; . ' ' . ·~· ·.. ~ . ,-: .\" . P.C l.l.. - 1.7 ·. ~. {. · Collection: DAVID S ,- · REID PAPERS - '· . ·· - .• ,1.". •;)" . ... Rockingham County, North Caroli~a · Raleigh, North Carolina .. .{ . · Washington, D. c, · ....; . ··.; . ·· ·' :180) ... 1880 : ·, .. ., Physical Description: c. 820 items; letters, summons, resolution, reports, · petitions, election-returns, poem, bet, inaugural address, invitations, telegrams; bill, newspaper clippings,· minutes, advertisements, price lists; ' . ' .. '·' Acquisition: From B.i.e~ial Reportli; 19lu"'l916, 562 letters and other doc­ ··.; uments; 1916-1918,2h8 items, both acquisitions from David S, Reid's .: i.. granddaughter, Miss Henrietta s. Reid~ Reidsville, North Carolina·. j ~ .. '. Description:· CorrespondenCE) of David Settle Reid, (181)-11l91), [for bio­ graphical sketch see Dictionary of American Biography, XV, p, h76] b. near Reidsville, Rockingham County, 1813; educated in common schools and lliddleton (Connecticut) Academy: postmaster, Reidsville, 1829-1835; .\ admitted to bar 1833: served in state senate, 1836-1Rh2; Democratic . ~ congressman, 18hh-18h8; married Henrietta Settle, daughter of Thomas Settle, Sr~, when governor-elect, December 12, 1850 [both Reid and hill wife were first cousins of Martha D. Martin, first wife (18u7-1B53) of · Stephen A. Douglas); governor, 1851-185h; U, S, SeMtor, 1R5h-1A59 (elected by legisla ttire; Harren Winslow, speaker of the senate com­ pleted his term as governor), Delegate to peace conference in Wash­ ington, D., C., 1861; member state secession convention, 1861 and state constitutional convention, 1875. Correspondence and documents deal with many prominent political ··issues, state ·and national, and most election campaigns, gubernatorial ·.'and presidential; for period 1835-1859, as well as issues of the state 'constitutional convention of 1875. · ; .· Letters and reports from Reid include postmaster's receipts, gover• · nor's inaugural address (1851), reports to constituentS, recommendations for appointments,· The few personal letters are to his wife, father,. fa-- ·• ther-in-law, brother-in-law (Thomas Settle, Jr.), sister-in-,law (Caroline Settle), and son Thomas s ..Reid at Hake Forest College, 187),, · · · · ·. ' . ·. r llocuments of lBOJ and 1809 refer .to ·court actions in v'ake and Rock-. .... ingham counties, A letter_ (1829) from John M, Morehead indicates no· ~. I . available clerkships at the latter.1 s Leaksville store, Other items per- - \ ·.. tain. to orders from Reid's Store and quarterly reports to th.e Post Office v··. Department. through 1!135. -· · · ·· '· · . · . ·/" .. ·.· ., '. ·. :· . ·· ... , . ·.··· . ~.. ·. ~-;· .. j • . ·... ' ..... ·. '/ ·" DAVID S. REID PAPERS P. C. 1.1-1.7 Rockingham County, North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina · Washington, D. c. 1803-1880 Correspondence for 1836-1842 neals with affairs of the Democratic Party,' state and national. A report to constituents in Rockingham County refers to revised codes, courts, surplus revenue, Rayner resol­ ution, railroad construction, swamp drainage, and the -Cape Fear Bank. A militia order of 1840 is addressed to "Colonel" Reid. Letters from Bedford Brown urge Reid to run for Congress ( 1841 ) and also illuminate the rift within the Democratic Party ( 1842 ). ·Letters from constituents ( 1844~1848 ), frequently Democratic post­ masters in his congressional· district ( Rockingham, Caswell, Ashe, Wilkes, Surry, and· Stokes counties ), in addition to reporting on local polit­ .ical scene, refer to Revolutionary War pensions and bounties, public lands, annexation of Texas, war with Mexico, protective tariff, Oregon boundary, and war with England. These letters also contain requests for congressional documents, seeds and agricultural. statistics, sub­ scriptions to the Washington newspapers, and recommendations for mili­ tary appointments and positions as government clerks and postmasters. Correspondence to Governor Reid ( 1851-1854 ) pertains to Cherokee lands, western turnpike,; common schools, railroads, fugitive slave law, geological and coastal surveys, and marble for the Washington ~!onument (1852:). Letters to Senator Reid ( 1854-1859 ) include views on the Kansas­ Nebraska Bill, requests for the Herndon-Gibbons report, "Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon," and several references to Stephen -A. Douglas. Let­ ters of North Carolinians in foreign posts are from Duncan K. McRae in Paris, John H. Wheeler in Nicaragua, and Philo White in Ecuador. Requests for appointments include those of 1.Yilliam J. ·Clarke ( Cuba ) and Romulus M. Saunders ( French Spoliati ens Committee ) • · Of routine nature are letters from prominent govei'TIJ'lent officials: Horatio King, Asbury Dickins, John 1-l. Forney, Joseph Holt, and Isaac Toucey. ··' Seventeen letters from William w. Holden ( 1%4-1852 ) reflect the strategy and growth of the Democratic party; nine from John H. Wheeler are personal and political ( 1846-1860 ) ; and ten from James Phelps of Connecticut reveal a young New England Democrat on the issues of the dec­ ade ( 1842-1847 ) •. Three letters from Stephen A. Douglas concern a rail- . · road delay enroute tO Raleigh ( 1847 ), a claim by John A. Broach against the estate of Robert Martin ( 1850 ), and a throat operation.( 1856 ) • ... , ~-. DAVID S. REID PAPERS P, C. 1,1- 1.7 ~UAJl-"1 Rockingham; North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina Washington, D. c. 1803-1B8o Arrangement of Papers ( Cont'd ): 1,6 Mounted volume, 1856-1880, n,d, ( second series ) 1.7 Correspondence from Post Office Department, 1833-1847 Miscellaneous Finding Aids: Main Entry Card ·Autograph Cards Bache, A[lexander) D[allas), 1853 Badger, Geo[rge) E[dmund), 1555 Bancroft, George, 1846 Beal, 1-/[ illia)m, 1856 Biggs, Asa, 1852-1859 Bingham, W[illiam) J[ames), 1854 ·, Boyd, Geo[rge) D., 1859 Bragg,· Th[oma)s, 1851, 1853-1855, 1857 Branch, John, 1853' Broadnax, John D., 1859 Brogden, C[urtis) H[ooks), 1847, 1854 · Brown, B[ edford), 1839-~842 . Bryan, J[ oh) n H[ erri tage), 1859. _rBurgevin[e), Henry A[ndrea), 1857 Bynum, John Gray, 1855 . Caldwell, D[avid) F., 1851 Caldwell, Tod R[obinson), 1872 Chase,.L[ucien] B[onaparte], 1846 /Clarke, W[ illia]m J[ ohn], l854-lfl55 Clingman, T[homas] L[anier), 1854 Collins, Josiah, 1859 Cooper, Mark [Anthony), 1851 Courts; D[aniel] W[illiam), 1845, 1852 Cowles, C[alvin) J[osiah), 1844 Cowles, Josiah, 1845 Craven, Braxton, 1852 ... ' Daniel, J[ ohn) R[ eeves), 1852 Dewey, Oliver s.; 1856 . · · Dick, Rob[ er) t P[ aine), 1848, 1850, 1855, 185:(.. Dickins, A[ sbury), 1855 ! Dobbin> James C[ochran), 1847-1848, J.850, 1852-1853, 1856 · Dockery, O[liver) H[art), 1870-1871 Dortch, 'W(illiam) T., 1853 ~ Douglas, RO[.b~'rt) .M(artih) ·• , ~ v'Douglas, S[tephen) A[rnoldj, 1847, 1850, 1856 Douglas, S(tephen] A(rnold] (Jr,], 1871, 1876 ... DAVIDS. R-.;ID.PAPERS P. C. 1.1---1,7 Rockingham. County, ·'North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina Washington, D. C, ' 1803-1880 Finding Aids ( Cont'd ): Autograph Cards (. cont 1 d ) Duffy, P, F., 1875 vEaton, W( illia] m, 1875 Ellis, John .W[ illis), 1859-1860 ,Fisher,·charles F[rederick), 1853, 1855 Galloway, J[ohn) M[arion], 1879 Gilmore, John T[aylor), 1858 Graham, Will[iam] A[lexander], 1845 Graves, C[alvin], 1846, 1850-1852 vGulick, W(illia[m B., 1848, 1858 Hale, Sarah J[osepha] [Buell], 1852 [Harrisse) Herrisse, Henri, 1855 Hill, Jno, 1R44 . Hill, Sam[ ue]i P., 1852 . Hinton, Joseph B., 1836, 1853, 1858 \1:.... \/Holden, W( illiam]. W( oods], 1844-1848, 1850-1852, 1880 ,/Jackson, Andrew, 1840 Jeffreys, James W., 1846 Jones, Geo(rge) W[allace] 1855 .~McRae, D[uncan] K[irklandi, 1852, 1854-1855 Manly, Charles, 1851 · Meigs, C[harles] D[elucena], 1857 Meigs, M[ ontgomery1 C[ unningham], 1857 Morehead, J[ames] Turner 1875 Morehead, J[ohn] M[otleyj, 1829, 1851, 1854 /Phelps, James, 1842-1847, 1856 (~''"'• .. ) Phillips, Charles 1855-1856 Phillips, S[amuell F[ield), 1R70 Rayner, K[enneth], 1854 JSaunders, R[omulus] M[itchell], 1842, 1852, 1855 Sawyer, ·samuel [Treadwell), 1846 ·· Scales, A[1fred] M[oore], 1858, 1875 Settle, Tho[ma]s, [Sr.), 1851-1853 v'Settle, Thomas, Jr,, 1851, 1869 'shaw, [Dr.) H[enry] M[archmore), 1853, 1857.;.1858 Shepperd, 'A( ugustine] H., 1844 Slade, [Captain) T[homas) T., 1861 'I Steele, \~alter L[ eak), 1853, 1855 · v Swain, D[ avid] L[ owry], 1851, 1856, 1858 . · Thomas, W(illia]m H[olland], 1851, 1853, 1858-1859,..... Tourgee, A[lbion] W(inegar}, 1875 v' · Venable, A[ braham] W( atkins], 1852 Waddell, Hugh, 1853 vlalker, John, 1854 Washington, W( illiam] H., 1853 DAVID S. REID PAPERS P. S, 1.1-1.7 RockinghamCounty,.North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina Washington, D. C. · -1803-1880 Finding Aids ( Cont 1 d ): Autograph Cards ( cont'd ) ~--•Wheeler, Jno. H[ill), 1846-1847, 1851, 1853, 1855, 1858-186o Whitaker, S[pier), 1852 /White, Philo, 1855 · Williamson, [Sr.), J[ames] E., 1846 j,Jinston, P[ a trick) H[ enry), Jr., 1875 Worth, Jonathan, 1857 Yates, W[ illia)m J,, 1858 Yulee, D[avid] L[ evy], 1877-1878 / :Date Cards · 1830-1839 1840:..1849 1850-1859 Geographic Cards · North _Carolina - Rockingham Countv North Carolina - Wake County ( Raleigh ) Washington, D. c, Subject Cards - ADAJ1S, JOHN QUINCY, 1846 ASHE, .wiLLIAM SHEPPERD, 1854 BACHE, ALEY~DER DALLAS, 1853, 1857 BADGER, GEORGE EDMUND, 1853 BAKER, LAvJRENCE [LAURENCE) SIMMONS, 1858 _BEAUFORT, town of, 1858 BOUNDARIES - North Carolina - Virginia BOUNDARIES - Oregon, 1858-1859 BRAGG, THONAS, 1860 BUCHANAN, JAMES, 1856, 1857 BURNSVILLE --' "Yancy College" library, 1856 . CALHOUN, JOHN CALDWELL, 1842 CAMERON, _PAUL CARRINGTON, 1848
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