Challenges for the European Union: Identity, Values, and Dialogue / EU-Id Izzivi Evrope in Evropske unije: Identiteta, vrednote in dialog Projekt je financiran s strani Evropske komisije (program Erasmus+). 1 Avtorji: Bojan Žalec, Vojko Strahovnik Uredila: Bojan Žalec, Vojko Strahovnik Fotografije in slike: Pixabay, avtorji. Zahvala Radi bi se zahvalili vsem študentkam in študentom ter raziskovalcem in raziskovalkam, ki so sodelovali v projektu in so s svojimi idejami, povratnimi informacijami in razpravo prispevali k razvoju tega zbornika. Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani Zanjo: prof. dr. Robert Petkovšek, dekan Ljubljana, 2020 Avtorske pravice Gradivo se lahko uporablja v skladu z licenco Creative Commons; vrsta licence Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji. Omejitev odgovornosti Izvedba tega projekta je financirana s strani Evropske komisije, program Erasmus+ Vsebina publikacije je izključno odgovornost avtorja in v nobenem primeru ne predstavlja stališč Evropske komisije. Štev. projekta: 586843-EPP-1-2017-1-SI-EPPJMO-MODULE 2 Kazalo UVODNIK/INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 4 BOJAN ŽALEC .................................................................................................................................... 6 EVROPSKO DRŽAVLJANSTVO IN VRLINE.................................................................................................. 6 BOJAN ŽALEC .................................................................................................................................. 15 SOLIDARNI PERSONALIZEM IN RELIGIJA KOT DEJAVNIK SOŽITJA IN ČLOVEČNOSTI .......................... 15 JERNEJ LETNAR ČERNIČ .................................................................................................................. 31 URESNIČEVANJE LISTINE EVROPSKE UNIJE O TEMELJNIH PRAVICAH V DOMAČIH IN EVROPSKIH PRAVNIH REDIH ...................................................................................................................................... 31 VOJKO STRAHOVNIK ....................................................................................................................... 44 RELIGIJA, JAVNI PROSTOR IN ZAVZETOST V DIALOGU .......................................................................... 44 ROBERT PETKOVŠEK ....................................................................................................................... 50 KULTURNE, TEOLOŠKE IN FILOZOFSKE KORENINE SODOBNE IDEJE DIALOGA; KAJ POMENI “BITI DOBER EVROPEJEC” (NIETZSCHE) ......................................................................................................... 50 ANNEX: VENICE DECLARATION: MANIFESTO FOR EUROPE .................................................................. 84 STANKO GERJOLJ ............................................................................................................................ 95 ZA VZGOJO BREZ SOVRAŽNIKOV ............................................................................................................ 95 POMEN VREDNOT, VZGOJE IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA V EU .......................................................................... 101 MATEJ AVBELJ ............................................................................................................................... 112 WHAT FUTURE FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION? ...................................................................................... 112 RAFAŁ SMOCZYŃSKI ...................................................................................................................... 140 RETHINKING THE ROLE OF THE INTELLIGENTSIA HABITUS IN THE CASE OF POLISH WORKERS IN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND ............................................................................................................................ 140 DRAGICA VUJADINOVIĆ ................................................................................................................ 151 THE NEED FOR REFLECTION ON EUROPE: A SOCIAL, GREEN, SOLIDARITY AND MORE INCLUSIVE . 151 ANNEX: PHOTOS FROM THE MODULE ............................................................................................ 166 3 Uvodnik/Introduction The implemented project in the form of a Jean Monnet study module was centrally and primarily relevant for the specific JM Action objective of fostering the introduction of a European Union angle into mainly non-EU related studies. The primary student target group were students of humanities (particularly theology, philosophy, history, etc. and multidisciplinary students), who did not directly come into contact with EU relates studies, but play an important role the society of tomorrow as possible future leaders, policy-makers, active civil society members and have similar roles. Particularly students of theology are of special importance here since religion and religious dimensions are inherently related to several challenges of the EU (identity, resilience, dialogue between cultures, overcoming violence, exclusion and fundamentalism, etc.) and could also provide many solutions for them or at least substantially contribute to such solutions. Within the module we addressed the following challenges: identity and values of EU; overcoming fundamentalism and violence; institutional challenges of EU; internal “borders” and fragmentation of EU, including “Brexit”; cohesion of EU; challenges of increasing pluralism, spiritual and identity uprootedness and emptiness of individuals; the new renaissances of EU end Europe for an inclusive and peaceful future, (legal) authority and plurality; membership, citizenship and rights; challenges of immigration; the role and impact of EU in the global perspective; EU values in education; etc. All this is a promising potential also for the planned additional activities of public debate forums and presentation involving decisionand policy makers at local, regional and national level as well as civil society. The aim was to enhance knowledge in EU integration studies between students of humanities and their reflection and will thus enhance knowledge and awareness of key issues and aspects related to EU. In addition to the mandatory introductory themes on EU as the basis of the module the aim was also to particularly highlight the fact that integration processes are not merely a complicated long-term political process, but also a complex ideological, cultural, national, religious and social process. The future of EU vitally depends on its ability to present European identity as a growing political and public space based on rich intercultural, ethical-political and social issues. The project was based on the idea of an interdisciplinary and integrative dialogue among several disciplines as a mutually illuminating and potentially corrective interaction. The key aspect was the aspect of democracy. First, we outlined different origins and foundation of different forms of democracy in different European countries. Then we dealt with several challenges for European integration regarding the creation and preservation of liberal democracy in EU. These challenges are numerous. We have started with dangers for political moderation and pluralism understood as a competition between different values and institutional solutions. We dealt with the following questions: how can the process of European integration avoid the weakening of democratic political cultures in the countries where such cultures already exist? How to provide the sufficient democratic legitimacy of the administration of EU in the process of its strengthening, deepening and enlargement? For democracy in EU a shaping of adequate European identity is needed. We dealt with the problems of its formation. Another challenge is creating of culture of consensus in EU. The key terms or questions of our debate included pluralism, centralism and federalism in EU. We dealt also with the challenges for democracy in EU connected with multiculturalism, new nationalistic and extreme movements and policies, and migrations. These aspects were complemented with investigation of the origin, importance and scope of EU values, also in relation to human right protection system and form the point of view of education systems. A special emphasis was devoted to search for solutions to identified challenges, in particular to the necessity of rethinking Europe towards a more social, green, solidary and more inclusive EU. The 4 question of migrations and related attitudes was also of central concern. All these topics were tackled on the basis of previous research by an interdisciplinary team of eight scholars, who are top ranked in their field and exhibit academic excellence from 3 countries, including one partner country (Serbia). We have thus also indirectly foster and create interest in the EU and constitutes the basis for future poles of European knowledge in Partner Countries. The proposed project thus developed and implemented a comprehensive introductory and multidisciplinary study module on the topics of EU, its institutions, its role in the global world and its main challenges, all this backed up with research and academic collaboration activities. This stimulated and fostered international cooperation and provided a platform for a wide visibility and impact. The study module followed a multidisciplinary approach covering especially social, cultural, humanistic, legal and political aspects of EU from the perspective of its identity, values and dialogue(s)
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