Wind Instruments Solo Chamber Ensembles Competiton 02 11 MARCH 2012 THE JURY TRUMPET, HORN, TROMBONE, TUBA STANKO ARNOLD (SLOVENIA) MARIN ZOKIĆ (CROATIA) BRANISLAV AKSIN (SERBIA) JASNA PETROVIĆ (SERBIA) ENDRE TOTH (GERMANY) wind instruments competition 2012 The Jury Trumpet + Horn + Trombone + Tuba STANKO ARNOLD Diplomirao na Akademiji za glazbu sa svetskom elitom trubača u sas- with the Slovene Philharmonic Or- u Ljubljani u klasi Antona Grčara. tavu “Ten of The Best” (A.Vizzutti, chestra, subsequenty he became a Za vreme studija postaje solo J. Thompson, O. Sauter...). Član full - time professor at the Universiti trubač orkestra Slovenske filhar- je brojnih žirija na domaćim i of Music in Graz-Austria and at the monije. Nakon osvojene prve na- međunarodnim takmičenjima. Kao Academy of Music in Ljubljana. So grade na Natjecanju mladih um- solista nastupa u Italiji, Španiji, far, he has recorded four records jetnika u Zagrebu (1976), odlazi u Francuskoj, Nemačkoj, Austriji, as a soloist, and another four re- Pariz na usavršavanje kod Rog- Češkoj, Mađarskoj, Rusiji, Americi cords with various chamber music era Delmotta. Dobitnik je mnogih i Japanu. ensembles. As a chamber musi- međunarodnih nagrada (1976. cian, Stanko Arnold, has been ac- prva nagrada u Toulonu; 1979. companying different chamber mu- druga nagrada “Maurice Andre” u Graduated at the Academy of Music sic ensembles (The Slovene Brass Parizu). Dobitnik najviših domaćih in Ljubljana, with A. Grčar. While still Quintet, The Trio Barocco Forte, The priznanja za solističke nastupe i a student, he was the soloist trum- Brass Trio, 10 of the Best) and as kao članu Slovenskoga brass kvin- pet player with the Slovene Philhar- a member of duets with organists. teta. Od 1968. do 1990. deluje kao monic Orchestra. After receiving In the past few years he gives mas- prvi trubač u orkestru Slovenske the prize at the Yong Competition ter courses in Slovenia, Switzerland, filharmonije. 1990. postaje redovni in Zagreb (1976), he went to Paris Germany, Austria, Croatia, Japan. profesor na Univerzitetu za glazbu to continue his studies with Roger He was also a member of several i primjenjenu umjetnost u Grazu i Delmotte. In the same year he par- Slovene and international com- na Akademiji za glazbu u Ljubljani. ticipated in the international compe- mittees at competitions in Velenje, Dugogodišnji je član različitih ka- tition of trumpet players in Toulon Ljubljana, Austria (Leoben, Garz, mernih sastava (Slovenski brass and won the first prize. He obtained Wiena), Italy (Porcia). As soloist he kvintet, Brass Trio, Trio Barocco the second prize at the international performed in Italy, Spain, France, Forte), a nastupa u duetima sa competition Maurice André in Paris Germany, Austria, Czech Repablic, poznatim orguljašima (Lj. Očić, M. (1979). In Slovenia, he received Hungary, Russia, USA and Japan Strmčnik, I. Chrybkov, N. Kynas- four awards for his artistic achive- with different symphonic orchestras, ton, K. Neuhauser, W. Neil). 2007/8 ments. From 1986 to 1990 he was chamber music ensembles and in nastupa i vodi seminare zajedno performed as the firs trumpet player duets with organs. International Competition 4 Davorin Jenko MARIN ZOKIĆ Rođen je u Splitu, gdje je stekao osnov- Born in Split where he completed the el- no i srednje muzičko obrazovanje u klasi ementary and secondary school with Ante Ante Puharića. Diplomirao je na Muzičkoj Puharić. He graduated from the Zagreb Akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi Stanka Sela- academy of Music under Stanko Selak, and ka. Usavršavao se na Međunarodnoj aka- continued his studies with the renowned demiji u Bremenu kod istaknutih solista, soloists and pedagogues at the interna- umetnika i pedagoga. Solistički nastupa tional Trumpet academy werder in Bremen. uz Zagrebačku filharmoniju, Hrvatski ka- As a soloist, he has performed with the Za- morni orkestar, Varaždinski kamorni orke- greb Philharmonic, the Croatian chamber star, Zadarski kamorni orkestar, orkestar orchestra, the Varaždin chamber orches- Splitske opere, Splitski kamorni orkestar, tra, the Split chamber orchestra, the Zadar Simfonijski duvački orkestar Hrvatske vo- chamber orchestra, the Split opera orches- jske i Orkestar Hrvatske ratne mornarice tra, the Croatian army symphony wind or- Split. Od 1998. godine prvi je trubač chestra and the Croatian navy orchestra. Zagrebačke flharmonije. Uz niz solističkih Since 1998 he has been principal trumpeter nastupa, neguje i kamerno muziciranje sa of the Zagreb Philharmonic. Apart from his renomiranim umetnicima i ansamblima: performances as a soloist, he appears as Martina Filjak, Stanko Arnold, Ljerka Očić, a chamber musician with renowned artists Mario Penzar, Valentina Fijačko, Kvartet and ensembles: Martina Filjak, Stanko Ar- “Rucner”, Zagrebački puhački ansambl. nold, Ljerka Očić, Mario Penzar, Valentina Bavi se i pedagoškim radom. Docent je na Fijako, the “Rucner” quartett, the Zagreb Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Redovno wind ensemble. Senior lecturer at the Za- održava majstorske kurseve i član je mno- greb academy of Music, Marin Zokić regu- gobrojnih žirija u Hrvatskoj i inostranstvu. larly conducts the Summer trumpet school on the island of Brač. He has been a jury member at numerous national and interna- tional competitions. wind instruments competition 2012 The Jury Trumpet + Horn + Trombone + Tuba BRANISLAV AKSIN Rodjen je u Novom Sadu. Trombon je počeo da uči u muzičkoj školi “Isidor Bajić”. Diplomirao je 1985., a magistrirao 1989. godine na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, u klasi Vinka Valečića. U toku studija osvajio je više nagrade na republičkim i saveznim takmičenjima. Laureat je Takmičenja muzičkih umetnika u Zagrebu 1987. godine. Kao solista ili kao član kamernih orke-stara “Camerata Accademica” i “Brass Quinteta” iz Novog Sada, “Sonemus” iz Sarajeva i drugih, nastupio je na renomiranim festivalima (“Bemus” i “Međunarodna tribina kompozitora” u Beogradu, “Nomus” u Novom Sadu, “Tribina jugoslovenskog stvaralaštva” u Opatiji, “Zagrebački bijenale”..) i koncertima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Godine 1989. počinje saradnju sa “Theatre Jel” iz Francuske. Sa ovim ansamblom je nastupao u mnogim zemljama Evrope. Kao solo trombonista, član je orkestra opere Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u Novom Sadu i Vojvođanskih simfoničara. Osnivač je kvarteta trombona “T-bones 4”, sa kojim je održao niz koncerata. Profesor je na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu i Akademiji umetnosti u Banja Luci. Born in Novi Sad. He started playing trombone at Music School “Isidor Bajić”. Graduated in 1985 and obtained his MA degree in 1989 from the Faculty of music in Belgrade, with Vinko Valečić. He was the laureate of the Competition of young music artists in Zagreb in 1987. As a soloist or member of chamber orchestras “Camerata accademica” and “Brass Quintet” from Novi Sad, he has performed at renowned festivals (“Bemus”, “The international review of Composers” in Belgrade, “Nomus”, “The Tribune of Yugoslav creativity” in Opatija, “Music biennale Zagreb”) and concerts both in the country and abroad. In 1989 he began his cooperation with “Theatre jel” from France. With this musical ensemble he has performed in many european coun- tries. As a trombone soloist, he is a member of opera orchestra of the Serbian national theatre in Novi Sad and Vojvodina symphony orchestra. He is the founder of the “T-bones 4” trombone quartet, with which he has held a number of concerts. He works as a full professor at the Academies of arts of Novi Sad and Banja Luka. International Competition 6 Davorin Jenko JASNA PETROVIĆ Rođena je u Požarevcu. Fakultet muzičke umetnosti završila je u Beogradu 1988. u klasi profesora Stjepana Rabuzina. Pohađala je seminare H. Baumana, F. Orvala, F. Picke. Od 1987-2003. godine zaposlena je kao hornista u Simfonijskom orkestru umetničkog ansambla “Stanislav Binički” vojske Srbije. Svirala je i solističke deonice sa najpoznatijim domaćim i stranim dirigentima na kon- certima u Austriji, Italiji, Nemačkoj, Mađarskoj, Bugarskoj i širom naše zemlje. Ostvarila je zapažene nastupe u različitim kamernim sastavima: ističu se dua horni, a za potrebe RTS-a u okviru ciklusa “Svetske premijere” snimljena su dela sa duvačkim triom. Od 1988. godine angažovana je i kao profesor u muzičkim školama “Vladimir Đorđević” u Beogradu i “Jovan Bandur” u Pančevu. Od 2003. go- dine u stalnom radnom odnosu je u muzičkoj školi “Josip Slaven- ski” u Beogradu, a od 2007. godine i u muzičkoj školi “Davorin Jenko”. Od 2000. godine radila je i kao asistent dirigenta za duvače omladinskog simfonijskog orkestra Srbije. horn duos for Serbian radio television series of “World premiers”. Parallel Between 1987 and 2003 she works as horn player in the Symphonic with her work with the orchestra, from 1988 she works as a professor in orchestra of the Serbian Military ensemble “Stanislav Binički”. She music schools in Belgrade and Pančevo. From 2003 she is a permanent performed solo sections with some of the most famous conductors professor in music school “Josip Slavenski” in Belgrade and since 2007 from the country and abroad at the concerts in Austria, Italy, Germany, in music school “Davorin Jenko”. Since 2000 she has worked as an as- Hungary, Bulgaria and all over our country. She made distinguished sistant conductor for the brass band of the Youth symphonic orchestra performances within different chamber ensembles, particularly the of Serbia. wind instruments competition 2012 ENDRE TOTH Rodjen je u Subotici. Hornu počinje da svira Born in Subotica. He started playing horn
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