Family Scientific name Common name Plant Rank Page Alliaceae Allium howellii var. clokeyi Mt. Pinos onion 1B.3 2 Apiaceae Perideridia pringlei adobe yampah 4.3 3 Apiaceae Sanicula hoffmannii Hoffmann's sanicle 4.3 4 Asteraceae Baccharis plummerae ssp. plummerae Plummer's baccharis 4.3 5 Asteraceae Deinandra paniculata paniculate tarplant 4.2 6 Asteraceae Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Coulter's goldfields 1B.1 7 Asteraceae Layia heterotricha pale-yellow layia 1B.1 8 Asteraceae Malacothrix phaeocarpa dusky-fruited malacothrix 4.3 9 Asteraceae Malacothrix saxatilis var. saxatilis cliff malacothrix 4.2 10 Asteraceae Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum white rabbit-tobacco 2B.2 11 Asteraceae Senecio aphanactis chaparral ragwort 2B.2 12 Asteraceae Symphyotrichum greatae Greata's aster 1B.3 13 Boraginaceae Amsinckia douglasiana Douglas' fiddleneck 4.2 14 Brassicaceae Caulanthus lemmonii Lemmon's jewelflower 1B.2 15 Brassicaceae Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonii Robinson's pepper-grass 4.3 16 Brassicaceae Streptanthus campestris southern jewelflower 1B.3 17 Caprifoliaceae Lonicera subspicata var. subspicata Santa Barbara honeysuckle 1B.2 18 Convolvulaceae Convolvulus simulans small-flowered morning-glory 4.2 19 Fabaceae Astragalus didymocarpus var. milesianus Miles' milk-vetch 1B.2 20 Fabaceae Lupinus elatus silky lupine 4.3 21 Fabaceae Thermopsis californica var. argentata silvery false lupine 4.3 22 Fagaceae Quercus dumosa Nuttall's scrub oak 1B.1 23 Grossulariaceae Ribes amarum var. hoffmanni Hoffmann's bitter gooseberry 3 24 Hydrophyllaceae Phacelia hubbyi Hubby's phacelia 4.2 25 Juglandaceae Juglans californica Southern California black walnut 4.2 26 Juncaceae Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii southwestern spiny rush 4.2 27 Lamiaceae Lepechinia fragrans fragrant pitcher sage 4.2 28 Lamiaceae Lepechinia rossii Ross' pitcher sage 1B.2 29 Lamiaceae Monardella hypoleuca ssp. hypoleuca white-veined monardella 1B.3 30 Liliaceae Calochortus catalinae Catalina mariposa lily 4.2 31 Liliaceae Calochortus clavatus var. clavatus club-haired mariposa lily 4.3 32 Liliaceae Calochortus fimbriatus late-flowered mariposa lily 1B.3 33 Liliaceae Calochortus palmeri var. palmeri Palmer's mariposa lily 1B.2 34 Liliaceae Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa lily 4.2 35 Liliaceae Fritillaria ojaiensis Ojai fritillary 1B.2 36 List of focal plant rare species Liliaceae Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum ocellated Humboldt lily 4.2 37 Malvaceae Malacothamnus davidsonii Davidson's bush-mallow 1B.2 38 Malvaceae Sidalcea neomexicana salt spring checkerbloom 2B.2 39 Montiaceae Calandrinia breweri Brewer's calandrinia 4.2 40 Orchidaceae Piperia michaelii Michael's rein orchid 4.2 41 Orobanchaceae Orobanche valida ssp. valida Rock Creek broomrape 1B.2 42 Poaceae Imperata brevifolia California satintail 2B.1 43 Mapping Recovery in the Thomas Fire Scar Fire Thomas the in Recovery Mapping Polemoniaceae Navarretia ojaiensis Ojai navarretia 1B.1 44 Polemoniaceae Navarretia peninsularis Baja navarretia 1B.2 45 Polygalaceae Polygala cornuta var. fishiae Fish's milkwort 4.3 46 Polygonaceae Acanthoscyphus parishii var. abramsii Abrams' oxytheca 1B.2 47 Polygonaceae Chorizanthe polygonoides var. longispina long-spined spineflower 1B.2 48 Polygonaceae Eriogonum elegans elegant wild buckwheat 4.3 49 Polygonaceae Mucronea californica California spineflower 4.2 50 Polygonaceae Sidotheca caryophylloides chickweed oxytheca 4.3 51 Ranunculaceae Delphinium inopinum unexpected larkspur 4.3 52 Ranunculaceae Delphinium parryi ssp. purpureum Mt. Pinos larkspur 4.3 53 Ranunculaceae Delphinium umbraculorum umbrella larkspur 1B.3 54 Rosaceae Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia 1B.1 55 Rubiaceae Galium cliftonsmithii Santa Barbara bedstraw 4.3 56 Ruscaceae Nolina cismontana chaparral nolina 1B.2 57 Saxifragaceae Heuchera caespitosa urn-flowered alumroot 4.3 58 Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia atrata black-flowered figwort 1B.2 59 Thelypteridaceae Thelypteris puberula var. sonorensis Sonoran maiden fern 2B.2 60 1 Allium howellii var. clokeyi (1B.3) Flowering Period Mt. Pinos onion ALLIACEAE Perennial Bulbiferous Herb Stem: (10)+- 20(35) cm, slender. Inflorescence: flowers generally 10-30; pedi- cels 7-15 mm. Flower: perianth parts generally pink to lavender (white); sta- mens exserted 0--2 mm; ovary crests purple. Chromosomes: n=7. Ecology: Common. Grassy slopes, including serpentine; Elevation: 200- 900m. Bioregional Distribution: s SNF, Teh, SnJV, SnFrB, SCoR, WTR. Flowering Time: Mar-Apr 11' Inner perianth parts ± = outer; ovary crests irregularly dentate to deeply cut ..... A. howellii 12. Stem (10)± 20(35) cm, slender; flowers generally 10–30; perianth generally pink to lavender (white); ovary crests purple; flower Mar –Apr; s Sierra Nevada Foothills, Tehachapi Mountain Area, San Joaquin Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, South Coast Ranges, Western Transverse Ranges ..... var. howellii 12' Stem 20–60 cm, stout; flowers generally > 50; perianth generally white; ovary crests white or green; flower Apr–Jun; Inner Sout Coast Ranges, n Western Transverse Ranges 13. Stamens exserted 0–2 mm; n Western Transverse Ranges ..... var. clokeyi 13' Stamens exserted 2–4 mm; Inner South Coast Ranges ..... var. sanbenitense Inflorescence Bracts Growth Habit Stout, glaucous stem 2 Perideridia pringlei (4.3) Adobe yampah APIACEAE Perennial herb Habit: Plant 3.5--7.5 dm; roots tuberous, 2--4-clustered, 1--6 cm. Leaf: basal petiole 4--15 cm; basal blade 10--30 cm, +- ovate, 2- pinnate, leaflets 0.5--8 cm, < 1 mm wide, cylindric; cauline leaves 1- pinnate. Inflorescence: peduncle 3--12 cm; bracts 0--5, bristle-like; bractlets 8--12, 2--4 mm, lance-linear to ovate; rays generally 5--7, 2--8 cm, +- equal to unequal, spreading-ascending; pedicels 5--7 mm; 2° um- bels (18)20--25(29)-flowered. Flower: petals 1-veined; styles 1 mm. Fruit: 5--8 mm, oblong; ribs thread-like; oil tubes 3--4 per rib- interval. Ecology: Grassy slopes, serpentine outcrops; Elevation: 300-- 1800 m. Bioregional Distribution: Teh, SCoR, WTR. Flowering 1' Roots tuberous, 2–6-clustered or 1; styles generally 1–2.5 mm 3' Basal leaves generally 1-pinnate with 3–5 pairs of 1° leaflets, or 2–3- pinnately or ternate-pinnately dissected or compound 6' Basal leaves 2–3-pinnately or ternate-pinnately dissected or com- pound 8. Terminal leaf segments unlike lateral in size, form 9. Fruit 4–6 mm; bractlets scarious throughout, 3–9 mm, acuminate ..... P. bolanderi subsp. bolanderi 9' Fruit 5–8 mm; bractlets scarious-margined, 1–4 mm, acute 10' Plant 3.5–7.5 dm; tuberous roots oblong to ovoid, 1–6 cm; leaflets cylindric, < 1 mm wide; oil tubes per rib-interval 3–4 ..... P. pringlei (2) 8' All leaf segments or leaflets similar in size, form 11. Longest rays in fruit 5–9 cm 12' 2° umbels convex distally, generally 20–25-flowered; 1° umbels con- vex distally, rays ± equal to unequal; oil tubes 3–4 per rib-interval ..... P. pringlei (2) 3 Sanicula hoffmannii (1B.2) Hoffman’s blacksnakeroot APIACEAE Perennial forb Habit: Plant 30--90 cm, stout, taprooted. Leaf: generally compound, pal- mate, +- blue-green; blade 4.5--13.5 cm, triangular, leaflets or deepest lobes 3, obovate, +- cut, margins irregularly serrate, central leaflet gener- ally 4--7 cm, 4--30 mm wide, narrowed to a petiole-like base. Inflorescence: peduncle 1.5--12 cm; bracts 5--7, 3--5 mm, < heads, lanceolate; pedicels 0 or < 1 mm. Flower: bisexual 4--10, staminate 3--5; calyx lobes fused at base, 1--2.3 mm, widely lanceolate, acute; corolla +- green-yellow; styles +- = calyx lobes. Fruit: 3--5 mm, ovate to obovate; prickles stout, curved, poorly developed proximally. Seed: face flat. Ecology: Shrubby coastal hills, pine woodland; Elevation: < 500 m. Bioregional Distribution: CCo (Santa Cruz Co.), SCo, n ChI. Flowering Time: Mar--May 1. Leaves compound, base of main division petiole-like and unwinged 2. Leaves palmate, occasionally palmate-ternate, distal segment of main axis 4–30 mm wide 3. Main leaf divisions generally ± 5, central division generally 2–4 cm; styles 2 × calyx lobes; bracts 1–2 mm; fruit occasionally stalked distal to receptacle; common, widespread ..... S. crassicaulis (2) 3' Main leaf divisions ± 3, central division generally 4–7 cm; styles ± = calyx lobes; bracts 3–5 mm; fruit ± sessile distal to receptacle; uncom- mon, coastal ..... S. hoffmannii (2) S. crassicaulis S. Hoffmannii 4 Baccharis plummerae subsp. plummerae –CNPS 4.2 Plummer’s baccharis Asteraceae Perennial subshrub/shrub Baccharis plummerae Habit: Subshrub or shrub, < 2 m, loosely branched, rounded and bushy, hairy or glandular (at least inflorescence). Stem: erect, simple, slender, wand-like, short- hairy to +- glabrous, sometimes glandular. Leaf: sessile, 1--13 mm wide, densely hairy to +- glabrous, base wedge-shaped, tip obtuse, entire to regularly minutely dentate, teeth closely-spaced, sharp. Inflorescence: heads in compact panicle-like or flat-topped clusters; involucre bell-shaped; phyllaries 2--6 mm, lance-linear, hairy, glandular, tips acute to acuminate. Staminate Flower: 19--26; corolla 4--7 mm; pappus 3.5--4.5 mm. Pistillate Flower: 20--30; corolla 3.5--5 mm. Fruit: 2.5- -3.5 mm, hairy, ribs 5; pappus 7--8.5 mm. subsp. plummerae Stem: hairs fine, curled. Leaf: 20--45 mm, oblong or oblanceolate, minutely den- tate; main veins 3. Ecology: Rocky slopes near beach, sea bluffs, brushy canyons; Elevation: < 1850 m. Bioregional Distribution: CCo, SCoRO, SCo, n ChI, WTR. Flowering Time: Aug--Nov 1. Stem generally short-hairy, at least distally among heads 2. Leaves regularly minutely dentate with closely spaced sharp teeth, oblong or oblanceolate, (3)5–13 mm wide ..... B. plummerae subsp. plummerae 5 Deinandra paniculata –CNPS 4.2 paniculate tarplant Asteraceae Annual herb Habit: Root generally > 15 cm, distally branched; rootstock buds in life appar- ent. Stem: generally >= 2, (80)100--140(150) cm, glabrous, generally glau- cous. Leaf: generally on proximal 1/5 of stem, glabrous; lobes 3--9, 5--28 mm wide on basal, 3--18 mm wide on cauline. Inflorescence: pedicels 5--25 mm, 6-- 25 mm apart, glabrous; flowers generally > 25. Flower: sepals generally forward- pointing, white to +- blue, lateral 8--12 mm, spur 9--12 mm; lower petal blades 3-- 5 mm.
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