SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Supporting Partner: Theme: Safeguarding Our Cultural Traditions PART I: Details of Your School 1. Name of your school: Amalina Islamic Junior High School 2. Full address: Pondok Aren Raya Street no. 8 , Pondok Aren – South Tangerang - Banten 3. Postcode: 15224 4. Country: INDONESIA 5. School’s telephone number (country code+city code+telephone number): +62-21-7303574 6. School’s fax number (country code+city code+fax number): -- 7. School’s email Address: [email protected] / [email protected] 8. Name of the Head Master/Principal/School Director: Mr. Fendra Kusnuryadi 9. Name of the Teacher Coordinator: Anissa Fajari Utami 10. Email address of the Coordinator: [email protected] 11. School website (if available): www.amalina.net 12. Educational level (Such as Kindergarten 1 to Grade/Year 9): Grade 7 - 9 13. Total number of teachers in your school: 17 teachers. 14. Approximately number of teachers participated in this programme: All teachers (17 teachers) 15. Total number of students in your school: 214 students 16. Approximate number of students participated in this programme: 214 students (grade 7, 8, and 9) PART II: Information about the School’s Programme 1. Title of the school’s programme KARTINI’S AND CULTURAL DAY 2. Summary of the programme (one half-page of A4 sheet size) This program is developed by Amalina Islamic Junior High School as the form of Indonesian Cultural Preservation. Kartini is Indonesian national heroine. She fought for the same educational rights of female and male in Indonesia. Kartini’s day is legally announced as national day by Soekarno, first President of Indonesia, based on decree of President of The Republic of Indonesia number 108, dated 2 May 1964. The decree also declares Kartini as an Indonesian heroine. April 21st is Kartini’s day as it is the date when Kartini was born. Raden Adjeng Kartini comes from Javanese royal family. She is the daughter of Regent of Jepara. Kartini was allowed to go to school in ELS (Europese Lagere School) until she was 12 years old. She learnt Dutch language in this school. However, she must stay at home after she was 12 years old because of seclusion tradition. As a result of her Dutch language expertise, she was started to do self-learning and write letters to her correspondence Dutch friends. One of her friends was Rosa Abendanon who supported her in many things. Kartini had high interest on European female thought from European books, newspaper, and magazines. Based on low status of Indonesian women, Kartini wants to develop and improve that condition. Her focus was not only women emancipation but also public social issues. Kartini saw women struggle as a struggle to get freedom, autonomy, and law equation as the part of the wider movement. The deceased of Kartini did not end her struggle because one of her Dutch friends, Mr. J.H. Abendanon collected the correspondence letters between Kartini and her friends in Europe in a book named Door Duisternis tot Licht which means From Dark to The Light. Kartini’s thought in her letters are never read by some of Indonesian people who can not speak Dutch language. Therefore, Balai Pustaka published the translation version of Abendanon book titled by “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang: Buah Pikiran” (From Darkness to Light: A Thought) in Malay language in 1922. Translation of other language was also published. This publishing is implemented for making R.A. Kartini fighting as a memoir. Cultural Day is also included in this program where Kartini’s and Cultural Day Programme is an annual programme held on April 21st. In this programme we also present the students with each traditional costumes and their knowledge on it for making Indonesian culture always stay in their heart. Why do we wear traditional costumes in this programme? The commonly published Kartini’s figure painting is Javanese female in colonial era. She wears kebaya and has braided bun. Therefore, people identify her as a woman with traditional costume (Java). Thus, in order to understand the values of Kartini’s thought we also have to wear traditional costumes. Kartini comes from Java, but her goal is very big for nation development particularly women development. Kartini does not want to see Indonesian women can not go to school. Her struggle has an impact for women in all over Indonesia, not only Java. Therefore, in order to make another region to understand her big idealogy, they may wear their own traditional costumes in Kartini’s day. Kartini is owned by all women from Sabang to Marauke. By wearing traditional costume, students can directly see and record the traditiona costume they wear. And by seeing their friends who wear different traditional costumes, they will ask about that costume to thei friends. Students who wear traditional costumes will present the costumes in front of the juries. They walk with their couple and deliver their knowledge on the traditional costumes they wear. They explain the type of traditional costumes cultural variety and they original food. Student enthusiasm in presenting their performance will be clearly seen in this event. The juries will asses them based on traditional costumes, knowledge of the region, and togetherness in showing their performance on folk song. 3. Background information or reasons why the school created this programme This globalization era which world wide information is widely open may cause Indonesian young generation have more knowledge on west culture and their own culture. Celebrating Kartini’s Day is not only for remembering Kartini’s struggle in improving women emancipation but also giving positive impact in educational and cultural world. Kartini’s Day celebration is not only wearing traditional costume but also a moment to introduce Indonesian culture to youth generation and to preserve Indonesian cultural heritage. Indonesian future is determined by youth generation. Therefore, every Indonesian youth both students or workers is an important factors which is reliable for Indonesia in realizing nation goals and objectives as well as maintain nation sovereignty. 4. Objectives/goals of the programme This programme is held to make youth generation know and understand Indonesian culture and heroine. As widely known, Indonesia is one of the countries with cultural diversity. It is because Indonesia consists of various etnic groups and nation. However, recently the love and care to nation culture can not be found particularly in youth generation. The last of love and care to the culture and heroine is the less knowledge of Indonesia nation and culture. This is why Amalina Junior High School implements cultural material comprehension in classroom on Indonesian heroine and the main event will be on April 21st. Since the publication of R.A.Kartini’s correspondence letters collected in a book entitled “From Dark to Light”, the women rights and obligation equality with men always becomes a headline. Every woman in Indonesia has grade and enthusiasm on it. It becomes a drop of water in the middle of desert for them who are unfairly treated by men. This equality demands allowance to get or perform any matters which are dominated by man. Finally, the youth generations understand that women have same rights in education, works, social roles with men. 5. Brief details about the cultural traditions the school aims for within the programme and its values 5.1 Brief details about the cultural traditions the school aim for within the programme It becomes a common thing that national days in Indonesia is annually celebrated. One of the national days which always be celebrated is Kartini’s Day. Various activities are conducted for memorizing Kartini’s spirit and fighting in education for developing her nation. Commonly, schools hold competitions and games including wearing traditional costumes, singing folk songs, and question and answer on Indonesian culture as our school does every year. 5.2 Please identify values that students have learned/gained from the cultural traditions as in 5.1 Kartini has shown to Indonesia that she fought with all her efforts and powers as well as abilities to fight the colonialism to women. She gave all she can for women emancipation fighting. Its time for the women to get up and not dependent as the goals and objectives of R. A. Kartini. Sometimes, women emancipation as the goals of R. A. Kartini is deviated to gender equation for women and men in all aspects. However, the emancipation of Kartini is for achieving justice for women. The values contained in Kartini's and Cultural Day celebration includes unity, diversity, social, culture and traditional values. It is conformed with the Indonesia's slogan which is Unity in Diversity. 6. Period of the time when the programme was/has been started This program is running in half semester started on January to March. The main event is around April 21st. 7. Activities (Actions and strategies of implementation) Activity held in school based on lesson plan which is prepared by Social Science teacher and Art and Craft teacher. In social science, under the teacher supervision and guidance, they learn national heroine. One of the heroines is R.A. Kartini. R.A. Kartini is one of the national heroines having big contribution for century breakthrough during the war in Indonesia. Teacher explains and tells Kartini's history without reducing student knowledge on another Indonesian heroines. In addition, students are explained concerning the regions and ethnic groups in Indonesia. Interaction between students and teachers is in form of question and answer. Meanwhile, in Art and Craft subject, teacher gives material on art knowledge including singing Indonesian folk song or national song. Teacher and students will sing along the Indonesian folk songs and national songs.
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