After reading the Just don't super special media guy, check out the regular one ... bother see page 4 THE CALIFORNIA TECH P ASADENA CALIFORNIA FRIDAY M ARCH 1998 RAINED? WE ARE. THIS ISSUE 100% CONTENT FREE Adam Villani: Media Guy: Armegeddon, Part /I With the Oscars comin g up on Monday, th e question is not whether the Acadcmy failed to nominate it. You can safely put your money on L.A . Titanic will dominate th e compet iti on, but by how mu ch it will dominate COl/fidel/tial, but of the nominees I would cheer for Th e Sweet Hereafter the competition. Looking at the nominations individually, Ithink Titanic and DOlil/ie Brasco. has a decent shot to win in each of it s 14 nominated categories except Cillematography- The sheer beauty of Martin Scorsesc's marv elous Besi AClress (Kale Winslet). Even if lhere's a huge backlash agai nslthis Kill/dun may beat out Titan ic here. Conn oisseurs shou ld check out gOO-pound gorill a of a movie, It 's still got Ed iti ng. Art Direction , Origi­ Maborosi for a movie expressed al most solely through its cinematogra­ nal Dramatic Score, Costum e, Original Song, and Sound pretty much phy_ wrapped up and in the bag. While I think the 14 nominations represen ted Ediling- Titanic wins, and is the best nominated. Erro l Morris' docu­ the peak of its popu larity, I think we shou ld expect to see repre se ntatives mentary Fast, Cheap. and Oul of COlllroi and Peter Greenaway's spec­ of this very popular and technicai ly outstandi ng film take th e podium tacu lar Th e Pillow Book were the true masterpieces of editing this year. about J 0 limes the evenin g of the 23rd. Origillal Musical or Comedy Score- I} rcally don 't kn ow; I've only seen two of lhese film s. Forced to guess, I'd say Hans Zimmer wins for As Allalysis by Calegory Good As It GelS. I think they mi ssed an opportunity to honor Waiting For Best Picture-l don 't thi nk it 's likely, but I think lhere's a di stinct possi­ Guffman here. bility lhal underdog favorite Good Will HUll/illg will pullihe upset of the Original Dramatic Score- Philip Glass' music for Kundwl is his best year and win the top honor of the year. Academy voters love se ntimen tal since Koyaanisqatsi and eas il y the bc st of the year, but don't expect him favo rites, and some may feel th at Titanic's box-office success is to beat Titanic. rewa rd enough. Hunting is my favorit e of the nominated film s, but on an Origillal Song- Always the worst category, and as such we'll have Celine open ballot I'd cast my vote for Lost Highway. Dion belting out this year's winner "My Hearl Will Go On," from (of Best Director-Jim Cameron is more secure here than his film is for course) Titanic. I thought the songs in Wag the Dog were bitingly funny. Picture. Gus Van Sant's direct ion of Good Will Hu nting didn 't really stand Art Direction-Ju st look al the sizc of the damn boal. I thought the de­ out, and a win by crit ical favorite Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidelllial) would signs for Gattaca were more stylish and those for Alien Resurrection and! be trul y unexpected. Without question, my favorite nominee here is Atom Th e Fifth Elemellt more effective. Egoyan for The Sweet He reafter, but my open vo te would go to the in­ Costumes-I can see why the Academy will go for lhe opulence of Ti· comparable David Lynch for Lost Highway. tallic, bUI I think Boogie .Nights really outdid itself usi ng costumes to BestActress- By all ri ghts, lhis should belong 10 Helena Bonham Carler create atmosphere. for The Willgs of the Dove butlthink Ihis' ll go to Helen Hunl by a nose Makeu~ l'd guess Men in Black wins, th ough I haven't seen it ; what's over Judi Dench. As Good As It Gets and its director James Brooks are so hard about maki ng all those Ooating bloated bodies in Titallic? Alien popular, Hunt's perfonnance is charismatic and we ll- felt , and she's the Resurrection, Th e Fifth Element, and Spawn excelled here, although Spawn onl y Ameri ca n nomi nated in the category. In my world. four-year:olO was absolute crap. Vi ctoire Thivi sol from POl/ette tics Bonh am Carter and Virginie Le.doyen SOlln d- Th e Fifth Element and Contact were quite good in thi s regard, from Lajille selile (A Sillgle Gi rl). but I certainly won't protest when Titanic wins this one. Best Actor-Thi s one's a tough call. Peter Fonda' s the comeback kid Sound Eff ects Editing- See above. t .,p ... here and Jack Ni cholson has a 101 of friends, but I would PUI my money Vis ual Effects- For all ihe hype, the success of the effects in Titanic was on Robert Duvall forsinglehandedly carrying The Apostle. I liked Matt more a case of gett ing their money's worth on the screen rather than much Damon, the unnom,inated AI Pac ino in Donnie Brasco,and the very originality, and The Lost Worlds effects were obvious, recycled, and corn y unnominated Nicholas Hope Jof the hard-to-slOmach Australian satire (How many times would lhey use that phony-Iookin' T·Rex head? And Bad Boy Bubby. why weren'l any San Diego landmarks deslroyed?) Titanic s nol a bad Besl Supporting Actor- Burt Reyn olds has won every award under the choice, bUI [lhink I' d ralher see Starship Troopers lake home the stalu­ sun for his Boogie Nights perfonnance, but I can't really see what was so elle, and I wish Th e Fifth Element had been nominated here. special there. [ might place my money on a longshol chance of Robin Foreign lAnguage Film, Documentary Short, A 1Iimated Short, Live Williams wi nni ng hi s fi rst Oscar here, though I wouldn 't be at all sur­ Action Short, Documelltary Featllre- Who knows? prised to see Reynolds take it. Personally, J Ihought Roberl Forster found precisely the right groove for his charactcr in the otherwi se tcdious Ja ckie Browil. IN THIS ISSUE Best Supportillg Actress- Thi s award could really go 10 any of the nomi­ nees, but I sure hope th ey don't give it to Gloria Stuart for Titanic. Sig­ nificantly, the old-tim er's sentimentality vote isn't as strong as it once T HE U SUAL THIS W EEK'S was. I guess Kim Basinger may get th e award to repre sen t the great en­ STUFF F EATURES semble cast of L.A. Confidential but the great Juliann e Moore's chances aren' t too bad for Boogie Nights. My perso nal choice, Christina Ricci, was a victi m of6'he Ice Storm 's nominatio n blank-out. M in ts .......................................•.. 8 Term in Review................ ....... 3 Best Origillal.s'Ereellplay- While il may be somelhing of a Holl ywood· DILBERTt ............. _.. ...................6 Tech Minules. •...•.......••.. •••....... 2 slyle ego piece, I think I'll agree with the Academy when they hand Ihis The Outside World ................... 3 More Media Guy. ......•............. ..4 one to Matt Damon and Ben Afneck for Good Will Hull/illg. Bes/Adapted Screellplay-Iflhere werc any juslice in Holl ywood, James Schamus' adaptation of The lee Storm would win hand s down hcre-but March 20, 1998 MINUTES The California Tec-h treat as she will be out east nances are quickly glossed Bookworm on disk. We tum our looking for a job and other over, as the Editors realize backs, and suddenly she was less savory diversions. that we need cash. Dona­ gone. tions will be solicited. He Devi - The CLUE wi ll be reads the Dilbert and grape­ Myfanwy jogs back in to see out early next term. The li­ vines out. what's going on. She talks of lnutes braries will be open until lnutes "random whacko psychotic re­ 04:00 during finals. Stu­ Roadkill walks in . The front ligious spazzy hairsprayftooth_ M ARCH II , 1998 M ARCH 19, 1998 dents working late will need page has unanimous ap­ paste" whi le we all discuss long to have their ID with them. proval. Begins writing a comer hair. Also, ASCIT Excomm will Present (atsome point): BoD, Present (at some point):The of sorts. be meeting too late for us to have Tom Elling Jaideep - The IHC will be se­ Editors minus Terry, Myfanwy a minute. lecting a Secretary and defining Callahan,Daisy James, Wren Katy steals minute power from Meeting called to order at 22:39. the athletic manager this week. M<L!!tgomery, Rob Saliba, Liz Shannon. Vanessa phones, we have te Verschell, Mie Westcoat, Yin paste ads. Suck. General Business Rob - Is looking at ASCIT's tax Yuen Pornos stops in. Drops a few New Office - Tom Mannion of­ status. In order 'to file as SOl C, photos and leaves. '-. Christoph trots in looking fOI fered to give ASCIT the Inter­ ASCIT cannot advocate any Present (via the phone): Terry's business managers so he can gel national Student Affairs Office form of legislative change. He Mom, The Printer, Vanessa Roadkill and Shay discuss more money. He also has 1 when they move out.
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