,id -Radio, March 27. 631% WORLDAYRADIO DOMIN PUN & FOREIGN PROGRAMMES The Official Foreign & Technical Journal of the B.B.C. eillimialm ..t the G.N.O. Vol. XII No. 296 \.,.w.spoper. FRIDAY, MARCH 2;', 1931 Two Pence PRINCIPAL CONTENTS My Friends-the Announcers By " Yodeller" Somebody'sgoing Frequency Charts of the Brussels Checking Station, for February Warsaw's New Station Short -Wave Notes to 'get better r4cLio Which Station Was That? Replies to Queries IWORLD -RADIO 1"iati6nIdentification rand HILVERSUM (Holland) (Revised) - Frequency : Wavelength :298.8 in. - Power (Aerial): 8.5 kv. ApproximatedistancefromLondon : 232 miles. Call :" HierHilversum,Holland.! " Sometimes also :" Hier AVRO ! " or :" Hier Algemeene Vereeniging Radio Omroep ! " or other broad- casting companies. Very seldom calls in other languages. No interval signals.Man announcer. Closes down with the words " ik wensch U goeden ayond ;wel to rusten !" (" Iwish yougood -night.Sleep well (The change front1,873metrestakes place on April 1.) CoPyrighi A booklet containing a reprint of tke,e panels ran be obtained frontthe Publito:;un,,Sat.oy Hill, lt',C.z.Price IF. LettersshouldbeaddressedtoTheEditor, WORLD -RADIO," Savoy Hill, Strand, London, W.C.2. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION to" World -Radio " (including postage).Twelve months:InlandI3s.,CanadianI3s., Mullard Foreign, I4s. ; Six Months :Inland 6s. 6d., Canadian, 6s. 6d., Foreign 7s. Address-" World -Radio," 8-11, Southampton \\\\THE' MASTER VALVE iltrevt, Strand, London, W.C.2. Ark. The Millard Wireless Service Co., Lid_",,'lord Choring Cross Road, London. W.C.2 Arks. 486 WORLD -RADIO MARCH 27TH, 1931 LISTEN CRITICALLY to your portable! Listen to its demand for more power. Listen to its improved performance when you fit this new IL T. dry battery. Because it is a portable, battery space is limited.Yet its valves make terrific demands for power.A thousand to oneits demands are not being satisfied.It wants still more power to show you what it can do.Fit a Fuller Dry H.T. W.O.P. roo. This magnificent battery has a guaranteed emission up to 20 milliamps ;it gives you greater power from the same battery space. Itwillput vitalityintoyour portable; it will give you a clearer tone, a greatervolume,a much increased range of stations.Fit a Fuller -and listen to the difference it makes. 4.!- <35, Obtainable throughFuller service Agents or any reput- SiPst able dealer. Akto Full list of sizes and types post free. Fuller dry H.T. battery forportables W.O.P.ioo (reads 108 volts)io"x 5" x 3" 151 - Complete rangeof standardsuper power and grid bias batteries LLIER available. DRY H.T.BATTERIES NON -SPILL ' HT. " WET" L.T. ACCUMULATORS L.T. ACCUMULATORS JELLY ACID TYPE ACCUMULATORS Mammothplatesformodern For Portable Receivers. Stan- CAR BATTERIES - charged ; micro - porous valves ; micro -porouspaste ; dard on well known Portables. pasted plates. Grease -cup ter- patent double grease -cup termin- Micro - porous pastedplates. Patentdoublegrease -cupto- minals.Mouldedglassboxes. als ;patent non -slip metal carry- Indestructibleseparators; large minalseliminateriskof acid MHG. 10 volts, 3,000 milliamp. non -spill vents. Can be used in creep. A type for every ear. hourscapacity, 6/-DMHG. ing handle ; LDG 2 v. 60 a .h. 9/6. any position. JU49,18 a.h., 6,500 m.h., 6/9. Also MSG 2v. 22a.h., 4/6. 13/- Also JAP 11, 22 a.k., 13/6. Ask for lists 104a and 105a. DMGH, 6,500 Milliamps, 6/9. FULLER ACCUMULATOR CO. (19261LTD., CHADWELL HEATH, ESSEX WORLD -RADIO at the C.P.O. Vol. XII No. 296 a: a Newspaper. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1931 TWO PENCE My Friends-the Announcers ! By YODELLER " ASHORT while ago,I noticed in thesethe microphone, praying that the man for whomrather than risk one cold glance from Mr. columns' a considerable amount of cor-he was making himself suchan unwillingVienna's eagle eye. respondence advocatingthe moltfrer substitute, would buck up and return from his Mr. Frankfurt is quite unlike this.He is quent announcement of station "names so thatjoyousweek-end in Paris.I don't know.Butlate, must hurry, get on with things, get things listeners might identify them more easily.Thewhen Mr. Toulouse returned to his post,I done.His hair is wild, and his tie streams out idea seemed to me to be an excellent one-iffound myself nodding and smiling to his super -behind him as he rushes to the microphone. employed for the benefit of those who have onlypolite French of the Midi, cheered immensely by A most genial spirit this, and he smiles happily recently acquired a wireless set.But for others, his good-natured "Chersauditeurs," and listeningas he rushes through his speech and hurries who, like myself, have been listening almostto his string of advertisements-face powders,away to arrange the thousand and one things nightly since the very inception of wireless wireless goods, furniture, and patent medicines-which await his immediate attention.Despite telephony,- announcementsarealmostun-with the utmost pleasure.A friend was backhis haste, I'm sure this gentleman would lend necessary. We findthatstationscanbe with us again ! me a pound if I asked him.But, of course, I identified within a few moments by the an- No, as long as we have the announcers' voices, may be wrong.Perhaps he wouldn't ! nouncer's voice. we havelittleneed of stationidentification Miss Berne-ah, hereIpause. A little And now, after so many years of close es- signals. thing, neat of face, and neat of figure, would Who can mistake the Barcelona man ?I see make a wonderful wife-no, I'm sure she must him dressed in a little short coat, a cloak overstill be single.She bustles up to the micro- one shoulder, velvet knee breeches, and white phone, lays her notes on the table before her- stockings with buckled shoes over them. Heshe writes a small, copperplate hand, as legible is probably clad in the most correct dinneras an engraving-and, knowing just what she jacket and black tie, and doesn't even wearwants to say, says it without hesitation and " sideboards " and ear -rings.A gay spark,without fault.Would run a house as she runs this gentleman, as he carries on an animatedher job. Ah me !-but I am already married. conversation-with himself. A ventriloquist ofWhat a pity ! no mean ability, who conducts amazing con- Mr. Munich is very conversational.Ifeel versations concerning his advertisements andawfully sorry for him at times.He must have withthelittlesuffered a great loss, or perhaps led a hard life. sociation witlr these invisible gentlemen-and programmeannouncements Maybe the cost of living is high in Munich.I ladies-I have come to feel that I know them all, people who arc himself.No !I cannot possibly picture him without the cloak and white stockings,dunno.But something makes him sigh at personally, and by sight. - - frequent intervals.Must put him in touch Each announcer I have clothed in imagination's " sideboards," and large gold ear -rings. with Miss Berne. garments.Ihave given them theirseveral Then there is the man from Prague.I see The Oslo announcer is, I believe, a very dark- in life, and have painted in their features,him, seated in a huge arm -chair, a little fellowhaired gentleman, who, displaying no emotion their forms, and even their little-to themselves-with bald head, large, cheery -mouth, and eyeswhatever, stands rigidly before the " mike " unsuspected oddities and mannerisms. And Iwhich are always smiling. A lady is singingand does his " spiel " with the utmost dispatch. wouldliketo' wager thatpracticallyevery before the microphone.Mr. Prague sprawlsA funny language,Norwegian. " Gobley- listener has, unconsciously, if not consciously,out in his chair, his eyes closed, his mouth gobley, gobley, gobeldy "-oh most explicit ! done precisely the same. thing.One cannotslightlyopen,snoringgently.Hesleeps. One of my greatest pals is the.daddie at Radio help it.One hears these voices daily, and oneSuddenly the lady's song is ended.The ladyParis. A great fellow, this.The gentleman becomes attached to them.They are one'ssteps back, and a boy pokes the sleeping an-with the unburstable lungs.Listen to him nouncer in the tummy.Mr. Prague opens his intimate friends. - when he doeshisdaily" Bourse "dozen. I once saw a letter from a wireless enthusiasteyes in great surprise, raises both arms above " Tubize - troiscentcinquantecinque - Mexican - asking for thepublication,of certain popularhis head, staggers unsteadily to his feet, and says Eagle-troiscentquatre-vingtdix-Central Meening announcers' photographs.This, to me, wouldin a voice which holds a certain amount of slee,py -sixcentsoixantequinze "andsoon,all be an awful thing.It would destroy the wholeastonishment-" Al-l0000 Pra-a-haa ! " romance of the business.The gentleman withCompletely awakened, now, by his own voice, the charming accent who treats us with suchhe gives himself a hearty dig in the ribs, and distinctive German courtesy, and whom I see,firesfortha mighty burstof cacophonous in my mind's eye, as a sort of Rudolph Valentino - Czechoslovakian syllables-just to let the station cum -Ivor Novelto-cum-Beau Brummel, may bemanager know he really is awake at last-bows -in reality a fellow with a broken nose, threedeeply to the next artists, then, with a merry snaggle teeth, unbrushed hair, and untrimmedsmile, and another Yawn retires to the anti - finger nails.Whilst, where the lady announcerschair again. A moment later he is fast asleep, are concerned,the disillusion might be tentired out by the exertion of having had to say " Al- times more terrible.No, thank you very much-l0000 Pra-a-haa " to the world.Here -but no photographs, please.The announcersagain, I am most probably all wrong, but that are my personal friends.I would have themis how I see Mr. Prague. without taking breath.Dashed good.IfI remain so.
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