St. Maximilian Kolbe Church June 28, 2015 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years. She had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors and had spent all that she had. Yet she was not helped but only grew worse. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out from him, turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who has touched my clothes?” And he looked around to see who had done it. The woman, realizing what had happened to her, approached in fear and trembling. She fell down before Jesus and told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.” ———Mark—Mark 5:255:25----30,30, 3232----34343434 Page 2 June 28, 2015 RRREVEVEV . M. M SGR . R. R OBERT J. CJ. C ARROLL , Pastor BBBAPTISM ––– Celebrated the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at RRREVEVEV . M. M ARC F. CF. C APIZZI , Parochial Vicar 1:00 PM. Please call the Rectory Office 6-8 weeks in advance RRREVEVEV . T. T HOMAS J. GJ. G ARDNER In Residence to make arrangements. LLLAWRENCE BBBRANDON , Permanent Deacon, Retired WWWILLIAM HHHICKEY , Permanent Deacon PPPRERERE ---JORDAN – Expectant and/or new parents are to AAALFRED MMMAURIELLO , Permanent Deacon participate in a class on Baptism. This session is held on the 2nd AAANITA DDDIXON , School Principal Sunday of each month at 1:00 PM. It is necessary to call the RRROBERTA DDDAINTON ,,, Director of Religious Education Rectory in advance of the class to register. SSSUSAN BBBARBELLA , Business Manager JJJACK CCCRITTENDEN , Building & Grounds Supervisor MMMARRIAGES – Arrangements should be made at least six months SSSARA TTTOPPER , Music Director before the date of the wedding. LLLORI MMMILLER , Administrative Assistant SSSUSAN TTTEAFORD , Parish Secretary AAANOINTING OOOFFF TTTHEHEHE SSSICKICKICK ———In— case of serious illness or surgery, RRRECTORY PPPHONE 610-399-6936 please contact one of our parish priests. This Sacrament can also RRRECTORY FFFAXAXAX 610-399-4828 be administered after any weekday Mass. Please see the priest in RRRELIGIOUS EEEDUCATION OOOFFICE 610-399-9642 the Sacristy. SCHOOL PHONE 610-399-8400 HHHOME VVVISITS --- Anyone unable to attend Mass regularly due to MAILING AAADDRESS : 15 East Pleasant Grove Road illness may call the Rectory to make arrangements to receive West Chester, PA 19382 Communion in their homes. WWWEBSITE AAADDRESS : www.stmax.org EEEMAIL ADDRESS : [email protected] NNNEWEWEW PPPARISHIONERS – Register at the Rectory at your earliest BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS [email protected] convenience or go to www.stmax.org . Please notify the Rectory of SSSCHEDULE OFOFOF MMMASSES any change of address as soon as possible. Saturday – Vigil Mass – 5:30 PM Sunday – 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon CCCHARISMATIC PPPRAYER : Tuesdays in the Chapel at 7:30 PM. WWWEEKDAYS INININ THE CCCHAPEL Monday through Friday – 8:00 AM CCCENTERING PPPRAYER ::: Fridays in the Chapel at 8:45 AM Saturday – 9:00 AM RCIARCIA–––– For those desiring to become Catholic or adults who HHHOLY DDDAYS OFOFOF OBLIGATION were not baptized. Contact Fr. Capizzi. VIGIL 5:30 PM 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM RRRECTORY OOOFFICE HHHOURS CCCONFESSIONS Monday through Thursday 8:30AM-5:00PM Saturday 4:00 to 5:00 PM or by appointment. Friday 8:30AM-4:00PM Sunday 8:30AM-1:30PM EUCHARISTIC REFLECTION ADORATION EVERY TUESDAY “Spiritual literacy means knowing the facts of the Beginning at 8:30AM and faith. But it is even more concluding at 7:00 PM vital to teach children how to pray and to give children with the Miraculous role models, adult examples Medal Novena. for them to witness and aspire toward.” Love is Our Mission , page 56 Page 3 June 28, 2015 NEW PRINCIPAL FOR ST. M AXIMILIAN KOLBE SCHOOL A few weeks ago Ms. Dixon, our school principal, reported she would be moving to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta School. At that time she asked us to trust in God’s providence so that a new principal could lead our families into a bright and promising future. To this end I have formed a search committee that represents the interests of all stakeholders in providing an excellent educational and spiritual formation for our children. The committee members are: Mary Beth Gibbons - Parent and School Advisory Board Member Joe DiGregorio - Parent and School Advisory Board Member Deborah Krall - Teacher and School Advisory Board Member Sue Barbella - Parish Business Manager Bernadette Dougherty - Director of Elementary Educational Services, Archdiocese of Philadelphia Msgr. Carroll - Pastor Much has been done in the past few weeks. We reviewed all applications and proceeded to interview the best candidates. The committee has wholeheartedly endorsed a most capable, experienced and enthusiastic candidate. I most gladly accepted this endorsement and report to you that Mrs. Monica Malseed will begin her work here on July 1, 2015 as our new Principal. I ask for your prayerful support for Mrs. Malseed as she takes up this most important role in the lives of the Students, Faculty, and Parents. I know she will continue the tradition of excellence at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish School. Included below is a short “bio” for your review. Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Carroll BIOGRAPHY OF MRS . M ONICA MALSEED Mrs. Malseed has enjoyed a rich array of positions in education. She has taught Art, Art History, Language Arts, Library Skills, and Social Studies to students of wide-ranging abilities and from diverse social backgrounds from pre K through college. From 2000 to 2008 Mrs. Malseed served the St. Maximilian Kolbe School community as the library coordinator and vice principal. Monica Malseed was principal of Pope John Paul II School in the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington and Holy Saviour- St. John Fisher School in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Monica Malseed comes to St. Max from Reach Academy for Girls in New Castle, DE where she taught art to grades K to 8. She was a faculty representative to the Reach Academy for Girls Board of Directors, lead teacher for the middle school, and a mentor to new teachers. She also teaches a course in the Continuing Adult Programs and Services Division of Neumann University. In conjunction with the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, Mrs. Malseed has chaired teams evaluating schools seeking accreditation. She also chaired the steering committee for St. Maximilian Kolbe’s initial accreditation self-study in 2008. Monica Malseed received a BS in Art Education from Penn State University, a Master’s in Education from Temple University, and Principal K-12 certification from Immaculata University. She is a member of St. John Fisher Parish in Boothwyn where she is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Page 4 June 28, 2015 PAPAL VISIT: TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS POSTED ON PHILLY.COM ON TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015 To cope with the unprecedented crowds anticipated for Pope Francis' visit in September, SEPTA plans to double its rail and subway capacity, limit train stops, and only carry Regional Rail passengers who have purchased special passes in advance. Officials of SEPTA, Amtrak, PATCO and other agencies joined Mayor Nutter at City Hall to outline transportation plans for papal visit and the World Meeting of Families."Be prepared to walk at least a few miles or more," Nutter said, warning that "this will be the largest event in the city of Philadelphia in modern history." Nutter said he had been told to expect 1 million to 2 million visitors to Center City but acknowledged, "I don't know how many people are coming." SEPTA will operate normal service during the week of the World Meeting of Families on September 22-25, but it will drastically alter service for the two days of the pope's visit: Saturday, Sept. 26, and Sunday, Sept. 27. Regional Rail trains, subways, and trolleys will run truncated routes, with stops at only 31 stations instead of the usual 282. A special $10, three-day SEPTA transit pass, valid from Saturday, September 26 through Monday, September 28, will be sold for travel on subways, buses and trolleys. Standard SEPTA passes and tokens can also be used on these transit modes. But on Regional Rail, passengers will need to buy a one-day, $10 special pass for each day of the pope's visit. Passes for the papal visit will go on sale July 15, only on SEPTA's website (www.septa.org ). Sales of Regional Rail passes will be limited to about 150,000, SEPTA officials said. The Broad Street subway and Market-Frankford subway-elevated lines are expected to carry about 200,000 people each on each day of the pope's visit. Trolleys are expected to carry about 100,000 each day. SEPTA officials expect tour buses to bring an additional 250,000 visitors to Center City. Amtrak will add cars to Philadelphia-bound trains and may add additional trains, if demand warrants. Parking will be a major hassle for mass transit riders, who are expected to overwhelm available spaces in existing lots. SEPTA officials said they are seeking additional parking in towns near the papal rail station stops, but they urged passengers to be dropped off near stations rather than try to park. Page 5 June 28, 2015 Continued— SEPTA plans to pick up passengers only at these stations, en route to Center City: - Paoli/Thorndale Line.
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