Thursday, November 10, 1966 Kartika 19, 1888(Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (THIRD SEIUES) Vol. LX, 1966/1888 (Saka) [November 1 to 15, 1966/Kartika 10 to 24,1888 (Saka)] I<::;'-~i~-. A)·ere· ~LI-IJ.. g' c" Sixteenth Session, 1966/1888 (Salta) (Vol. LX contains Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT NI,W DEI.HI CONTENTS Mf0. 8— Thursdayy November JO, l^SSfKartika 19, 1888 (Saka) Colum ns ‘ral Answers to Questions — •Starred Questions Nos. 211 to 216. 2337—71 Written Answers to Questions:— Starred Questions Nos. 217 to 240. ..... 2372—90 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1059 to 1149 and 1151 to 1180 and 1182 to 1188 and 1190 to 1208 ................................... 2390—2493 . e. Motions for Adjournment and Calling Attention Notices Resignation by Shri Nanda as Minister o f Home Affairs . 2493—2522 ’apcrs Laid on the T a b l e ..................................... 2523—27 Demands for Supplementary Grants (General) 1966-67 Statement P r e s e n t e d ..................................................... 2527 Business of the House 2527—35 Correction of Answer to S.Q . 249 re. recovery from Messers. Chaman Lai Brothers. .............................................2535—38 Statement Re. Bokaro Steel Project— Shri P.C. S e t h i ............................................ 2538-39 Preventive Detention (Continuance) Bill—Introduced . 2539--49 Re. Breach of P r iv ile g e .............................................................. 2549—52 Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill and Constitution (Twenty-first Amendment) Bill ..............................................2552—76 Motion to Consider . 2552—76 Shri Narendra Singh Mahida . 2554-55 Shri K.C. Sharma . 2555— 58 M. Malaichami . 2558—61 Shri U. M. Trivedi . 2561—64 Shri D.C. Sharma . 2564—68 Shri Radhelal Vyas . 2569—76 Statement Re. Export Duty on Tea Shri Manubhai S h a h .................................. 2576-77 Committee on Private Members Bills and Resolutions Ninety-Seventh R e p o r t ..................................................... 2577-78 Resolution Re. Scheme for Drinking Water for Negatived 2579 Shri Sezhiyan .............................................................. 2579 -86 Shri Narendra Singh M a h i d a ..................................... 2586—88 ♦The sign-f marked above the name of a member indicates that ^ ^ question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that member. lOM (Ai) LSI>—1. («) COLUMKS Shri Nambiar . 2588— 90 Shri V.B. Gandhi , 2590-91 Shri Muthiah . 2 591— 93 Shri Manoh^an . 2593— 95 Shri Mubammed Ismail 2595-96 Dr. Sushila Nayar 2596^-2605 Resolution Rc. Nationalisation o f Books— Negatived. 2605—42 Dr. Rancn Sen . 2605—12, 2640-41 Shri A. N. Vidyalankar . 2613-15 Shri Alvares . 2615—17 Shri C.K. Bhattacharyya. 2617—20 Shri Yashpal Singh . 2620—23 Shri P.R. Chakravcrti . 2623— 25 Shri Sheo Narain . 2625—27 Shri S.M. Bancrjee . 2627—31 Shri P. Venkatasubbaiah. 2631— 33 Shri Shree Narayan Das . 2633— 35 Shri B.R. Bhagat . 2635—40 Resolution Re. Interim Report of Administrative Reforms Commiss n Shri Sinhasan Singh . 2642 Half-an-hour Discussion Re. Raid on Shri Chaggan Lai Godavat of Rajasthan .... 2643--64 Shri Madhu Limayc . 2643— 53 Shri Sachindra Chaudhuri , 2656—66 LOK SABHA DEBATES 2337 Oral Answers KARTIKA 19, 1888 (SAKA) Oral Annoers 3338 DOK SABHA the Table of Qie House. [Placed m Thursday, November 10, 1966/Kartika, Library. See No. LT-7288/66]. A cut 19. 1888 (Saka). of 3 per cent in Revenue expenditure and 5 per cent in Capital expendi­ ture, which was the target, has alM The Lok Sabha met at been made wherever possible. Eco­ Eleven of the Clock nomies have been located by a realis­ tic reappraisal of the progress made [M r. Speaker in the Chair] ^ under various projects/schemes an4 ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS the funds likely to be required dur­ ing the year, and also by dropping Eeonomy in Govemment Ezpendltnre or postponing certain le«r essential + activities. *211. Shri S. M. Banerjee: Shri J. B. S. BIst: Shri S. M. Banerjee: From ihm Shri P. B. Chakraverti: statement it is found that the likely . Shri H. C. Linga Beddj; savings decided by the Economy Shri Daji: Committee in 1966-67 the maximum * Dr. L. M. SinghTl: figure pertains to defence, that la, Shri Yashpal Singh: Rs. 15 crores. I would like to know Shri Kishcn Pattnayak: whether this economy is sought to Shri Madhu Ldmaye: be achieved at the cost of some of the .defence projects which were to WiM the Minister of Finance be come up in the fourth Five Year pleased to state: Plan and which are being reduced (a) whether the Committee of and, if not, what is the actual ex­ Secretaries set up under the chair­ penditure which is being reduced? manship of the Cabinet Secretary has submitted any report for reduction of Shri L. N. Mlahra: We are trying expenditure in the various Depart­ to achieve this economy not at the ments of Government; and cost of any of the essential or import­ (b) if so, the likely economy to ant projects. be effected as a result of implemen­ Shri Banerjee: tation of the proposals and the direc­ S. M. May I know tions in which this economy will whether, apart from this, in the in­ take place? terests of economy, Govemment have taken a decision despite the growing The Depaty Minister in the Minis­ discontent among the Central Gov­ try of Finance (Shri L. N. Mishra): emment employees not to raise their (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The Committee salary for another two years and, if of Secretaries after a review of the so, whether it is true and whether budgets of the Ministries for 1966-87 the Govemmeni is aware that the have recommended a likely economy Central Goveflrnment employees are of Rs. 91 crores. In addition, a sum really groaning under discontent be­ of Rs. 10 crores which had been cause of the decision of the Govern­ agreed to as additional assistance to ment? the Railways in 1966-67 w ill not now be required by them. A statement of Shri L. N. Mishra: Yes, it is a fact the figures Ministry-wise is laid on that sometime back the Cabiixet took *339 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 10, 1966 Oral Answers 2340 a decision especially after devalua­ ^>rr Pt: wnft rnsr- tion that the pay-stnicture of the Central Government employees q frffq fr Bhould not be revised or raised for aome period which, I think, is two years or so. -;mT t I Shri S. M. Banerjee: He has not Shri Priya Gupta: In the context of replied to my other point: whether the economy drive, may I know w n«- he is aware that there is a growing ther the Ministry of Railways are. on discontent among the Central Gov­ the one hand making Class TV posts ernment employees because of this of Ayahs and other Class III lower heartless and tactless decision of the posts as surplus and in accordajice Government and, if so, the reaction with the statutory book which lays of the Government. down the upgrading percentage by the tribunal the higher grade posts Shri L. N. Mishra: The prices are have not been asked to be filled in, high and naturally the employees in On the other hand, the railway ad­ tho fixed income-group are hard hit; ministration of the Government of there cannot, be two opinions on this India has set up the ninth railway point. But the overall economy of the zone at this time of economy drive country has also to be taken into ac­ with a capital expenditure of so many count. The economy of the country crores. May I know how far Govern­ does not permit any increase in ment is justified in doing this and talaries. cutting down lower posts? Shri P. E. Chakraverti: May 1 know whether this proposed economy Mr. Speaker: During Question Hour in expenditure has been transferred it is not the justification which is to to general revenue or has been allo­ be asked; only information can be cated to special items of expenditure elicited. under the different Ministries? , Shri L. N. Mishra: It has been Shri L. N. Mishra: I am not aware taken item-wise, and as I said, the of the details of ayahs and Class IV economy is about Rs. 24 crores in employees; the hon. member might revenue expenditure and about know better. Regarding the setting up of the additional zone^ it has been Ra 67 crores in capital expenditure done in tho interests of efficiency and with effect from 1966-67. better administration. Shri A. P. Sharma. From the state­ ment it is observed that as a result of the decision of the economy com­ mittee, the railway is likely to save Rs, 5 crores and another His. 10 crores have been promised in 1966-67. The total comes to Rs. 15 crores. May 1 ft ^'r know how this promise of Rs. 10 crores has been made by the Railway • 5PT fem (ft ^ ^ Ministry? Are Government aware that %frr % ? on account of this economy drive in the railways, large-scale retrenchment is being ordered? ^ ^ ^ ’irriTf m m eft Shri L. N. Mishra: I do not think this amount of R s. 10 crores saving is ?TT3K‘ ^ % v f f f v iTRffhT by retrenchment. There might be 2341 Oral Answers K A R T IK A 19, 1888 (SAKA) Oral Atuwert 234a retrenchment otherwise. But this sav­ ^ 5,6 7 ing is only on account o f posti>oning of non-essential projects. ^ ^ VTT'fR^fnX ^ ^ %VfTR T<Wf Shrl A. P. Sharma: Is the Govern­ ment aware that in the name of eco­ imrnfrwr einr ^ ^ nomy, large-scale retrenchment is ordered? 5zr?Rm HT TfV I ? Mr.
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