SELPA San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year 2020-21 LOCAL PLAN Attachments SPECIAL EDUCATION LOCAL PLAN AREA California Department of Education Special Education Division CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment I SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 Attachment I—Local Educational Agency Listing Participating Local Educational Agency Identification Enter the California Department of Education (CDE) issued county/district/school code (CDS) and the full name for each local educational agency (LEA) participating in the local plan. The LEA names will automatically populate the remaining attachments. Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) sections 56205(a)(12)(D)(iii) and 56195.1(b) and (c). Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) with one or more LEAs, or those who join with the county office of education (COE) to submit a local plan to the CDE for consideration of approval must include copies of joint powers agreements or contractual agreements, as appropriate. Users may remove all entries in each Attachment template (I through VI) by selecting the "Reset" button below. Similarly, users may add, or remove table rows by selecting the "plus" or "minus" buttons bellow. Actions taken here will be automatically repeated for each table included herein. List Number CDS CODE LEA + - 1 4168858 Bayshore + - 2 4168866 Belmont - Redwood Shores + - 3 4168874 Brisbane + - 4 4168882 Burlingame + - 5 4168890 Cabrillo + - 6 128182 Connect Community Charter + - 7 129759 Design Tech + - 8 119503 Everest + - 9 4168908 Hillsborough + - 10 4168916 Jefferson Elementary CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment I-1 of 3 Attachment I SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 List Number CDS CODE LEA + - 11 4168924 Jefferson High + - 12 135608 Kipp Valiant Charter + - 13 4168940 La Honda Pescadero + - 14 4168957 Las Lomitas + - 15 4168965 Menlo Park + - 16 4168973 Millbrae + - 17 4168932 Pacifica + - 18 4168981 Portola Valley + - 19 4168999 Ravenswood + - 20 4169013 San Bruno Park + - 21 6112213 San Carlos Charter + - 22 4169021 San Carlos + - 23 4169005 Redwood City + - 24 4169039 San Mateo - Foster City + - 25 4110413 San Mateo County Schools + - 26 4169047 San Mateo Union High + - 27 4169062 Sequoia Union High CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment I-2 of 3 Attachment I SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 List Number CDS CODE LEA + - 28 112722 Summit Preparatory Charter + - 29 4169070 South San Francisco + - 30 4169088 Woodside + - 31 139915 KIPP Esperanza High School CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment I-3 of 3 Attachment II SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 Attachment II—Projected Special Education Revenue by Local Educational Agency For each local educational agency (LEA) participating in the local plan, enter the projected special education revenue funding sources allowed by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Information included in this table must be consistent with revenues identified in Section D, Table 1. Assembly Bill (AB) AB 602 Federal Federal State State Federal 602 State Property IDEA IDEA Infant/ State Mental Mental LEA Aid Tax Part C Part B Toddler Preschool Health Health Subtotal Bayshore $0 $210,297 $0 $80,486 $0 $0 $23,495 $0 $314,278 Belmont - Redwood Shores $0 $2,379,641 $0 $830,146 $0 $0 $265,862 $0 $3,475,649 Brisbane $0 $257,246 $0 $91,626 $0 $0 $28,740 $0 $377,612 Burlingame $0 $1,942,173 $0 $670,339 $0 $0 $216,986 $0 $2,829,498 Cabrillo $0 $1,688,624 $0 $612,332 $0 $0 $188,659 $0 $2,489,615 Connect Community Charter $0 $113,121 $0 $39,619 $0 $0 $12,638 $0 $165,378 Design Tech $0 $307,398 $0 $80,392 $0 $0 $34,343 $0 $422,133 Everest $0 $205,147 $0 $70,204 $0 $0 $22,919 $0 $298,270 Hillsborough $0 $708,593 $0 $246,037 $0 $0 $79,166 $0 $1,033,796 Jefferson Elementary $0 $3,647,176 $0 $1,405,339 $0 $0 $407,475 $0 $5,459,990 Jefferson High $0 $2,607,895 $0 $827,807 $0 $0 $291,363 $0 $3,727,065 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment II-1 of 4 Attachment II SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 Assembly Bill (AB) AB 602 Federal Federal State State Federal 602 State Property IDEA IDEA Infant/ State Mental Mental LEA Aid Tax Part C Part B Toddler Preschool Health Health Subtotal Kipp Valiant Charter $0 $298,858 $0 $122,858 $0 $0 $33,389 $0 $455,105 La Honda Pescadero $0 $164,674 $0 $65,028 $0 $0 $18,398 $0 $248,100 Las Lomitas $0 $669,870 $0 $242,198 $0 $0 $74,840 $0 $986,908 Menlo Park $0 $1,618,766 $0 $557,170 $0 $0 $180,854 $0 $2,356,790 Millbrae $0 $1,291,633 $0 $457,450 $0 $0 $216,986 $0 $1,966,069 Pacifica $0 $1,699,420 $0 $596,557 $0 $0 $189,865 $0 $2,485,842 Portola Valley $0 $303,006 $0 $98,970 $0 $0 $33,852 $0 $435,828 Ravenswood $0 $1,445,928 $0 $616,344 $0 $0 $161,544 $0 $2,223,816 San Bruno Park $0 $1,329,587 $0 $493,550 $0 $0 $148,546 $0 $1,971,683 San Carlos Charter $0 $210,268 $0 $70,012 $0 $0 $23,491 $0 $303,771 San Carlos $0 $1,669,983 $0 $579,857 $0 $0 $186,576 $0 $2,436,416 Redwood City $0 $4,512,461 $0 $1,662,423 $0 $0 $504,148 $0 $6,679,032 San Mateo - Foster City $0 $6,358,752 $0 $2,342,692 $0 $0 $710,423 $0 $9,411,867 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment II-2 of 4 Attachment II SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 Assembly Bill (AB) AB 602 Federal Federal State State Federal 602 State Property IDEA IDEA Infant/ State Mental Mental LEA Aid Tax Part C Part B Toddler Preschool Health Health Subtotal San Mateo County Schools $2,135,390 $0 $201,820 $0 $717,209 $0 $0 $0 $3,054,419 San Mateo Union High $5,006,587 $0 $1,585,651 $0 $0 $559,354 $0 $7,151,592 Sequoia Union High $4,964,924 $0 $1,595,900 $0 $0 $554,699 $0 $7,115,523 Summit Preparatory Charter $235,091 $0 $78,856 $0 $0 $26,265 $0 $340,212 South San Francisco $4,511,766 $0 $1,740,005 $0 $0 $504,071 $0 $6,755,842 Woodside $204,526 $0 $73,119 $0 $0 $22,850 $0 $300,495 KIPP Esperanza High School $79,759 $0 $30,714 $0 $0 $8,869 $0 $119,342 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment II-3 of 4 Attachment II SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 Assembly Bill (AB) AB 602 Federal Federal State State Federal 602 State Property IDEA IDEA Infant/ State Mental Mental LEA Aid Tax Part C Part B Toddler Preschool Health Health Subtotal Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 Totals: $2,135,390 50,643,170 $201,820 17,963,681 $717,209 $0 $5,730,666 $0 77,391,936 CDE Form Version 2.0 Attachment II-4 of 4 Attachment III SELPA: San Mateo County SELPA Fiscal Year: 2020-21 Attachment III—Projected Expenditures by Object Code by Local Educational Agency For each local educational agency (LEA) participating in the local plan, enter the projected special education expenditures by LEA and object code as allowed by the IDEA.
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