EXHIBIT B Proposalfor: CITYWIDE PARKING PLAN RFP NUMBER: 776 STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT JUNES, 2019 JJ,/ 139,: i /"ratfi Station Parking Garage AwHabtllty f li •IQC.W ( » ^ m r'lAMNiNiu BEJPlanning i^FSK.N '•••iviKONMtNTAL ANAl't^Mb SEAL ESTAT'f CONSULViNG 1RANSPORrAriON Fi ANNiNG June 5, 2019 Erik Larson Purchasing Agent City of Stamford Purchasing Department 888 Washington Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901 Re: Citywide Parking Plan RFP Number 776 Dear Mr. Larson: BFJ is very pleased to submit this proposal to undertake the Stamford Citywide Parking Plan. To provide the City with the best qualified team for all tasks of this project, we have teamed up with TimHaahs, a multi-disciplined engineering and architectural design firm specializing in parking. The two firms are currently collaborating on an extensive parking and transportation study for Princeton University. TimHaahs is a certified MBE firm. Our team brings the necessary municipal parking, transportation planning and parking management expertise, and a collaborative methodology to identify "best practice" solutions to assist the City with the development and implementation of smart parking strategies. We have CHARLOri'tr worked on hundreds of similar assignments and this depth of experience will help the City of CHICAGO Stamford successfully develop and implement an effective parking plan that willsupport the NEW YORK CiTV goals of the 2015 Stamford Master Plan and the more recent Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. Our PlTTSBUftGH team has significant "hands on" experience in the management of municipal parking systems and STAMFORD has held leadership positions at multiple municipal parking operations in addition to providing parking consulting to dozens of municipalities throughout the northeast and the United States. The BFJ/TimHaahs team is fully versed in "best practice" management, operations, payment systems and technologies and we are keenly aware of the sensitivities and concerns of local stakeholders, politicians and merchants related to downtown parking operations, improvements, FRANK $. F[SU f-AiCP fees, and planning. Accordingly, we are well prepared to work with Stamford to engage the public, EORGES :AC01jEMAkT RE, AlCP obtain feedback on parking and transportation and develop recommendations and improvement liSA'J FAVArE, AlCP strategies to move the parking and transportation system forward in accordance with the vision of SARAH VAf>f;L. AiCP the City's future. We have also added Coord to our team to assist us in digitizing the curb information and provide a BUCKHURS^ FISH framework to manage and analyze the occupancy and turn-over data collected by the team. Coord A- jACOijEViARr, ir-iC will provide very detailed data of the on-street parking resources, including all signage, parking 1 15 FIFTH AVENUE meters, as well as vehicle occupancies and turn-over. "• EvV NY r. ,:12.353.5-474 A .A12.353.7-'94 WWW.BFJPLANNING.COM In summary, our team will bringtlie following capabilities and experience that we feel are critical ingredients to the Stamford Parking Plan: • Familiarity with the Cityof Stamford, its neighborhoods and its visions • Knowledge of latest technologies related to parking operations, payment systems and enforcement • Extensive experience in managing municipal parking systems • Experience with large data collection efforts related to parking and travel behavior • Expertise related to regulatory requirements and incentive zoning for parking • Recognized expertise in shared-parking programs • Thorough understanding of interrelationships between parking, transportation planning, land-use planning and TDM efforts We are looking forward to an opportunity to present our capabilities and expertise in more detail at an interview. Please contact the undersigned (at 212-353-7477 or g.jacquemart@bfjplanning) if you have questions or need further information. Sincerly, Georges Jacquemart, PE, AlCP.PP Principal BFJ Planning CnvwiDE PAkKING plan I RFP NUMBER: 776 Table of Contents Transmittal Letter A: Introductions and Scope of Work B. Schedule and Budget C: Statement of Qualifications * Firm Profiles * Resumes * Relevant Experience * References Required Forms BFJPlanning CITVWiDE PARKING PLAN \ RFP NUMBER: 776 Proposal for: CITYWIDE PARKING PLAN RFP NUMBER: 776 June 5, 2019 Georges Jacquemart, PE, AlCP, PP Principal 115 Fifth Avenue New York, NY10003 212.353.7477 212.353.7494 [email protected] BPJPlanning Introduction and Scope of Work •t: PUN I RFP ^4UMeER; 776 A: Introduction and Scope of Work SCOPE OF WORK (REVISED JULY 19, 2019 TO ADO DESIGN CHARRETTE TO TASK 3) 1. Kick-Off Meeting The BFJ/TimHaahs team will meet with the City's Steering Committee to discuss the study governance, the scope of work and study schedule. Work tasks will be adjusted within the given budget as necessary. The team will agree on a meeting schedule and public engagement program. Key stakeholders will be identified and engagement mechanisms will be determined. The product of this task will be a memorandum summarizing the agreed upon scope of work, public engagement program and schedule. 2. Citywide Review of Parking Issues by Neighborhood Afirst outreach effort will engage representatives from all City neighborhoods to discuss parking issues and needs of the individual neighborhoods. We expect to obtain a wide ranging feedback regarding parking issues. These issues will be categorized so that they can be addressed either through detailed data collection efforts, described in more detail in Task 4, qualitatively in the final recommendations or in the revised parking regulations. It is assumed that one meeting with neighborhood representatives/council members will be held as part of this task. BFJ will be responsible for this task. 3. Public Engagement Akey component of the study will be a targeted public engagement program focusing on two aspects: 1) making sure that aJI neighborhoods have some input, and 2) engaging those stakeholders that have the greatest interests and dependency on parking. The public engagement activities will include the preparation of a project web site keeping the public informed about the study and invitingreaders to participate in a survey and submitting comments. The audience for these efforts will be the broader Stamford community of mostly interested and self-appointed participants. The BFJ/TimHaahsteam will hold up to three stakeholder focus groups to discuss parking issues and opportunities. These focus groups may include downtown merchants, the business improvement district, possible developers. These stakeholder sessions will allowthe team to investigate and evaluate specific parking policies and regulations. The above efforts will be supplemented by up to 4 intercept surveys where BFJ surveyors will interview about 150 randomly selected shoppers, visitors or commuters at different locations in Stamford. These intercept survey locations may include the three Metro North train stations and downtown or possibly other areas of interest. The BFJ team will facilitate a public design charrette to present the results of the data collection efforts, discuss preliminary ideas and directions of the parking plan and obtain feedback from study stakeholders. BFJ will develop a flyer to advertise the charrette, will prepare all content for the charrette, will manage the charrette process and will prepare a summary of the public feedback. Citystaff will assist in securing the charrette location and reaching out to the intended audience. The team will confirm the purpose and logistics of the charrette at the study kick-off meeting. EEFPlaimiiig CITY OF STAMFORD A: Introduction and Scope of Work BFJ will have primary responsibility for this task with strategic participation by TimHaahs. 4. Analysis of Parking Demand for Key Neighborhoods t Existing and Future This task willfocus on the three areas outlined in the RFP: Downtown, Stamford Transportation Center and South End. and the Glenbrook and Springdale Station Areas. The goal of the task is to inventory the on- and off-street parking supply and conduct utilization surveys to identify parking shortages and surpluses. Data collected in this task will infonn the plan's recommendations and implementation strategies. Parking Inventory and UtUization Database The on- and off-street parking inventory and utilization databases will be created using the Coord Toolkit and ArcQISsoftware platforms. Coord Toolkitis a surveying, analysis and presentation tool specializing in curb data. The application suite allows users to digitize, analyze and share curb data in an efficient, accurate, and user friendly manner. The proposal budget includes a one year license to Coord Toolkit, which allows access to BFJ and Citystaffto the following products within the City Boundary: • Surveyor mobile app and Surveyor Management web app: The Surveyor tool is used to digitize curb data from the field with the ability to edit collected data from any web browser. The Surveyor app uses augmented reality technology to let anyone collect accurate curb data quickly, cataloguing features like parking signs, curb cuts, fire hydrants, and painted curbs. The app can be used to collect occupancy data and if permitted by the City, surveyors could use the app's integrated License Plate Recognition feature to tag the precise location of vehicles along the curb for parking duration studies. • Analytics web app: The Analytics app takes the data collected In the Surveyor app to compute regulation data to understand the exact rules that apply to a particular
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