Refashioning Iran Orientalism, Occidentalisln and Historiography Mohamad Til akoli-Targhi 11.~~o(i(/te Profe~!>or ofHistoriograpll)' CllId Middle Easlem History !IIi/lOh Stale UII ivers it) , Normal, Illil/oi.1 agrave © Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhl 2001 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced. copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with * the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London wn 4LP. Any pef50n who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The author has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2001 by PALGRAVE Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world PALGRAVE is the new global academic imprint of 51. Martin's Press LLC Scholarly and Reference Division and Palgrave Publishers Ltd (formerly Macmillan Press Ltd). ISBN 0-333-94922---6 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources, A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tavakoli-Targhi, Mohamad, 1957- Refashioning Iran: Orientalism, Occidentallsm, and historiography / Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi. p. em, - (St. Antony's series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-333-94922---6 (cloth) 1. Iran-Historiography. 2. Orientalism-Iran. 3. Nationalism­ -Iran. 4. Historiography-Iran. 5. Historiography-India. I. Title. II. 5t Antony's series (Palgrave (Firm)) 05271,5.1382001 95s'.007'2---dc21 2001035430 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 321 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wiltshire For lennifel~ Azadelz, and A(sal1eIJ Contents Prefac€' and Ackl10wledgments IX IVaI!'.'> all ROlllallizm;on 11/111 Date· xvi Modernity, Heterotopia, and HOlUeles Texts 1 Modernity and heterotopia 1 Discur ive affinitie of nationalism and Orientalism -l Homeless texts B Decolonizing historical imagination IS 2 Orientalism's Genesis Amne ia 18 /\ genealogy of Orientalism 111 The Columbus of Oriental tudies 20 Jones and the affinity of languages 23 lntertextuality and postcolonial historiography 31 .3 Pcrsianate Europology 3S Perspectival knowledge 3S Persianate vOY(ilsJellrs 31'\ The anthropology of modern Europe 44 4 Imagining European Women 54 FaTallgi women S4 Comparing women 61 Libertine women 6S Narrative plots and the scapegoating of women 70 Seeing one. elf being seen 74 S Contested Memories 77 ~arrative emplotment 77 Islamicating history 7R Recentering Iran 1-;6 6 Crafting National Identity 96 Envisaging Llistory 96 Restyling Persian 104 7 Patriotic and Mauiotic ationalism 113 V(/tall-centered discour e 113 vii VIii ,l)lIlmls Nationalized subjec.tivity 116 :-.lational-public sphere 118 Maternal homeland (17Iadar-i valan) 122 1atr[otlc scntiment\ 127 B Po tscript 3S 144 Se/ecl BibJiograph)' 187 Index 211 Notes Preface and Acknowledgments 1. I)ariush Shayegan, Clt/tllml Schlzopllf(!IIia: lsll1l/lic Societies COllfrontlllg the West, traus.john Howe (Londo/1: Saqi Boob, 1992),12. 2, Riza Davari AIdilkani, 51Iilllllll117'/ az Tar/kll-! GhariJLlliligl-i Ma: Val-! KUl1Imi-i Ta{{/kJwr dar [nlll (Tehran: Surush, 136311984)),88. 3. Juan Cole, "Invisible Occidentallsm: I;tghteenth-Century Indo-Persian Con­ structions of the 'West," lrallillll IlId!e~, 25: 3--4 (1992), 3-16; MehrLad BoroujcrdLlmllil11l Intel/ectllals alld lIle We t; nil' Tormented Triul/lph Or .. olil'isl/I (Syrac~ e, l\Y: )"T<iCU (' University Pres, 1996), partJcuJar]y 10-11. Boroujerdi's characterizaUon of Persiallate [uropoJogy as "Orientalism ill reverse" is informed by Sadik jala] al-Alln, "Orientallslll and Orientalism in Reverse," Khmn"il1. 8 (1981), 5-26. 4. On the Hegelian nution of lew/liI'II}' idl'l1ti(ical!ol1 see Slavol Zlzek. fill! Tick­ Ji.1/1 SII/1jCct: The I1/>SI'l11 'cllter flfPolitical OlltuIOA'!' (London: Verso, 1999), 90. Chapter 1 Modernity, Heterotopia, and Homeless Texts I. ,ec Lorraine Da ton, "Ilistoricill Ephtemology," in Qilestioll~ or Evidence: l'rllOf, Practice, iJnd Per-wasion I1rro~~ tile l>/scipJinO's, ed. james Chandler, Arnold DaVidson, and Harry Harootunian ( hie-ago: University of Chicago Press, 1991),282-9, 2, On the Huss rlian concept of "sedimentation" 5(' Frnesto Laclau, ,"ie.1' Ref?e(­ tiom 011 the Rel'ollilioll arOur Tillie (London: Verso, 1990), 3-i. ~. For in tance see Ilenedict Ander~()n, Imag/Iled CIJIIlII1lIllWeS; Re(l('cti()l1.~ on tlIe Origills I1Ild 5prerlll or Nationalism, rev. edn (New York: Verso, 1991); l'artha .hatlerjee, TlIe 1 atioll IIl1d Us Fmglllent~: Colol/ial allrl Po,"twIOlliu/ HiS/rlrie.1 (Princeton, N]: I'rinceton University Press, 1993). 4. Reinhart KoselJeck, Fliture'. I'll~t: 01/ tlte Semantics or lJi\toriml Tillie, trans. Keith Tribe (Cambridge, />.lass.: IT Press, 19H5), 276. Friedrich iet7.... <:hc, B<')'ond lood (ll/d £l'il, trilns. 1arianne 'owan (1955; South Bend, Ind.: Clateway, 191i7), 210-1 J, 146-50. 6. Karl Marx, "Speech at the AnnIversary of the People'S Paper," in The Marx­ IonSds R('ruler, 2nd edn, ed. Roberl Tucker (. ew York:W. W. 'orton & Com­ pany, 197H), 577-8. 7. KoseJle 'k, Futures }'mt, 287. 8. For instance ee Enrique Ous'el, "Eurocentrism and 'vjout'mity," Roum/ary, 2: 20/3 (1993), 65-76; idem., The Ullder;ide or .Wodmllt)'." Apel, Riweur, H.urty, j'n)'lor, IIlId the Philosoph)' ofL/beratioll, tram. Eduardo Mendieta ( ew jersey: Humanities Press, 1(96); Dipesh Chakrabarty, "Postcoloniality and the Arlifice of Hi tory: Who Speak~ for 1ndian' Pasts?" R('pre~elltlltiOIl, 37 (Winter 1992), 1-26. 144 N()te~ l-!S 9. Max \Veber, Till' Prot~tmll Etltic IlIIel tile Spirit OrCaPllLllism (. ew YOrk: Scribner. 1958), 25; .lOrgen Haberma~, TIle Plillosuplli«11 Discoul) o( Modem it}': Twell"(! Lc'CtJlre\, trans. Frederick G. Lawrence (Cambridge. Mas .: MIT Pres, 19 7),1. 10. ror instance ~ee Bernard Lewi , "The Impact of the West," in Ilrl' [I/wrgell(e orAfoell!fIJ Tllrke,I' 2nd edn, London: Oxford nivef it)' Pre~\. 1961).40-73; Leonard Binder. "The, 'alUral Hi tOl) ot Development fheol)·. with a Dhcordant 'ote on the liddle East." in Islamic" Liberalism: A CdtiiJli(' of /)('l'elo{lII/('JIt Ideology (Chicago: Univer\ity of Chicago Press, 1988), 24-84: Habermas. PIIJlo50plricIII DI. WLifle Ilt Model7lity, 2. I I. G. E. von ,runebaum. Modem 1~/tI/1I: The Searcll for euUural Identity (Berke­ ley, Cal.: University of California I're!>S. 1962),248 8. 12. Stuart Hall, "The \'Ii st and tile Re,t: Oiscour~e and Power." in Modemit)': All fntroductifJII 10 .\Iodt'm So([{'/iel, ed. Wart HaJJ. David Held. Don H Ibert. and Kenneth nlOl11pson (Cambridge, Ma S.: mach' II, 1996). 184-227: J M. Roberts, Tltl? Triumpll 01 tllf We\t (London: BBC Publication, 1985), particu­ larl, 194-202. I:"l. Hall," the We t and the Rest," 187. 'f he dichotomy, lhe West and the Rest, \Va' originall, forillulated by Marshall Sahllns in his Clilture (/Ild I'mclical ReClsOII (Chicago: Univer lty of Chjcago ress. 1976). H. Iiali. 'The We t and the Re I." 221. IS. Michel foucault, "Of Other SpaL(~s", Viacrilic.\, 16: I (Spring 1986), 22- ; quotes on 2-1 and 27. 1(;. Stephen Toullllln, CIJ~II/opoli~: TIll! Hlddm Agmda of Modl'mil '. 2nd cdo (Chicago: University of Chlcago Press. 1992), 28. 17. Toulmin, Coslllop(/Ii~, 28. 1,. for instance see Judith ShkJar, I IOl/tcsqlliell (Oxford: xlord niv r~ity Pres, 1987). 3U. 19. The firs! edition of Tire Persiall Lf'//NS was publisht'd in 1721. In I.ettt'r 91, documenting this ('vocative ontext, '!ontesquieu noted: "There has appeared a personage got up as a Persian ambassador. who l1a~ in 01 ntl) played a trick 011 the two greatest kings in tile world." <;ee TIl(' I'erlioll Lmer . trans. J. Bells Wew York: Penguin, 1973). 172-3. 20. Marla Ro a l\fenocaJ, The ,lmbic Role in AI('dl....·al Literary History: ,I Forgottl!/ I/t'fitage (Philadelphia: Universit) of Pennsylvania Press. 1987).2. 21. I\nn Stoler, RII((' alld tile Etilicaliol/ Of /)1' \ irl': fOUCIlult's HI)/ory of ('xualitl' IIlid tile ColOllial Order of17lillsqOurham, 'C: Duke Univer Ity I'ress, 1995), 15. On "laboratory of modem!t "see Paul Habinow, Frl'l1c/I Modem: 801111\ unci Fon1lS of tile Social £III'lrolllll('//t (Cambridge, "lass.: Press. 1989), 289 and 317. 22. for example see Rabino\\'. I-rmcll Modem; Sldn ) MJnt7.. IVI?C'tlli!\\ awl Power ( ew York: Viking, 1985); Timothy Mitchell. Colollizing egypt rBerkele~·. Cal.: Univefslly of California Pre,>\ 1991); Uda)' Mehta, l.ib/!m/llll alld Elllpirf: Cl Stud)' 111 Nine(eclTtlr-(CIlIIIfY Uriti oil Uber<11 TiloIlS/H ( Illcago: Univer­ slty of Chicago Press, 1999); icholas B. Oirks, "Introduction: Colonialis n anti C IHure," in <":0/0111011.\1/1 mill Cllltl~re (Ann rbor: Univer~it of Michigan Pre,,>, 1992). 2:t toler. RacE' IIlId tile Educatiol/ at IJe\lr/!. 16. 24. Rabino\\'. [rellch Modem. 289. 25. Ander on, imagined CVI11I11/11lltie\, 47-65; quote on 50 (emphasis in original). 26. Stoler, Rllce! lind tile EdumUolI of Delir/!, 195. 146 ,I\T(}(f\ 27. According to Toulmin, ""In four fundamental ways ... 17th-centur' phi1()~o­ phers set asjdf the long-standing preoccupation of Renais ance humanism. In particular, they disclaimed any seriom interest in four different kinds of practical knowledge: the oral, the particular, the locaL and the limely" (CO\­ mopolis, 30).
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