New Councils Progress Report Delivering results for communities through stronger new councils 1 February 2017 Department of Premier and Cabinet New Councils Progress Report: Delivering results for communities through stronger councils ISBN 978-0-7313-5439-9 DISCLAIMER While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of printing, the State of NSW, its agents and employees, disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance or upon the whole or any part of this document. Hyperlinks in this document have been designed to work in contemporary versions of Acrobat Reader COPYRIGHT NOTICE In keeping with the NSW Government's commitment to encourage the availability of information, you are welcome to reproduce the material that appears in New Councils Progress Report: Delivering results for communities through stronger new councils, in house or non-commercial use without formal permission or changes. All other rights are reserved. If you wish to reproduce, alter, store or transmit material appearing in the New Councils Progress Report: Delivering results for communities through stronger new councils, request for formal permission should be directed to: Department of Premier and Cabinet Post: GPO Box 5341, Sydney NSW 2001 Tel: 02 9228 5555 Web: www.dpc.nsw.gov.au/contact 2 New Councils Progress Report Summary NSW had Councils were collectively losing 152 councils $1,000,000 Nearly twice as many as VIC and QLD. per day IPART assessed councils and found years of4 extensive research and 60% ‘not fit’ consultation showed the system was or able to deliver for their communities not working as well as it should be. into the future. In 2016, stronger new 20 councils 484 were formed with greater capacity to deliver new community projects and services service and infrastructure to their communities. have been funded so far. New councils have already identified All new metro councils have committed to a $27m 40 -day processing target for residential DAs. in savings - that’s over $100,000 per day since they commenced. In some former councils the assessment time was as high as 140 days. 3 New Councils Progress Report 20 new councils formed in 2016 NNewew M Metertoro C Coouunnciclsil sa sa sP Proroclcaliamimeded 9 t9hth S Sepeptetmembbere r2 0210616 CenCtreanl tCraol aCsotast New Metro Councils as Proclaimed 9th September 2016 Central Coast CessnoCcekssnock Lake MLaackqeu Maraiecquarie Cessnock HawHkaewskbeusrbyury Lake Macquarie Hawkesbury HawkeHsbauwrkyesbury HorHnosbrnysby CentraCl Cenotarsatl Coast Hawkesbury TheT Hhiell sHills Hornsby Central Coast The Hills HornsbHyornsby Hills ShHiirlels Shire NorNthoerrtnhern NortheNrnorthern Beaches BeaBcehaecshes Hornsby Beaches Hills Shire BlacktoBwlancktown Ku-RinKgu-G-Raing-Gai Northern Northern Beaches Penrith ParramPaattraramatta Beaches Penrith Ryde Ryde Blacktown CKum-RbineCrglu-aGmnadbierland FairfielFdairfield Inner Inner Parramatta Penrith Ryde West West Ku-Ring-Gai CanterCbuarnyt-eBrbaunrkys-tBoawnnkstown Ku-Ring-Gai LiverpoLoivlerpool BlacBklatocwktnown Cumberland BaysideBayside Camden Fairfield Camden GeorgeGseorges Inner River River West Canterbury-Bankstown Ku-Ring-Gai Liverpool Sutherland Blacktown Bayside Sutherland CampbCeallmtopwbnelltown Camden Georges River Sutherland Campbelltown NNewew C Coouunnciclsils RydReyde WillWouilglohubgyhby ParPraamrraatmtaatta ArAerae a(S (ySdyndenye yM Meterotr)o) LanLeane New Councils Ryde Willoughby Parramatta CovCeove NorNthorth BayBsaidyes iCdoe uCnocuilncil Mosman Area (Sydney Metro) Lane SydSnyedyney Mosman Cove CanCtearnbtuerby-uBrya-nBkasntokwstno wCno uCnocuilncil CumCbuemrlbaenrdland North Bayside Council CanCaadnaada Sydney Mosman BayBay CenCtreanl tCraol aCsot aCsot uCnocuilncil Canterbury-Bankstown Council Fairfield Cumberland Fairfield Canada BurBwuorowdood CityC Oityf POafr Praamrraatmtaa Cttoa uCnocuilncil Bay WooWlloaohlrlahra Central Coast Council StraStthrfaiethldfield Fairfield InneInrner CumCbuemrlbaenrdla Cndo uCnocuilncil Burwood SydSnyedyney WavWearlveeyrley City Of Parramatta Council WesWtest Woollahra Strathfield GeoGrgeoesrg Reisv eRri vCeor uCnocuilncil Inner Sydney Cumberland Council WavReralneRdyawnidcwk ick West InneInr nWere sWt eCsot uCnocuilncil CanCtearnbtuerby-uBrya-nBkasntokwstnown Georges River Council LiveLripvoeroplool Northern Beaches Council Bayside Randwick Northern Beaches Council Canterbury-Bankstown Bayside Inner West Council CurCreunrtr eLnGt AL GBAo uBnoduanrideasries Liverpool Northern Beaches Council Bayside © La©nd L and Panrodp Perotyp Ienrftoyr Imnfaotriomna (tLioPnI )( L2P0I1)6 2, 02126/0, 62/22/0166/2 016 Georges © PSMA Australia Limited Georges Current L©G PASM BAo Auunstdraaliari Leismited RiveRriver DatuDma atunmd Panrodj ePcrtoiojenc: tGioDn:A G94DA94 ÉÉ © Land and Property Information (LPI) 2016, 22/06/2016 Georges © PSMA Australia Limited CamCpabmepllbtoewlltnown River Datum and Projection: GDA94 É Campbelltown SutSheurtlhaenrdland Sutherland 4 Delivering Benefits 5 New Councils Progress Report Funding New Projects and Services 20 new councils created across NSW in 2016 are producing substantial benefits for their local communities by funding and delivering important projects, facilities, and services Over $10 million in Community Grants Delivered Funds are being invested in three key areas: 484new projects and services so far funded by the Stronger Community services231 and facilities Communities Fund Hundreds of community groups have secured grants of up to $50,000 each through the Stronger Communities Fund New projects and services in regional areas 170 404 Recreation and sporting facilities New projects and services in metropolitan areas Arts, culture and83 tourism 80 6 New Councils Progress Report Delivering Local Infrastructure Projects New councils are consulting their local communities about how they will invest over $200m allocated for local infrastructure and projects that will deliver long-term economic and social benefits to the community. Projects approved or under consideration include: • Dubbo Regional Council: $2.5m for the • Inner West Council: Approximately $2m has construction of a new state-of-the-art Visitor been allocated to cycle and pedestrian path Experience Centre and Discovery Hub projects • Canterbury-Bankstown Council: Widening • Hilltops Council: Providing natural gas to Canterbury Road Underpass for cyclists, as Harden, long-term water security to Boorowa, part of the Regional Cycleway Connection and a new regional library in Young and converting Jensen Park Inner Field to a multipurpose synthetic grass pitch • Mid-Coast Council: $3.5m toward road renewals and $1.5m toward bridge upgrades and • Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council: improvements $2.5m to replace Gundagai Sewerage Treatment Plant and $2m for the Cootamundra Water Main • Murray River Council: $3.2m for a multi- Replacement Program purpose field and facilities at Moama Recreation Reserve • City of Parramatta Council: $2.2m is being allocated to fund 18 new playgrounds • Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council: $1m for town centre improvements and main • Edward River Council: $5m to be invested street beautification projects for Braidwood and in road infrastructure and $4m into community Bungendore infrastructure • Snowy Monaro Regional Council: $170,000 • Georges River Council: $1.5m for Customer for Cooma Basketball and Gymnastics Facility Service Hubs for the installation of Wi-Fi at upgrade Kogarah Library and a number of town centres including Kogarah, Beverley Hills and Riverwood • Snowy Valleys Council: $9m towards major upgrades to sport, recreational and community facilities, and major CBD upgrades 7 New Councils Progress Report Improving the way councils operate Communities are benefiting from simple operational changes at new councils making them more efficient and responsive Delivering important services Consolidating resources and across more communities staff so more can be spent on – Georges River Council extends Voluntary frontline services Pensioner Rebate Scheme from Hurstville to - Inner West Council has identified savings of Kogarah $1.5m per annum by redeploying back office staff and through a range of staff related expenses and costs Streamlining administration processes Streamlining development – Community members of Canterbury Bankstown Council can lodge DAs, return applications and reducing library books and attend council-run gyms in processing time either Canterbury or Bankstown - DA processing times have gone from 71 days in the former Canterbury Council to Greater transparency 42 days in the new Canterbury-Bankstown Council, as a result of better practices and – Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council has increased resources installed live streaming equipment to increase community accessibility to council meetings held in both Queanbeyan and Bungendore Improving local business and tourism opportunities Greater focus on customer - Snowy Monaro Regional Council launched an service economic development campaign to attract more tourists to the area. Council is working – The new Murrumbidgee Council has with the Bombala Chamber of Commerce introduced a single, easy-to-remember to attract visitors to the Snowy Monaro council number 1300 MRMBGE allowing area to generate economic growth through calls to be transferred across the three increased business at cafes, retailers and service areas of Coleambally, Darlington accommodation providers Point
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