RI Rare Plants 2016 Simple List

RI Rare Plants 2016 Simple List

PREPARED BY Rhode Island Rare Plants 2016 1 of 8 RI NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY From R.W. Enser 2007 and Taxonomy follows FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY RI Wildlife Action Plan 2015, Appendix 1d gobotany.newenglandwild.org 2016 2007 RI 2016 RI Seeking line # Species # Group Family Genus-species Epithet Status Status More Info 1 PTERIDOPHYTES 2 Aspleniaceae (Spleenwort Family) 3 2016-1 Asplenium montanum Mountain Spleenwort SE SE 4 2016-2 Asplenium rhizophyllum Walking Spleenwort SE SE 5 2016-3 Asplenium trichomanes Delicate Maidenhair Spleenwort C C 6 Equisetaceae (Horsetail Family) 7 2016-4 Equisetum fluviatile River Horsetail C C 8 2016-5 Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine Rough Horsetail C C 9 2016-6 Equisetum variegatum Variegated Scouring Rush SE SE 10 2016-7 Equisetum sylvaticum Wood Horsetail C C 11 Isoetaceae (Quillwort Family) 12 2016-8 Isoetes echinospora ssp. muricata Spiny-spored Quillwort C C 13 2016-9 Isoetes engelmannii Engelmann's Quillwort C C 14 2016-10 Isoetes riparia var. canadensis Canadian Shore Quillwort C C 15 2016-11 Isoetes x eatonii Eaton’s Quillwort SH SH 16 Lycopodiaceae (Clubmoss Family) 17 2016-12 Lycopodiella alopecuroides Foxtail Bog-clubmoss SE SE 18 2016-13 Lycopodium lagopus One-cone Clubmoss SE 19 2016-14 Spinulum annotinum Common Interrupted Clubmoss SE SE 20 Lygodiaceae (Climbing Fern Family) 21 2016-15 Lygodium palmatum American Climbing Fern C C 22 Onocleaceae (Sensitive Fern Family) 23 2016-16 Matteuccia struthiopteris ssp. pensylvanica Fiddlehead Fern C C 24 Ophioglossaceae (Adder's-tongue Family) 25 2016-17 Botrychium angustisegmentum Narrow Triangle Moonwort C C 26 2016-18 Botrychium matricariifolium Daisy-leaved Moonwort C C 27 2016-19 Botrychium oneidense Blunt-lobed Grape-fern SH SE 28 2016-20 Botrychium tenebrosum Swamp Moonwort C * 29 2016-21 Botrychium virginianum Rattlesnake Fern C 30 2016-22 Ophioglossum pusillum Northern Adder's-tongue Fern SE SE 31 Pteridaceae (Maidenhair Fern Family) 32 2016-23 Pellaea atropurpurea Purple Cliff-brake SE SE 33 Selaginllaceae (Spikemoss Family) 34 2016-24 Selaginella rupestris Ledge Spikemoss C * 35 Thelypteridaceae (Marsh Fern Family) 36 2016-25 Phegopteris connectilis Long Beech Fern ST C 37 Woodsiaceae (Wood-fern Family) 38 2016-26 Athyrium asplenioides Southern Lady Fern C * 39 2016-27 Gymnocarpium dryopteris Northern Oak Fern ST ST 40 2016-28 Woodsia ilvensis Rusty Cliff Fern SH SH 41 GYMNOSPERMS 42 Pinaceae (Pine Family) 43 2016-29 Larix laricina American Larch ST ST 44 2016-30 Picea mariana Black Spruce C C 45 Taxaceae (Yew Family) 46 2016-31 Taxus canadensis American Yew C C 47 ANGIOSPERMS 48 Adoxaceae (Elderberry Family) 49 2016-32 Sambucus racemosa Red Elderberry SH SH 50 2016-33 Viburnum lantanoides Hobblebush C C 51 2016-34 Viburnum nudum var. nudum Withe-rod SH SH 52 Aizoaceae (Iceplant Family) 53 2016-35 Sesuvium maritimum Annual Sea-purslane C * 54 Alismataceae (Water-Plantain Family) 55 2016-36 Helanthium tenellum Dwarf Burhead SH 56 2016-37 Sagittaria graminea var. graminea Grass-leaved Arrowhead C C 57 2016-38 Sagittaria subulata Awl-leaved Arrowhead SH SH 58 2016-39 Sagittaria teres Quill-leaved Arrowhead SE SE 59 Alliaceae (Onion Family) 60 2016-40 Allium tricoccum var. tricoccum Wild Leek C C 61 Amaranthaceae (Amaranth Family) 62 2016-41 Amaranthus pumilus Seabeach Amaranth FT/SH FT/SH 63 2016-42 Atriplex glabriuscula Bracted Orache C C 64 2016-43 Atriplex subspicata Saline Orache C * Send comments, suggestions, and corrections to: [email protected], re:rare plant list correct: 1/24/2017 DWG PREPARED BY Rhode Island Rare Plants 2016 2 of 8 RI NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY From R.W. Enser 2007 and Taxonomy follows FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY RI Wildlife Action Plan 2015, Appendix 1d gobotany.newenglandwild.org 2016 2007 RI 2016 RI Seeking line # Species # Group Family Genus-species Epithet Status Status More Info 65 2016-44 Chenopodium berlandieri var. bushianum Pit-seeded Goosefoot C * 66 2016-45 Chenopodium leptophyllum Narrow-leaved Goosefoot C C 67 2016-46 Suaeda calceoliformis American Sea-blite C * 68 2016-47 Suaeda maritima ssp. richii Herbaceous Sea-blite C * 69 Apiaceae (Parsley Family) 70 2016-48 Angelica atropurpurea Purple-stemmed Angelica SE SE 71 2016-49 Angelica lucida Seaside Angelica ST ST 72 2016-50 Aralia racemosa American Spikenard C C 73 2016-51 Cryptotaenia canadensis Canada Honewort C C 74 2016-52 Hydrocotyle verticillata Whorled Marsh-pennywort SH SH 75 2016-53 Ligusticum scothicum Scotch Wild Lovage C C 76 2016-54 Lilaeopsis chinensis Eastern Grasswort SE SE 77 2016-55 Osmorhiza longistylis Long-styled Sweet-cicely ST ST 78 2016-56 Panax quinquefolius American Ginseng SE SE 79 2016-57 Ptilimnium capillaceum Atlantic Mock Bishop's-weed C C 80 2016-58 Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis Canada Sanicle C * 81 2016-59 Taenidia integerrima Yellow Pimpernel SH SH 82 2016-60 Zizia aptera Heart-leaved Golden Alexanders SH SH 83 Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) 84 2016-61 Asclepias amplexicaulis Clasping Milkweed C C 85 2016-62 Asclepias exaltata Poke Milkweed C C 86 2016-63 Asclepias purpurascens Purple Milkweed SH SE 87 2016-64 Asclepias quadrifolia Four-leaved Milkweed ST ST 88 2016-65 Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Milkweed C C 89 2016-66 Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed C C 90 Araceae (Arum Family) 91 2016-67 Calla palustris Wild Calla C 92 2016-68 Lemna perpusilla Minute Duckweed C * 93 2016-69 Lemna turionifera Turion Duckweed C * 94 2016-70 Lemna valdiviana Pale Duckweed C * 95 2016-71 Orontium aquaticum Golden Club SE SE 96 Aristoloceaceae (Birthwort Family) 97 2016-72 Asarum canadense Canada Wild Ginger C * 98 Asteraceae (Aster Family) 99 2016-73 Ageratina aromatica Lesser Snakeroot SH SH 100 2016-74 Artemisia campestris ssp. caudata Field Wormwood C C 101 2016-75 Bidens connata Purple-stemmed Beggarticks C C 102 2016-76 Bidens tricosperma Crowned Beggar-ticks C C 103 2016-77 Chrysopsis mariana Maryland Golden-aster ST SE 104 2016-78 Cirsium horridulum var. horridulum Yellow Thistle ST ST 105 2016-79 Coreopsis rosea Pink Tickseed C C 106 2016-80 Doellingeria infirma Appalachian White-aster SH SH 107 2016-81 Eupatorium novae-angliae New England Thoroughwort SE SE 108 2016-82 Eurybia macrophylla Large-leaved Wood-aster C C 109 2016-83 Gamochaeta purpurea Purple Cudweed SH SH 110 2016-84 Helianthus divaricatus Woodland Sunflower C C 111 2016-85 Helianthus strumosus Pale-leaved Sunflower C * 112 2016-86 Liatris novae-angliae var. novae-angliae Northern Blazing Star SE SE 113 2016-87 Nabulus serpentarius Lion's-foot Rattlesnakeroot C C 114 2016-88 Oligoneuron rigidum var. rigidum Stiff Flat-topped-goldenrod SH SH 115 2016-89 Packera obovata Running Groundsel C * 116 2016-90 Petasites frigidus var. palmatus Northern Sweet-coltsfoot SE SE 117 2016-91 Pityopsis falcata Sickle-leaved Silk-grass C C 118 2016-92 Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata Green-headed Coneflower ST ST 119 2016-93 Sclerolepis uniflora Sclerolepis SE SE 120 2016-94 Senecio suaveolens False Indian-plantain SH SH 121 2016-95 Solidago flexicaulis Zig-zag Goldenrod ST ST 122 2016-96 Solidago latissimifolia Elliott's Goldenrod C ST 123 2016-97 Symphyotrichum concolor ssp. concolor Eastern Silver American-aster SH SH 124 2016-98 Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth American-aster C C 125 Berberidaceae (Barberry Family) 126 2016-99 Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue Cohosh ST ST 127 Boraginaceae (Borage Family) 128 2016-100 Hackelia virginiana Virginia Stickseed C * Send comments, suggestions, and corrections to: [email protected], re:rare plant list correct: 1/24/2017 DWG PREPARED BY Rhode Island Rare Plants 2016 3 of 8 RI NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY From R.W. Enser 2007 and Taxonomy follows FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY RI Wildlife Action Plan 2015, Appendix 1d gobotany.newenglandwild.org 2016 2007 RI 2016 RI Seeking line # Species # Group Family Genus-species Epithet Status Status More Info 129 2016-101 Onosmodium virginianum Eastern False Gromwell SH SH 130 Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) 131 2016-102 Boechera canadensis Sticklepod Rockcress C * 132 2016-103 Boechera laevigata Smooth Rockcress C * 133 2016-104 Boechera missouriensis Green Rockcress C C * 134 2016-105 Boechera stricta Canada Rockcress C C * 135 2016-106 Draba reptans Carolina Whitlow-mustard SH SH 136 Cactaceae (Cactus Family) 137 2016-107 Opuntia humifusa Eastern Prickly-pear SE SE 138 Campanulaceae (Bluebell Family) 139 2016-108 Lobelia dortmanna Water Lobelia C C 140 Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) 141 2016-109 Linnaea borealis ssp. americana American Twinflower SH SH 142 2016-110 Lonicera dioica Wild Honeysuckle C C 143 2016-111 Lonicera sempervirens var. sempervirens Trumpet Honeysuckle C * 144 2016-112 Lonicera villosa Mountain Honeysuckle C C 145 2016-113 Triosteum aurantiacum var. aurantiacum Orange-fruited Horsegentian C C 146 2016-114 Triosteum perfoliatum Perfoliate-leaved Horsegentian C C 147 Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family) 148 2016-115 Honckenya peploides ssp. robusta Sea-side Sandwort C C 149 2016-116 Minuartia caroliniana Pine Barren Sandplant SH SH 150 2016-117 Minuartia glabra Appalachian Sandplant ST ST 151 2016-118 Minuartia michauxii var. michauxii Michaux’s Sandplant SE SE 152 2016-119 Paronychia canadensis Smooth Forked Whitlowwort C * 153 2016-120 Silene stellata Starry Campion SH SH 154 2016-121 Spergularia canadensis Canada Sand-spurry C C * 155 Celastraceae (Staff-tree Family) 156 2016-122 Celastrus scandens American Bittersweet SE 157 Cistaceae (Rock-rose Family) 158 2016-123 Crocanthemum dumosum Bushy Frostweed SE SE 159 2016-124 Crocanthemum propinquum Low Frostweed C C 160 2016-125 Hudsonia ericoides Pine-barren False Heather C ST 161 2016-126 Lechea minor Thyme-leaved Pinweed C C * 162 Convolvulaceae (Bindweed Family) 163 2016-127 Calystegia silvatica ssp. fraterniflora Short-stalked False Bindweed C * 164 2016-128 Cuscuta coryli Hazel Dodder SH SH 165 2016-129 Cuscuta gronovii var.

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