GEOLOGY AND I\1IN"ERAL RESOURCES OF ARIZONA Arizona Bureau of Mines* . Bulletin 180 (Part I) 1969 (reprinted 1989 and 1991) *currently the Arizona Geological Survey MINERAL AND WATER RESOURCES OF ARIZONA PART I GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES PREPARED BY THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND THE ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES FOREWORD Bulletin 180, published in 1969, has been out-of-print for Special Paper 5 Geologic Diversity of Arizona and Its Margins; some time and we have been distributing photocopies of it upon Excursions to Choice Areas (1987). request. Although much has been learned since 1969 about the Map 15-2 Geothermal Resources of Arizona (1982). geology and resources of Arizona, we have no plans to update Map 18 Metallic Mineral Districts of Arizona (1983; Bulletin 180. Because we often get requests for the type of included in Bulletin 194. but also available information in Bulletin 180. we have decided to reprint Part I. separately). Geology and Mineral Resources. without modification. Map 19 Map of Outcrops of Laramide (Cretaceous­ Parts II and III. Water Resources and Water Resource De­ Tertiary) Rocks in Arizona and Adjacent velopment, respectively, will not be reprinted. Those needing Regions (1984; includes explanatory pamphlet). infor,mation on these subjects may contact the Arizona Depart­ Map 20 Map of Mid-Tertiary Volcanic. Plutonic. and ment of Water Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey. Water Sedimentary Rock Outcrops in Arizona (1986). Resources Division. Map 21 Map of Post-15-m.y. Volcanic Outcrops in Several statewide studies on geology and mineral resources Arizona (1985). have been published by the Arizona Geological Survey since Map 22 Map of Late Pliocene-Quaternary (Post-4-m.y.) 1969. The major ones are listed below. Publication dates are Faults, Folds, and Volcanic Outcrops in Ari­ included in parentheses. zona (1986). Map 24 Map of K-Ar and Ar-Ar Age Determinations Bulletin 182 Coal, Oil, Natural Gas. Helium, and Uranium in Arizona (1986; included in Bulletin 197. but in Arizona (1970). also available separately). Bulletin 194 Metallic Mineral Districts and Production in Map 25 Map of Fission-Track, Rb-Sr, and U-Pb Age Arizona (1983). Determinations in Arizona (1986; included in Bulletin 196 Mine Index for Metallic Mineral Districts of Bulletin 197, but also available separately). Arizona (1985). Map 26 Geologic Map of Arizona (1988). Bulletin 197 Compilation of Radiometric Age Determina­ tions in Arizona (1986). Many detailed reports and maps of specific areas are also Circular 21 The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian (Carbon­ available for examination or purchase. A complete list of publi­ iferous) Systems in the United States: Arizona cations and open-file reports may be obtained from the Arizona (1981). Geological Survey. Circular 23 Geothermal Resources in Arizona: A Bibliog­ raphy (1982). Larry D. Fellows Special Paper 4 Proceedings of the 21st Forum on the Geology Director and State Geologist of Industrial Minerals (1987). Arizona Geological Survey January 1989 3 4 CONTENTS Page Mineral fuels and associated resources-Continued Pal't Preface _ 17 Crude oil in Arizona _ 72 I>ineh-bi-Keyal1 field ~ .l. _ 72 Geology and· mineral resources ~ _ East Boundary Blitte field _ 21 Unnamed field _ 75 The mineral industry of Arizona .----..:------------------------ 21 75 Introduction _ ~ 21 I>ry Mesa field _ 75 Aboriginal period _ 21 Unnamed field _ 76 Spanish conquistador period _ 22 Walker Creek field _ .76 American prospector period _ 23 Unnamed field ~ ~ _; .: • _ 76 Modern-day mining period _ 24 lleserves and resources ~ .~ 77 Selected refercnces - -- --- __ 33 Selected references - -~ -_ 77 Geology and topography _ Natural gas --_ Introduction _ 35 Introduction _ 77 Topography _ 35 History :. __ 77 35 78 Stratigraphy _ Production .: ~~ _ 37 78 Precambrian rocks _ 38 Natural gas in Arizona '.:I ~ :.. • _ 79 Paleozoic rocks _ BitaPeak·field ~:.. 39 79 Mesozoic rocks _ I>ineh-bi-Keyah field _ Cenozoic rocks _ 42 80 43 East Boundary Butte fieldu .: _ 80 Intrusive igneous rocks _ 44 Toh-Atin field .!. ' _ 80 Older Precambrian intrusives _ 44 Twin Falls Creek field ~ _ 80 Y ~un~er Preca.mJ;>rian ?iabase _ 45 Unnamed field__. ~ .. 81 TrIasSic-JurassIc mtruslves _ 45 Reserves and potential resources of crude oil and natural gas_ 81 Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary intrusives _ 45 Selected references '_ 83 Mid-Tertiary intrusives _ 45 Other associated gases ~ _ 83 Structural evolution _ 45 Carbon dioxide ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 86 Older Precambrian _ ~ .l. _ 47 Helium .. 86 Younger Precambrian _ Introduction_.. ~ _ Paleozoic _ 47 86 47 History_.; __ :._ ~ __ :. ~ ~ ~ -" 87 Triassic, Jurassic, and Early Cretaceous _ 49 Production .l. '. _ 87 Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary _ 49 Occurrences in Arizona . .:. __ 87 Middle Tertiary to Holocene _ 50 Pinta I>ome field :.. _ 88 Economic geology _ Navajo Springs field '- ..:_.:. _ 51 Unnamed field _ 89 Topographic and geologic mapping _ 52 89 Geophysical and geochemicalstudies _ Potential resources :.. _ Selected references _ 55 Hydrogensulfide _ 89 57 Nitrogen _ 90 Mineral fuels and associated resources _ 59 90 Coal _ Selected references .: _ Introduetion _ 59 91 59 Metallic mineral resources .l. - - -- 93 Black Mesa field _ Antimony and other minor metals ..: .:. _ Stratigraphy _ 59 93 59 Introduction ';" • .:. __ - -- - -- 93 Coal depC?sits-; : . -- -- ---- 62 94 PrevIous InvestlgatiOns _ 62 ~s~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==Bismuth _ 96 Areas of coal occurrence _ 62 97 Quality of coal _ Cadmium .. _ 64 Selenium .:. _ 98 Pinedale field _ 64 99 I>eer Creek field _ 65 Tellurium - -- 100 Gallup-Zuni field _ 66 Selected references ------ --- 101 Southwestern Colorado field _ Beryllium ------- - - -- 66 Introduction _ 102 Kaiparowits field _ 67 102 Coal in rocks of Paleozoio age _ 67 Pegmatite deposits - - - _- _ 109 Production of coaL _ 67 Vein deposits - -- 110 Coalresources _ Tactite deposits - -_ - __ --- Conclusions _ 67 Outlook _ 111 68 112 Selected references _ 68 Selected references - -- 112 Chromium ~ _ Crude oiL _ 113 Introduction _ 70 Introduction _ History _ 70 113 Arizona occurrence_. .:. _ 113 Production _ 70 Selected references - -_ 71 113 b 6 Metalllc minerai resources-Continued Pall MetalllcManganesemineral resoufCes--Contlnued _ Pa.. Cobalt and nickeL ----- ------------------- 114 211 Fteview ofindustry _ 211 Properties and use ----- ------------------ 114 Types of manganese deposits ,_ Source of supply -_ --------------- --------- -- 114 213 Arizona manganese _ 215 Arizona occurrences --- ---------- ------ ---- 115 Syngenetic deposits • _ CopperSelected references --------------------- 117 220 117 OutlookEpigenetio deposits _ 223 Introduction _ 117 225 History _ 118 Selected references _ 225 Early prospecting ------ ---------- ---- --- 118 ~ercury-----------------------------------------------Introduotion _ 226 Late 19th century ----------- ---- ----- --- 119 Arizona mercury _ 226 Early 20th century ----------------------- 125 228 World War 1 - ------------- --- ---- 127 Selected referenoes -- _ 230 Post-World War 1 -_-_ -- __ --------- --- -- ·129 Molybdenum and rhenium .. _ 230 Depression and World War II _ 130 Iteviewofindustry------------------------------------ 230 Korean War to the present _ Molybdenum in Arizona _ Production _ 132 Ftesources _ 232 137 233 Disseminated (porphyry copper) deposits _ Selected references _ 139 Niobium and tantalum _ 237 General features ------ __ ---------- ----- 139 238 Character of ore bodies .. _ Introduction _ Alteration _ 140 Occurrence and use _ 238 144 Arizona occurrences _ 240 Replacement deposits in limestone _ 145 Outlook _ 241 Copper Queen mine deposits _ 146 241 Christmas mine deposits _ Selected referenoes • __ • ' _ Veins _ 146 'Platinum-group metals _ 241 147 Introductlon ------- _ 243 Breccia pipes -- ----------- 149 243 Massive sulfide deposits - ----- -------- 150 .Reported occurrenoes and outlook ,_ 243 Disseminated deposits in sandstone _ 151 Selected references ~ _ 244 Reserves and potential resources _ 152 Rare earths and thorium • _ 245 Selected references - _- - ------ 153 Introduction ,_-" ' ~ _ 245 Gold --- Occurrence and use ~ _ 156 245 Properties, use, and market conditions _ 156 Arizona occurrences • • _ 247 Production and history ---------- 158 Outlook .. .:.~·-;.i-------- 250 Types of deposits - --- 161 . Selected references ~ ., ._:" _.,r _ 251 Sllver ~ __ "-------- _ Gold-quartz veins -- __ --- _ 161 251 Siliceous base-metal veins _ 165 Properties, usel and market conditlons .:. __ ~~ .. _ 251 Base-metal sulfide replacement deposits -_ 165 Production ana history • _ 253 Disseminated copper deposits _ Types. ?f deposi~ , ,.------. _ 166 Siliceous vems _ 255 Placer deposits - __ --- 166 266 Summary and conclusions__' -- __ - __ --- 167 Base-metal sulfide deposits . 267 Selected references -- --- Disseminated copper deposits :.. ', Iron --- 167 267 S~mmary,and conclusious .: _ Introduction _ 168 268 168 Tln. Selected referenoes --- -..: ---------- --:----- --~r-----~--_ 268 Iron resources of Arizona _ 170 270 Bedded deposits _ Introduction .:. .:. ~ _ 170 270 Alluvial deposits --__ Arizona occurrences ~ _ 177 Outlook _ 270 Massive deposits --- ---- 178 271 Sponge iron -. _ references~ 180 Selected .:. _ 271 Summary of iron resources and outlook _ Selected references --- 181 ~taniurnIntroductlon.--~--------~_-----,.---------,------------- ___ 271 Lead andzinc _ 181 271 Introduction _ 182 Arizona titanium resources ' .- _ 272 182 . Selected references ~~ ,_ 275 Properties,
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