.798 CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-SENATE DEOE::\IBER 19 Francis l\1. Fletcher, McComb. SENATE Harry E. Coil, Mendon. Pearl C. Brown, Middlefield. MoNDAY, Dece-mlJer 19, 1921 George L. Sayles, Milan. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered t:Ue French C. Stillings, Milford Center. following p1·ayer; Dewey H. Beck, Monroeville. William G. Corne, Newark. Ou.t of the deep have I called tl-nto Thee, 0 Lonl; Lord, hear Calvin L. Hartline, Newcomerstown. my voice. Harry ~f. Day, New Richmond. Almighty God, who speakest in a thousand voices to the AlbertS. Nye, New Wa hington. hearts and minds of men, grant to us that we may be taught Cloyde M. Kieffer, Orrville. of Thee, that with understanding hearts we may faithfully Marshall 0. Brooke, Peebles. perform the duties of this day. Frank B. McCullough, Plain City. In all our work make us ever mindful of the welfare and the George A.. Fisher, Port Clinton. wants of others, knowing that we are in Thy stead. Clarence R. Seymou1·, Ravenna. Save, we beseech Thee, the valiant sons of this Nation im­ Olive Toland, Rayland. periled in the great deep, for Thy paths are in the great waters, Harry W. Hayes, Reynoldsburg. and even there shall Thy hand lead them. Enfold in Thine Fred 0. Fo ter, Seville. arms of love and mercy their loved ones, and by the sacrament Alva H. Anderson, Shelby. of our sorrowing sympathy bring us all to a deeper knowledge Harry Oldham, Sidney. and understanding of the mystery of Thine infinite lo1e. Charles l\1. Sauder, Smithville. Tbrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Elmer E. Weaver, Sugarcreek: Oral H. Hilborn, Tiro. The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the pro­ Raymond l\1. Swank, Trotwood. ceeding~ of Saturday last, when, on request of Mr. CURTIS and Ralph L. Stamm, Ver ailles. by unanimous con~nt, the further 1·eading was di ~ pensed with George ,V. Hassenier, Wapakoneta. and the Journal was approved. Dora A. Kramer, West Alexandria. CALL OF' THE ROLL William E. Reed, West Lafayette. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Presid,ent, I suggest the absence of a Elva L. Gauch, West ~Ianchester. quorum. OKLAHOMA The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Royal F. Hall, Boi e City. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sen­ Roy l\1. ::uuse, Elmore City. ators an wered to their names : Ashurst Edwards Keyes Robin on, Ind. Marshall G. Norvell, Marietta. Barkley Ferris King Sackett Frank W. Fuller, Ringwood. Bayard Fess La :b'ollette Sheppard Otto G. Bound, Ryan. Bingham Fletcher McKellar Ship tead Black Frazier McLean Shortridge Marion N. Brumley, Selman. Blaine George ::\Ic:Uaster Smoot William A. Vassar, Tryon. · Blease Gerry .Mc~ary Steck Severee L. ::Uas ie, Tyrone. Borah Gillett Mayfield Steiwer Bratton Glass Metcalf Stephens OREGON Brookhart Goff Moses Swanson Alice K. Gallier, Bandon.. Broussard Gould Neely Thomas Bruce Greene ~orbeek Trammell Elizabeth J. Morgan, Corbett. Capper Hale ~ye Tydings Fred C. 1\la tches, Dayton. Caraway Harri on Oddie Tyson Copeland Hawes Overman Wagner Edward C. Michelsen, Kerry. Couzens Hayden Phipps Walsh, liass. George ,V. .Johnson, Lakeview. Curtis Heflin l'ine Walsh, Mont. Thomas R. ::Uacl\1illan, Lebanon. Dale Howell Pittman Warren Deneen .Johnson Ran dell Watson Annie 0. Johnson, Odell. Dill .Jones, Wash. Reed, Mo. Wheeler Harold R. Mcisaac, Parkdale. Edge Kendrick Robinson, Ark. Willis Ann B. Heydon, Valsetz. 1\Ir. PHIPPS. :lly colleague the junior Senator from Colo­ Walter E. Zumwalt, 'Vamic. rado [:.Ur. WATERMAN] is detained on account of illness. I RHODE ISLAND will allow this announcement to stand for the day. .James H. Riley, Harrisville. 1\Ir. BRATTON. I de ire to announce the nece sary ab ence Lillian G. Hoxie, Shannock. of my colleague the senior Senator from New Mexico [1\Ir. Jo~""ES] from the Chamber. He is detained by illness. This SOUTH C.AROL~A announcement may stand for the aay. George B. Patrick, Bowman.r. Mr. GEORGE. My colleague the senior Senator from Geor­ Roy L. Hurst, Chesterfield. gia [lli. BARrus] is confined to his home on accotmt of illness. Walter L. Gettys, Clover. I ask that this announcement may stand for the day. Loka W. Rigby, Moncks Corner. ~lr. HOWELL. The senior Senator from Nebraska [1\Ir. Elijah Lee, Pacolet. NoRRIS] is detained from the Senate by illness. I ask that lliis Robert E. RagNdale, Pelze'r. announcement may stand for the day. TEN~ESSEE The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-four Senators having an­ swered to their names, a quorum is present. James G. Jones, Ardmore. .John V. Lady, Blountville. INTERNATIONAL COKGRESS OF ENTOMOLOOY (S. DOC. NO. 29) Pleas P. Campbell, Calderwood. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Bessie J. Clark, Christiana. mes age from the President of the United States. which was J o eph R. Lane, Church Hill. read, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Com­ Weyman I. Dooly, Conasauga. mittee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be pl'inted : David H. Hughes, Eagleville. To the Oongre.s~ of the United Rtates: Lavella Bratschi, Erin. I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State in­ Jean Brient, Friendsville. closing a recommendation from the Seeretary of Agriculture William E. Richardson, jr., Halls. that the Congress be reque. ted to adopt a resolution authoriz­ Nona C. Arm trong, Martel. ing and requesting the Pre. ident to invite foreign governments Elmer T. Sparks, McKenzie. to be represented by delegates at the International Congress of Edna Conway, Mosheim. Entomology, to be held in the United States in 1928. E. Dan Smith, :Ycuntpleasant. It will be noticed that because of the close relationship be­ l\fathew ::U. Iluling, Winchester. tween eutomology and agriculture, the Department of agricul­ ture is e pedally interested in the international aspects of tllis WITHDR.AW A.L ::;cience, which it considers of very great importance to this country. As it would . eem, therefore, that the participaoon Bxecufi'l:c nomination ·zclthdrazvn tr01n the Senate Decembm· 1"1, of foreign governments in the congress mentioned would be in 19'21 the public interest, I recommend to Congress the passage of POSTMASTER the joint resolution. No appropriation is requested. CALVIN COOLIDGE. George T. Taylor to be postmaster at Memphis, Tenn. ~HE .WHITE HousE, Dec(3?_nber 19, 1927. 1927 CONGRESSIO~_A_L RECORD-SE:S~.\_TE 799 CLAIM OF TWO NETHERLX~"DS Sl."BJECTS (S. DOC. XO. 30} A bill ( S. 1951) for the relief of Loui:o::e St: Gez, executrix of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Auguste Ferre, dec-eased, surdving partner of Lupene & Ferre; mes ·age from the President of the United States, which was A bill (S. 1952) for the relief of E. L. F. Auffurth and others; read, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the and Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed: A bill (S. 1953) for the relief of the heirs of Susan A. Nich­ ola ~· ; to the Committee on Claims. To the Congress of the United States: By Mr. WALSH of Massachusetts: I transmit herewith a report regarding two claims presented A bill ( S. 1954) allowing and regulating amateur boxing and by the Government of the Netherland." against the Government sparring matches in the District of Columbia; to the Committee of the United States for compensation for personal injuries on the Distl'ict of Columbia. I sustained by two Netherlands-- subjects, Arend KRmp and By Mr. OVERMAN : Francis Gort, while the U. S. S. Oanibas was-loading on May A bill (S. 1955) for the relief of Lieut. Charles Thomas 1, 1919, at Rotterdam. Wooten, United States Navy;· to the Committee on X a val I recommend that, in order to effect a settlement of these Affairs. claims in accordance with the reco1)1llleudation of the Secretary A bill (S. 1956} for the relief of Levi R. Whitted; of State, the Congress, as an act of grace and without refer- , A bill ( S. 1957) for the relief of Thomas H. Deal; and ence to the question of the legal liaoility of the United States A bill ( S. 1958) for the relief of \\'illiam J. Cocl.:e; to the in the premise . authorize an appropriation in the sum of Committee on Claims. $1,000, $500 of which is to be paid to Mr. Arend Kamp and $500 By Mr. ~-yE: to be paid to Mr. Francis Gort. A bill (S. 1959) to transfer to the Secretary of the Na-vy CALVIN COOLIDGE. jurisdiction over oil and ga · leases issued by the Secretary of THE WHITE HousE, December 19, 19Z7. the Interior on lands in na-val petroleum reserve ; to the Com­ CLAIM OF KNUD G. FL.A1G'\E mittee on Public Lands and-Surveys. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from By :\Jr. SHORTRIDGE: the Secretru·y of the Interior, relative to the claim of Knud G. A bill (S. 1960) for the relief of John D. McCaffrey; to the Flakne for the sum of $800, being the value placed by claimant Committee on Claims. on certain improvements made by him on public lands in the ' A bill ( S. 1961) granting a pension to Frank Hall ; to the reclaimed Mu.d Lake bottom, embraced in his homestead entry Committee on Pensions. 014157, Cass Lake series, Minn., which, with the accompanying :By Mr. WILLIS: report, was referred to the Committee on Public L-ands and A bill (S. 1962) granting a pension to David E. :\Ioocly (with Surveys. accompanying papers); and PETITIONS .AND MEMORLALS A bill ( S. 1963) granting an increase of pension to Iscah • Mr. LA FOLLETTE presented memorials signed by 293 citi­ Brady Raw ·on (with accompanying paper ) ; to the Committee zens of the State of Wisconsin, remonstrating against the on Pensions.
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