Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 08/15 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 01.- 15. April Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Rahmenabkommen über iranisches Atomprogramm ....................................................................................... 1 2. Tragödie von Yarmouk ..................................................................................................................................... 3 3. Koalitionsverhandlungen und Perspektiven für eine Einheitsregierung ........................................................... 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1. Rahmenabkommen über iranisches ously damage Iran's nuclear facilities. The alterna- Atomprogramm tive is living (or dying) with a nuclear weapons- Das Anfang April erreichte Rahmenabkommen der capable fanatical, tyrannical, aggressive regime fünf UN-Vetomächte und Deutschlands mit der irani- much more dangerous for the rest of the world than schen Regierung stieß in Jerusalem auf scharfe North Korea will ever be. Too bad the meetings Kritik. Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanyahu warnte weren't held in the holy city of Qom. In that case the in einem Telefonat mit US-Präsident Barack Obama comparison with the betrayal of Czechoslovakia by vor einer existentiellen Gefahr für Israel. Die Eck- the British and French in 1938 would have been punkte, die bis zum Sommer in einen Vertrag mün- even more perfect. That famous meeting, leading to den sollen, halten u.a. fest, dass Iran in den kom- an "historic" agreement, was of course, held in Mu- menden zehn Jahren in etwa zwei Drittel der Zentri- nich, birthplace of the Nazi Party. fugen zur Urananreicherungen still legt. Die Atoman- Norman Bailey, GLO, 06.04.15 lagen sollen außerdem für Kontrollen der Internatio- nalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) zugängig sein. In Israel will benefit from an Iran nuclear deal Israel bleibt man jedoch weiterhin besorgt. (…) we should take a breath and try to understand what each side is trying to achieve (…) The real goal The "historic" agreement that ignores history of the world powers is to keep Iran in this situation, (…) In 1994 President Clinton made a television or return it to a situation in which it cannot produce address from the White House remarkably similar in enough fissile material for the core of a nuclear wording to that of Mr. Obama following the Lau- weapon for more than 10 years. No fissile material, sanne meetings. (…) It celebrated an "agreement" no bomb. (…) The West is hoping that within the reached with North Korea to end that country's nu- next 10-15 years, the ayatollahs will fall or be over- clear weapons program. Subsequently North Korea thrown, or become more open and less militant. (…) violated every aspect of that agreement with impuni- Iran is primarily interested in the removal of sanc- ty, and is now a nuclear power. The same will hap- tions (…) and (…) to protect the honor and prestige pen again with Iran unless (1) sanctions are main- of the regime. (…) Israel's aim is to completely pre- tained and strengthened leading to regime change vent – in the present and in the future - the possibil- in Iran or (2) military force is used to destroy or seri- ity of Iran developing and producing nuclear weap- 1 ons (…) by preventing Iran from acquiring fissile at a single site, the Natanz facility, making inspec- material (…). one must consider the prospect that tions easier. The level of enrichment will be kept to something will go wrong, leading to an escalation in 3.67 percent, vastly below weapons-grade. And the the political conflict and the ongoing development of stockpile of low-grade uranium would be capped at Iran's nuclear program. (…) For now, the military 300 kilograms for 15 years. (…) The agreement sets option does not seem to be on the table (…). If an up an aggressive inspection regime. (…) Yet, (…) agreement is reached within the next three months, there are also quite worrisome aspects to the Israel would benefit as Iran be out of the nuclear framework agreement (…). Iran’s nuclear infrastruc- bomb business for at least ten years – which could ture will remain intact, though some of it may be well be the same result as attacking Iran's nuclear mothballed for 10 years. (…) Another problem is that facilities. It is always better to achieve through di- Iran will be allowed to engage in “limited research plomacy what could also be achieved with military and development with its advanced centrifuges” at measures. Natanz (…). Not only is no mention made of Iran’s Ron Ben-Yishai, JED, 01.04.15 development of long-range missiles that could only be used to carry nuclear warheads, the key parame- The unfolding farce of Obama’s deal with Iran ters are silent on Iran’s support for terrorism, not just (…) President Barack Obama and his indefatigable in the Middle East but in far-flung locations such as secretary of state promised that they (…) would not Buenos Aires and Burgas. Indeed, while talks pro- sign a bad deal with Iran on its nuclear weapons gressed between Iran and the P5+1 (the US, Britain, program. (...) But the deal is far worse than even our France, China and Russia plus Germany), Reza relentlessly lowered expectations had given us rea- Naqdi, the commander of the Basij militia of the son to anticipate. The Arak heavy water plant is not Revolutionary Guards, declared that “erasing Israel to be dismantled. (…) The Fordo enrichment facility, from the map” is “nonnegotiable.” (…) The skeptics built secretly into a mountain, is not to be shuttered. have every reason to remain skeptical. (…) Thousands of centrifuges are to be allowed to Editorial, JPO, 06.04.15 keep on spinning. Thousands more will remain intact. For heaven’s sake, why? Because this was the best There is no 'better deal' with Iran deal we could get. (…) If it were not so grave it (…) The deal is basically dangerous in nature, and would be farcical to witness the disingenuous at- needs to be rejected outright. (…) Even in the ab- tempts by the Obama administration to depict the sence of a signed full agreement, the U.S. and its unfolding disaster as an achievement worthy of ad- negotiating partners already have awarded legitima- miration — the best deal; historic; a guarantee, in cy to Iran’s nuclear threshold status. (…) Iran is get- the glib, empty formulation of presidential adviser ting more or less what it wanted: the capability to Ben Rhodes, that Iran will never get the bomb. (…) produce enriched uranium and to research weapon It gets worse. The Iranians’ latest contention is that design; agreement to keep its missile program intact; the deal gives them the right to start injecting gas and no linkages to Iranian behavior in the region. into their most sophisticated centrifuges — the IR-8s The deal is a prelude to nuclear breakout and Irani- — which they say can enrich uranium 20 times fast- an regional hegemony. (…) Unfortunately, no better er than their current IR-1s. And therefore, that smil- deal is in the offing. (…) Obama is right that the only ing, avuncular Foreign Minister Zarif and his nuclear alternative to this deal is an Iranian nuclear fait ac- expert colleague Ali Akbar Salehi told Iranian MPs compli or the bombing of the Iranian nuclear infra- on Tuesday, Iran will begin working with the IR-8s on structure. Obama’s penchant for engagement, his the first day that the deal goes into effect. (…) Need- reluctance to use force, and his liberal prism on in- less to say, that makes a mockery of the entire deal. ternational relations (…) has led to this miserable (...) result. Netanyahu is wrong in demanding a better David Horovitz, TOI, 08.04.15 deal because no such deal exists. Yet denying its ratification by the U.S. Congress could create better The Iran deal international circumstances for an Israeli military (…) Iran will be allowed to keep in operation just strike. (…) It is more evident than ever that only mili- 5,060 centrifuges, fewer than leaked estimates of tary action can stop a determined state such as the 6,000 or 7,000 or 12,000. And only Iran’s most basic Islamic Republic of Iran from building a nuclear model – the IR-1 centrifuges – will be in operation. bomb. (…) (…) Also, all enrichment activity will be concentrated Efraim Inbar, IHY, 09.04.15 2 Deal makes Iran stronger than ever after the establishment of Israel in 1948, and many (…) The memorandum of understanding shows that were refugees at least twice before settling there. the Iranians got their way on most of the issues. (…) (…) They remained Palestinian in their identity, and The importance of the results of the talks is that Iran part of the larger family of displaced Palestinians (…) will be recognized as a country on the brink of nu- most of the Palestinians in Syria did not take sides; clear capability. (…) Iran demanded that the deal be nonetheless the Assad regime decided that they limited to a few years, after which the limitations on were the enemy. (…) Now the Yarmouk camp has its nuclear program would be removed and it would been brutally attacked by Islamic State (IS), who are be allowed to do what it wants. (…) Iran has come fighting against Assad and his Iranian-backed Hez- out of the deal in a new position. The sanctions bollah allies. The Palestinians are being bombed against it will be removed and governments and and killed by both sides (…). There are daily reports private companies will rush to do business with it. Its of massacres and rapes inside of Yarmouk. This is a regional status will be bolstered when its involve- humanitarian crisis that almost no one in the world ment in neighboring countries -- Iraq, Syria, Leba- cares about. (…) This is (…) is the time to save hu- non, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip -- is already un- man lives. (…) It is the humane gesture that we precedented. Iran becoming a state on the verge of Jews should understand the need for, recalling with nuclear capability could prompt other countries to empathy when we had no place to run to and no follow suit.
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