建筑环境标识专业服务商 Built Environment Signage Professional Service Provider 2 关于我们 ABOUT US 上海朗博王标识有限公司创建于1998年,是一家集设 Established in 1998,Shanghai NUMBERONE Signs Co., Ltd is a well known large enterprises, manufacturing base is in Song- 计、制作为一 体 的大 型 知 名标 识 企 业,总部位于上 海 松 江 工 jiang industry zone of Shanghai, workshop with good environ- 业园区,占地20000多平方米,十多年来我们始终致力于导 ment for working covering an area of 20,000 square meter . we have been strongly committed to designing and produc- 向标识、公共建筑标识及连锁店招牌的设计与制作,培养出 ing public buildings and chain stores signage system with 一流的人才服务团队。我们拥有世界先进的数控加工设备, the highest level of quality for decades, In order to maintain a professional and competitive edge we also have cultivated 为您提供从理念构思、标识设计到生产制作、项目安装及售 high-quality Service Teams. Our company have international 后维修整套服务,产品在国内占有可观的市场份额,并远销 advanced CNC production equipment and with the indus- try-leading production and processing technology, we offer 至全球许多国家。 you savvy ideas and advices,signage design to processing, 高品质的原材料,专业的技术团队,先进的生产设备,严 installation and provision of after-sales maintenance services, our signage system products hold a large market share in 格的ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系,是我们对产品品质 China and are available in many countries. 及售后服务的有力保障。朗博王具有一支高效创新的研发团 队,在按客户要求设计加工方面积累了丰富的经验,面向全 High-quality raw material, professional technical team, ad- 球供应各类定制产品。我们作为中国最早从事标识行业的领 vanced manufacturing equipment and strict ISO 9001:2000 international quality management system shield our product 先企业,朗博王始终致力于绿色环保事业,我们不断研发和 quality and after-sale service. With an effective and innovative 推广节能环保材料在标识行业的运用,在项目管理方面也有 R&D team, Numberone has accumulated rich experience in designing and processing products according to clients’ 相当丰富的经验,成功完成了许多国内外重大标志性项目, requirement and providing a variety of tailor-made products 在与世界500强连锁企业跨区域制作安装服务方面也赢得客 worldwide. As China’s earliest and leading enterprise in logo industry, Numberone dedicates itself to green environmental 户一致好评,我们坚持以诚信第一、效率第一、创新第一的 protection. We push forward R&D and promotion of ener- 经营理念,一心一意把朗博王打造成为世界一流的标识企 gy-saving and environmental protection materials to Signage industry, accumulate experience in project management, and 业。 successfully finish key flagship projects at both home and abroad. We won unanimous praises from our clients when we manufacture and install products across regions with Fortune 500 chain enterprises. Guided by the management philosophy of credibility, efficiency and innovation, we are trying to build Numberone as a world-leading logo enterprise with all heart and soul. 1 朗博王公司行业资质 NUMBERONE industry qualifications 上海朗博王标识有限公司是国际标识协会ISA成员单位、上海标识协会理事,2010年 通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证,合同信用等级被评定为AAA级,并获得【公共信 息图形标志设计制作标准化评价证书】等相关资质。 Shanghai NUMBERONE Signs Co., Ltd is the membership of ISA and Shanghai Signage Association. In 2010, We have had the Certificate of ISO9001 Quality System Approval. Certificate of contract credit rating is AAA, We also obtained qualification of the Public Information Graphical Symbols Standardization. 02 我们的设备 工 欲 善 其 事 ,必 先 利 其 器 高标准制作车间,占地面积20000平方米 5000平方米美工组装车间 3000平方米金属结构车间 2000平方米办公大楼 500平方米室内产品展示厅 200平方米标准烤漆房 4米数控剪板、折弯金属加工设备 4米数控万能水刀切割 大功率激光、机械雕刻机、数十台各类先进的焊接设备 全 自 动 亚 克 力 吸 塑 机 、丝 印 设 备 INSTRUMENTS Sharpen tools make wonderful work 20000 m² High standard production Processing workshop 5000 m² Art designing assembly workshop 3000 m² metal constructions Workshop 2000 m² office building 500 m² exhibition hall 200 m² Paint-baking chamber 4-Meter-Long CNC shearing and bending metal processing equipment 4-Meter-Long CNC multi-function water jet cutting machines Laser cutting machine, engraving machine, dozens of advanced welding equipment and other hi-tech tools Full-automatic Plastic Vacuum-Thermoform Machine, Silk-screen printing machine 03 我们的团队 OUR TEAM 我们致力于为企业和品牌提供 国际化、标准化、专业化的标识制作服务。 we are committed to provide internationalization, standardization, specialization Indoor and outdoor oriented identification system design and production services. 经验丰富、创意独特、团队协作、大胆追求、独具魅力。 我们的团队近年来为众多国内外知名品牌提供专业的标识创意设计和制作服务。以标识制作为主 导,形象整合为目的,从方案策划到工艺执行真正实现一体化,追求卓越、展示个性、创造完美,引领 标识产业走向更光辉的明天。 为了实现这些,我们始终保持着充沛的创造力,我们对每一个客户的制作方案都会全身心的投入,使 每一件作品的品质都能得到客户与市场的认可和满意,为客户创造出更多的价值和更完美的效果。 Our “Support System”has the goal of satisfaction beyond comparison, its services are intended to help our customers by making the selling of architectural signage easy, dependable and cost effective, these service offerings easily guide our customers from the initial contact, through quoting, designing, technical drawings, fabricating and manufacturing, to shipping, so that your project arrives correctly and when you need it. With combined experience of over 10 years, our sales staff is well versed in today’s sign requirement and applications, and can provide you with a detailed printed quotation on your sign project; please call, email or fax your project require- ments to any sales person for a prompt response. Technical Drawings We provide computer-generated technical drawings for quotes or projects free of charge! Sim- ply ask your salesperson and drawing will be provided as quickly as our quote service. Design Services With the aid of our technical staff, we can help you to design your sign or complete signage pro- ject using or combining our architectural signage systems and components. Our goal is to be your trusted sign manufacturer and to ensure that you will receive unequalled customer service. we look forward to continuing to earn your business. 我们的服务没有地区限 制 High Quality Service Has No Boundary 华东地区 上海市松江工业区洞业路398号 华北地区 中国北京市宣武区白纸坊西街10号 华南地区 朗博王全国服务热线 广州市黄埔大道311号羊城创意园2-17栋 NUMBERONE National Service Hotline: 西南地区 成都龙泉国家经济技术开发区北京路899号 400-888-1180 04 优质的服务源于优秀的团队 We are excellent team players serving Valued clients 05 近几年的业绩 Achievement In Recent Years 国际加工 挪威FIX 轨道交通 澳洲电信 上海虹桥交通枢纽 迪拜地铁 上海火车站交通枢纽 德国巴斯夫化工 宁德火车站 福州火车站 3 International Processing 莆田火车站 Norway FIX 1泉州火车站 Telstra 厦门西站 Dubai Metro 上海地铁 BASF Rail Transit Shanghai Hongqiao Transportation Hub Shanghai Railway Station Transportation Hub Ningde Railway Station Fuzhou Railway Station Putian Railway Station Quanzhou Railway Station Xiamen West Railway Station Shanghai Metro 公共导视 上海世博会 上海市公安局 苏州工业园区 东海大桥引航标识 无锡经济开发区 2 天津空港 Public Oriented Identification System Shanghai Expo Shanghai Public Security Bureau Suzhou Industrial Park Donghai Bridge Pilotage Signage Wuxi Economic Development Zone Tianjin Airport Economic Zone 06 星级酒店 希尔顿酒店 铂尔曼酒店 文华酒店 嘉华酒店 奥克伍德酒店 5 圣莎大酒店 Star-Hotel Hilton Hotel Pullman Hotel Mandarin Oriental Hotel Regal Palace Hotel Oakwood Hotel Sunshine Hotel 商业连锁 万达广场(截止2013年底全国15座万 达 广 场 ,柯 桥 、天 津 、芜 湖 、银 川 、合 肥、蚌埠、绵阳、徐州、长春、潍坊、宁 德、太仓、北京等) 沃尔玛(截止2013年底华东地区12家) 6 万千百货(截止2013年底全国21家) 中国工商银行(上 海 地 区) 上海美罗城 中国大唐集团 建筑地产 长风景畔广场 上海环球金融中心 苏州环球188大厦 Commercial Chain Signage 太平金融大厦 Wanda Plaza (Keqiao, Tianjin, Wuhu, 新鸿基地产/中环广场 Yinchuan, Hefei, Bengbu, Mianyang, Xuzhou, Changchun, Weifang, Ningde, 广州珠江城 Taicang, Beijing ect, Total 15 by the end 4 中国财富广场/中建大厦 of 2013) 南方国际 Wal-Mart (12-store Wal-Mart in the East of China by the end of 2013 ) Landmarks/Skyscrapers Van’s Dept Store (21 chain-store by the Shanghai World Financial Center end of 2013) Suzhou Global 188 ICBC (Shanghai) Taiping Finance Tower Shanghai Metro City SHKP/Central Plaza China Datang Corporation Guangzhou Pearl River City Parkside Plaza China Fortune Plaza/CSCEC Tower Southern International Plaza 07 经典案例 CLASSIC CASEs 上海虹桥交通枢纽 Shanghai Hongqiao Transport Hub 客户概况 2006年07月,上海申虹投资发展有限公司正式成立,该公司全面负责虹 桥综合交通枢纽(除机场内部)的开发建设,虹桥机场内部规划与实施 由机场集团负责,虹桥综合交通枢纽建设按照“今年年底主体工程全面 开工,2009年底工程竣工,2010年世博会前投入使用”的工程建设总目 标,合理组织工程实施,虹桥综合交通枢纽将建成高速铁路、城际和城 市轨道交通、公共汽车、出租车及航空港紧密衔接的国际一流的现代化 大型综合交通枢纽。 Customer Profile Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is one of the four major railway stations in Shanghai, China, the others being Shanghai Railway Station, Shanghai South Railway Station, and Shanghai West Railway Station. With a total area of 1.3 million square meters, it is the largest railway station in Asia. Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, located in Minhang District of Shanghai, is a major part of the Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub (“the Hongqiao hub”). The station achieves a zero-distance transfer with the Terminal 2 of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, as well as Line 2 and Line 10 of Shanghai Metro. 项目概况 项目名称:上海虹桥火车站导向标识 项目时间:2010年06月至2010年07月 项目范围:出发层静态标识导向 项目规模:90万平方米 Project Profile Project Name: Shanghai Hongqiao station oriented identification system Project Duration: June to July of 2010 Project Scope::Departure floor signage Project Scale::900,000 square meters 08 CLASSIC CASEs经典案例 客户概况 上海世博会 中国2010年上海世界博览会(Expo 2010),是第41届世界 Shanghai Expo 博览会。于2010年05月01日至10月31日在中国上海举行。 此次世博会也是由中国举办的首届世界博览会。上海世博 会以“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life)为 主题,总投资达450亿人民币,创造了世界博览会史上最 大规模记录,同时超越7000万的参观人数也创下了历届 世博之最。 Customer Profile 2010 Shanghai world Expo ( The 41st World Expo), From 1th May 2010 to 31th October, held in Shanghai, China. Shanghai World Expo “Better City, Better Life” as its theme, with a total investment of 45 billion Yuan, has created the largest recorded in the history of World Expo. It had the largest number of countries participating and was the most expensive Expo in the history of the world’s fairs. The Shanghai World Expo was also the largest World’s Fair site ever at 5.28 square km. By the end of the expo, over 73 million people had visited–a record attendance–and 246 countries and international organizations had participated. On 16 October 2010, the expo set a single-day record of over 1.03 million visitors. 项目概况 项 目 名 称 :上 海 世 博 会 招 牌 项目时间:2007年04月至2010年03月 项目范围:倒计时牌、宣传招牌
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