I Oh for a book and a shady nook, 4 Either indoor or out; 5 With the green leaves whispering overhead 6 Or the street cries all about 7 For a jolly good book whereon to look 10 Local banks will h~~ ~ ~?.~~~~Iy o~ se ~o~ ;eh~~~~~e~ ha ~o V\\lC a \~ Cll,.. '- \ (....,net .. odl g~id a~'S'' \~ '-~"' ank;;~n~greed that ~(\ omers bought... the meta1they "U ,~\' -"'d urge... them to be extremely 6~ _ careful. ~ \ . ..ore than Perk10s said, "I would adv1se people . not to put more money 1010 11 than they 0 . vanks ind1cated today can afford to lose." He pred1cted gold tl ~ I '' deal 10 the metal. would be just a top1c of conversahon at •.• ouy / ~ sa1d 11 could be and most citizens who. purch. as"<< it order• -~es would just buy a small qua nitty so they Att Co . of could say they owned gold Paro 5 • Perkins further pred1cted that after bank , •he f1rst six months the pnce and develop p-. ~<l on gold would stabilize "Of course po:.., G • "e warning people that lhi1 amounts 10 a safe dep..- 0~ •;ve," Allen noted "I Perkins cont10ued, "We"'· (:/ aet stuck ." to order gold through another tar~;~ . · ~tuct~~ce bank, but we have no plans to broker 11 Prl·ah ourselves... Ot.o Response at the People's Depos1l reqUtreto. lJ. Bank and Trust Co was similar with metal In aa.... Joe Allen, executive vice pres,ident, because of the natUI~ . 11. ind1cat10g customers could go through h1gh poss1b1hty of fraud 10 •· s l the bank 10 ordenng " If I had a Allen concluded, "I really ha•~ customer that wanted gold 1 would go to it <putting gold on the market l. We hb~ a c1ty bank," he expla10ed . "But as 1 11 under control for so long 11 feels like • understand 11 there are only two firms we're giving someth10g away." I better to m e than gold. 11 The Regional Champions Despite two heart-breaking regular season losses, the 'Hounds hustled through what was supposed to be a rebuilding year and went all the way to the State semi -finals. 1 his super effort has to be attributed to a combination of factors: a talented and never-say-die team, a seasoned coaching staff including Paris football alumni, and an enthusiastic school and community. The tear consist of: 1st row. C . Wess, P. Parker, C . Coons , H . Coburn, L. Martin, T. Bolton, A. Watson, D. Parker, S. heler, B. Spencer , E. Johnson . 2nd row , mgr. J. Coburn, M . Woods, R. Smith, K. Duvall, G. Coons, P. Floyd , M. Withro\,, B. Watson, J . Johnson, T. Creasey, K. Stiles, mgr . R. Wasson, asst . coach R. Russell. 3rd row: asst. coach C . Trumbo , W. Wilder, M. Kendall, G. Rice , K. Lewis, J . Duvall, 1. Withrow, E. Young, J. Murray, W. McKinney, C . Mitchell, M. Cubine, asst. coach J . Shipp . 4th row: asst. coach B. }..1cConnell, asst. coach T. Blunk, asst. coach F. Rose . B. Bussell, L. Duffy , R. Hudnall , R. Smith, }..1 . White, W. Parker, R. Crumbie, J . Mann, T . Parsons, R. }..1artin, Head Coach H. Goins. 1974 Var ity Record Head Coach Homer Goins , Ralph Russell, Terry Blunk, Bill T . McConnell, Fred Rose , Jim Shipp, and Clarence Trumbo. 12 Pride of '75 Seniors- -left to right: Carl Williams, Ricky Hudnall, Richard Crumbie. Mike Kendall, Jerry Mann, Terry Par­ sons, Larry Clay, Raymond Smith, Bill Bussell, Robert Martin. The regional champs of 1974 at PHS were headed by ten seniors who provided the leadership and guidance required of a championship team. Also required was the 1100/o play dis­ played by the all-staters. 13 Highlights of the Gridiron Football at Paris! It's a boost for the school. It creates that tingling, exciting impatience for a Friday night and its activities. The band is playing our kind of music, the crowd is roaring, and the game becomes more urgent than any matter at that moment. The upper, left hand cor­ ner picture shows an adversary com­ pletely snowed under by four or more Greyhounds. That's enthusiasm-­ that's fo otball at Paris. Pride and Pleasures 15 17 Robert Dean Allen Each man has it in him to make a change. Nancy Jo Aldridge William R. Argo A cheery "Hello" to all you meet The sunshine brings a great deal of joy. makes life more enjoyable. Victoria Green Berry Gary L. Arnold The friends of my friends are my Security is earned through experience. friends. Donna Marie Baker Every artist writes his own autobio­ graphy. 18 Richard Thomas Boardman I am the captain of my soul. Melody Rose Black William Burton Bussell True worth is in being. Some injuries are difficult to under­ stand, but are God's will for develop­ mi ng a better person. Larry Paul Clay Virginia Louise Cook Friendship only takes an outstretched For a breath of ecstacy, give all you hand. have been or could be. Jeffrey Clay Clough We make a ladder of our vices, if we trample those same vices underfoot. Paul Norton Craycraft Jr. 0 world. I cannot hold thee close enough. Trina Ann Coons Richard Lee Crumbie Jr. Happiness is contagious! I feel we have respect for one another. Jeffrey Crutcher Ricky Dale Culton Premeditation is the surest enemy I Let me live by the side of the road and know. be a friend to man. Joe Davis Culbertson A wise man knows everything! 20 David Vincent Downey We never know how tall we are till we are called to rise. Barbara Lynn Davis Robert Reese Downing The world stands out on either side, Come when you're looked for, or come no wider than the heart is wide. without warning. Anna B. Duffy Melody Ann Dufresne May a beautiful world revolve around all. You must strive to reach your goal. Leslie Duffy Growing up places a great deal of re ­ sponsi bili ty on one's shoulders. 21 Deborah Lynn Farris The quality of mercy is not strained. Cheryl Marie Dunn Laura Louise Fields Each of us was made by God and some Hear the other side of the story, there of us grew tall. rna y be another right answer. Toni Gaines Connie Sue Frederick To have joy one must share it, happi- Happiness shows in my life. ness was born a twin. Patricia Jean Fryman It's no matter what you do, if your heart be only true. 22 Fred Willis Hadley Life isn't so hard that victory cannot overcome difficulties. Irvin Douglas Gilkerson, Jr. Teresa Kay Herrington It is good to be honest and true. A true friend, always there to lend a helping hand. Mona Doreen Humphrey Bobbie King Hudnall A person full of fun and spirit will al­ The more we love, the better we are. ways enjoy life. Richard Lee Hudnall We are what we are and all that is, is us. 23 Bobbi Yvonne Johnson A wise man learns from his mistakes. Rodney C. Jackson Edmund Johnson, III Seck to improve yourself each day. Jolly be he who is never offended. Kay Myers Jones Kathy Lynn Johnson Think of the importance of friendship Take the gentle path. in the education of men. No ah Johnson Let me grow to my fullest, preserving to the last all good in mankind. 24 Michael R. Kendall I know not whether our names will be immortal, I am sure our friendship will. Crystal Kemper Ruth Anne Krekel Everybody has the answers or they'll Strive to be thyself. make them up for you. Eric Preston Lotz Leslie Todd Lester There is nothing to fear about tomor­ I am what I am. row except the coming of another day. Rita Gaye Linville Love renders a happy heart. 25 Jerry Allen Mann Like all else, practice develops skill. Billy Joe Lucas Stanley Marcum Take life day to day, try to under­ Choose a path in life that you are hap­ stand not only your fellow man, but py with. yourself as well. Regina Gail Marks Kevin Joe Marshall A smile of happiness brings joy to the The rights of men are not gained in a world. single day. Carmen Marshall I am the master of my fate . 26 Laura McMahan The language offriendship is not words, but meaning. Robert Lee Martin Destry Allen Moore Teach me half the gladness the brain We never know the true value of friends . must know. Eleanor Elizabeth Moore Patti Ann Myers Always look at the brighter side of life and your personality will be the same. A lovely smile is like a revelation. Dana Marie Murray Silence is a conversation of thought. 27 Charisse Suzanne Nutter Laughter is the key to happiness! Shirrell Bruce Mynear Donna Jean Oli. ver Small thoughts widen and stretch out Friendships multiply joys, and divide in my head. griefs. Mary Jean Patton Dale Rene Parker Know where you're going before you Dreams can be illusions in the mind. begin. Terry Lee Parsons Apply yourself and you will accomplish a great deal. 28 Rebecca Ann Proffitt A friend! y smile will chase your wor­ ries away. Holly Joyce Pelfrey Richard Ray Purcell If we should wait, we would learn noth­ Happiness can be as abundant as the ing . grains of salt if your life is worth­ while. Katherine Allen Rankin John Andre Rhyans The sunny side of man, is what makes him worth seeking. I am what I am, a single man. Kendall Ray Rhodus Make the most of your life while you can still enjoy yourself. 29 Phyllis Marie Rice What's the use of worrying? James C.
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