This meeting will be taped - Please turn off all electronic communication devices and place cell phones on vibrate Ogle County Board Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. Ogle County Boardroom - 3rd Floor - Courthouse AMENDED Call to Order: Roll Call: Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance: Fox Presentation – None Consent Agenda Items – by Roll Call Vote 1. Approval of March 19, 2019 Ogle County Board Meeting Minutes 2. Accept Monthly Reports – Treasurer, County Clerk & Recorder and Circuit Clerk 3. Appointments - 1. Dixon Rural Fire Protection District - Brian Mayer - R-2019-0401 2. Forreston Fire Protection District - Lee Black - R-2019-0402 3. Leaf River Fire Protection District - Dawn Plock - R-2019-0403 4. Lynn-Scott-Rock Fire Protection District - Curtis Fruit - R-2019-0404 5. Oregon Fire Protection District - Steven Carr - R-2019-0405 6. Regional Planning Commission - Wayne Reising - R-2019-0406 7. Lost Lake River Conservancy District - Jeffrey VanQuathem - R-2019-0407 4. Resignations - None 5. Vacancies - o Board of Health – 1 Vacancy o Board of Review - Republican Applicants - 2 Vacancies o Housing Authority Board - 1 Vacancy o Civic Center Authority Board - 6 Vacancies o Franklin Grove Fire Protection District -1 Vacancy o Zoning Board of Appeals - 1 Vacancy Application and Resumé deadline – Friday, May 03, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. in the County Clerk’s Office located at 105 S. 5th St – Suite 104, Oregon, IL o Byron Museum District - 1 Vacancy Application and Resumé deadline – Friday, May 31, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. in the County Clerk’s Office located at 105 S. 5th St – Suite 104, Oregon, IL 6. Ogle County Claims – o Department Claims - March 2019 - $95,091.80 o County Board Payments – $105,766.30 o County Highway Fund – $144,063.62 7. Communications - o Sales Tax for January 2019 was $38,122.42 and $64,328.26 Zoning - #1-19AM - Eller - O-2019-0401 #1-19 AMENDMENT ~ Terry Eller, 13902 Greenville Rd., Hopkinsville, KY and Kevin Eller, 107 Caroline St., Holcomb, IL for an Amendment to the Zoning District to rezone from B-1 Business District to R-2 Single-Family Residence District on property described as follows, owned by Terry Eller and being purchased by Kevin Eller: Lots 7 and 8 excepting the East 40 feet thereof in Block 2 in the Original Town of Holcomb, part of the East Half (E1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 34, T42N, R1E of the 3rd P.M., Scott Township, Ogle County IL - P.I.N.: 11-34-481-005 - Common Location: 107 Caroline St. Zoning - #3-19SU - DeVries - O-2019-0402 #3-19 SPECIAL USE ~ Shirley J. Johann Trust No. 96, Shirley J. Johann, Trustee, 7492 N. Stillman Rd., Stillman Valley, IL; and Todd M. & Mary R. DeVries, 7634 E. Wildwood Rd., Stillman Valley, IL for a Special Use in the AG-1 Agricultural District to allow a single-family dwelling on a parcel to be divided and set aside from a farm on property described as follows, owned by Shirley J. Johann Trust No. 96, and being purchased by Todd M. & Mary R. DeVries: Part of the Southwest Fractional Quarter (SW Fr. 1/4) of Section 7, Township 42 North, Range 1 East of the Third P.M., Scott Township, Ogle County, IL; and part of the Northeast Fractional Quarter (NE Fr. 1/4) of Section 36, Township 25 North, Range 11 East of the Fourth P.M., Marion Township, Ogle County, IL, 4.027 acres more or less - P.I.N.: Part of 11-07-300-001 and part of 05-36-179-001 - Common Location: 7485 N. Stillman Road Public Comment – Reports and Recommendations of Committees – Long Range Planning: o Long Range Invoices - R-2019-0408 o Judicial Annex Capital Expense Bills - R-2019-0409 o Tree Removal – Judicial Annex Project - R-2019-0410 o 6th Street Resurfacing Project - R-2019-0411 Road & Bridge: o Bluff Rd / Brush Rd Bridge Replacement Project - 07-14131-00-BR - R-2019-0412 o 2019 County Seal Coat - 19-00000-02-GM - R-2019-0413 o 2019 County Seal Coating Maintenance - 19-00000-00-GM - R-2019-0414 o Engineering Agreement for the Performance of the 2019/2020 Bridge Inspections - R-2019-0415 o Petition & Resolution for Vacation of Several Alleys in the Unincorporated Village of Lightsville in Leaf River Township - R-2019-0416 Executive o Lee-Ogle Enterprise Zone Boundary Amendment - Bonnell Industries - Lee County - O-2019- 0403 o Updated Committee Assignments - R-2019-0417 o Extension of Tower Lease - City of Oregon and County of Ogle – R-2019-0418 Unfinished and New Business: Chairman Comments: Vice-Chairman Comments: Adjournment: Motion to adjourn until Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. Agenda will be posted at the following locations on Friday after 4:00 p.m.: 105 S. 5th Street, Oregon, IL www.oglecounty.org County Facilities Committee Tentative Minutes April 9, 2019 1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Typer called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Fox, Griffin, Kenney, McLester, Reising and Sulser. Others: Sheriff Brian VanVickle, Janes, Asp, Finfrock (arrived at 1:08), Nordman (arrived at 1:11) and Nate Jones and Evan Jones with Stillman Valley Boy Scout Troop 315. 2. Approval of Minutes – March 12, 2019: Motion by Kenney to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Sulser. Motion carried. 3. Public Comment: Evan Jones approached the Committee regarding his Eagle Scout project for Weld Park. He would like to restore the bathrooms; approximate cost is $500-900 depending on the roof conditions. All monies will be raised through donations. Motion by Reising to approve the project, 2nd by Griffin. Motion carried. Reising complimented the Boy Scouts and all their work they do for Weld Park. Typer informed the Committee that the Future Business Leaders of America group from Stillman Valley High School will be doing a clean-up day at the park as well. 4. Project Status Report: VanVickle went through the projects below. Typer questioned the EOC generator; VanVickle stated it should be in place soon, they had to refabricate the exhaust. Communication Tower Extension (plan complete 6/19) Courthouse Exterior Planters & Replacement Of Red Sidewalk Inserts (started 6/2018 – to be completed 5/2019) Focus House Electrical Outside Wiring (started 6/2018 – to be completed 5/2019) Weld Park Trees (started 7/2018 – to be completed 5/2019) Move Iron Mike (started 10/2018 – to be completed 6/2019) Pine Road Annex Repair List (started 11/2018 – to be completed 1/2019) Tuck Point Repair – 3rd Floor wall (started 1/2019 – to be completed 6/2019) Judicial Center Lactation Room (start 2/2019 – to be completed 6/2019) 5. LRP/IT Update: Griffin stated the groundbreaking ceremony will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the Southeast corner; they will have a tent. They held their first on-site meeting yesterday and everything is going well. They do have an issue with Illinois EPA regarding the storm drainage. All trees have been removed and things are on track. VanVickle informed the Committee that the North parking lot has been striped and numbered; it will be Judicial Center assigned employee parking only starting on Monday. Judges and their staff will have parking assignments in the South parking lot. VanVickle asked the Board Members to be conscience of where they park when they are here for a length of time. VanVickle also stated that the cameras have been installed on the roof of Judicial Center to cover the construction site; signage and fencing will be going up in a week. Reising asked who would be policing the employee parking lots; VanVickle stated he does not intend to, County Facilities Committee April 9, 2019 1 employees will notify them if someone is parking in their designated spots. 6. Old Business – Expense Account Number & Tracking: Typer has been working with Treasurer Beck and Sheriff’s Dept. Griffin stated the Judicial Center lighting project has been delayed a month, they will start next month. 7. New Business – Weld Park Electric: Typer questioned the status of the electricity. VanVickle stated they shut off the circuit, they are not sure if they will fix it. The wire is underground and not in conduit. VanVickle will look at the need for the electricity at that shelter. Fox questioned the budget performance report; VanVickle will include it next month. VanVickle stated all his budgets are under which is typical for this time of year. VanVickle informed the Committee regarding the sinkhole issue they have in the South parking lot behind the Methodist Church; they will keep filling it in with gravel. 8. Approval of Bills Credit Card Billing: $235.89 - Motion by Kenney that the credit card billing has been reviewed, 2nd by Sulser. Motion carried. Department Billing: $57,853.38 - Motion by Griffin that the department billing has been reviewed, 2nd by Reising. Motion carried. 9. Closed Session: None 10. Adjournment: With no further business, Chairman Typer adjourned the meeting. Time: 1:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tiffany O’Brien County Facilities Committee April 9, 2019 2 County IT Committee Tentative Minutes April 9, 2019 1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairwoman Whalen called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present: Heuer, Nordman and Youman. Others: IT Manager Larry Callant and Typer. Absent: Oltmanns. 2. Approval of Minutes – March 12, 2019: Motion by Heuer to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Youman. Motion carried. 3. Approval of Bills: Motion by Nordman to approve the bills totaling $52.33, 2nd by Youman. Motion carried. 4. Public Comment: None 5.
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