Ontario History, 1913-1992 Subject IndeJt: Robertso~ J.R.: 64. Rykert, Charles: 1. Robertso~ Margaret Murray: 5. Rykman, Samuel: 98. Robertso~ Thomas J.: 582. Robinso~ John Beverley, Sir: 2, 80, 62, 98, 227, 808, 389, 447, 627, 683. S Robinso~ Peter: 80. Robinso~ Thomas: 72. Sainte·Marie among the Hurons: 198, Robinso~ William B.: 574, 671. 655. Roblin. David: 76. Sandwich, Essex County: 270. Rodgers' Rangers: 826. Sandwich Mineral Springs: 270. Rogers, Robert, Mfg.: 18. Sanitation: 42, 65, 158, 298, 294. Rolph, George: 62, 660. Sarma, Lambton County: SO. Rolph, John: 62, 158, 308. Sault Star: 477. Rolph, Thomas, Dr: 26. Sault Ste Marie, Algoma District: 232, Rorke, Richard: 584. 422,477, 602. Rosamond, Bennett: 281. Sauteur Tribe: 57. Rosamond, James: 281. Schanck, John, Lt: 122. Rosamond Woolen Co., Almonte: 281. Schizophrenia: 748. Ross, George W.: 64, 785. Schneider, Aili Gronlund: 471. Ross Power Act: 785. School boards: 169, 417. Rowley, H.J.: 449. Schoolcurricuhc 10,41,65,169,344,406, Roy, Louis: 101. 421,458, 586. Roy, Thomas: 810. School inspectors: 41, 419, 740. Royal Botanical Gardens: 761. School textbooks: 169. Royal Commission on Canals: 86. Schools: 15, 54, 100, 111, 189, 201, 316, Royal Commission on Penitentiaries, 406, 417, 448, 546. 1849: 89. Schools, Grammar: 41, 654. Royal Lyceum Theatre, Toronto: 216, 320. Schools, Industrial: Ill, 406. Royal Templars of Temperance: 750. Schools, Public: 169, 227, 419, 477, 524, Rubenstein, Louis: 657. 532, 548, 555, 740. Rumpel, George: 279. Schools, Rural: 169, 424. Rupert's Land: 71. Schools, Secondary: 654. Russell County: 156. Schools, Separate: 17, 88, 88, 227, 870, Russell, Elizabeth: 626. 477, 504. Russell, John, Lord: 28. Schroder, Johan: 632. Russell, Mark: 887. Scientists: 562, 756. Russell Motor Company: 748. Scotland Grammar School, Brant County: Russell, Peter: 319, 628. 41. Rye, Maria: 74, 256. Scott, Mary Ann Heron (Mrs Richard): Ryerso~ Egerton: 41, 169, 227, 348, 359, 216. 418, 532, 552, 602, 654. Scott, Richard W.: 124. Ryerso~ George: 552. Scott, Thomas: 124. Ryerso~ John: 552. Scott, W.H.: 764. 186 Ontario HisImy, 1973-1992 Subject Index Seafarers'International Union: 484, 485. Short Hills, Niagara Region: 69. Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, Earl of: 176. Shorter, Edward: 284. Sellar, Robert: 5. Shortt, Elizabeth Smith: 218, 368. Sentinel and Orange and Protestant Shrine of the Sorrowful Mother, St Advocate: 88. Agatha: 61. Separate schools. See: Schools, Separate Sibbald Family: 24. Seton, Ernest Thompson: 373. Sibbald, Susan Mein (Mrs William): 24. Settlement, Directed: 312, 361. The Silent Enemy: 140. Settlement, Prehistoric: 150, 172, 200, Simcoe County: 584. 251, 273, 274, 340, 516, 628. Simcoe, Elizabeth Gwillim (Mrs John G.): Settlement process: 7, 12, 18, 24, 28, 29, 83, 84, 626, 638. 30, 31, 43, 50, 85, 168, 176, 193, 201, Simcoe Family: 83, 84, 638. 202, 219, 228, 319, 339, 354, 362, 397, Simcoe, John Graves: 83, 84, 101, 588. 434, 463, 545, 548, 584, 585, 588, 589, Simcoe, Haldimand-Norfolk Region: 142. 604, 611, 629, 646, 647, 706, 725. Simons, Titus: 62, 101. Settlers, English: 18, 545. Simpson, Frances (Mrs George): 212. Settlers, French: 12, 84, 88, 219. Simpson, George, Gov.: 97, 212, 349, 603. Settlers, German: 61, 162. Simpson, James: 112. Settlers, Irish: 28, 36, 202, 220, 245, 264, Simpson, William: 279. 370, 423, 464, 550, 551, 584, 647, 701. Sinclair, William: 97, 603. Settlers, Pennsylvania: 79, 149. Six Nations Indians: 576, 628. Settlers, Pioneer: 5, 6, 49, 168, 223, 434, Skull Mound, Essex County: 340. 487. Slater, James D.: 310. Settlers, Russian: 720. Slavery: 26, 227, 311, 362, 492, 633, 649. Settlers, Scottish: 5, 6, 159, 176, 201, 304. Sleeman, George: 737. Severn River: 133. Sloot, Michael: 98. Seward, W.H.: 22. Small, Elizabeth Goldsmith (Mrs John): Sewerage: 315. 626. Sexuality: 59, 66, 139,214, 522, 523, 667, Smallpox. See: Diseases, Smallpox 748, 760. Smith, Albert J.: 8. Shadd, Mary Ann: 116,227. Smith, Goldwin: 27, 736. Shantz, Jacob Y.: 279. Smith, Henry, Sir: 33, 139. Sharon, York Region: 488. Smith, Larratt William Violett: 241. Shelburne, Lord: 618. Smith, Mary Talbot (Mrs Henry): 33. Sherwood, Henry: 36, 515. Smith, Mervyn: 162. Sherwood Kress Inn, Preston: 270. Smith, Samuel: 98. Sherwood, Sarah: 355. Smith, William: 30. Shibley, Kate: 4. Snider Commission: 735. Shibley, Schuyler: 4. Snider, E.W.B.: 735. Shields, Thomas Todhunter, Rev.: 113. Ships and shipping: 13,42,51,56, 72, 86, 133, 163, 202, 254, 302, 369, 387, 613, 643. 187 Ontario History, 1973-1992 Subject lTU:le% Social class: 3, 5, 10, 18, 21, 24, 36, 38, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 39, 42, 62, 63, 64, 65, 72, 74, 76, 78, in Foreign Parts: 10. 81, 83, 92, 93, 171, 181, 191, 202, 207, Society of Friends: 488. 221,226,227,242,260,264,311,339, Sock.ett, Thomas: 18. 349,367,405,420,447,499,536,537, Sons of Temperance: 750. 544,546,625,629,635,659,695,699, Southam, William: 78. 703, 709, 761, 764, 767. Southampton, Bruce County: 433. Social conditions: 3, 15, 18, 21, 24, 28, 54, Spadina Avenue, Toronto: 442. 64, 65, 71, 74, 80, 89, 111, 201, 202, Spadina Roundhouse, Toronto: 324. 210,214,233,242,268,364,375,376, Spas: 270. 406, 499, 510, 518, 543, 544, 585, 626, Spectator, Hamilton: 78. 636, 703, 725, 730. Speeches: 487. Social Gospel Movement: 762. Speed River: 149. Social history: 3, 30, 42, 65, 68, 97, 115, Speedsville Mill: 149. 127, 130, 196, 202, 214, 216, 221, 239, Speedsville, Waterloo Region: 149. 242,245,289,296,392,442,471,518, Spencer, William M.: 460. 541, 544, 555, 587, 592, 629, 639, 730, Spiritualists: 68. 736, 737. Sports: 39, 657. Social institutions: 3, 15, 55, 65, 74, 76, Sports, Baseball: 657, 737. 89, 111, 169, 201, 214, 242, 544, 558, Sports, Canoeing: 458. 639, 699, 736, 737. Sports, Football: 657. Social life and customs: 5, 24, 59, 65, 68, Sports, Hockey: 657. 83, 84,93,97, 136, 140, 150,202,206, Sports, Lacrosse: 657. 241, 249, 251, 270, 374, 392, 510, 516, Sports, Rowing: 39. 518, 521, 522, 525, 542, 543, 544, 545, Spragge, William: 85. 568, 573, 583, 585, 691, 737, 745. Spring Creek, Waterloo Region: 149. Social policy: 3, 18, 21, 28, 36, 44, 55, 64, Springbank, St Catherines: 270. 65, 74, 89, 111, 169, 171, 214, 311, Spry, Graham: 534. 405, 408, 544, 617, 764, 767. SS Algoma: 302. Social services: 18, 28, 64, 65, 74, 111, SS Brittanica: 51. 171, 191,214,242,289,544, 560,617, SS Caroline: 643. 726, 738. SS Frontenac: 56. Social structure: 3, 5, 6, 21, 36, 39, 42, SS Great Britain: 56. 54, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 72, 74, 83, 13~ SS Magnet: 369. 171, 181, 199, 202, 241, 247,259,260, SS Manitoba: 302. 294,303,311,339, 345, 349,356,367, St Agatha Roman Catholic Cemetery: 61. 374, 376, 392, 401, 407, 419, 420, 432, St Agatha, Waterloo Region: 61. 445, 44~ 44~ 499,537, 543, 544, 54~ St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 548, 575, 576, 587, 604, 626, 636, 695, Toronto: 136, 670. 737, 738, 739. St Catharines, Niagara Region: 270. Social surveys: 131, 301. St Clements Roman Catholic Church: 61. Socialism: 123, 716, 720. St Clements, Waterloo Region: 61. Societe historique du Novel-Ontario: 91. St John the Evangelist, Stamford: 105. 188 Ontario History. 197:J..1992 Subject Index St Lawrence River: 86. Sutherland, James, Capt.: 369. St Lawrence Valley: 106, 219. Swanston, John: 603. St Michael's Hospital, Toronto: 3. Sweeney Family: 202. St Thomas, Elgin County: 244. Sweeney, Peter: 202. St.a8rds, Jacob: 30. Swimming and Mineral Bath House, Standard Oil Company: 460. Preston: 270. Stanley, Lord: 55. Sydenham, Lord: 23, 26. Stanton, Robert: 53. Sydenham Street Methodist Church, Staples theory: 114, 302, 539, 557, 605, Kingston: 461. 688, 765. Statistics: 66, 92, 306, 315, 335, 765. Stevens, Sinclair: 497. T Stewart, John, Dr: 305. Stewart, T.J.: 78. T. Eaton Company, Toronto: 258. Stores and shopping centres: 258, 413, Tache, Etienne P.: 38. 645. Talbot, Thomas, Col.: 181, 303. Storm, William G.: 670. Tariffs: 281, 468, 765. Stormont County: 618. Tarragon Theatre, Toronto: 698. Stowe, Emily Howard, Dr: 368, 678. Tax exemptions: 279. Stowe-Gullen, Augusta, Dr: 368. Taxation: 169, 318, 672. Strachan, John, Rev.: 10,54,98,107,627. Teacher training: 169, 421, 532, 749. Stratford, Perth County: 154, 430, 494, Teachers: 15, 41, 47, 155, 218, 243, 248, 581, 656. 419,421,443,531,532,555,582,586, Stratford Shakespearean Festival: 430, 648, 710, 749. 494,581. Teachers' associations: 532. Street Family: 11. Technology: 16, 37, 56, 96, 101, 163, 182, Street, Timothy: 98. 186, 255, 260, 263, 280, 281, 282, 290, Street, William Warren: 11. 324,369,416,446,449,452, 460,467, Streets: 222, 442. 483, 489, 500, 516, 517, 520, 541, 562, Student Christian Movement: 755. 563, 593, 613, 619, 656, 664, 675, 722, Suburbs: 318, 742. 728, 734, 735. Sudbury, Sudbury District: 91, 255, 604, Tecumseh: 462. 605. Telegraph: 16, 63, 489. Sufrin, Eileen Tallman: 258. Telephone systems: 489. Sullivan, Norman C.: 274. Temagami Forest Reserve: 614. Sullivan, Pat: 485. Temiskaming: 569. Sulpicians: 12. Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Sunday schools: 15, 54, 750. Railway: 294. Sunday School Union Society of Canada: Temiskaming Mine Managers' Association: 54. 294. Supple, John: 397. Temperance movement: 21, 64, 78, 750. Supreme Court of Canada: 426, 764. Temple, Bill: 716. Surveys. See: Land surveys Textiles: 281. 189 Subjed lnil&r: Thames River: 385. Toronto Bureau of Municipal Research: Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto: 698. 92. Theatre Royal, Toronto: 320. Toronto Children's Aid Society: 406, 617. Theatres: 216, 320, 411, 430, 494, 581, Toronto City Council: 92, 318. 640, 641, 666, 677, 698.
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