Supplementary Figure 3b: Genes with altered expression levels of 2-fold or greater in response to over-expression of CREB in stably-transfected myometrial cell lines: main list (genes known or thought to be linked with myometrial activity). Gene Fold change Genbank Gene Fold change Genbank Cell adhesion Immunity proteins (complement/MHC/blood coagulation) cont’d SELE selectin E (endothelial adhesion molecule 1) 6.4 NM_000450 C4B complement component 4B 2.0 NM_000592 ICAM4 intercellular adhesion molecule 4, Landsteiner-Wiener blood group 3.0 NM_001544 C9 complement component 9 2.6 K02766.1 C1QA complement component 1, q subcomponent, alpha polypeptide 2.6 NM_015991 ICAM1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (CD54), human rhinovirus receptor 2.1 AA284705 Cytokines, hormones & receptors Cell Death IL18 interleukin 18 (interferon-gamma-inducing factor) 7.2 NM_001562 TNFRSF9 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 5.2 BC006196.1 IL8 interleukin 8 6.7 AF043337.1 ARTS-1 type 1 tumor necrosis factor receptor shedding aminopeptidase regulator 3.1 BE551138 CCL23 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 23 4.9 U58913.1 TNFRSF25 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 25 2.9 U72763.1 PTGFR prostaglandin F receptor (FP) 3.9 NM_000959 TNFSF4 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 4 (tax-transcriptionally 2.6 NM_003326 LHCGR luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor 3.4 NM_000233 activated glycoprotein 1, 34kDa) OXTR oxytocin receptor 3.4 NM_000916 TNFAIP2 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 2 2.4 AI862445 IL-17RC interleukin 17 receptor C 3.4 BF112057 TNFRSF1B tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1B 2.1 NM_001066 DTR diphtheria toxin receptor (heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like 3.3 M60278 growth factor) TNFRSF10C tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10c, decoy without an 2.5 AF012536.1 CXCL11 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 11 2.6 AF002985.1 intracellular domain CCL20 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 2.1 NM_004591 Cell growth & maintenance ITGB3 integrin, beta 3 (platelet glycoprotein IIIa, antigen CD61) 2.1 U95204.1 FGF18 fibroblast growth factor 18 5.0 AB007422.1 CCL24 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 24 2.1 NM_002991 FGF17 fibroblast growth factor 17 4.2 NM_003867 CCL3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 2.1 NM_002983 PTN pleiotrophin (heparin binding growth factor 8, neurite growth-promoting 2.6 BC005916.1 CXCL12 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (stromal cell-derived factor 1) 2.5 NM_000609 factor 1) CCL15 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 15 12.5 AF031587.1 IGFBP3 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 2.0 NM_000598.1 FGF6 fibroblast growth factor 6 5.0 NM_020996 Transport GAS1 growth arrest-specific 1 33.3 AW611727 SLC24A1 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 1 5.2 AB014602.1 SLC30A6 likely ortholog of mouse zinc transporter 6 3.9 NM_017964 Cell surface linked signal transduction ATP2C1 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, type 2C, member 1 2.2 AF225981.1 ITGB8 integrin, beta 8 4.5 NM_002214 SLC12A4 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporters), member 4 2.0 AF047338.1 RGS10 regulator of G-protein signalling 10 3.1 AI744627 ATP1A3 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 3 polypeptide 2.3 NM_000703.1 RGS20 regulator of G-protein signalling 20 2.5 AF074979.1 SLC39A2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 2 3.0 NM_014579 ITGB2 integrin, beta 2 (antigen CD18 (p95), lymphocyte function-associated 2.4 NM_000211 antigen 1; macrophage antigen 1 (mac-1) beta subunit) G6PT glucose-6-phosphatase, transport (glucose-6-phosphate) protein 1 3.1 AF097831 ITGA4 integrin, alpha 4 (antigen CD49D, alpha 4 subunit of VLA-4 receptor) 2.4 NM_000885 ITGB4 integrin, beta 4 2.0 NM_000213 Non-classified / other LOC64182 similar to rat myomegalin (cAMP-responsive; localizes components 10.2 AB042557.1 KCNH2 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 2 2.5 AB044806.1 of cAMP pathway) SCN11A sodium channel, voltage-gated, type XI, alpha polypeptide 3.3 AF150882.1 AQP4 aquaporin 4 6.3 U63622.1 2+ RGS12 regulator of G-protein signalling 12 3.3 AW170602 CAPN10 calpain 10 (Ca -dependent; cytoskeletal remodeling & signal transduction) 6.1 NM_023089 RGS14 regulator of G-protein signalling 14 3.3 AF037194.1 CALML3 calmodulin-like 3 5.6 M36707.1 CBX7 ESTs, Highly similar to potassium voltage-gated channel, 3.3 AV648364 TRPC4 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 4 4.3 NM_016179 Isk-related subfamily, gene 4; potassium voltage-gated channel-like ADRA1A adrenergic, alpha-1A-, receptor 4.1 D32202.1 protein, Isk-related subfamily [Homo sapiens] [H.sapiens] MEF2D MADS box transcription enhancer factor 2, polypeptide D 3.8 AL530331 KCNQ4 potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 4 5.0 NM_004700 (myocyte enhancer factor 2D) (involved in muscle-specific and/or growth- factor related transcription) Developmental processes KCNK2 potassium channel, subfamily K, member 2 3.8 AF004711.1 HIST1H2BI H2B histone family, member K 3.6 NM_003525 SOX11 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 11 2.6 AI360875 H4FN H4 histone, family 2 3.5 NM_003548 SOX4 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 4 2.9 AI989477 LOC57086 smooth muscle cell-expressed and macrophage conditioned medium- 3.4 NM_020351 induced Intracellular signalling protein smag-64 KCNAB1 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta 3.8 U33428.1 H2BFB H2B histone family, member B 3.3 AL353759 member 1 KCNN2 potassium intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, 2.9 NM_021614 SCN2B sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, beta polypeptide 2.6 U87555.1 subfamily N, member 2 KCNJ12 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 12 2.9 NM_021012 ARHGAP6 Rho GTPase activating protein 6 2.1 NM_006125 HIST1H2BL H2B histone family, member C 2.6 NM_003519 ARHGAP1 Rho GTPase activating protein 1 2.6 U62794.1 AKAP11; clone RP11-215B13 on chromosome 13 Contains the AKAP11 gene 2.5 AL136527 PRKA11; for A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 11, part of a novel gene, AKAP220; a fumarate hydratase (FH) pseudogene, the 3' end of the DGKH Pregnancy AKAP220; gene for diacylglycerol kinase eta and a CpG Island PSG5 pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 5 3.6 NM_002781 FLJ11304; PSG3 pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 3 3.0 NM_021016 KIAA0629 PSG6 pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 6 2.7 M31125.1 ESR1 estrogen receptor 1 2.5 AF258450.1 CRHR2 corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2 (may modulate 2.5 AF019381.1 myometrial inflammatory response) Extracellular matrix AKAP7 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 7 2.5 AF161075.1 MMP1 matrix metalloproteinase 1 (interstitial collagenase) 42.2 NM_002421 Putative endothelin receptor type B-like protein [Homo sapiens], 2.5 U87460.1 PCLO piccolo (presynaptic cytomatrix protein) 6.3 BC001304.1 mRNA sequence SMARCAL1 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of 5.3 NM_014140 HIST1H2BM H2B histone family, member E 2.5 NM_003521 chromatin, CCR6 Chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 6; chemokine (C-C) receptor 6; 2.4 NM_004367 subfamily a-like 1 G protein-coupled receptor 29; seven-transmembrane receptor, MMP23A matrix metalloproteinase 23A 4.7 NM_004659 lymphocyte, 22; COL13A1 collagen, type XIII, alpha 1 4.0 M33653.1 chemokine receptor-like 3 [Homo sapiens], mRNA sequence COL11A2 collagen, type XI, alpha 2 3.6 AL031228 GPRC5B G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B 2.2 NM_016235 FCN2 ficolin (collagen/fibrinogen domain containing lectin) 2 (hucolin) 2.7 NM_015839 DF D component of complement (adipsin) 2.2 NM_001928 SOCS1 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 2.2 NM_003745.1 COL5A1 collagen, type V, alpha 1 2.1 AI130969 AQP8 aquaporin 8 2.1 NM_001169 COL6A2 collagen, type VI, alpha 2 2.6 AY029208.1 H2AFC H2A histone family, member C 2.1 NM_003509.1 COL16A1 collagen, type XVI, alpha 1 2.9 NM_001856 HIST1H1E H1 histone family, member 4 2.1 NM_005321 COL4A2 collagen, type IV, alpha 2 2.9 AK025912.1 CAV2 caveolin 2 (functionally regulates G protein alpha subunits) 2.1 AA150110 BGN biglycan 2.9 AA845258 ADRB2 adrenergic, beta-2-, receptor, surface 2.0 NM_000024 COL6A1 collagen, type VI, alpha 1 3.2 BE350145 MATN1 matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein 3.3 NM_002379 CCR3 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 3 2.0 NM_001837 COL4A3 collagen, type IV, alpha 3 (Goodpasture antigen) 5.6 U02520.1 TRPC5 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 5 2.0 NM_012471 COL18A1 collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1 8.3 NM_030582.1 ADRA2A adrenergic, alpha-2A-, receptor 2.1 AF284095.1 GPR86 G protein-coupled receptor 86 2.1 NM_023914 Chromatin H1FX H1 histone family, member X 2.2 NM_006026 OXT oxytocin, prepro- (neurophysin I) 2.2 NM_000915 SMARCF1 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin,3.6 NM_006015 subfamily f, member 1 H2AFY2 H2A histone family, member Y2 2.3 NM_018649 PTGER3 prostaglandin E receptor 3 (subtype EP3) 2.3 L27489.1 Cytoskeletal proteins PCDHGA8 protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 8 (Ca2+ dependent cell adhesion) 2.4 AB002325.1 SVIL Supervillin (actin binding) 2.4 AW872377 LOC51036 retinoic acid receptor-beta associated open reading frame 2.4 NM_015854 CITED2 Cbp/p300-interacting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal 2.2 NM_006079 RARA retinoic acid receptor, alpha 2.5 NM_000964 domain, 2 THBS1 thrombospondin 1 (mediates cell-cell & cell-matrix interactions) 2.5 AI812030 TPM1 tropomyosin 1 (alpha) 2.0 NM_000366 CRHR1
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