accidentally adorable! jess doutrich making meaning pratt institute fall ‘10 In the middle of Kansas, stood a genetics lab. One day, a tornado came along and mixed up the dna of all the wild animals in the lab. What came out as a result was... “accidentally adorable!” TOR DNA IS RABLE!” TORNADO STRIKES KANSAS GENETICS LAB: DNA IS MIS-MATCHED! THE RESULT? ” “ACCIDENTALLY ADORABLE!” /HRSZD¿VK my design aims to build a positive, fun, and creative relationship between humans and the natural world. (a mix and match of wildlife) This project focuses on play and education, using plush animal “hybrids” to bring attention to wild animal conservation. The end result will be a collection of plush animals that share a common theme; mix and match. Each plush will incorporate 2 animal species; each from different spectrums of the animal kingdom. (i.e. reptile with a mammal, fish with bird, etc.) The hybrid quality will come from the body of one animal mixed with the “graphic” patterning, texture or color of another animal. Overall, this product aims to establish a positive relationship between the user and wild animal. The animal species chosen to mix and match were random except that they were opposite in taxonomic class. Abbott’s Booby Cabot’s Tragopan Pheasant D’entrecasteaux Archipelago Ganges Shark Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle Jacobson’s Bubble-nest Abbott’s Duiker Cabrera’s Hutia Tree Mouse Frog Abbott’s Starling Cabrera’s Vole D’Orbigny’s Tuco-tuco Ganges Stingray Garden Dormouse Jaeger’s Bright-eyed Abdulali’s Wrinkled Frog Cacao Shadowdamsel Dabry’s Sturgeon Frog Abe’s Salamander Cachorrito Cabezon Daggernose Shark Gardiner’s Seychelles Frog Garnet Pitta Jagged-shelled Turtle Aberdare Cisticola Cachorrito De Charco Azul Dahaoping Sucker Frog Jaguar Aberdare Mole Shrew Cachorrito De Dorsal Larga Dahl’s Jird Garo Hills Bubble-nest Frog Garra barreimiae Jaguarundi Abolokopatrika Madagascar Frog Cachorrito De Mezquital Dahl’s Toad-headed Turtle Jalapan Pine Vole Abor Bug-eyed Frog Cachorrito Enano De Potosi Daiyun Sucker Frog Garra dunsirei Garra ghorensis Jaliscan Spiny Pocket Abra Acanacu Marsupial Frog Caddo Madtom Dakota Skipper Mouse Abra Malaga Toad Caddo Mountain Salamander Daleswanson’s Poison Frog Garra longipinnis Garrido’s Hutia Jalpa False Brook Sala- Abronia deppii Caecocypris basimi Dalhousie Goby mander Abronia martindelcampoi Caerulean Paradise Flycatcher Dalhousie Hardyhead Gastrocopta boninensis Gastrotheca antomia Jamaica Petrel Abyssinian Longclaw Cagle’s Map Turtle Dalmatian Barbel-gudgeon Jamaica Robber Frog $FDGLDQ :KLWH¿VK Cahaba Shiner Dalmatian Pelican Gastrotheca stictopleura Gastrotheca zeugocystis Jamaican Blackbird Acancocha Water Frog Cahow Dalquest’s Pocket Mouse Jamaican Boa Acanthobrama centisquama Cainarachi Poison Frog Dama Ciega Blanca Gavial Geata Mouse Shrew Jamaican Giant Swal- Acanthobrama telavivensis &DLUQV 5DLQERZ¿VK Dama Gazelle ORZWDLO %XWWHUÀ\ Acanthocyclops hypogeus Cajamarca Water Frog Damar Blue Flycatcher Gebe Cuscus Geelvink Bay Flying Fox Jamaican Greater Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii Calamoecia australica Damara Tern Funnel-eared Bat Acanthodactylus mechriguensis Calamoecia elongata Dammerman’s Wart Frog Geelvink Pygmy-parrot Geithusa pulchra Jamaican Hypolestes Acanthomyops latipes Calamoecia zeidleri Damochlora millepunctata Jamaican Iguana Acanthomyops murphyi Calayan Rail Damochlora spina Gejiu Blind Loach Geminoropa scindocataracta Jamaican Kite Aceh Pheasant Calconiscellus gotscheensis Dancea rodriguezensis Jamaican Pauraque $FKD 7XJL /RQJ¿QJHUHG )URJ Caldwellia imperfecta Dannatt’s Tiger Gene’s Cave Salamander Genoways’s Yellow Bat Jamaican Red Bat Achalas Four-eyed Frog Calf Frog Danube Crested Newt Jamaican Red-eyed Frog Achondrostoma arcasii Calico Grouper Danube Salmon Gentoo Penguin Geoffroy’s Cat Jamaican Snoring Frog Achondrostoma occidentale Calientes Water Frog Dapitan Peak Bubble-nest Frog Jambu Fruit-dove Acicula norrisi California Bay Pea Crab Dapple-throat Geoffroy’s Peruvian Woolly Monkey James Spinymussel Acicula palaestinensis California Condor Dardo De Conchos Ja anese Ant Acilius duvergeri California Freshwater Shrimp Darevsky’s Viper Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey Geo a a Ja anese Crane Ackawaio Stefania Treefrog California Giant Salamander Darien Small Eared Sh ew Ja anese Crested Ibis Acropora Coral (Acropora abrol- California Red Tree Mouse Darien Stubfoot T ad Geo et ic To to se endangeredGeomitra co nata Japanese Devilray hosensis) California Red-legged Frog Dark Bolo Mouse Geomitra delphinuloides Japanese Giant Sala- Acropora Coral (Acropora wil- California Sheephead Dark Guest Ant mander lisae) California Tiger Salamander Dark Knob-tipped Shadowdam- Geomitra moniziana Geomitra tiarella Japanese Huchen Actinella anaglyptica &DOOLSSH 6LOYHUVSRW %XWWHUÀ\ VHOÀ\ Japanese Murrelet Actinella armitageana Callulina kisiwamsitu Dark Pigtoe Georgia Blind Salamander Georissa laseroni Japanese Night-heron Actinella carinofausta Callulops kopsteini Dark-backed Wood-quail Japanese Noctule Actinella effugiens Calopteryx exul Dark-brown Serotine Geothelphusa levicervix Geothelphusa miyakoensis Japanese Paradise- Actinella giramica Calopteryx hyalina Dark-rumped Swift À\FDWFKHU Acultzingo Minute Salamander Calopteryx syriaca Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon Gerenuk Germain’s Peacock-pheasant Japanese Short-tailed Acuminate Snaketail Calvert’s Emerald Dark-tailed Tree Rat Bat Acute Elimia Cambarus cymatilis Dark-throated Oriole Ghana River Frog Ghats Wart Frog Japanese Waxwing Adam’s Shadowdamsel Cambarus e kensis Dark-throated Seedeater Japanese Wood-pigeon Adamson’s Grunter Cambarus strigosus Dark-winged Groundling Ghizani Ghost Bat Japanese Yellow Bunting Addax Cambarus subterraneus 'DUNHGJHG 6SOLW¿Q Jardinella acuminata Adelaide Pigmy Blue-tongue Cambodian Laughingthrush Darling River Hardyhead Gia Lia Eastern Spadefoot Toad Giant Anteater Jardinella carnarvonen- Skink Cameron Highlands Niviventer Dartford Warbler sis Adeleana forcarti Cameroon Clawless Otter Darwin’s Fox Giant Antpitta Giant Armadillo Jardinella colmani Adelophryne baturitensis Cameroon Climbing Mouse Darwin’s Frog Jardinella coreena Adelophryne maranguapensis Cameroon Egg Frog Darwin’s Rhea Giant Asian Pond Turtle Giant Atlantic Tree Rat Jardinella corrugata Adelopoma stolli Cameroon Montane Greenbul Dary’s Burrowing Snake Jardinella edgbasto- Adelos Salamander Cameroon Range Night Frog 'DV\DWLV ÀXYLRUXP Giant Babax Giant Bandicoot nensis Aden Gulf Torpedo Cameroon Slippery Frog Davao Cross Frog Jardinella eulo Aders’ Duiker Cameroon Soft-furred Mouse David’s Spiny Bandicoot Giant Barred River-frog Giant Blind Mole Rat Jardinella exigua Adler’s Mottled Treefrog Cameroon Toad David’s Tiger Jardinella isolata Admirable False Brook Sala- Cameroon Water Frog Davies’ Tree Frog Giant Bronze Gecko Giant Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat Jardinella jesswiseae mander Cameroon Wolterstorff Toad Day’s Shrew Jardinella pallida Admiralty Cuscus Cameroonian Forest Shrew Dayak Fruit Bat *LDQW %XWWHUÀ\ 5D\ Giant Clam Jardinella zeidlerorum Adriatic Salmon Cameroonian Shrew Dayang Newt Java Flying Frog Adriatic Sturgeon Camiguin Forest Mouse Dayao Flying Frog Giant Conebill Giant Devilray Java Indonesian Treefrog Camiguin Forest Rat De Filippi’s Petrel Java Sparrow &DPRXÀDJH *URXSHU De Graaff’s Praomys Giant Ditch Frog Large-eared Free-tailed Bat New Caledonia Catshark Oxynoemacheilus pindus Polyommatus dama Scalloped Antbird Large-eared Hutia New Caledonia Flying Fox Oyster Mussel Polyphyllia novaehiberniae Scaly Ground-roller /DUJHHDUHG 2OG¿HOG 0RXVH New Caledonia Long-eared Ozark Cave Amphipod Pomace Fly (Drosophila aglaia) Scaly-breasted Bulbul Large-eared Pied Bat Bat 2]DUN &DYH¿VK Pomace Fly (Drosophila differens) Scaly-sided Merganser /DUJHH\HG 5DEELW¿VK New Caledonia Wattled Bat Ozark Emerald Pomace Fly (Drosophila hemipeza) Scaly-tailed Possum /DUJHKHDGHG )RUHVW 6KUHZ New Caledonian Grassbird Oziothelphusa biloba Pomace Fly (Drosophila heteroneura) Scanty Frog /DUJHKHDGHG 5LFH 5DW New Caledonian Imperial- Oziothelphusa dakuna Pomace Fly (Drosophila montgomeryi) Scardinius acarnanicus /DUJHKHDGHG :DWHU 6QDNH pigeon Oziothelphusa gallicola Pomace Fly (Drosophila musaphila) Scardinius dergle /DUJHVSLQHG %HOO 7RDG New Caledonian Lorikeet Oziothelphusa hippocasta- Pomace Fly (Drosophila neoclavisetae) Scardinius graecus /DUJHVSRWWHG &LYHW New Caledonian Owlet- num Pomace Fly (Drosophila obatai) Scardinius racovitzai /DUJHWRRWKHG 6KUHZ nightjar Oziothelphusa intuta Pomace Fly (Drosophila ochrobasis) Scardinius scardafa /DUJHPRXWK <HOORZ¿VK New Caledonian Parakeet Oziothelphusa kodagoda Pomace Fly (Drosophila substenoptera) Scarlet Bluet /DUJHVFDOH 3XS¿VK New Caledonian Wood Rail Oziothelphusa populosa Pomace Fly (Drosophila tarphytrichia) Scarlet Harlequin Toad /DUJHVFDOH 6SLQ\ /L]DUG New England Cottontail Oziothelphusa ritigala Pomugu Wrinkled Ground Frog Scarlet-banded Barbet /DUJHWRRWK 6DZ¿VK New Georgia Monkey-faced Oziothelphusa stricta Ponape Greater White-eye Scarlet-breasted Dacnis /DULFLV 7UHH &ULFNHW Bat Oziothelphusa wagrakarow- Ponape Mountain Starling Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker /DV 0LQDV )URJ New Guinea Eagle ensis Poncelet’s Giant Rat Scarlet-breasted Robin /DV 3DOPDV 6S NHWKXPE )URJ New Guinea Flightless Rail Pacarana Pond Bat Scarlet-chested Parakeet /DVLXV UHJLQDH New Guinea Pademelon Pachyhynobius yunanicus Ponderous Siltsnail Scarlet-collared Flowerpecker /DWDVWH¶V 9LSHU New Guinea Quoll Pachypanchax sakaramyi Pondicherry Shark Scarlet-rumped Trogon /DXULD IDQDOHQVLV New Guinea River Shark Pachypanchax sp.
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