Four Dialogues : De Vita Beata, De Tranquillitate Animi, De Constantia Sapientis, Ad Helviam Matrem de Consolatione, ISSN 0953-7961, 1994, 218 pages, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 0856685607, 9780856685606, Aris & Phillips, 1994 DOWNLOAD http://bit.ly/1Os54RJ http://goo.gl/REfiQ http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&tn=Four+Dialogues+%3A+De+Vita+Beata%2C+De+Tranquillitate+Animi%2C+De+Constantia+Sapientis%2C+Ad+Helviam+Matrem+de+Consolatione%2C+ISSN+0953-7961&x=51&y=16 The Dialogues were an important medium for the spreading of Greek philosophical theories to the Roman world and to subsequent ages. This selection is of complete, not excerpted, dialogues. The commentary concentrates on subject matter and the philosophical ideas informing the treatises, though help is also given where needed on grammatical and lexical points. The four chosen dialogues give a fair idea of the range of Seneca's philosophical interests and of his didactic techniques. This is the first serious commentary in English on any of Seneca's Dialogues since Duff (1915). Latin text with facing translation, commentary and notes. DOWNLOAD http://fb.me/21YtRYNF2 http://kickass.to/Four-Dialogues--De-Vita-Beata-De-Tranquillitate-Animi-De-Constantia-Sapientis-Ad-Helviam-Matrem-de-Consolatione-ISSN-0953-7961-t5854300.html http://bit.ly/1mOrZeU The way of happiness a reading of Wordsworth, Henry Charles Duffin, 1947, Literary Criticism, 128 pages. Catilina, Iugurtha, Historiarum fragmenta , Sallust, 1856, , 385 pages. The morals of Seneca a selection of his prose, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 1888, Conduct of life, 280 pages. Dialogues and Letters , Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 1997, Biography & Autobiography, 132 pages. A major writer and a leading figure in the public life of Rome, Seneca (c. 4BC–AD 65) ranks among the most eloquent and influential masters of Latin prose. This selection. 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