About the Editors Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither was born on January 6, 1955, the sixth of eleven children, in the sleepy south Texas town of San Juan. Her parents were migrant farm workers and she grew up working long hours in the fi elds with her brothers and sisters. Upon graduating from high school she joined the US Navy. Alma has degrees from Central Texas College and the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. She is in the Navy Reserves and has made two deployments in support of Iraqi Freedom. She enjoys traveling, scrap booking, photography, swimming, and writing. Carl C. Gaither was born on June 3, 1944 in San Antonio, Texas. He was an only child, grew up in an Air Force family, and quit school while in the tenth grade to join the US Navy. Carl has degrees from the University of Hawaii, McNeese State University, Northeast Louisiana University, and the University of Southwest Louisiana and has completed the US Army Command and General Staff College. He enjoys writing, swimming, and music. Carl and Alma were married in December 1995, and, together, they have compiled ten books on science quotations. C.C. Gaither and A.E. Cavazos-Gaither (eds.), Gaither’s Dictionary of Scientifi c Quotations, 2703 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1114-7, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012 Index A Adams, Charles C. , 594 A. C. B. , 2113 Adams, Douglas , 1, 23, 64, 182, 518, 687, 758, 1039, A Traveler , 767 1092, 1161, 1580, 1612, 1690, 1733, 1746, 1861, 1918, Abbe, Cleveland , 1961 1960, 1975, 2258, 2326, 2351, 2431, 2492, 2583, Abbey, Edward , 44, 114, 262, 285, 403, 516, 519, 659, 687, 2595, 2624 995, 1089, 1134, 1161, 1435, 1454, 1483, 1495, 1499, Adams, Franklin Pierce , 667 1569, 1672, 1782, 1829, 1843, 1909, 1944, 1981, 1984, Adams, George , 20, 439, 667, 810, 906, 967, 1010, 1092, 1986, 1997, 2205, 2238, 2473, 2557, 2657, 2672 1206, 1371, 1376, 1417, 1488, 1499, 1551, 1563, 1566, Abbey, Henry , 1660 1643, 1959, 1961, 2172, 2366, 2534, 2558 Abbot, Anne Wales , 1807 Adams, Henry Brooks , 143, 356, 377, 725, 767, 836, 866, Abbot, Charles , 305 902, 977, 1180, 1257, 1281, 1733, 1997, 2172, 2205, Abbot, Charles Greeley , 202, 427, 758, 1181 2398, 2467 Abbott, Donald Putnam , 1066, 1611, 1714, 2464 Adams, John , 368, 506, 1860, 2583 Abbott, Edwin A. , 530, 533, 767, 811, 1845, 2555 Adams, Robert , 1712 Abbott, Francis Elingwood , 813 Adams, Roger , 127 Abbott, Lymon , 683 Adams, Samuel Hopkins , 1380, 1684 Abbott, Roy L. , 70 Addis, Thomas , 409, 2638 Abel, Niels Henrik , 574, 2301 Addison, Joseph , 52, 587, 597, 845, 939, 1092, 1454, Abel, Reuben , 666 1499, 1714 Abelard, Peter , 2675 Addison, Thomas , 957 Abelson, Philip H. , 758, 2143 Adelman, Leonard , 1847 Abernethy, John , 1379, 1685, 2133 Adler, Alfred , 473, 1257, 1282, 1335, 2201, 2473 Abrams, Albert , 560, 579, 1717, 2304 Adler, Mortimer Jerome , 1997 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Advertisement , 296, 366, 400, 432, 473, 479, 919, 2251, Technology , 681 2398, 2657 Ace, Goodman , 976, 1380 Aeschines , 597 Achard, Franz Karl , 1746 Aeschylus , 439, 444, 1589, 1634, 1852, 2304 Acheta Domestica , 90 Aesop , 364, 1632, 1907 Ackerman, Diane , 44, 71, 90, 102, 113, 128, 134, 246, 498, Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe , 39, 44, 78, 140, 296, 342, 959, 1161, 1499, 1582, 1776, 1781, 1782, 1798, 1877, 353, 405, 435, 454, 467, 490, 574, 585, 597, 602, 687, 2158, 2624 767, 860, 862, 882, 902, 906, 1129, 1133, 1413, 1483, Ackerman, Edward A. , 2238 1486, 1495, 1499, 1545, 1559, 1563, 1632, 1700, 1782, Ackoff, Russell Lincoln , 421, 1499 1998, 2113, 2160, 2227, 2230, 2252, 2351, 2353, 2426, Acton, F.S. , 2469 2428, 2466, 2556, 2684, 2700, 2701 Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg , 948, 995, 2113 Ager, Derek Victor , 329, 587 Acton, Loren , 2366 Agnew, Neil McK. , 1961, 2244 Adair, Robert K. , 296, 432, 954, 1746 Agnew, Ralph Palmer , 822, 834, 995, 1877, 2258 Adam, George , 2258, 2492 Agre, Peter , 2231 Adam, John A. , 2533 Agricola, Georgius , 1395, 1396, 1427, 1428, 1436, 1993 Adams, Abby , 1569 Agrippa (Fictional character) , 2201 2705 2706 Index Aiken, Conrad , 2366 American Institute of Biological Science 1963 , 1706 Airy, Sir George Biddell , 202, 592, 1589, 1783 American Museum of Natural History , 767 Ajello, Libero , 1827 American philosopher and psychologist , 2526 Akenside, Mark , 331, 1023, 1984, 1998 American Society for Engineering Education , 646 Albert Einstein (Fictional character) , 663, 1417 Ames, Bruce , 1843 Albert, Michael H. , 655 Ames, Nathaniel , 1907 Albright, Fuller , 1380 Amiel, Henri-Frédéric , 18, 479, 667, 854, 932, 1998, 2165, Albright, William Foxwell , 157 2220, 2317, 2548, 2558, 2689 Albritton, Jr., Claude , 472 Amis, Martin , 2663 Albutt, Thomas Clifford , 18 Ammons, Archie Randolph , 140 Alcott, Amos Bronson , 995, 1569 Amory, Thomas , 498 Alcott, Louisa May , 367, 731, 767, 833 Ampere, Andre-Marie , 767 Aldersey-Williams, Hugh , 377, 1446 Ampère, Jean-Jacques , 2326 Alderson, M.H. , 250 Amundson, Ronald , 977 Aldrich Thomas Bailey , 1500, 1813, 1819 Anacreon , 685 Aleksandrov, Aleksandre Danilovic , 1350 Anaxagoras , 680, 1046, 1360, 1648 Alexander, Archibald , 1053 Anderson, Christopher , 31 Alexander, Burton F. , 2467 Anderson, Clifford N. , 2449 Alexander, Carter , 2398 Anderson, Hans Christian , 1807 Alexander, Christoper , 353 Anderson, James H. , 175, 522, 948 Alexander, Franz , 479 Anderson, Lorraine , 1500 Alexander, R. McNeill , 80 Anderson, Peggy , 1604 Alexander, Samuel , 1043, 1701, 2534 Anderson, Philip W. , 1154 Alexander the Great , 1717 Anderson, Poul , 963, 1877 Alexander, William , 1405 Anderson, Tempest , 2649 Alfven, Hannes , 464, 1841, 1998, 2326, 2595 Andreas, Brian , 2366 Alger, John R.M. , 631, 1877, 2357 Andreski, Stanislav , 248 Alger, William R. , 1454 Andrewartha, H.G. , 1440 Alighieri, Dante , 842, 939, 1092, 1181, 1998, 2366, 2627 Andrewes, Frederick William , 261 Alison, Richard , 972 Andrews, Roy Chapman , 753, 1666 Allaby, (John) Michael , 595 Andrews, Ted , 44 Allee, Warder C. , 44, 90, 280 Andrews, Thomas , 1361 Allen, Charles M. , 2473 Andreyev, Leonid , 202 Allen, C.L. , 2297 Andric, Ivo , 310 Allen, Dave , 906 Angell, Roger , 2398 Allen, Durward L. , 281, 498 Angelou, Maya , 80 Allen, Elizabeth Akers , 2549 Angier, Natalie , 262, 2558 Allen, Ethan , 906, 1092 Anglin, William S. , 1282 Allen, Glover M. , 1416 Annesley, Richard , 498 Allen, Grant , 55, 79, 99, 106, 109, 122, 302, 687, 1495, Anscombe, Francis John , 507, 667, 1612, 2391 1500, 1801 Ansted, David Thomas , 536, 1010, 1545, 1612, 1680 Allen, James Lane , 498 Anthony, H.D. , 1093, 2143 Allen, Robert Porter , 76, 353 Anyidoho, Kofi , 2650 Allen, Roy George Douglas , 36, 2398 Apfel, Necia H. , 2595 Allen, Woody , 456, 1282, 1671, 2431, 2520 Apollinaire, Guillaume (Wilhelm Apollinaris de Allison, G. Burgess , 607 Kostrowitzki) , 1569 Allman, David , 498, 1717 Apollo 11, 187 Allport, Gordon , 2172 Apostle, Hippocrates George , 1335 Allport, Susan , 959, 1998 Appleton, Sir Edward , 2102, 2259 Alon, Noga , 751 Appleyard, Bryan , 1998, 2172, 2259 Alpher, Ralph Asher , 2172 Aquinas, St. Thomas , 331, 342, 687, 2132, 2675 Alphonsus X. , 272 Arabic Proverb , 2205 Altmann, Jeanne , 1612 Arago, Francois , 202, 604, 1282, 1941 Alvarez, Luis Walter , 297, 1734, 1746, 1918, 1986, 2365 Aratus , 444, 451, 2366 Alves, Reuben , 2205 Arber, Agnes Robertson , 278, 2244 Amaldi, Ginestra Giovene , 481, 1582, 2595 Arbib, Michael A. , 848 Amati, Danielle , 2425 Arbuthnot, John , 23, 343, 685, 1093, 1240, 1246, 1248, Ambler, Eric , 342 1251, 1282, 1334, 1413, 1861, 1944, 2160, 2558 Amend, Bill , 758 Archilochus , 592 American Geophysical Union , 2664 Archimedes of Syracuse , 685, 1160, 1589, 1990, 2327 Index 2707 Archytas of Tarentum , 1053 Atchity, Kenneth , 1023 Ardrey, Robert , 145, 1061, 1161, 1207, 2127 Aterman, Kurt , 970 Arendt, Hannah , 31, 1783 Athenaeus , 971 Areopagus , 1500 Atherton, Gertrude , 250, 332, 1569 Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August , 1612 Atiyah, Sir Michael , 1336, 1734, 2489, 2585 Arieti, Silvano , 473 Atkins, Peter William , 119, 143, 223, 369, 377, 421, 430, Aristo, Chian , 1282 536, 622, 749, 1282, 1691, 1917, 2521, 2596 Aristophanes , 811, 2365 Atkins, Russell , 1862 Aristotle , 184, 263, 330, 331, 339, 353, 405, 767, 809, 901, Atkinson, Brooks , 57 906, 959, 975, 995, 1039, 1093, 1192, 1207, Atkinson, Henry George , 2172 1282, 1336, 1500, 1783, 2317, 2366, 2454, 2534, Atkinson, Nick W. , 121 2558, 2669, 2676 Atkinson, Richard John Copeland , 158 Armitage, Simon , 1129 Atsbury, W.T. , 1445 Armour, Richard , 15, 42, 1685 Atterbury, Francis , 1568 Arms, Richard Allen , 1258 Atwater, Caleb , 1500 Armstrong, Baron William George , 1093 Atwood, Margaret , 1583 Armstrong, David Malet , 1845, 2301 Aubrey II (Fictional plant) , 1801 Armstrong, Henry Edward , 368, 377, 620, 2113 Auden, W.H. , 1258, 2259 Armstrong, John , 958, 959, 1381 Audubon, John James , 62, 66, 68, 75, 76, 587, 1093, Armstrong, L.O. , 1569 1500, 1659 Armstrong, Martin D. , 846 Auenbrugger, Leopold , 1691 Armstrong, Neil A. , 1461, 1850, 2336 Auerbach, Berthold , 499, 536 Arnaldus de Villa Nova , 1717 Augustine, Norman R. , 1849 Arnauld, Antoine , 421, 1944 Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus , 332, 499, 677, 687, 1054, Arnheim, Rudolf , 176, 369, 1991 1361, 1612, 1644, 1717, 2366, 2534, 2596 Arnold, James R. , 2336 Austen, Jane , 319, 1467, 1501, 1862, 2466 Arnold, John E. , 143 Auster, Paul , 1589, 1855 Arnold, Matther , 2165 Austin, Alfred , 79, 377, 846 Arnold, Matthew , 767, 1500, 2431 Austin, Mary Hunter , 117, 125, 517, 1207, 1467, Arnold, Sir Edwin , 112, 1834, 1837, 2449 1997, 2642 Arnold, Thurman
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