PEAK-BAGGERS GUIDE 2013 Area Peak 1:100 000 1:25 000 Ref. Height Pts Me 1 Beecroft Sophia Pencil Pine 030969 1136 2 1 Bertha Arthur River Bertha 525277 703 2 1 Black Bluff Inglis Loongana 125104 1339 2 1 Black Bluff Range Inglis Lea 111097 1340 1 1 Cattley Inglis Lea 045061 944 1 1 Claude Forth Cethana 330063 1034 1 1 Cleveland Arthur River Luina 644098 858 1 1 Detention Peak Arthur River Milabena 710574 554 1 1 Dial Forth Stowport 195421 480 1 1 Duncan Forth Riana 190390 681 1 1 Edith Arthur River Lagoon 331093 772 2 1 Everett Inglis Loyatea 050205 890 1 1 Gnomon, The Forth Stowport 188413 490 1 1 Gog Range Mersey Gog 554040 740 1 1 Hadmar Arthur River Lagoon 355087 735 1 1 Hazelton Nelson Bay Lily 267187 669 1 1 Helen Peak Nelson Bay Lagoon 302087 722 1 1 Housetop Inglis Loyetea 070269 702 1 1 Lily Nelson Bay Lily 278158 577 1 1 Livingstone Pieman Livingstone 559843 787 2 1 Loongana Range Inglis Loongana 122176 895 1 1 Lorymer Forth Kindred 201355 560 1 1 Loyetea Inglis Loyetea 126254 705 1 1 Mabel Nelson Bay Lily 285122 700 1 1 Meredith Pieman Meredith 537965 792 2 1 Norfolk Nelson Bay Lagoon 297097 762 2 1 Parsons Hood Pieman Parsons 614839 913 2 1 Pearse Sophia Pearse 842046 1002 1 1 Ramsay Pieman Ramsay 709949 855 2 1 Riana Forth Riana 175377 602 1 1 Rocky SL Sophia Pearse 853033 974 1 1 Roland Forth Cethana 386095 1233 2 1 St Valentines Peak Inglis Parrawe 958207 1106 1 1 Stormont Mersey Lea 174041 1009 1 1 Sunday Pieman Lagoon 345020 701 1 1 Tor Inglis Loongana 074126 1105 2 1 Vandyke Forth Cethana 381064 1084 1 1 Vero Arthur River Lagoon 370076 693 1 1 West Bluff Nelson Bay Lily 264135 609 1 2 Albert Forester Victoria 728219 1120 1 2 Amos Freycinet Coles Bay 073323 454 1 2 Arthur St Patricks Lisle 241302 1188 2 2 Barrow St Patricks Nunamara 348192 1406 1 2 Ben Nevis Forester Ben Nevis 522153 1368 2 2 Blackboy Forester Saddleback 733160 882 1 2 Byatts Razorback St Pauls Mangana 677971 1018 1 2 Cameron Cape Portland Monarch 792626 551 1 2 Daedalus Freycinet Schouten 072132 400 1 2 Dove Freycinet Coles Bay 079324 485 1 2 Elephant Break O'Day Ironhouse 038917 757 1 2 Foster St Pauls St Pauls Dome 737793 1012 1 2 Freycinet Freycinet Graham 075252 620 1 2 Graham Freycinet Graham 086256 579 1 2 Hamilton Crags St Pauls Giblin 566021 1515 1 2 Henry St Pauls Henry 825674 675 1 2 Kerford Flinders Island Kerford 153230 503 2 2 Legges Tor St Pauls Giblin 548017 1572 1 2 Leventhorpe Flinders Island Leventhorpe 934635 501 1 2 Littlechild Forester Blue Tier 815382 850 1 2 Markham Heights St Pauls Giblin 542039 1542 1 2 Maurice Forester Maurice 491270 1122 1 Area Peak 1:100 000 1:25 000 Ref. Height Pts Me 2 Mayson Freycinet Coles Bay 060316 415 1 2 Mensa Moor St Pauls Stacks 534961 1365 2 2 Munro Flinders Island Anderson 947304 711 1 2 Nicholas Break O'Day Dublin Town 912003 859 1 2 Pavement Bluff St Pauls Mangana 623946 1330 1 2 Ragged Jack St Pauls Stacks 487993 1369 2 2 Saddleback Forester Saddleback 634166 1256 2 2 Scott Forester Maurice 432275 984 1 2 Sphinx Bluff St Pauls Mangana 615927 1360 1 2 Spion Kop Break O'Day Fingal 864890 866 1 2 St John Break O'Day St John 903741 779 1 2 St Patricks Head Break O'Day Ironhouse 029968 683 1 2 St Pauls Dome St Pauls St Pauls Dome 693754 1027 1 2 Stacks Bluff St Pauls Stacks 572913 1527 2 2 Story Freycinet Schouten 058135 420 2 2 Strzelecki Flinders Island Loccota 909491 782 3 2 Victoria Forester Victoria 702237 1213 2 2 West Tower St Pauls Mathinna 693007 1089 1 2 Young Forester Victoria 799206 894 1 3 Agnew Pieman Heemskirk 527604 846 1 3 Black Sophia Tullah 805755 929 1 3 Charter Sophia Charter 897913 840 1 3 Clytemnestra Franklin Vera 025176 1271 3 3 Cracroft Hills Franklin McCall 936036 891 2 3 Cripps Sophia Charter 970959 941 1 3 Darwin Franklin Darwin 833209 1034 2 3 Discovery Olga D'Aguilar 851867 650 1 3 Dundas Pieman Dundas 732605 1143 2 3 Elliot Range Franklin Limekiln 948963 911 2 3 Emma Franklin Vera 154153 964 2 3 Farrell Sophia Tullah 866770 711 1 3 Fincham Franklin Darwin 930237 802 2 3 Frenchmans Cap Franklin Vera 035195 1446 7 3 Geikie Sophia Tyndall 822524 1193 2 3 Granite Tor Sophia Tullah 984785 1034 2 3 Heemskirk Pieman Heemskirk 483650 742 2 3 High Tor Sophia Tullah 929784 861 1 3 Huxley Franklin Owen 836335 926 2 3 Innes Peak Olga Innes 849784 665 1 3 Jukes Franklin Darwin 828298 1168 3 3 Julia Sophia Selina 809620 840 1 3 Julia Peak Sophia Selina 834613 918 1 3 Lee Olga D'Aguilar 850814 736 1 3 Lewis Olga Moores 937699 798 2 3 Lyell Franklin Gormanston 851436 917 1 3 Lyne Franklin Vera 026124 942 3 3 Madge Franklin Darwin 945282 780 1 3 Marble Bluff Franklin Gormanston 902479 830 2 3 Mary Franklin Darwin 997277 1012 2 3 Maud Franklin Darwin 968255 770 1 3 McCall Franklin McCall 949080 764 1 3 McCutcheon Franklin McCall 905081 707 1 3 Murchison Sophia Tullah 851704 1275 3 3 Owen Franklin Owen 844383 1146 1 3 Philps Peak Franklin Vera 062177 1282 4 3 Pine Knob Franklin Loddon 053206 1066 1 3 Princess Range Olga Lancelot 036852 682 2 3 Proprietary Peak Franklin Owen 826304 1104 1 3 Pyramid Peak Franklin Darwin 830278 1080 1 3 Raglan Range Franklin Owen 990343 1062 1 3 Read Sophia Dundas 788662 1124 1 3 Romulus Sophia Block 948846 966 2 Area Peak 1:100 000 1:25 000 Ref. Height Pts Me 3 Seal Franklin Warnes 070072 876 2 3 Sedgwick Franklin Gormanston 853487 1146 2 3 Sedgwick Bluff Franklin Gormanston 823478 1019 1 3 Sharlands Peak Franklin Vera 056190 1140 2 3 Sophia Peak Sophia Tullah 926707 980 2 3 Sorell Franklin Philips 796188 1144 3 3 South Darwin Peak Franklin Engineer 833164 783 1 3 Sticht Range Sophia Selina 881604 1080 2 3 Strahan Franklin Teepookana 776223 855 2 3 Tyndall Sophia Tyndall 831565 1179 2 3 Victoria Peak Sophia Tullah 902718 949 2 3 Walford Peak Sophia Tyndall 865560 1009 1 3 Wards Bluff Franklin Loddon 070278 1060 2 3 West Jukes Peak Franklin Darwin 820283 1062 1 3 White Needle Franklin Vera 057185 1117 1 3 Zeehan Pieman Oceana 608568 702 1 4 Achilles Sophia Achilles 150651 1363 3 4 Acropolis Mersey Du Cane 220568 1480 4 4 Alma Franklin Loddon 146298 870 2 4 Arrowsmith Nive Arrowsmith 235263 981 1 4 Back Peak Sophia Pencil Pine 048916 1122 1 4 Barn Bluff Sophia Cradle 103801 1559 4 4 Beehive, The Nive Arrowsmith 229281 1001 1 4 Byron Nive Olympus 220463 1375 2 4 Calders LO Nive Arrowsmith 215274 993 1 4 Camp Hill Franklin Goulds 037443 1172 1 4 Campbell Sophia Cradle 143877 1248 1 4 Canning Peak Sophia Achilles 005650 854 1 4 Castle Crag Mersey Du Cane 249596 1482 4 4 Castle Mtn Sophia Dome 044503 1208 2 4 Cheyne Range Nive Collingwood 186370 1290 3 4 Chimera, The Nive Rufus 239317 1111 1 4 Coal Hill Nive Goulds 190451 1190 1 4 Cradle Mtn Sophia Cradle 126845 1545 4 4 Cuvier Nive Goulds 191468 1378 3 4 Dome Hill Sophia Dome 033568 1177 2 4 Doris Mersey Cathedral 206645 1340 1 4 Du Cane Range Mersey Du Cane 213585 1520 1 4 Eldon Bluff Sophia Dome 026520 1361 5 4 Eldon Peak Sophia Tyndall 948522 1439 5 4 Eldon Range Sophia Dome 008529 1321 1 4 Emmett Sophia Cradle 153819 1410 1 4 Eros Sophia Dome 195580 1373 1 4 Flat Bluff Franklin Collingwood 011311 1060 1 4 Gell Nive Collingwood 193326 1447 4 4 Geryon North Mersey Du Cane 215581 1504 5 4 Geryon South Mersey Du Cane 216578 1507 8 4 Gould Mersey Du Cane 213524 1480 4 4 Goulds SL Franklin Goulds 171421 1425 2 4 Guardians, The Mersey Dome 189525 1394 3 4 High Dome Sophia Dome 110507 1366 5 4 Hippogriff, The Nive Rufus 232335 1109 1 4 Horizontal Hill Mersey Dome 188514 1254 2 4 Hugel Nive Rufus 242380 1403 2 4 Hyperion Mersey Dome 199590 1480 3 4 Inglis Sophia Will 066783 1281 3 4 Kate Sophia Pencil Pine 131921 1156 1 4 Little Horn Sophia Cradle 136857 1355 1 4 Little Hugel Nive Rufus 258399 1274 1 4 Macs Mtn Sophia Dome 156566 1413 3 4 Manfred Nive Goulds 188487 1382 3 4 Massif Mersey Cathedral 223601 1514 4 Area Peak 1:100 000 1:25 000 Ref. Height Pts Me 4 Minotaur, The Mersey Du Cane 210532 1340 1 4 Nereus Sophia Dome 116583 1184 4 4 Olympus Nive Olympus 268446 1447 1 4 Olympus North (UNN) Nive Olympus 248454 1472 3 4 Ossa Mersey Achilles 196639 1614 4 4 Othrys Nive Olympus 283431 1279 1 4 Paddys Nut Mersey Achilles 176656 1382 1 4 Parthenon, The Mersey Du Cane 213548 1260 1 4 Pelion East Mersey Cathedral 225655 1461 2 4 Pelion West Sophia Achilles 150682 1560 5 4 Perrins Bluff Sophia Achilles 142633 1420 3 4 Proteus Sophia Achilles 107696 1152 1 4 Pyramid Mtn Franklin Goulds 121443 1259 2 4 Remus Sophia Pencil Pine 011902 1110 2 4 Rocky Hill Franklin Goulds 061440 1194 1 4 Rufus Nive Rufus 254358 1416 2 4 Thetis Sophia Achilles 168649 1482 3 4 Tramontone (UNN) Franklin Goulds 139493 1140 1 4 Walled Mtn Mersey Dome 186563 1431 2 5 Bastion Bluff Meander Lake Mackenzie 588821 1386 1 5 Billop Bluff Meander Bradys LO 980673 1238 1 5 Bishop Peak Mersey Cathedral 275643 1378 1 5 Blackwood Meander Poatina 897704 1326 1 5 Blue Peaks Mersey Lake Mackenzie 479815 1350 1 5 Bradys LO Meander Bradys LO 932674 1362 1 5 Bradys SL Shannon Echo 611213 1024 1 5 Cathcart Bluff Meander Poatina 880735 1146 1 5 Cathedral Mtn Mersey Cathedral 261622 1387 1 5 Charles (Central Plateau) Nive Rufus 378323 1046 1 5 Clumner Bluff Mersey Rowallan 381762 1449 2 5 D'Arcys Bluff Nive D'Arcys 423282 1182 1 5 Dean Bluff Mersey Cathedral 281664 1294 1 5 Drys Bluff Meander Liffey 853829 1298 1 5 Drys Bluff West (UNN) Meander Liffey 838817 1330 1 5 Fisher Bluff Mersey Lake Mackenzie 438823 1408 1 5 Forty Lakes Peak Mersey Pillans 528797 1351 1 5 Gatepost, The Mersey Du Cane 256570 1290 2 5 Great Pine Tier Mersey Ada 452663 1310 1 5 Howells Bluff Mersey Rowallan 368732 1240 1 5 Ida Nive Olympus 306475 1239 3 5 Ironstone Mtn Mersey
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