:.>(11 than ifthi.;. own�r of the slav.:2-girl is not willing to sell or r-2-d1;;.=_,m th--�- If he S\;;11s th :!)"1 co oth�r persons, or is about.· to do 50 thoi;;­ f?:th�r or .Jth<a-r r'7lativ.-s shall hav�, th;; right 0/ pri;..."­ anr,tion at th2 pric'='� o f�r-=::j by .th-c prosp-..?ctiv:�., 'buyt:'r and thus rt:-:l�,.:ro th·" ch1.ljr'=n from slav.:·ry. If th.:y ar� Contd. 34 unabL,· t.o pay th.'"' ful l amount im111,�·Ji�,-'-'-ly, and und.rc ake to si gn c l:ond stipulat ing paym2nt \-{ithin a stipulat ed tim a, th ,.;;y can obtain r..:d JTiption only afte.r making pay­ m 2nt . No un:iertaking fo r t he extension of t im e limit can be accepted. ' If th..:> f&th<�r o r o'th<i;r r.:;:;l at iv�s live at a �U stant place -,nd rE>c�ivc.: inform:,, t ion al:out t h-2'· sale only lat.?r, ani th2!1 d.(;[[lan::l r ,d_;;rnption, th :' ir i.._rri,:.. r.::l shal l b1:: granted at any tim� ev, n if th,-' chilj has b·:c en t·i:!k 2n away from the horn(� wh-2r,= it w,-. 5 tom, if it is -? so n; if it i s a girl, sht., may b.e r· j ..,m :' j onl y b-:·fo r-.} she rr.'ach ... �s thi2 ag;;; of dl even year:!2. No r. d .:rnp tion �nall b,:., allow .. :, j aft'.::r [,ha r0ad1-.:..s tha t ag,...• The p ruchas r shal 1 allow l h · f athsr or o h,.::r r . .-l a·. iv.::c to r-;· :h -,.m th ..: chil :1 from sl av,. ry on r,aymdl'lt o± th;;: ;miount that h2 had actually pa i1. After th.; par.::nts, or oth,sr r-.:lativc• s r�,-J�-:;;:It1 th 2 chil ::l from sl av.:::ry an:i s-:t it fr c, ch..:_,y sha ll not be al low , d to ��11 it to o th2rs . 6uch chilJ shall b2 fr��. If i� is rol::i, ti-iis shall b,- ro;gar.:i�j as th-: ;:msl av,�n,.;I1t of a fr.:.:e p,:rson. The mon.::-y pai j by th-.:: purchas,�r shall be re funded to him, anJ a fin;3 of Rs 360 st,ol l b0 impo s,=d . 3. I f any pr.,rson h,,s i.:mp loy _ d a s-c.:.=-rvant on monthly w� g-::s, but no p"rio d of days, months, or y,:c a rf.' of s rvic has b"'·cn st ip ulat .,d, such s rvant may leavd his s,�rvic�: cft,:;-r g.-�tt ing w -g,':s tor the p,:-rio d ::iurin g whi ch h.: has wo rke:i. If t ha p .ri o:1of Si;;:rvica has b;;.C_.,:.n stipul8t12d, h e; mnst work during th.:o t pE"�rio::i, and shall not b,,. allow1;;j to lii,o.v.;;: b..;;,fo r,:.- it E:)<f)ires. He shall no t be allow ..:d tc do so c-v�-'n i f ht:! cc1n g�,t high2r wages ..::l's.awh2re . H� m ay leav.-: aft-. r the ,;xpiry of t h � stipul a ceJ p.;,rio j. If hi;' abscon Js b.:, for� t he �)<f)iryof ' thd stipula· '"' d p2riod, h� ·m use wo rk wi th..:.r n t. wages fo r th� r,:m ainin9 p :'riod. lf th� -2itif, lOYcr do1;s not pay th;:: stipul 2t d wag.:s in ::iu..: t.im.-· when ask .,d to do so , an d if a corrp laint is fi l,?d, th2 all'Ount o f th. .:· arr,;:ars, along with an cd::iitionc:l p aym ,.;:0 t of one rup,.,\; o f r each mon th of j.::,fa ult, shall be realiz12d from him. It sh al l d� :::n :i upon the pb_:: asure of th,; s ;;rvant wheth-2r to a:mt in u.-: v.06.in g forh is anp loy�r or quit'. 4 . covemment offic\;ls and courts shall r--0-aliz ,? the value;? of sl'ave-toys" and sl ave- girls in :i;i. sputf;S conc,�rning than at th.; rat'.as mia:ntion.-.;;d below : Catecpry Amount Sl ave-toys b'=low thr,-c);;, yi;ars of ag,,:,.. Rs 20 Sl av.s:- gi rl s do. Rs 25 Cont:.l'. 35 Slave-toys aged between three years and six y ears Rs 30 Sl ave-girls do. Rs 35 slave-toy s ased between six years and twelve years Rs 50 Sl a ve-girl s do. Rs 55 �lave-my s a�ed bet ween twelve years a nj forty years Rs 100 Sl ave-girls do . Rs 120 Slaves of either sex aged between · fo rty years and fifty years Rs 60 Slav es of either e ex aged between fifty yE;;;..: ..., and s:;.xty years Rs 50 If any p erson claims any slave-toy or slave-girl a s his �HD!- erty, bu t. fail·s to prove his claim wh en r-equ ir� to e ith a fine at the r ates .b0 ro, h s hall b e p unished w m ::ntioned in t his schedul e. On e-fourth of the f ine :=-hall .o.= collected as Ji:... auri fee. s. I f there is no docum entary evidence, rut only witnesses, in a di sput e concernin'g slaves, mon ej" , r;pods, jew2l ry, cac.
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