A«... ! i / S* %. ' %•;. •'• s v*? s X \ j 1 x V - . / I * V ... # / . .. , - ... # \’r ' weP) - the Kaldron of Jljkghcnv C ollege Uol. XXTTT J&L Compiled by > A BOARD OF EDITORS selected from , THE STUDENT BODY f MCMX1 ®u ®lu' Niuu AtljU'tir A lle g in g anb fa (Enarlf ?Einuari» 3 . ^ii'tuart, tCliiii HI on It 3a Kraprrtfitllg Brhiratrii Proposed Memorial Gateway—Montgomery Athletic Field— To be Erected by the Classes of Nineteen Hundred Ten and Nineteen Hundred Eleven Drawn by Wiard, from Plan of Til­ ton, Architect, New York Ju (Enutmrmnraltint of tljr iEiftiPilj Attuturraaru ilf tl)C Hegittnutg o f tlta (Ciuil H ar Sbrur Jlaiiro arr Jlnarribeh © K f t t c a S M . © Extracts from the Address at Memorial Stone Dedication Exercises DR. CAMDEN M. COBERN, ’76 The Honor Roll Of Allegheny Civil War Heroes ‘‘It was a great thought of a recent graduate that this monument should be erected in the memory of those who went out from the college to fight for their country. Major William McKinley Captain A. D. Norris “ This is no new thing, to put up a stone of memory in honor of General P. A. Jones Captain J. W. Phillips heroes. We are placing here in memory of the heroes who went forth Major J. W. H. Reisinger Captain J. W. Smith in the years from ’61 to ’65 110 rock made by man, but a rock built by Colonel L. B. Duff First Lieut. Oscar Henning God—a piece of the rib of His universe worthy of those souls He has Captain Ira Ayer, Jr. Second Lieut. M. M. Phelps called to His heaven. There will be no time in the future when there Captain D. V. Derickson Second Lieut. H. L. Richmond will be any spot in Allegheny more sacred than this. Here the sons Captain S. B. Dick Brevet Lieut. George Norris and daughters of the college will come to learn the perennial lessons of Lieut. D. F. McKey pure patriotism and unselfish devotion. “ What mean ye by these stones? They represent a memorial, a Prof. L. B. Williams. sacrifice, an ideal. Here we come to build a memorial to those men who laid the foundation of a republic on granite that shall remain long Ashley, Alex. Mitchell, W. J. after the last brick shall he crumbled into dust. Birdsall, S. H. McFarland, Thomas “ It was a very different college in scholarship then. But I call Bole, R. C. Pickard, A. C. Chadwick, J. D. Pier, E. B. attention to the fact that there was a school here which stood for man­ hood and ideals. Those men would not pass all the studies of a first class Davis, Henry L. Pierce, D. A. high school now, hut they had learned the lessons of manhood and life. Espy, J. Boyd Pierce, J. N. This was a different country then from that of today, but it was their Henderson, Harvey Rockwell, C. F. Henderson, J. J. Stubbs, R. N. country and for it they went out to die. In this memorial we find a Henderson, E. H. Stuntz, J. H. recognition of the fact that religion and patriotism go together. Harper, Chas. Williams, A. L. ‘We remember what this rock stands for. Not only that the black Hill, Alvin White, J. G. man was made free, but far more. It means that these men gave a new Hosmer, John White, S. T. definition of the constitution; it means that these men gave a new mean­ Kinniff, Jeremiah Wright, G. W. ing to the flag there: it means that these men gave the world a new idea of what American patriotism is. It means, too, a new idea of brother­ Soldiers’ Memorial Committee hood, chivalry and manhood. W. N. Ridge R. R. Ross “ These men might have become famous as teachers, scholars, paint­ John J. Henderson Ida M. Tarbell ers, preachers, lawyers, or in many other lines, hut they went out to W. C. Wilson fight for their country. To write an Iliad is not so great as to live one; to paint a picture is not so great as to lift tlie Hag above a nation united after deadly strife. “ Mlien the stars shall he blotted out of the abyss, the names of these men shall reign high in the heaven of eternity.” There are tears in the ink with which we write these words, as we look upon the results of the labor of our hands. We began the task with high hopes of making The Kaldron, Volume 23, the best book ever issued; we finish it con­ scious of our failure in many respects. For the news of the Allegheny year we refer you to the Campus; for its belles lettres, to The Xciv Lit; for its wit and humor, to Whiskers. Professional ethics demands that we do not en­ croach upon the domain of these, our contempor­ aries. /Is a pictorial book of remembrance; as a record of the significant events of the year at Old Allegheny, we present this book, and make our best bow. 1 ^ 0 A T I- y v u A ' c a J ^ . THE EDITORS. / ify p l t E T o Hamnett Hamnett, whose venerable form and face Twas ours to see who came in later days, And thy sage words to hear, this is thy praise: As full of .veal’s thy life was full of grace. Long time of toil to pause for rest gave place; Day turned to evening without sunset haze; In Memoriam Thou heard’st the songs of joy the ransomed raise, Dr. Jonathan Hamnett, A.B., A.M. William Reynolds, A.M., was born D.D., was born January 10, 1816, in in the city of Meadville in 1820. He And seized thy crown, a winner of life’s race. what was then the borough of Pitts­ entered Allegheny College at the age Thy work remains; thy presence still we feel, of fourteen, and was graduated in burg. in 1835 he entered the prepara­ As when thy feet these dear-loved ways still trod; tory department of Allegheny College, 1837. A lth ough he w as adm itted to during the administration of Dr. Mar­ the bar in 1841, he practically gave And still as then thy life to us dotli say: gin Ruter. He was graduated in 1839. up the profession of law and spent Quit you like men; be strong; want not in zeal; his time in business pursuits. From After preaching for six years, he Live true to self, your fellow, and your God; returned to Allegheny College in 1853 to 1864 he w as president of the 1845 as assistant professor, associated Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, And bring the world toward the better day.” with Dr. Barker. For some time he now known as the Erie Railroad. was professor of Latin and then of Mr. Reynolds was a member of the Mathematics and Astronomy. In Board of Trustees of Allegheny Col­ 1884 he was made Librarian and Em­ lege for several years. He had been eritus Professor of Philosophy, in intimately connected with the school 1906 retiring from active w ork in the from the time since he entered. At college. He thus lived to see the the time of his death, on January 10, progress of the college in its early 1911, he had the honor of being the struggles and in its later achieve­ oldest alumnus of the college, a dis­ ments. On A ugust 29, 1910, he passed tinction he had held for many years away at his home in Meadville, after and he ranked as one of the seven seventy-five years of association with oldest graduates of the educational Allegheny College. institutions of the United States. H arvey H e n d e r s o n ............................................................................................ A lle g h e n y W illia m T h o m a s ....................................................................................................M ead ville J o h n J . H e n d e r so n , L L .D .............................................................................M ea d v ille T heodore L . F lood, D.D., LL.D .................................................................M ead ville J o n a t h a n H a m n e t t , D .D * ............................................................................. M ead ville W illia m S. F o ltz...............................................................................................N ew C astle R ev. J o se ph H o rner, D .D , L L .D .............................................................. P ittsb u r g R ev. J o seph W . M ile s, D .D ........................................................................ G reensb u rg J o h n C. B a r d a l l Moundsville, W. Va. F r a n k A . A r t e r .............................................................................................C lev ela n d , 0 . J a m e s P . C o l t e r ....................................................................................................M ea d v ille J a m e s W . K in n e a r ........................................... Pittsburg Gorton B . C h a s e ..................................................................................................G reen v ille R ev. T h o m a s II. W oodring, D .D .................................................................T aren tu m R ev . A n d r e w C. E l l is, D.D Oil City R ev. W illia m II. C raw ford, D.D , L L .D ..................................................M ead ville J o h n E . R igg, M .D ....................................................................................... Wilkinsburg Board of Trustees E dw ard A p p l e y a r d Jamestown, N. Y. W e sley B . B e s t .................................................................................................... M ead ville R ev. T h o m a s N .
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