.. Sixty-Ninth Vear Established 1840. THE Southern Planter A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO Practical and Progressive Agriculture, Horticulture, Trucking, Live Stock and the Fireside. OFFICE: 28 NORTH NINTH STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. TUB SOUTHERN PLANTER PUBLISHING COMPANY. Proprietors. J. F. JACKSON, Editor. Vol. 69. AUGUST, 1908. No. 8. CONTENTS. FARM MANAGEMENT— THE POULTRY YARD— Notes 703 Editorial Work for the Month 683 — Getting the Best Prices 704 Notes on the July Planter 687 Rose-Comb Rhode Island Reds 704 Crop Rotation 688 Fire Insurance of Poultry Plants 705 The Conservation of Our Plant Food. 689 Feeding the Dairy Cow 705 Applying Fertilizers 690 Farmer and Planter .... 705 The Danger of Crimson Clover Hay and Some Other Notes 690 THE HORSE— Commercial Fertilizer in Improving Land. 692 '. The Fertilizer Problem Again 692 Notes . 706 Circumstances Alter Cases 694 The Farm Horse Problem • 707 Farm Horses (P. S. Hunter) 709 Farm Horses (W. F. Massey) 709 TRUCKING, GARDEN AND ORCHARD— Percherons Preferable to Suffolk Punch; or Practice Versus Theory ; . 710 Editorial—Work for the Month 695 Programme of Virginia State Horticultural MISCELLANEOUS— Society Outlined 695 Editorial—The Virginia State Farmers' In- Dwarfing Trees 696 stitute 711 Ornamental Shrubs 696 Editorial—The Virginia State Fair 711 Farmers' Institutes 712 Preserving of Natural Resources LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY— 713 The Virginia Polytechnic Institute 714 Feeding Corn and By-Products 697 Hog Feeding 714 Noted Virginia Breeding Establishments . 698 How a Southern Dairy Cleared $3,000 in Enquirers' Column (Detail Index p. 754) 734 Nine Months 702 Advertisements 715 SUBSCRIPTION, 50c. PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. i I Merchandise *°m Sheriffs' and Receivers' Sales —j 30 to 50 Per Cent Saved on Staple Merchandise ^m OUR WONDERFUL 1908 OFFER Wrecking prices are known goods in the regular way, but as bargain prices. The most take advantage of various wonderful bargain offering sales to secure bargains. Our advertised. ever Such an mammoth plant is the lar- opportunity seldom occurs. gest in the world devoted The very best manufactured to the articles are being offered at Wrecking sale of general stocks- Chicago House Co. Over 35 acres literally lei i than original cost of pro- duction. We do not buy our covered with merchandise. You Must Buy at These Astonishingly Low Prices. Don't Wait Until it is too late. Send Us Your Order Today JACK-SCREWS, 95c. ™l«ill Special Furniture new, best quality manufactured. Made with LUMBER F LUMBER J cast iron stand and wrought iron .crew Catalog having deep cut thread. Send Us Your Lumber Bill For Our Estimate FREE. 10 Ton Jack Screw $ .96 The Chicago Mouse Wrecking Company offers the most wonderful oppor- We are constantly purchasing at Sheriffs' 1.21 tunity ever heard of to furnish you lumber and building supplies of every kind at prices and Receivers* Sales complete stocks of 1.42 that will save you big money. Such an opportunity as this seldom occurs. "We have high grade, brand new, up-to-date Furni- 1.90 lumber for your house, church, barn, meetinghouse, cribs, stores, factories and in fact ture, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum. We can 2.S2 buildings of every kind. We can furnish absolutely everything required in construction save you from 30 to 60 per cent. Good Lin- House Raising Jacks, each, 1.55 material. Have your carpenter or builder make up a complete list of everything that oleum at 30c per sq. yd. Rugs from $1.50 Maple Rollers, each .2 you may require, including Lumber, 8ash, Doors, Kails, Roofing, Siding, Ceiling and up. Bedroom Furniture, Office Fixtures, Fixtures, Single Tackle Blocks 2, every single article. Send it to us at once, tell us where you have seen this advertise Store etc. We can furnish every- thing needed office. Double •' " _ 39^ meot-and we will make a proposition that will be a saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. for the home or the " " statement. Thousands of satisfied customer! have bought lumber Send us list of yonr requirements or ask I Triple 63 This is not an idle absolute satisfaction. We require your good will for our Special Furniture Catalog. All kinds Hou.se moving eqnipmen; rotq ut in the past. We guarantee jg onductjy Pipe, 3 1-2c per ft PORTABLE FORGE, $4.75. 1-INCH PIPE, Per Foot 3 1-2c FIELD FENCING, 2Cc per rod.j Lever motion; with extra Galvanized graduated diamond mesh field heay pipe legs; stands 30 in- fencing, 22 in. high, per rod 20c high; 8 in, fan. Larger forges 36 in., per rod 35c Square mesh fencing at the same prices. Brand new galvanized. 2 in. per ft. 31 -2c like illustration from $6.35 to Overhauled pipe, complete with serened Heavy 2-in. mesh, hexagon galvanized 3 in. per ft. 4c. Ofcber sizes in proportion $14.50. We guarantee our superior to ends and threaded couplings: fencing, suitable for every purpose, made Eave Trough, per ft. 3c and up. Elbows forges equal or the market. 1 inch, per foot 313. of No 16 wire, 150 lineal feet 24 in. Eave Trough Corners, Hangers, looks and anything on 1 I * inch 4 1<sc l 1^ inch wide, per bale 52#;0 everything in Down-spouting, Eave Troughs Write for our full list. B^u Overhauled well casing, with Galvanized poultry netting, 2-in. mesh, and Fittings. Brand new galvanized Ridge Blacksmiths ' sledges, couplings lb., 5c. complete, good as new: 150 lineal feet to the bale; 12 in. Eoll, per ft. "4c and up. Roofer's Snips, unhandled, per 3 1 4 inch 6c 2% inch..., wide, per bale 50c 28c each. Roofing tools of all sorts. Hot and Cold Chisels. 9c per lb. 10c HORSESHOES, $3.75 Per Keg Guaranteed Paint 85c Ca l. Enameled Kitchen Sinks, $ 1 .00 ENAMELED TUBS, $6.00 is a paint. Not theg N«w blue enameled, 16x24 "We offer 2,000 kegs of brand new, A paint that Brand new steel of bestmateri-| nickel-plated irst-class, celebrated "Engle" cheap kind. Made with strain- tubs, with enamel als. Ground in pure linseed oil. er, enameled inside and 1 horseshoes at $3.75 baked on, 5 ft. long. gallon backed by our fivel outside, price 1 per keg when ordered in lots Every $ .00 Handsome white guarantee. Yourunl Cait-iron flat of 5 kegB at onetime; in year binding rim white enameled, seamiest " Premier" 18x30 smaller quantities, no risk in using our f porcelain enameled kitchen links, size cast-iron, roll rim Pr'ce $4.00 Band Paints. 1 gal. cans, 98e gal. with nickel-plated strainer $1.75 bath-tubs..* 15.25 95c gal. Half I We can furnish GizeB from 5 gal. Bucket, bbl. Handsome high back, one-piece, white Low-down water (25 gal.) 88c gal. Bbls. (50 gal.) No. to No. 7, either mixed enameled cast-iron seamless kitchen closet outfits 910.00 free color card kind to a keg. 85c gal. Send for and estimate. inks S1 1.00 Beautiful Marble "Washstands 9.00 Rubberized • Galvo Roofing, MANILA ROPE BARGAINS. WIND MILL LIFT PUMPS GALV. STEEL TANKS, $2.00 $1.25 persq. Easytoputon. Re- Good Manila Eope, slight Double acting, 3-way pumps. .36. 20 Weigh less and twice quires no previous 5 wooden experience. Can ly used, all sizes, e in., Hand-force pumps 3.95 as practical as be put on over shingles without re tanks; best manufac- per 100 ft., $3.25. New Syphon spout-lift pumps 3.65 moving them. Weather-proof and tured. 32 gal. tank, $2; Manila Eope slightly Kitchen force pumps 3.25 fire-proof. We furnish with each 10c 47 gal., $2.50; 73 gal., shop worn, per lb., Pitcher spout pumps ..1.65 order, sufficient cement to make tht per lb. $2.75; 6bDl.,$5.50;larg- Wrapping Twine , , laps large W Perfection epray pumps, best er sizes in proportion. and head nails. Price ii 5c. Galvanized Guy Wire *- ier Cookers, sq. of 108 sq. ft. 1 ply, $1.25 1001t.,$1.60. Wire Bope and manufactured 2.25 Feed $9.20; i ply, Steel Tanks $1.40. 3 ply, $1.75* Cable at waydown prices. Tackle Blocks, etc. Pumps of all kinds. Wagon $7.00. Galv. Troughs 60c 100Lbs.FENCINGWIRES1.25 and TUBULAR LANTERNS,45c. DOORS, 60c up. Wrought Iron Bolts, per lb. 4c No. 14 Painted Wire 10,000 doors and win- Steel Shovels, strongly made, shorts SI. 25 dows, which we will close 30c; Steel single bit axes, 45c; Nos.9,10, 11 and 12 Gal out at a saving Double bit axes, 40c; Large of 40^. At vanized shorts, $ 1 .80 60 cents we can furnish size steel hammers, 25e; Nos. 14 and 15 $1.90 you an ordinary door, Manure forks, 45c; Hay Galvanized Wire contin- Bought at manufacturers sale, 10 car loads uous lengths. No. 9 pe good enough for general forks, 30c; Axe handles of high grade carriage and machine bolts, 100 lbs $2.00 purposes. 5c; Hacksaws, with frame, mixed all kinds together, excellent assort No. 7 SI.80 We have a complete 15c; Hand saws, 25c; Com- ment, strictly first class, in lots of 100 lbs. BB Phone wire No. 12 list of these doors and pass saws, 12c; Files, 5c;| per lb., 4c. Also carriage and machine S2.8S No. 14 $3.10 windows, which we will Hatchets, 30c. Telephone equipment,Fence wire all kinds mail on application. bolts; wood screws „ 10c per lb Sold under Bind- $140 Buys America's Finest ing Guarantee, Steel Roofing X. «? $1.50 Built Gasoline Engine, Most economical and durable The best farm Engine manufactured is offered roof covering known.
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