THE WESTFIELD LEADER Thm Leading And Meet Widely Cbtulmted Weekly fleuepaper In VnUm Comity Enured u 8*con4 Clau Mattw 1HTH YEAR—No. 41 Put Offlc*. Wultald. N. 1. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1958 •ferr Tkurtiir Playgrounds To Chief Outlines Holy Trinity High To 285 Awarded Diplomas At |n Tuesday Morning Reasons for Speed Zone Changes Graduate 82 Tonight Tonight at. 8 o'clock in Holy j ley, Thomas Andrew Clarke, John Westfield High Graduation 1 Coleman Careful Study Trinity auditorium, the first class Edward Cleveland. to have completed four years in Also, Eileen Reglna Sophia Made by Experts, the new high school, and the larg- Craven, Helen Irene Curley, Su- gain Direct est class in the history of Holy Carol Mowen Pfirrniann Says san Jane CicrnlK Nicholas Fran- Roosevelt Junior High Trinity will be graduated. cis Delmonaco, Arlene Frances De Program The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henry J. Lorenzo, James Peter Devlne, Mad- The Police Department has had WaUersonwill present the diplo- eline Mary DiDario, Andrew Jo- fins DAR Flag several inquiries about the pro- mas to 82 graduates and bestow •eph JJonofrl II, Pauline Virginia Graduates 410 Pupils |the past week more posed speed zone changes on cer- special honors on the outstanding Dragula, Peter John Foley, Bar- fliers on playground tain streets of town, Police Chief As Top Student members of the class. The Very ban Ann Fritz, James Patrick Four hundred and ten junior were distributed Albert Pftrrmann announced to- Rev. Msgr. William F. Furlong, Gallagan, Letitla Alice Giraud, all the local schools, day. high pupllt were graduated TIMI- Dr. Bradford N. Craver, vkjf' AB, AM, director of the divinity Anne Marie Gormley, Joseph F. day night before a'capacity audi- •nun, recreation direc- 'To alleviate the apprehensions Greer. president of the Board of school at Seton Hall University, ence in Room veil School auditori- tion, presented diplomat to •ced today, Along with of our citizens, let me say this— will address the graduates. Mu- •formation was a play- Also, Maureen Angela Heigney, um. ' Deborah A. Putnam wa> M- members of the graduating a very careful study was made of sic will be provided by the Glee lected as first honor puptl. l' tration card which is all the proposed changes by the Gretchen Helens Heltmaa, Denli of Westfleld High Beimel In Club under the direction of Sister Richard Hepburn, Marguerite F. m«nc«nent extrciett iaat aigat.' ^ | out with lid of parents. state and by our own experts in Rose Perpetua. Tho two winning »»»ay» In a hed was an insurance the field of traffic and law en- Hoefele, William John Kearm Jr., school-wide contest were read by More than (,000 peraoaa' •£ ' i, form. forcement," the chief said. Of the 82 members of the senior Nancy Ellen Kelly, Ethel Mary thfiT authors, The ejnayg were tended the ceremonies m tht hit* class 12 of them are the recipient Kronckc, Heltn Florence Kruse, "Our. Rich Legacy" by Barry Har- school auditorium highlight** by j day for all playgrounds He noted that "the trend of hav- of 26 scholarships and grants: The June Carol LaRocca, Allan Chea- ing realistic speed regulations it tl(f»n and "The Teneager as a Glt- addresses by two seniors. Mis*". ••day at 9:80 a.m. The largest number to Individuals goes ter Lenesky, Frank Anthony Lleto, Iien" by Stephtn W. Wight. sts /or eight weeks, sponsored by both the state and Ferris'Buck (poke oft "ThVQMt to the two "iiniors who were final- Joseph Warren Llneberry, Mar- of Life" and Ulehard AraaM kug. 16. Children from national safety organizations. garet Ann Uukaa, Michael A. Ma- A welcoming addiesi WM given —WeitrteM Studioa ists 1n the National Merit Scholar- Font's topic wat "Iat* lanaity."?' , , invited to attend the "It Is true that when the aver- ships: Eileen Craven having re- hovlch, Carol Ann Maier. by Jacqueline H. M«rlk, and orig- SABRINA COFFEY inal award-winning poems were Dr. 8. N. Ewaa, e«periiiliaa»ai program nearest their gc person first hears that the ceived five scholarships and Denis Also, John Thomas Mangan, ygrounds for this age speed on a certain street is going Hepburn four scholarship!; Helen read by Klrellu D, Voelk«r, Bo- of schools, preaeuM the DAM lag Martha Varney Marlon, Kathlejm bcttc J. Stern and Glcnna 8. Loges. to Carol ElIaaMa M«wea u Km Ijbe located at Columbus, to" be upped 10 miles per hour to Kruse who qualified for the Na- Ann McKeegan, Dianne Victoria erson, Lincoln, McKin- MissCoffeyTo 36 miles per hour, they envision tional Honor Scholarship has re- Diploma* were preimiUd by H. honor student. ' - . a regular race track in front of D, Merrill Jr., president of the tvelt (children from ceived three; JudrUi Rau who rank- (Please turn to page 2) Dean Suthertaad lfwtaulil(« end here), Wilson, and their homes, but let us look at It ed among the highest in the coun- Board of Education. won tht RaMMlaer Palytolhal* Children from 13-15 Head Conference in the true sense of the facts— try who took the National Honor Principal Howard Tomlinion Institute SclaaM and MatlMaMlUf ed to attend the en- what car travels at 25 mph? When Scholarship is the recipient of a preient«d graduation a w a r d a. medal for the boy attaining UM am at the teen-age YW Event Set a speed survey of a street is made, grant from the College of St Elii- Club to Begin Bruce Pr(M and Chrlttlne Gretn highest average in methem»tlfr located at the West- a radar unit is installed along abeth. William Reed has received received the American Legion clt- and Klenca during hli high tck«a| School. Because staff At Bard College various parts of that street for a an appointment by Rep. Florence ROBERT H. CORDON lienihlp award and Jamei Lelti course. ; program hours every period of about .three weeks and P, Dwytr to the Air Force Acad- Summer Reading accepted the Don Large Memorial The Bautch and Lomb honorary rill be 11 a.m. to 4:30 Sabiinn CofTey, president of the the average speed on that street emy in Denver, Colo. Athletic award. science award went to Michael ay through Friday the Junior Y-Teen dub of the West- is compiled and after compiling Gordon Named The Dlckemon memorial awards Dstld Bristol. Tht prise U ftaa 111 be open from 9:30 field YWCA, has been selected all the facts, a realistic zone is es Prizes for general excellence In IGY Will Be in clothing were won by Beverly to tho pupil who bta ihown tha 1:80 p.m. Playgrounds as chairman of the YWCA Y-Te,en tablished. each of the three sections of the Children's Theme Diet!, Charlotte Egvnct, Pheebe greatest progress In science star*' ; ed on July 4 and any conference to be held June 24-29 "Jn the field of traffic enforce senior class and for excellence in Troop Captain Ewing, Carol Spaltro and Laura ing high school. 'during the season, at Bard College, Annandale-on- ment, if every car that travels religion will be presented by Mon- Toff, The Olaf Haugen wood- Language prim were, awarded) the Public Recreation over 25 mph were to be issued a nignor Wattenon to the students The International geophysical Hudson, N.Y. year will be the theme of the sum- working award went to Kenneth an follows: German, a medal U of New Jersey play- summons along these streets in at the graduating exercises. Promotions Made Hetndel. Roger Wendell Blnkley j Spaaltk arc offered a eompre- Sabrina was a delegate to the question, It would make every car mer reading elub scheduled to be- 1957 conference and has been Others receiving scholarships gin June 23 at the WesUleld Me- The names of 27 pupils were nisi, |10, to Sunn Gail rorte«r T Insurance policy. It driver a habitual violator. The and grants are: Maureen Hcagney, At Annual Review placed In the Book of Gold, The bsugh and second, |5, JoAnn Mar j'jA'ildren for injuries re- serving on the planning committee avemgo person will counteract by modal Library. This year, mem- for the 1958 conference, which Susan Czcrnik, June La Rocca, bers will be scientists exploring honor la given to pupils who htvo lie. Sexton; Latin, »10, to Mtu .jiivhlle: a. Participating in saying that a tolerance should be Concetta Pannella, James Quinn, At the 22nd annual review.and practiced good sportsmanship, Mowen and IS an prises respec- UJaad activities on the play- began its work in January. This allowed above the 25 mph. To be undcrseas, rocketing Into apace, gymkhana of Junior Ksaex Troop committee ps composed of four William Smith, and Mary Zukow- travelling over the Arctic and been courteous, cheerful, studloua tively to David Edward Ufyl Mt| b. Traveling between realistic, however, the person who skl. 1! of Cavalry, held Saturday at and conaidiirato ot others and hnvc and Busanne Furnest Ullrich. •rwade to participate in in- teenage program directors and gets a summons for speeding, say studying the weather. Any boy oi- Watchuiig Stablea In honor of Col, nine Y-Teen representatives from For having completed the college girl who belongs to tho children's been a help to both teacher and Idsmse Call Trenner was tha NaygNjand activities, and c. 38 mph, wants to know why the preparatory course, diplomas will Francis E. Fellows, U. S. Army, claasmatct." senior gold letter girl. The key* 'own organized and YWCAs in New Jersey, New York CArs that are traveling 30 mph are department »nd who has completed Cadet Second Lieut.
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