Public Document Pack LEADER AGENDA DATE: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 TIME: 9.30 am VENUE: Meeting Room (TBC) - Civic Centre, St Luke's Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 2AE MEMBERSHIP: Councillor Richard Cooper (Leader) 1. Community Defibrillator Scheme Endorsement 2018: 1 - 20 To consider the written report submitted by the Partnership & VCS Officer. 2. Community Defibrillators - Single Supplier Request: 21 - 24 To consider the written report by the Partnerships & VCS Officer. Legal and Governance | Harrogate Borough Council | PO Box 787 | Harrogate | HG1 9RW 01423 500600 www.harrogate.gov.uk This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item No. REPORT TO: Leader Meeting DATE: 24 October 2018 SERVICE AREA: Legal and Governance REPORTING OFFICER: Partnership & VCS Officer Fiona Friday SUBJECT: Community Defibrillator Scheme Endorsement 2018 WARD/S AFFECTED: ALL DISTRICT FORWARD PLAN REF: N/A 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT To seek approval from the Leader of the Council for awards of defibrillators to 17 projects as recommended by the defibrillator grants panel. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION/S 2.1 That the Leader of the Council approve awards of community defibrillators to the 17 recommended projects. (Appendix 1). 3.0 RECOMMENDED REASON/S FOR DECISION/S 3.1 The community defibrillator scheme is a partnership project funded equally between Harrogate Lions Club and the council (£10,000 contribution by each partner). By approving the awards additional community defibrillators will be installed across the Harrogate district. The successful applicants will be provided with a defibrillator approved by Yorkshire Ambulance Service and the council to enable the defibrillator to be mounted on an external wall for maximum public access. In return the successful applicant must agree to pay for installation through a local electrician (at a cost of approximately £150). Page 1 1 4.0 ALTERNATIVE OPTION/S CONSIDERED AND RECOMMENDED FOR REJECTION 4.1 If the recommendations are not agreed the scheme will not be rolled out across the Harrogate district and the funding will not be allocated. 4.2 As this is a partnership funded scheme this could have a detrimental effect on the relationship with the Harrogate Lions Club and Yorkshire Ambulance Service. 5.0 THE REPORT 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 The purpose of the Community Defibrillator Grants Scheme is to support communities across the Harrogate district to install a Public Access Defibrillator (PAD). A PAD allows 24 hour access to life-saving emergency equipment available when a cardiac arrest is suspected. 5.1.2 In March 2018 Harrogate Lions Club approached the council to ask if a jointly funded defibrillator scheme would be considered. 5.1.3 £10,000 from the council’s District Improvement Fund was identified by the council. Harrogate Lions Club agreed to match fund this amount giving a total defibrillator grant fund of £20,000. 5.1.4 A partnership group was formed to manage the scheme administration which involved Harrogate Lions Club, Partnerships officer and Emergency Planning officers (HBC) and Yorkshire Ambulance Service. 5.1.5 At the start of the project it was envisaged that this money would be allocated through two application rounds with a second window for applications in early 2019. 5.1.6 Yorkshire Ambulance Service in conjunction with Emergency Planning officers, identified ‘high risk’ areas in the Harrogate district that would benefit from a PAD due to their location and distance from hospital A&E. 5.1.7 Communities across the Harrogate district were invited to apply for a defibrillator with each applicant agreeing to cover the installation cost by a qualified electrician. Applications for defibrillators were welcomed from community organisations, businesses and schools across the Harrogate district 5.1.8 The defibrillator scheme fund was open for applications from the 1 August 2018 until 30 September 2018. 5.1.9 Each successful applicant will receive the following: Powerheart 'G5' AED Fully Automatic defibrillator AED Manual G5 Carry Sleeve G5 Ready Kit Page 2 2 8 Year Device Warranty 4 year unconditional battery replacement guarantee. (note a future battery replacement will cost £230, all batteries have a shelf life of approximately 5 years) 2 Pairs of Adult Defibrillation Pads (note replacement pads cost £35 and will need replacing every 2 years at cost to the grant recipient) AED Manager Software – this is a diagnostic tool which will enable the defibrillator provider to give telephone/online support should a fault be indicated. An outdoor stainless steel cabinet with keypad, lock, heating and lighting. Delivery to the Harrogate Borough Council depot on an agreed date. 5.1.10 Yorkshire Ambulance Service has recommended Cardiac Sciences as the supplier of PAD’s and who they have an existing relationship with. We have carried out negotiations with the supplier to obtain the best value deal for the available funds. Each defibrillator and cabinet combination will cost £1,180 and the total to be awarded £20,060 (the £60 overspend will be funded from the small grants underspend). The council will purchase all 17 defibrillators and cabinets and will gift these to the successful applicants as per the terms and conditions. 5.2 The assessment process 5.2.1 A defibrillator grants panel was formed made up of the following representatives: 2 council emergency planning officers 3 representatives from Harrogate Lions Club 1 representative from Yorkshire Ambulance Service The panel convened on the 11th October 2018 to decide which applications met the required criteria and should be prioritised. 5.2.2 An interactive map was produced that mapped households, existing defibrillator locations and also the distance to A&E 5.2.3 Each application was assessed against the following criteria and considering the interactive map Proximity to Hospital Accident and Emergency facilities Community vulnerability – assessed by council emergency planning officers Location of the proposed defibrillator Funding for installation in place A named contact for the project Community support available in the form of ‘defibrillator guardians’ who will be able to conduct a weekly visual check of the defibrillator equipment. Outcomes of the application process 5.3 In total 38 applications have been received totalling £44,840 worth of 5.3.1 funding requests. This compares to 28 applications in the 2016 scheme. Page 3 3 5.3.2 The panel have recommended 17 applications for approval. The list of those recommended for a grant allocation can be found in Appendix 1. 5.4 Next Steps 5.4.1 Once the decision is made both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified. Successful applicants will be informed that funding is subject to a list of terms and conditions which includes that appropriate funding for installation being in place. Harrogate Lions Club together with the council having provided the defibrillator and monitored its commissioning will relinquish all further obligations and responsibility towards it. 5.4.2 The equipment will be ordered from Cardiac Sciences. Each defibrillator cabinet will show the logos of the Council and Harrogate Lions Club and the words ‘A jointly funded local initiative by’. 5.4.3 Delivery of the equipment is expected to be within 28 days following which all successful applicants will be contacted to arrange collection of the defibrillator and cabinet from the council. The collection event will also be a photo/media opportunity with Harrogate Lions Club in attendance. Yorkshire Ambulance Service and Emergency Planning officers will also be available to provide advice and initial training on the use and checks of the equipment 5.4.4 The outcomes from the community defibrillator project will be shared on the council’s website, a press release will be issued detailing the successful applicants with a photo call opportunity. 6.0 REQUIRED ASSESSMENTS AND IMPLICATIONS The following were considered: Financial Implications; Human Resources Implications; Legal Implications; ICT Implications; Strategic Property/Asset Management Considerations; Risk Assessment; Equality and Diversity (the Public Sector Equality Duty and impact upon people with protected characteristics). If applicable, the outcomes of any consultations, assessments, considerations and implications considered necessary during preparation of this report are detailed below. 6.1 An Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment has been undertaken and the impact of this proposal on age and disability in the local community is set out in Appendix 2 6.2 Legal Services will be drafting the agreement document with Cardiac Sciences to specify the terms of the purchase. They are also drafting letters of agreement to the applicants whom have been awarded a defibrillator detailing the terms and conditions of accepting the award. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS The applications have been assessed against a number of robust criteria Page 4 4 and the recommendations in Appendix 1 have been produced in a fair and accountable way. Background Papers – OFFICER CONTACT: Please contact Fiona Friday, Partnership & VCS Officer, if you require any further information on the contents of this report. The officer can be contacted at Legal and Governance PO Bo 787, Harrogate, HG1 9RW on 01423- 556068 or by e-mail [email protected].) Page 5 5 This page is intentionally left blank Appendix 1 COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATORS – RECOMMENDED All locations were checked using the Mapping Tool – Resilience Direct Name of locality Location of defibrillator Organisation type Area Reasons
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