Hope is not the conviction that something “ www.outlookafghanistan.net “will turn out well but the certainty that @The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan something makes sense, regardless of [email protected] how it turns out. 0093 799-005019/ 777-005019 In front of Habibia High School, Quote of the Day Vaclav Havel District 6, Kabul, Afghanistan Volume Num. 4542 Saturday February, 13, 2021 Dalw, 25, 1399 www.Outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/afs Biden Vows to Bring Danish Says an ‘Responsible End to Wars’ WASHINGTON - The US Presi- tinuing to ensure that terrorist Interim-Government dent Joe Biden in his first visit threats cannot endanger the se- to the Pentagon as commander- curity of the American people.” in-chief, has promised to work “As your commander in chief, I Brings More Violence with Secretary of Defense Lloyd will never hesitate to use force J. Austin and leaders around the to defend the vital interest of world “to bring a responsible America, the American end to wars that have dragged people and our allies on for far too long, while con- around the world... More on Num(Page (2) 4) President Ghani Spoke to Tajik, Kazakh Leaders Over Bilateral Relations KABUL - President Ghani said leaders stressed the expansion in a telephone conversation of bilateral relations, regional with Tajik President Emomali cooperation and they also dis- Rahmon on Thursday has dis- cussed the Afghan peace pro- cussed the Afghan peace pro- cess. cess, bilateral relations, and re- The president of Tajikistan ex- gional cooperation. pressed his full support for Presidential Palace stated, dur- the views and plans of ing the conversation, both the Republic... More on Num(Page (3) 4) KABUL - Second Vice President more violence and that it means tensified their violence, which is Sarwar Danesh said on Friday returning to the past,” said Dan- in no way in the country’s inter- Afghanistan to Begin COVID-19 that the current opportunity for ish. est,” Danish added. peace should be seized. Danish also said that most of the Meanwhile, Mohammad Karim Vaccinations Next Week Speaking at the ceremony mark- Taliban’s released prisoners re- Khalili, former chairman of the KABUL - Afghanistan will to healthcare workers, security ing the first anniversary of the turned to the battlefields. High Peace Council, at the cere- launch COVID-19 vaccination forces and media workers, Af- death of Mohammad Baqir Mo- He also emphasized that being mony marking the first anniver- drive with India assissted vac- ghan acting health minister Wa- haqiq in Kabul said that the Tali- the Taliban away from the ne- sary of the death of Mohammad cines next week, officials said heed Majroh said. ban has shown “less sincerity” gotiating table is not in the best Baqir Mohaqiq said that called Thursday. He said that COVAX funds to the peace efforts and instead, interest of the peace process. on both sides to take the oppor- Afghanistan on Sunday received COVID-19 vaccines to reach they have increased their vio- “The Afghan government has tunity of peace. 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vac- 20% of Afghanistan’s popula- lence in the country. taken bold steps in the peace “Let us take this opportu- cines donated by India. tion in the first category and the “An interim setup will bring process, but the Taliban have in- nity to establish a... The doses will be administered second category is also... More on Num(Page (1) 4) More on Num(Page (4) 4) Page 2 February, 13, 2021 Main Page 28 New Cases of Senior Tehrik-I-Taliban Leader COVID-19, 3 Deaths ‘Haji Dubai’ Killed in Afghanistan Reported in Afghanistan NANGARHAR - Tehrik-i-Tal- iban leader, Amir Nawaz, who was suspected of killing the re- nowned aid worker and Japa- nese national “Tetsu Nakamu- ra” in Afghanistan was killed in Nangarhar province, Afghan and Pakistani officials told me- dia. Nawaz is also known as “Haji Dubai” and was on the wanted list of terrorist figures in Paki- stan for his role in series of mur- ders and kidnappings in Kara- chi, Punjab, Balochistan, and KABUL - The Ministry of Pub- The ministry says the cumula- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. lic Health on Friday reported tive total of known COVID-19 Reports also indicate he was the 28 new positive cases of COV- cases is 55,473, the total num- mastermind behind the Bannu ID-19 out of 1, 391 samples ber of reported deaths is 2,427, prison break in April 2012, in tested in the last 24 hours. and the total number of recov- which 260 Taliban fighters fled The ministry also reported eries is 48,390. from detention as a result of the three deaths and 111 recover- So far, 272,256 samples have attack. ies from COVID-19 in the same been tested in government Pakistani media also reported period. centers and there are 4,656 that the TTP leader was killed stan a couple of days ago. The new cases were reported known active COVID-19 cases in an “armed” battle in Afghani- No group has so far claimed responsibility for the killing of Nakamura. (Khaama Press) in Kabul (4), Herat (3), Kanda- in the country, data by the min- har (3), Balkh (8), Nangarhar istry indicates. (2), Maidan Wardak (1), Kapisa The number of deaths from (2), Helmand (2) and Uruzgan COVID-19 globally is more Pregnant Afghan Woman Sells Pajhwok Reporter in (3) provinces. than 2,369,471 and the number The deaths were reported in of known global coronavirus Kidney to Pay Husband’s Debts Faryab Shot Injured Herat province, according to cases is 107,807,456, according HERAT - Khawrai Gul, an Af- KABUL - Unidentified gunmen Pajhwok Afghan News: “When data provided by the Ministry to Johns Hopkins University. ghan woman in Herat, has sold shot and wounded Pajhwok Af- Kohi got out of his car for shop- of Public Health. (TOLO NEWS) one of her kidneys to pay the ghan News reporter Qutbuddin ping in the bazaar, he was shot loans of her husband. Kohi in northern Faryab prov- with a silent gun and the attack- Gul, 28, is a native of nearby ince yesterday. er fled.” Kohi is also the head of Faryab province, but has sought He was attacked and wounded the province’s journalists’ asso- refuge in Herat province amid in the bazaar of Maimana, the ciation. Pajhwok Afghan News Mine Factory Wrecked, the war and other violence. capital of Faryab, on Thursday editor-in-chief Danish Karokhel She said she did not have any evening. strongly condemned the inci- 31 Taliban Killed: Defense Officials other option except to sell her Kohi told Pajhwok Afghan dent and called on the authori- KANDAHAR - The Minis- kidney and to pay the loans of News he had been shot in the ties to find and punish the per- try of Defense (MoD) says a her husband who was in Tali- head but his condition was sta- petrators. Taliban mine factory in the ban custody. ble. Alauddin, a reporter for No group has claimed respon- Arghandab district of Kan- The Taliban has not comment- Gul. The Ministry of Public Salam Watandar in Faryab, told sibility for the attack. (Pajhwok) dahar province has been ed. Health has said that the sale and destroyed. “I had been pregnant for 50 days purchase of organs is illegal, Ministry of Defense in a re- on the day I gave my kidney—I and hospitals that are involved leased statement on Thurs- didn’t tell the doctors that I was in illegal organ transplants will day said, that a Taliban pregnant, because I had to do be prosecuted and their licenses Daesh-Linked Foreigners mine and bomb manufac- it,” said Khawrai Gul. can be revoked. turing factory was discov- “I didn’t know the person to This comes a week after TOLO- Arrested in Balkh ered and wrecked. whom I gave my kidney, but news reported that hundreds MAZAR-I-SHARIF - Foreign Azimi added the operations were The operation that took he was from Afghanistan,” she of poor and displaced people members of Daesh group have conducted to find a kidnapped place in the region resulted said. “I had given blood tests have sold their vital organs for been arrested in northern Balkh child, Abdul Maroof, but the in complete destruction of a lice chief of PD5 in Kabul were before. Later the doctors called a small price in the western province, an official said on raids resulted in the arrest of for- Taliban mine factory. killed. me and asked me to come and province of Herat. Thursday. eign members of Daesh. During the attacks, eight mine This comes as 31 Taliban fight- give my kidney to a person, so Confirmed figures show that Balkh governor Mohammad He said the foreigners and their makers including their leader ers were killed in an airstrike in I went there and gave the kid- over 1,000 kidneys have been FarhadAzimi told a press confer- families and children were in po- were killed and a massive mine Chahar Bolak district in Balkh ney,” said Khawrai Gul. traded in Herat over the last ence here that some foreigners lice custody. factory belonging to the Taliban Province. “I was taken to a mountain be- five years. Over 100 of such and their families linked with Azimi did not disclose nationali- was destroyed, MoD stated. 209 Shaheen Corps stated, that cause of the debts, then my wife people who have sold their Daesh were captured in Deh- ties of the arrested foreigners but Meanwhile, IED, mine, or bomb these Taliban fighters were had no option except to go to kidneys are living in the Se dadi district and Mazar-i-Sharif said the National Directorate of explosions have raged across killed during the operations Luqman-e-Hakim hospital to Shanba Bazar village in Injil city, the provincial capital, on Security (NDS) would later pro- Afghanistan, and on Wednes- conducted by the Afghan na- sell her kidney,” said Amrud- district in Herat, and are Wednesday night during eight vide details in this regard.
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