~'.-.' < .,. " ' THE 'VASHINGTON• POST: SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 14,· 1943 '~t"~\~" ~ • B-y thls time, as can be seen, THE e was getting ripe for naziism. When I ran across him; he was War," says that this son of, an : wave p~ogra~s,.~ouw~'u}t~;::ID earing 60, his hair was graying Iowa butcper became a ~tudious. heard a, tremeridous. ;b~ti~ for'~ Propaganda ~nd it as evident th.at the days introspective youth. In the n he, could .,play the .&iller WorubWar he served as a lieu­ Front ere iong'oyer., '. .. , tenant·'cio." the Coast, .Artillery. ~~~~':e~~:;~c:;n~;~{~~~~.~;~~ The' Nazis picked him to ,de­ For a' time. he, was a school 'Revere's ride" Berli.n saId tha~ f cribe for the short-wave Amer- teacher., ,The 'middle 30's found famous horseman,' and: patriot ! By William L. Shirer 'can audience the trhimphal Ger~ him'in B,erHn, ,where heobtalned, wouldagllhlstart g~iloping •.,:> ' man entries into the murdered a Ph.D. at Berlin University.' . Six Americans who, broadcast ,April 18 c?-Ine 'and,nothing~ for the Axis from Germany and countries. In :Berlin he' :marrien· a Ger~ ,man; gil'l.,and became':a .fanatical happened, but a we~k>late'r Italy will be indicted for treason, F~ughCi~;l;~~t\Va:~ .:fl,",. the Justice Department has an­ Nazi. i saw' him" at Compiegne ,"Paul Revere" rode,and,:sPoke~­ nounced. They are Robert H. During the first year' and a" during· the armisticenegotia­ trying to incite his felioV;, coutii. ' Hons. ,The military were taking B~st, Fred Kaltenbach, Douglas half of the war ·Berlin's· most trymen to throw ~tt ,the terribi~; him to the guardhouse for gate~ Chandler, Ezra Pound, Jane l'ffective . broadcaster 'for the tyranny of "Roosevelt and '.lil:S' Anderson and Constance Drex­ American audience was Fre9; crashing.. , The '-last time I saw ,him"was' .a few hou,Fs later when Jews." He was even,worse'oti,' et-From a recent United Press Kaltenbach of Waterlop, Iow!l,·· the air thahthe aging: Pelatiey~'?, dispatch. The British, Who haq hiilq . th,e'. 'he 'had'escaped and was leaning Ward. .".'.. :.:;.; happy thought of dubbing their' against':a'tree gazing with glassy Here are a few rambling notes eyes at the railway' carriage "Paul Revere" turned ~titto bet own Berlin traitor, 'William one Douglas Chandler, a formed about these curious citizens and Joyce, "Lord Haw-Haw," also where:the Germans were laying 'a word about two others whom doWn their terms to the French. writer on the 13altl.niore Stinday,( conferred a tltleon his American American. He had been mitrtie4, our Department of Justice ap­ This moment probably was the r: counterpart. They called him Mr. Rolo asserts, "hi stYle'~atBar~ parently overlooked: Erlward "Lord Hee-Haw," and Kalten­ high point of his Hfe, cis indeed Harbor, Me., itl 1924. to a· d~~1 J,<1opold Delaney, alias E. D. bach. wl]o has,' a peculiar sense it was for Hitler, who did an un· Ward of Glenvi(!w, III., and scenc\mt of John Jay, the first of humor, was more than, pleased digntfied jig on the occasion. li Charles Flickstegp.r. sometimes Chief Justice· of 'the Unite~ 'and began signing off: "This is At the moment Kaltenbach di­ k""wn as Ch~.rles Flick, a native States. The 'depression' and: Jh', of Providence. Rngland's Lord Hce-Haw, who vid.~s his radio. "time between, try­ "miasma"ofWashingtori. prov~d: will live up to his title by giving ing to foment strife in. America ~ little too much fOr him.: ,:,' ',., British pretensions in this war and explaining away the Russian Knows Best and FJj~k Jane Anderson, 'who I beneve~ the merry, merry hee-haw!" revers~s. , , . Of the eia:ht turncoats,.I knew had some· dealings 'with, th~. When the debate over lend­ What J()seph Goebbels. how­ Amedca First crowd, is probaJjly tWr'l we11-Best. and Flick. lease began, he opened his radio ever, had been looking, for was With three others I also had a an American radio personality Hitler's best American woma,l1 talks: broadcaster•. ' . certain acquaintance during' my "Lend or lease me your ears." who'could build up in the U~ited melancholy days in Berlin. These In fact, he had an incurable States a vast listening audience if Oneofficlal observer once:de-. were Kaltenbach. DeJaney (or, lust for bad puns and wisecracks only by being amusing, as had scribed her as a "ranting,. mer ' Ward) anti Miss Constance and more than one Nazi censor Lord Haw-liaw in Britain. Kal­ dramatic actress.'; . , Drp.xel of Philadelphia. br • e down trying to figure them. tenbach wasn't. quite good enough. Lost His Mind? ' , To dis!,ose of tlie least three out:, ' and Ward was a failure •. first, Miss· Drexel was 'billed' by Cha, les J. Rolo, in a study of So in April, 1941,' if you had Of Robert H. Best, '8 ti~'#~: the German radio for' her talks Kalte'n~ ch in "Radio GOCq to llgtened, to, the German sh'ort- son of South Carolina,' WhO,';z~ to America as "a Philadelphia probably the best of tb,f;nf socialite and heiress." diocre American talents;:,Gp~,;>1 , To me. in Berlin, to whom she bels has bought, I have .wrlt~g,n; .constantly .~ame seeking a radio at length before in this' col ',' . , '.:'. ,.. '1~ job, after one American network I have .known· hlm:,'~b@~: "had hired her for a d{lY or two, 1929 and, 'after llstening· to'~ she was an insignificant, mixed- current raving-strom Berlitl' . u'p and ailing woman of about . can only conclude thiJ ':ill~'~8$: 50 who always had a bad cold. lost his mind; '. ',," ,:\,~;~ She used to tell me she needed, money. The Nazis needer!. a Apparently, Go.ebbels ,h~s>t7f female American accent. That for' he is now allowingnest'~. is all there is to her story conduct a weird '.'catIi.t'''algn''.~fQ the American" PresidencY~~i' Delanev. Ham Actor 1944! Best calls his new"p -.~ . Edward Leopold Delaney, who "Christocracy." 'He say~.-;·~·~f, a g a iris t "Jewdocracy.. 'eve: broadcast as E. D.' Ward, was not where" . ' .. .,C:::'., much better. He had b<:!en a ham actor before the' World War and One' of these days the D~p':"~ at one time toured in a road com:" ment of Justice :wilLcatch;:.'\i pany playing "Get-Rich-Quick with Charles Fiick, alias" Fli steger. I.had known ,him.'iis·;' , Wallingford." In 1915 he tril'd' .~ -- /~! / ~'~} hi~ luck in Australia, where he " .,~.... ~ American correspondent. hi' Be~ ~ y L.; /' /i lin, where for a" time he' ~' played The, Killer in "'Seven ; r I/ was Keys to Baldpate." In 1934' ac­ ! / assistant to Karl 'Y0ti. w.iega'n<1 : cording to "Timc" magazin~ he At the moment, if th~JUStiC~ published a book, "The Lad; by Department is interest ;- he "IS ' Degrees" and followed it. with in Shanghai, where· , . broadl a~ot~,el' called '~The ~arm casts anti-Americal1 ,p 'pagandj' Girl. which ~rtise'tl as over the Gerinan.:ow ,ed radi the "scream-llne correspondence station XGRS. -: o( a radio _charmer and!,hel" 'girl . ,. friend." ,.C'" , , t· ~ .., DIVISION -OF .' . PRESS INTELLIGENCE ··O.W.I. TeIllpO V Bldg. PH. sY • . ~ .~ ObBerver-DiBpatch Utica. N. Y. 566 ,. .~ .. ..l:.. '. J' .•...; .• ~_ J DlVlSIClt OF- .. PRESS:mrE11:£!GENClIl O.W.I. Tempo V' Bldg. \ PH.,.-----........-·--\ Press pontiac. Mich. 430 ~AY 1 519lffi ... .' ~: .' .' . DIVlt>ION'· OF- DIVISION OF 'PRt:$S', .INTBLLIGENCE PRESS mE.BlLLIGENCE " O.W.I. O.W.I. T~!Jlpo . V Bldg. Tempo' V Bldg. PH.'_+-I=~.--___..... PH 0 ________1 SY. SY.~ Barkshire Eagle Pittsfield, Mass. 412 DATN1AY 161945 :~fij~it[q~l~}'~ : It"W;i).s'1he"bound(mii ,d, .: ··•stid4P.tY·iUld d~~~9~~;~~ri;o~~1p(:."J/,i?!~t~i:t4..~;t:Ohi;isoil;' of'th~Marsha:nt~ ""ers':to,int'er~': .. ,:.."li',. ,'."". .. " ,. '"wi"',, " .. ,l'~l~t~:", t.. ...... "'. view JfP'a:,Poun ;::e " '~t.f.i~~e:j;~~f'an!1,taQ~di Xi1s<!i~;::~n,i{en , ii )l" .. "!j.~)" ·'.;;,:iiri4et: indiCtpieritIor tre O:ri,"' "'~dP castiIig: pro~M usioll'rli\.. 'icii~: ~ with" /J.f.m: ~nfu~ t- '~eiiilli:~' iil)±he,,;£rilip,<, "'., <F~riS~'of<jiisuce~~",&i~i~ldliat:, . _ '"ll'i~'·fi.N .,;.:'~:,..'" .:. ...,::7t'"~i;\~'~.r4::'.:'," ~:f ... ~ :.. bet !,H ,he .doe~1 , . at·tr. y ::- (1;-\> ' '::'. '•• \.,·"".... 'llf \ \. .\ .. ".'" ~j.·'l""'/~I~I.iA ... ,'~.t~ ,"},;.,~i1:~.'lI'J",~.¥~ • ~:t.". " J\.'"'' ':~$", _. ~ ~ !?., . "t , "-.. ",.... l,;-. .- ~; /jl~~-' .~: nJ.NI~[ON' O~ PREss,. iNTEJ;.LIGENc"E. ..'. ~ O.W.I. Tel.T'1?o V Bl.dg. PH. ____~~- '.Hmea-Sew SY. Twin Fallti. ldahof/ d 28l I' - \ \ J Dt\TE [)';} 6. [,' j Times p. MA~ t. 0 m4t> . " '\' I l Cumberland, Mal,"yland . ··POET pout'll), .... ','" It WM :the bounden 1ouma.Ustlc duty e,nd 135 dw.bious perlonal pleasure of Edd lohMon of. MAI'lIhall . Fleld newspapers ··.to lntemew~ Pound.. expattta:te poet and rabid fasctst.' ~TE M~'{ 211945 ~noa, Pound hU been under tf1d1cttnent for treaSon since 19~3 for broadcut1ng·p~ Mwlcol1n1 and ant1-Am¢c~. prop~~dI. fro ItalY' , . '. "e· :r\' ~~~fcah Traitors' . :ld P~und to .rohman, emong; 'O~her '. ':when will th. etAm~e::r'~i.·~ c:~~,~xil~. sm;pe,~~ thin"s' "Adolf Hitler was & ,reanne dAte,.& ~;!"ounded Up? We' . sa.int. xe was & martyt: .', .,MUSSoUni was a.. ~\~ve. been indicted, and . 'very humt.n. lInperfect eha.racter. who lost .l,i::apture to go on .trial. In his had' WInSton' ChurchIll bellevesln the Fiiry,' :1944" the federal grand m~um' 'pt tn.Iustlee: enforced .wtUl the t . maxUnum of brutality'••• ' I do. not belten I :Pi, ~he District 'of Columbia incl1cted I ~a.pound, writer of'obscure will be shot for treMl?n, ·1 rely on the Alner1~ I!,.~;and :six other Americans , ean 'sen&e ot Justice." • I ".
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