1.95(1 . _·, CONGRESSIONAL· RECORD-. HOUSE. 3425 hensive-na.tional highway.: program and.enact. ence to requesttng passage o! legislation for. eration of their resolution with ref'erence legisl&tion · during the Mth Congress pra- . an. equitable reapportionment. o! nrember• · to sounding the. alarm to. the peoples yet free . '\rlding for the' ,authorization. and -::tlnancing ship in the Legislature of the Territoey _of regarding the exp&nsfon of conmn1nis~ and' of such a program;. to the Commit.tee. ·· on Hawaii;. to. the Committee :on Intenior and!· that. ou~ greatest: trust .. lles Jn :the gener. Ptibllc Works. · - Insular Affairs: . i • o.sity and enlightened sel!-in.ter~t. Of. this - 580. Also. petition Of the- county clerk• . 681 ~ Also, peti tion of the. president~ .the f!!ee and. powerful country, tbe. :Untte<rstates, county of Hawaii,, Hllo, · T .. ·H., petttioning1 Estonian National Committee. in the .Unite¢ ~ America; to the Comlnittee:'on Foreign consideration at their resolution. with.. refer-· States, New York.. N. Y.,, petltloning consid- Aifatra.. - EXTENS.IONS" Of R·EMA<RKS , Anniversary of Independence of world, and which nQw has gallant Lit huania. pected that these powerplants will pay within its grasp. We will be. steadfast in the not only for the. cos.t of the pow~ dams Lithuania posltion that all peoples can live in peace' and harmony and. that man.'s right to be free, and installations but a:Isa 88 percent of. is not only inalienable, but unconquerable. the cost of the irrigation projects. EXTENSI.ON OF REMARKS W ith the strength of these convictions we Proponents of the bill in having such OJ' have on our side the truly ultimate weapon expectations completely ignore the cost HON~ JOHN· MARSHALL ·suTtER , of the atomic era ~ free man's falth in God tlgures prepared by .James. A .. Lane of and his own destiny. Oak Ridge National Laboratory which O"J'' .:MAR.YLAND People of Lithuania. we salute you on your show that while the cost. of pmducing IN THE SENATE OP' THE UNITED STATES Independence Day. You have our undying electricity in conventional steamplants faith and respect, and we reverently pray is Monday, February 27.1956 that God will continue to give you the. 7 mills per kilowatt hour, the cost in strength to carry on. a nuclear plant would be 6. 7 mills. The Mr. BUTLER. Mr. President, Febru­ actual production of power, therefore, is ary 16 was the anniversary- of the.inde.­ less costly than by steam and then in pendence of Lithuania. .I ask unanimous addition, plutonium is produced as a by- consent to have printed in the CONGRES­ Atomic Power WiJI Obsolete Upper Colo· , product of _the nuclear electric plant and SIONAL RECORD a statement which I made can now be sold for approximately $100 in observance of this important day. rado Powerplanta · a: gram. Even if tbe· plutonilim price There being no objectionr the: state­ were to drop back to its fuel . value of ment was ordered to be printed in the EXTENSION OF REMARKS about $20 a gram, the cost of producing­ REconn, as follows: OJ' power by atomic energy would still be far STATEMENT BY SENATOR BUTLER' less than any other method. Throughout-the world freedom-loving men HON. JAMES B. UTT Can anyone doubt, in view of these, pause on February 16 to observe the anni­ OF C.M.IFORNIA facts, that the. Colorado River project is, versary of the independence of Lithuania,: ~ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES financially unsound?. The taxpayers of· In America and other free nations there will be be large gatherings to ·mark this occasion. Monaay, February 27, 1956 our Nation should not· forced to bear But, the people of Lithuania can at best such a tremendous burden. I hope my only gather in small groups in their homes Mr. UTT. Mr. Speaker, the· propo­ · colleagues will join with me in defeating to observe their Independence Day. The nents of the upper Colorado project seek· this measure. Communist overloard5 do not. permit them to a large extent to justify the huge to openly celebrate this day fn their native expenditure on the assumption that. the land. Yet, while the right of open assembly sale of power will reimburse the Nation can ·be denied to them, no power on· e;uth for the funds ad,vanced with interest. Lincoln Day Address. by Hon. Edward .can wipe the glorious past or this brave na­ . When the Boulder Canyon Project Act Martin of P enn.sylvania tion from the pages of history nor tear- frorµ authorized Hoover Dam on the Colorado the hearts of the people of Lithuania the River, the legislation :required that con­ ardor and devotion for freedom and inde­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS pendence. tracts for the sale of power be negotiated · For centuries' the Lithuanian people. have before the construction. began. No such OF been in the forefront of man's continuing: protection or guarantee is included in HON., EDWARD MARTIN struggle against oppression. Over 600 years· the upper Colorado project bill, and it is­ OP' PENNSYLV;\NIA ago. the first. Independent Lithuanian state extremely doubtful that there will be a was organized and through the centuries market for anywhere near a hundred IN THE SENATE, OF THE UNITED STA'I'.FS this small but noble country developed into Monday, February Z7, 195fr a leader among the peace-loving peoples of years for power produced by the project. Europe. The power units are proposed to be Mr. ·MARTIN of Pennsylvania. Mr. · However, a strong and _vicious neighbor, located in a region which has alniost President, I ask unanimous. consent to even then hungry for conquest, .forcibly an­ boundless. energy po-tenttal in the great~ have· printed in . the CONGRESSIONAL nexed Lithuania in the lBth century and she est coal,. cil shale, and uranium deposits. RECORD an address which I delivered at disappeared from the maps of. Europe as an in the country. When it is considered the Lincoln Day dinner of the Upshur independent state. At the end of World that atomic electric power will be avail­ War I Lithuania regained ber independence County Republican Executive Commit­ and became a. model republiC', only to be en­ able in the comparatively near future tee., at Buckhannon~ W. Va.I) on February gulfed in the Red tide of expansionism at and this. combined with the other nat­ 11, 1956. the start of the global conflict in 1939. · ural resources of the area,. will make There being no- obieetion, the address Yet, the people of Lithuanla are neither 6.-mill power competitively obsolete in a w~ ordered ta be printed in the RECORD, broken nor discouraged by these sta.rk reali­ few years, there would be little or· no as follows: ties. The fever or liberty and freedom is :reimbursement to the Federal treasury. ADDRESS BY UNITED STATES SENATOR EDWARD heightened. not dispelled. b.y this adversity. We 15 ago Their courage. and indomitable will to resist know that whereas years MA&TINI Oli' PENNSYLVANIA. AT TH& LINCOLN grows. stronger with every outrage committed nuclear power. was practicaJiy unhearcl. DAY DINNER. OF TH& UPSHtlK COUBTY RE.. against them by those whO' seek to become of, today commercial nuclear electric PUBLICAN EXEClJ'n'VE. C'oKM.lTl'U. AT RuCK­ masters of their spirftS' as, well as thefr bodies. energy generating plant& are actually BANNON,, W. VA. .. Fl:BJWAJl."1: 11,. 1956 We in AmerI.ca. ancl her· c:ounf.iess. :fiiend'a being constructed. We are asRured that I am llighty hemmed bj JOur lnvtt:ation. to thro_ughout the 1'.i'~ world will remain true nuclear e-Iectr-ie energy will be produced acl~es~ this meeting al patnotie. Americans. in our atruggle to free Lithuani& from. the much cheaper than hydroelectric. energy 1 sincerely appre:cta~ the privilege ot Joln.": Communist yoke. We shall take. comage and the time when this wm be a fact ing with ;rou in tribute to the meJllQl'.y o! from the valor of the Lithuanian people .we one, of. the greatest. of all Americans.. Abra- shall be sustained by their devotion to our is not far distant. Yet the planning fig­ ham Lincoln. · common ·cause. We shall ooritinue . the ures for this proiect show that ft may .And let; me> assure JO.U.. with equal sin· struggle with every resource at. oin commarid take up to a hundred years to pay for eerity, that l.t is always: a. plea&me to come to overcome- the scourge-that godless con­ them out of the revenues produced 'fly -W -t.he grea:S· mmmtam. st.at.a «>1 West; Vlr· spiracy-which would enslave the entire hydroelectric power. In fact, it is ex.- ginia. 3426 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 27 Through the years I have enjoyed the most firmly convinced of one thing. His decision form of government has outlived its usefu1- agreeable association with many of your fine will be made without thought of himself but ness. We ask no help from those who would ·citizens in business, politics, military affairs, will be based solely on whether he can fully distort the meaning of the Constitution to and in the activities of government. There and completely serve the best interests of serve their selfish purposes. •are so many whose friendships I treasure, the Vnited Stat~s and :t.be wo:rld. In the great crusade which resulted in but I cannot come into West Virginia with- Whatever President Eisenhower's decision Republican victory and the election of Presi­ ·out making special mention of my long-time may· be, we can go into this year's national dent Eisenhower, we did not promise an easy friend, your Republican national committee- campaign with a record of achievement that way of life.
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