THE PRE- AND PROTO-HISTORIC FINNS BOTH EASTERN AND WESTERN WITH THE MAGIC SONGS OF THE WEST FINNS BY THE HONOURABLE JOHN ABERCROMBY IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I. 1898 Magic Songs of the West Finns, Volume 1 by John Abercromby. This edition was created and published by Global Grey ©GlobalGrey 2018 globalgreyebooks.com CONTENTS Preface The Value Of Additional Letters Of The Alphabet Full Titles Of Books Consulted And Referred To Illustrations Chapter 1. Geographical Position And Craniology Of The Finns Chapter 2. The Neolithic Age In Finland Chapter 3. Historical Notices Of Classical Authors Chapter 4. The Prehistoric Civilisation Of The Finns Chapter 5. The Third Or Iranian Period Chapter 6. Beliefs Of The West Finns As Exhibited In The Magic Songs 1 PREFACE In this country the term Finn is generally restricted to the natives of Finland, with perhaps those of Esthonia thrown in. But besides these Western Finns there are other small nationalities in Central and Northern Russia, such as the Erza and Mokša Mordvins, the Čeremis, Votiaks, Permians, and Zịrians, to whom the term is very properly applied, though with the qualifying adjective—Eastern. Except by Folklorists, little attention is paid in Great Britain to these peoples, and much that is written of them abroad finds no response here, the 'silver streak' acting, it would seem, as a non-conductor to such unsensational and feeble vibrations. Although the languages of the Eastern and Western Finns differ as much perhaps among themselves as the various members of the Aryan group, the craniological and physical differences between any two Finnish groups is very much less than between the Latin and the Teutonic groups, for instance. All the Finns live nearly under the same latitudes, and in pre- and proto-historic times, which are not so very remote, the differences in customs, religious and other beliefs, could not have been very great. This is important; it allows us to supplement what is missing or defective in one Finnish group by what is more complete in another, with far greater certainty than when dealing under similar circumstances with the Aryan- speaking groups. In the first five chapters of the first volume I have tried, with the combined aid of craniology, archæology, ethnography, and philology, brought up to date, to sketch as succinctly as possible the pre- and proto-historic history of the Eastern and Western Finns, showing the various stages of civilisation to which they successively advanced after contact with higher civilisations, at different periods of their evolution from neolithic times to the middle ages. Chapters six and seven contain an analysis of the beliefs of the Western Finns, so far as they can be gathered from the text of the Magic Songs in the second volume; and a perusal of them will facilitate the comprehension of the Magic Songs themselves. The second volume, containing 639 magic songs, some of considerable length, classed under 233 headings, is a translation of a very large portion of 2 the Suomen kansan muinaisia Loitsurunoja, edited and published by the late Dr. Lönnrot in 1880. As the translation was made for Folklorists it is as literal as possible, without additions, without subtractions, and the vocabulary employed is in conformity with the subject, with the humble social status and homely surroundings of the original composers. The metre of the original is the same as in the Kalevala, which cannot be reproduced in a language like English, where the ictus of the metre has to coincide with the natural stress-accent of the words. But where it could be done without loss of exactness a certain rhythm, generally three beats to a line, is given in the translation, though to save space the lines are printed in prose form. In the work of translating the Magic Songs I owe a debt of gratitude to Lektor Raitio, with whom I first began to study them a good many years ago, for much friendly assistance. Finally, I acknowledge with thanks the reproduction of four illustrations borrowed from Mr. J. R. Aspelin's Antiquités du Nord Finno-ougrien, four from Mr. Kudriavtsev, three from Mr. Inostrantsev, one from Mr. Spitsịn, and twelve from photographs given me by Mr. Novokreščennịkh. The six illustrations from sketches made by myself were made hurriedly, and are not absolutely correct, though adequate, I hope, for the purpose. Edinburgh, August 1898. 3 THE VALUE OF ADDITIONAL LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET c in East Finnish = ts. č = Eng. ch in choose. ḷ = tl. j ̌ = Eng. j in joke. ṅ, ñ̇ = Eng. ng in bring. š = Eng. sh in shall. ž = French j in jour. χ =kh or ch in Sc. loch. Consonants with a dash over or beside them, e.g. b´, c´, d´, are soft and followed by a slight y sound. ị is a thick guttural i, the Russian yerŭ. y in Finnish words= ü. i before another vowel in Russian words = y in yam, yield. 4 FULL TITLES OF BOOKS CONSULTED AND REFERRED TO Abou-el-Cassim, Voyage d’, par M. C. D’Ohsson. Paris, 1828. Ahlqvist, A. (1) Unter Vogulen u. Ostjaken. Helsingfors, 1883. „ (2) Muistelmia matkoilta Venäjällä vuosina 1854–58. Helsingissä, 1859. „ (3) Journ. de la Société Finno-ougrienne viii. Helsingfors, 1890. Akiander, M. Utdrag ur Ryska annaler. Suomi, 1848. Helsingfors, 1849. Appelgren, H. Muinaisjäännöksiä. Kemin kihlakunnan. Suomen muinaismuisto-yhdistyksen aikakaus kirja V. Helsingissä, 1882. Arvoituksia (Suomen Kansan). Helsingissä, 1851. Aspelin, J. R. (1) Suomi, 1883. „ (2) Antiquités du nord Finno-ougrien. Helsingfors, 1877–1884. „ (3) Suomalais-ugralaisen muinaistutkinnon alkeita. Helsingissä, 1875. „ (4) Du groupe arctique et les Lapons. Congrès intern. d’anthrop. et d’archéol. préhist. Budapest, 1876. „ (5) Sur l’âge de la pierre, etc. Congrès intern. d’anthrop. et d’archéol. Stockholm, 1874. Bielenstein, Dr. A. Die Grenzen des Lettischen Volkstammes in d. Gegenwart u. in 13 Jahrhund. St. Petersburg, 1892. Bogdanov, A. Congrès internat. d’archéol. préhist. et d’anthropologie à Moscou. 1892, vol. i. pp. 1–23 (Supplément). Böhtlingk, O. Ueber d. Sprache der Jakuten. St. Petersburg, 1848. Brennsohn, Is. Zur anthropologie der Litauer. Dorpat, 1883. 5 Buch, Dr. Max. Die Votjäken, eine ethnolog. Studie. Helsingfors, 1882. Bugge, Sophus. Norges Indskrifter med. de ældre Runer. Christiania, 1891. Castrén, A. (1) Vorlesungen über die Finnische Mythologie. St. Petersburg, 1853. „ (2) Nordiska Resor och forskingar. Heisingfors, 1852. Chwolsson V. Khvolson. De Fleury, Comte Louis. Les cimetières à compartiments de l’ancien pays des Jadzwingues. Congr. intern. d’archéol. et d’anthropol. préhist., T. ii. Moscou, 1893. De Harlez, Ch. La religion nationale des Tatares orientaux, etc. 1887. Donner, O. Suomalaisten ja Mordvalaisten yhteinen sivistyskanta ennen heidän eroamistaan toisistansa. Suomi, toinen jakso, 15 Osa. Helsingissä, 1882. Dorn, B. Mélanges asiatiques tirés du bull. de l’Acad. imp. des sciences de St. Pétersbourg, T. vii. 1873. Düben, Baron von. Om Lappland och Lapparne. Ethnograf. Studier. Stockholm, 1873. Édrisi, géographie d’, trad. par P. Amádée Jaubert. Paris, 1836. Forsman, A. V. Tutkimuksia suomen kansan persoonallisen nimistön alalla. Suomi, 1894. Friss, J. A. Lappisk Mythologi. Christiania, 1871. 6 Ganander, Chr. Mythologia Fennica. Åbo, 1879. Gavrilov, B. (1) Proizvedeniya narodnoi slovesnosti, obriadị i povieria Votiakov Kazanskoi i Viatskoi guhernii. Kazan, 1880. „ (2) Povieria, obriadị, i obịčai Votiakov Mamadiššk. uiezda. Trudị četvert. arkheolog. siezda v Rossii, Tom ii. Kazan, 1891. Genetz, Arvid. (1) Wörterbuch d. Kola-Lapp-Dialekte. Helsingfors, 1891. Genetz, Arvid. (2) Ost Tcheremissische Sprachstudien. Journ. de la Société Finno-ougrienne, Tom. vii. Heisingfors, 1888. „ (3) Ensi tavuun vokaalit suomen, lapin ja mordvan. Suomi, Osa 13. Helsingissä, 1897. Georgi. Description de toutes les nations de l’Empire de la Russie. 2 vols. St. Pétersbourg, 1776. Grewingk, C. (1) Die Neolithische Bewohner v. Kunda in Estland. Verhandl. d. Gel. Est. Gesell. zu Dorpat. Bd. xii. Dorpat, 1884. „ (2) Der schifförmige Aschenfriedhof bei Türsel in Estland. Verhandl. d. g. Est. Ges. Bd. xiii. Dorpat, 1888. „ (3) Erläuterungen zur Karte d. Stein-, Bronze-, und ersten Eisenalters von Liv-, Est-, und Kurland. Dorpat, 1884. „ (4) Verhandl. d. g. Est. Gesell. Bd. ix. 1879. Griesbach, A. La végétation du globe, trad. par P. de Tchihatcheff, Paris, 1875. Grotenfeld, K. Herra Martin maanlain suomennos. Virittäjä ii. Porvossa, 1886. Harkavi, A. Y. Skazaniya musulmansk. pisateleĭ o Slavianakh i Russkikh. S. Peterburg, 1870. Hausmann, Dr. (1) Grabfunde aus Estland. Revel, 1896. „ (2) Katalog d. Ausstellung z. X archäolog. Kongress in Riga, 1896. 7 Heikel, Dr. A. O. (1) Suomen Museo, 1894. Helsingissä, 1894. „ (2) Antiquités de la Sibérie occidentale dans les musées de Tomsk, Tobolsk, etc. Helsingfors, 1894. Hein, Richardus. Incantamenta magica græca latina. Lipsiæ, MDCCCXCII. Hyltén-Cavallius, G. O. Wärend och Wirdame. Stockholm, 1864. Ibn Batuta's Travels in Egypt. Translated by Professor Lee. 1829. Inostrantsev, A. Doistoričeskii čeloviek kamennago vieka poberežia ladožskago ozera. S. Peterburg, 1882. Jännes, A. Virittäjä ii. p. 171. Porvossa, 1886. Kalevala. Stereotyped edition with notes. Helsingsfors, 1894. Kharuzin, A. 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