Index ability and interoperability 277 Austria 113, 150, 156, 177, 182, 192–4, access, non-discriminatory 43, 46, 201 303–21, 333 authorization process 286–9, 291–2, accounting separation 56, 68, 356–7 293, 294, 299, 300 acquisitions 182–9 autonomy, managerial 90–108 ‘additivity principle’ 326, 332, 338 auto transportation 240, 343, 346 Adelaide–Darwin 262 availability-based concessions 250, Adif 199 253, 255, 260, 268, 269 ageing population 30 avoidable cost principle 350 airport rail links (ARLs) 250, 252, 253, 268, 269 bankruptcies 98 air transport 127–8, 130, 343, 346, Banverket 58 359 Baritaud, M. 325 Alexandersson, G. 2, 59, 103–4, BBG (Federal Railways Act/ 106 Bundesbahngesetz) 192 Allais, Maurice 324, 330, 336 BCG study 102 Alleo 181 BDZ Cargo 154 alliances 179–82, 318 Beacon Rail 224 Alpha Trains 222 Beckers et al. 175 Amtrak 241, 343 Belgium 16, 113, 151, 153, 308 Angel 211, 223, 224 benchmark competition 242, 245 Arenaways 176, 196 Beria et al. 70 Arlanda Express 262, 263, 267 BLS AG 243 Arriva 100–101, 182, 202, 312, 313 BNA (Bundesnetzagentur) 307 Arriva RP 192 bottlenecks, monopolistic 42, 43, 48 Artesia 180 BRC 154 Arup 223 Brisbane Airtrain 262 asset management 227, 229 Britain see UK asset-only PPPs 252 British Rail 59, 61 assets brownfield concessions 270 return 317–18 BTRE 297 value 314–16, 320 Bulgaria 100, 154 ATOC (Association of Train Operating bundled regimes 82–3 Companies) 221, 223, 227 bus access 312–13 Augusta 193 business diversification 350, 360 Australia 222, 234, 261, 262, 297, 342, Butcher, L. 214, 217 344, 345 Australian National Railway cabotage 4, 44, 47, 48 Commission (AN) 342 Cantos et al. 105, 236, 238 Australian Rail Track Corporation capacity allocation 326–30, 332–3, (ARTC) 342 336, 338 365 Matthias Finger and Pierre Messulam - 9781783473335 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 04:57:37AM via free access 366 Rail economics, policy and regulation in Europe ‘Cargo 10’ project 154 competitive tendering 97–8, 102, 105, CargoNet 154 106, 107, 175, 178, 179, 201, 234 cars 240, 343, 346 Sweden 240, 241, 245 CC (Competition Commission) complete trains transport 158, 159, 219–20, 226 160 CD Cargo 150 complexity 106, 108 CDC Infrastructures 270 complexity-related risk 259–60 CD Passenger 190 Comsa Rail Transport 151 ceiling price 348, 349, 351 concession 124, 253, 260–64 certifications for train drivers 91 concessionaires 249, 253, 260, 262, CFR Marfa 151 263, 264, 265, 266 Chandler, A. 324 conformity assessment 279, 288 Channel Tunnel 96, 308, 311 congestion, infrastructure 326, 328, Chicago Freight Car Leasing Australia 330 222 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 300 city centre station, type of access to Connex 194, 195 116 Conservative government (1979–1997) Class 1 railways (Japan) 348, 355 213–15 Class 2 railways (Japan) 348, 355 Conservative–Liberal Democrat Class 3 railways (Japan) 348, 355 Coalition government (2010–2015) CMA (Competition and Markets 220–22 Authority)/UK 315 construction costs 116–18 Combley, R. 277 construction procedures 116 commercialization 92–5, 101–8 container transport 159 commercial passenger services 234, contented mobility 29 240 contracts 93–4, 98, 102–3, 106, 107, commercial risks 250, 260–68 108, 175 Commission Recommendation cooperation 100–101, 359, 360, 361 2011/217/EU 294 coordination 94, 95, 98 Committee of the Regulatory Impact coordination mechanisms 78–83 Study on Government-Regulated cost factor 331–2 Public Service Charges (Japan) cost functions 232 354 costs comparator asset cost 316 allocation 313–14 Competent Authorities 5 competition, affect of 71 competition 1, 56, 61, 71, 91, 107, 108, construction 116–18 245, 333, 357 of diversity 297 between air and rail 127–34 full-cost principle 355 and costs 236 HSR 119–20 and European Commission 234 infrastructure 334–5, 337, 339 indirect 341 operating 9, 326 intermodal 70 of unbundling 78, 79 in Japan 347–8, 353–5, 360 and yardstick regulation 353–4, and rail freight 162, 241 360 and regulation 321 Creagh, Mary 223 and Roscos 229 Croatia 144, 154, 157 and third-party access 38–48 cross-acceptance 289, 299, 300 and vertical separation 72, 83 Crossrail 161, 162, 228, 229, 270 Competition Act 1980 (UK) 225 cross-subsidization 90–91, 337–8, 339, competitive advantage 12 350 Matthias Finger and Pierre Messulam - 9781783473335 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 04:57:37AM via free access Index 367 Crozet, y. 125, 130, 134 Directive 2001/14/EC 3, 4, 18, 45, 325 CTRL (Channel Tunnel) 261 Directive 2001/16/EC 3, 275, 281, 282 customers 11, 12 Directive 2004/49/EC 4, 282 Czech Railways 190 Directive 2004/50/EC 4, 281–2 Czech Republic 150, 177, 183, 190–91, Directive 2004/51/EC 4 201 Directive 2007/58/EC 4 Directive 2007/59/EC 4 Darling, Alastair 219 Directive 2008/57/EC 275, 277, 280, DB Cargo 145 282, 286, 287–8, 291, 295 DB (Deutsche Bahn) 61, 103, 145, 184, and mutual recognition 289 185, 195, 196, 308 and NoBos 292, 293 acquisitions 100–101, 182, 202 Directive 2011-14/EC 335 and Connex 194 Directive 2012/34/EC 305–6, 307, 318 and HS 181 Directive 2012/34/EU 46, 47 and Railteam Alliance 179 direct negotiations 97–8, 102, 103, 107 DB Mobility Logistics AG (DB ML dispersing business 101 AG) 61 diversification 350, 360 DB Netze 61, 145 diversity, cost of 297 DB-ÖBB (Deutsche Bahn– domestic passenger services 5, 91, 130, Österreichische Bundesbahnen) 132, 182 176, 196 DRC (depreciated replacement cost) DB Railion 154 314, 315–16, 318, 320 DB Schenker 61, 145, 154, 155, 158, DSB 95–6 160, 161, 166 DSB Goods 154 monopoly scenario 162–5 Dubois, L.-P. 324 and Renfe 151 duopoly 164–5, 166 DB Schenker Rail Danmark Services Dutch Railways 145 A/S 154 Dutzik et al. 263–4 decentralisation 59 DV29 294 deep alliance 54 delays and performance 95 EC Declaration of Verification of the demand-creation activities 358 subsystem 288 demand functions 232 economic regulation 1–20 demographic change 22–33 economic regulation theory 92–3 Denmark 95–6, 103, 154, 201 efficiency 79, 238, 239, 245 density of trains 105 Eidan 352, 353 dependence 106, 108 Eiffage Rail Express 8 depreciation adjustment 316 elasticity, price 265, 337 DfT (Department for Transport)/UK Ellwanger, G. 30–31 211, 216, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225, ‘end-to-end’ alliance 180 270 ENRRB (European Network of Rail Directive 91/414/EC 333 Regulatory Bodies) 18, 19 Directive 91/440/EC 2–3, 43–4, 52, 55, Enterprise Act 2002 (UK) 219, 225 56, 57, 89, 98 entrepreneurship 103, 108 Directive 96/48/EC 275, 281, 282 entry regulations 348–9, 351 Directive 1991/440/EC 324–5 environmental protection 117–18 Directive 1995/19/EC 325 equilibrium theory 326 Directive 2001/4/EC 95 ERA (European Railway Agency) 4, Directive 2001/12/EC 3, 18, 44–5 13, 56, 282–3, 294, 299 Directive 2001/13/EC 3 Eriksen, K.S. 104 Matthias Finger and Pierre Messulam - 9781783473335 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 04:57:37AM via free access 368 Rail economics, policy and regulation in Europe ERTMS (the European Rail Traffic Fourth Railway Package 5–6, 17–18, Management System) 11 44, 46, 47, 48, 56, 58, 107, 138, essential facilities 40, 42, 313, 319 240 essential functions 54 on domestic market 91 essential requirements 277–8 and Interoperability Directive 282 Estonia 154, 157 fragmentation 94 ‘L’État et les Chemins de Fer’ (Walras) France 26, 28, 65, 67, 68, 201 41 Directive 2008/57/EC 291 European Association for Railway HSLs 113, 114, 115, 116, 117–18, Interoperability (AEIF) 282 124 European Commission (EC) ix, 233–4, HSR 125 308, 324–5, 358 PPPs 257, 260, 270 see also directives RACs 331–2 European Harmonized standards 280, rail freight 145–6, 156 286 rail share 346 European railway area 4, 11, 56 franchises 246, 333, 337 ‘European transport policy for 2010: UK 61, 211, 215, 218, 220, 224, time to decide’ (EC/COM) 3 226–7 Eurostar 179, 308, 311 freight 44, 65, 70, 138–67, 234, 238, Eurotunnel 8, 256, 262, 267, 308 313, 346, 359 Eversholt 211, 224 and access 310 ex ante analyses 125 Australia 342 ex ante information 298, 333 France 65 ex ante value-for-money assessments Japan 341, 344 257 and passenger services 237 exit regulations 348–9, 351 and RACs 330, 331, 338 expenses and cross-subsidization 9, and Second Railway Package 91 10 Sweden 239, 240 ex post analyses 125 Switzerland 68, 243, 244, 245 ex post comparisons 257 USA 222, 238–9, 241–2, 343 ex post information 298, 333 freight freeways 144 Fret SNCF 146, 155, 158, 160, 161, ‘fair rail access charge’ (EC White 165, 166 Paper) 325 FS (Ferrovie dello Stato) 148–9, 196, Fair Trading Act 1973 (UK) 225 197, 202 fare regulation 349–50, 351 FSI (Ferrovie dello Stato Italiano) Federal Railroad Agency (FRA) 324 130 Felbermayr Holding GmbH 164 FS Logistica 149 financial crises 257–8 full-cost principle 54, 349, 355 financial leverage 265–6 funding, public 6, 178 financing 121–3, 257, 264 ‘The future of rail’ (DfT) 218 Finger, M. 2, 18, 70, 71 Finland 99, 153, 156, 201 game theory 93 first-order regulations 93, 107 Gasparic et al. 164, 165 First Railway Package 3, 44, 45, 46, GATX 222 56, 57, 90–91, 92, 281 GE Capital Rail Leasing 222 Flyvbjerg et al. 265 Gelderland 106 FOCs (freight operating companies) general equilibrium theory 326 211 geography, affect of HSR 116, 125 see also freight George, Pierre 22, 24 Matthias Finger and Pierre Messulam - 9781783473335 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 04:57:37AM via free access Index 369 Germany 8, 31, 47, 61, 63, 64, 68, 103, HS (high-speed) services 47, 171, 172, 177, 194–6, 201 197–8, 199 acquisitions 182 HSLs (high-speed lines) 116–18, 171, BNA 307 250, 253, 260, 264, 266, 270 and gross contracts 98 HSL Zuid 259 HSLs 113, 114, 115, 116, 118 HSR (high-speed rail) 25, 33, 112–35, market share of newcomers 183 181, 250, 252, 268, 269 NRA 18 Hulten, S.
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