April 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2157 many of their family members work in Record votes on postponed questions Grammy Awards, including the best their campaigns and are reimbursed will be taken later today. R&B recording three consecutive years and on their campaign payroll, but f from 1961 through 1963: ‘‘Hit the Road there is a list. Jack,’’ ‘‘I Can’t Stop Loving You,’’ and RAY CHARLES POST OFFICE ‘‘Busted.’’ He was unquestionably one b 1030 BUILDING of the world’s most successful musi- Is this what the Democrats really Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I cians of the 20th century. want? I think that the Democrats move to suspend the rules and pass the Mr. Speaker, it is important for all of would be serving this House well if bill (H.R. 504) to designate the facility us to understand how groundbreaking they would say to their ethics com- of the United States Postal Service lo- his music fusion of gospel, blues, pop, mittee members, we want you to meet. cated at 4960 West Washington Boule- country, and jazz really was. We want due process for TOM DELAY or vard in Los Angeles, California, as the His ingenuity paved the way for any other Member who may have a ‘‘Ray Charles Post Office Building’’. other giants in music history, includ- question about things. The Clerk read as follows: ing Aretha Franklin and Elvis Presley. Right now we cannot address that be- H.R. 504 Ray Charles passed away in Beverly cause they will not come to the meet- Hills, California, on June 10, 2004. This ings. I ask my Democrat colleagues to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in post office will serve as an important do the right thing, let us move on with Congress assembled, memorial to Ray Charles’s legacy and the ethics process and take the politics SECTION 1. RAY CHARLES POST OFFICE BUILD- influence on American popular music. out of this, because there are a lot of ING. I want to thank the distinguished questions on both sides of the aisle (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the gentlewoman from California (Ms. right now, and the House is being un- United States Postal Service located at 4960 WATSON), my colleague on the com- derserved by this committee. West Washington Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, shall be known and designated as mittee, for her work on H.R. 504. f the ‘‘Ray Charles Post Office Building’’. Mr. Speaker. I reserve the balance of WEAKENED ETHICS RULES (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, my time. (Mr. TIERNEY asked and was given map, regulation, document, paper, or other Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, permission to address the House for 1 record of the United States to the facility re- it is my pleasure to yield such time as ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to minute and to revise and extend his re- she might consume to the gentle- be a reference to the ‘‘Ray Charles Post Of- woman from California, (Ms. WATSON) marks.) fice Building’’. Mr. TIERNEY. Mr. Speaker, in par- who is the author of this legislation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tial response to my colleague’s last Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 504, ant to the rule, the gentleman from statements, it is The Wall Street Jour- a bill to rename a post office located in Texas (Mr. MARCHANT) and the gen- nal that says, it is the odor. It is the Los Angeles, California, the Ray tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each Rocky Mountain News that says it is Charles Post Office, is a small act to will control 20 minutes. hypocrisy. The Christian Science Mon- commemorate one of the true giants of The Chair recognizes the gentleman itor calls it hubris, and the New York the 20th century in popular music. from Texas (Mr. MARCHANT). Times says it is autocratic behavior, Ray Charles is both a national treas- and the San Diego Union Tribune sim- GENERAL LEAVE ure and a international phenomenon. ply calls it disgraceful. Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I ask He was also a long-time resident of Los It turns out that there are a lot of unanimous consent that all Members Angeles and the 33rd Congressional different ways to describe the House may have 5 legislative days within District, living right around the corner Republicans’ ethical challenges. When which to revise and extend their re- from me. the Republicans took over Congress in marks and include extraneous material The story of Ray Charles’s life is full 1994, they promised to usher in a new on the bill, H.R. 504. of paradoxes. It is about rags to riches, era of politics. For years they had tried The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the sacred and the profane, and tri- to make the case that Democrats were objection to the request of the gen- umph overcoming tragedy. It is the corrupt, and in a new Republican era tleman from Texas? material of Horatio Alger and Mark they promised to clean house and There was no objection. Twain. It is a uniquely American story; change the rules to make Congress Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I and his music, a melting pot blend of more accountable to the people that we yield myself such time as I may con- pop, country, gospel, blues and jazz, represent. sume. brilliantly reflects the rich American Well, they changed the rules. This Mr. Speaker, as a member of the cultural and musical tapestry in its year they changed the rules to prevent Committee on Government Reform, I various shades, shapes, and premoni- the ethics committee from doing its rise in support of H.R. 504. This legisla- tions. job, and they tried and tried and unfor- tion designates this post office in Los Much has been written about Ray tunately failed to change the rules of Angeles as the Ray Charles Post Office Charles’s life, and his rise from poverty their own caucus to allow indicted Building to celebrate the life of the and obscurity in St. Augustine, Flor- Members to retain their leadership of- great American entertainer. ida, to his decision to migrate to Se- fices. All 53 members of the California con- attle, a decision he made by asking a Mr. Speaker, it is time to reinstate gressional delegation have cosponsored friend to find him the farthest point the ethics rules in this House. It is this legislation to comply with the from Florida on a map of the Conti- time that Republicans join the Demo- committee policy on post office-nam- nental United States. crats in supporting the Mollohan reso- ing bills. Many of you have probably seen the lution, so that people can get a fair Mr. Speaker, Ray Charles Robinson movie ‘‘Ray,’’ and the Oscar-winning hearing, but it is done within a body was born in Albany, Georgia, in 1930. performance of Jamie Foxx. What we that is operating properly. He was raised in Florida, and com- learned from the life of Ray Charles is pletely lost his sight by age 7. Amaz- f that he constantly persevered in the ingly, he overcame his lack of sight face of adversity and often over- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and began to study piano, saxophone, whelming odds. He learned very early PRO TEMPORE and clarinet at a school for the blind that the two constants of life are The SPEAKER pro tempore(Mr. and deaf. change and adaptation. Those qualities GRAVES). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule He ultimately became a traveling are reflected in spades in his music. XX, the Chair will postpone further musician and shortened his name to He secularized gospel music, wed it proceedings today on motions to sus- Ray Charles to differentiate himself to jazz rhythms and sensibilities, and pend the rules on which a recorded vote from the famous boxer of that time, popularized, almost singlehandedly, or the yeas and nays are ordered, or on Ray Robinson. During his career that music known as rhythm and blues. which the vote is objected to under spanned more than 5 decades, Ray But the music of Ray Charles, as true clause 6 of rule XX. Charles won an outstanding 12 to his legacy, cannot be confined to one VerDate jul 14 2003 04:51 Apr 21, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20AP7.007 H20PT1 H2158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 20, 2005 genre or type of music. In 1962, Ray life, Ray Charles turned to music. est musical artists, Ray Charles. As an inter- Charles spit in the eye of conventional After playing in local clubs, Charles national icon who mastered many styles from wisdom, as well as his producers, and decided that Florida was not the place blues and jazz to rock ‘n’ roll and gospel, Ray recorded one of the great country al- for his budding music career. Charles deserves this recognition bums, ‘‘Modern Sounds in Country and So at age 17 he decided to move to Born Ray Charles Robinson in Albany, Western.’’ Billboard Magazine listed it Seattle and sing in a band playing Nat Georgia on September 23, 1930, he would as the number one-selling album for 14 King Cole-style music at area night- later shorten his name to Ray Charles to avoid weeks in a row, a feat that has not clubs. In Seattle, Ray Charles’s unpar- confusion with boxer Sugar Ray Robinson.
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