CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.;..;;: SENATE April 30 George Edward Tyler Ethan A. Bergschne1~ Kenneth H. :McArn sions and the steps that we must take. James Lenes Unger der Bobby N. McClain So, we pray, make us worthy of Thy Thomas Joseph Vernia, Jr. Donald-J. Bierman James N. McCready presence }).ere, that knowing that Thou Edward Erwin Vigee Lawrence C. Boxhorn Emmett J. McMahon Albert Louis Villaret Lawrence F. Bubba Russell G. Mills art with us we may act and live as men Donald Arthur Vogt Jack Brand Marshall A. ! Mont· .and women responsible to Thee. William Walter Von Hausen Lyman E. Buzard gomery, Jr. Our Father, we pray for peace in this Harold ·Eugene Wakitsch" Daniel B. Callahan John K. Moser world, for men and nations, for the David Lee Waldron · Charles F. Campbell Claude A. Muncey leaders of every country, that Thy will Nicholas Wallner John C. Caris FrankL. Munsey may be done, and_ th:;tt Thy kingdom Gerald Edward Weinstein Jack Cummings David M. Murane may come. James Carter Welsh · Robert F. Dolezal William E. Newell James Taylor Westermeier David R. Eby Raymond L. Norman Forgive us, each one; cleanse us .from Albert Burton Whittemore Don R. Emigholz Walter S. Northup sinful things and from evil intents, that Harris Flanigan Wilson Thomas E. Enright, William w. Nunn we may be led to do the great things that Milton Edward Leonard Zellmer Jr. Kenneth W. Ohlinger Thou wotildst have us do for Jesus' sake · The following-named persons for appoint· James M. Foley_ . Leo E. Olesen and in His name. Am~n. • ment in the Regular Air Force, in the grades George P. Gamache James D. Plathe indicated, with dates of rank to be deter· Edward M. Glass Thomas N. Pollard mined by the Secretary of the Air Force Neal R. Gulbrandson George P. Pribyl THE JOURNAL under the provisions of section 506, Public John S. Hamilton William D. Renner Guy F. Hellwege Earl C. Robbins, Jr. Ori request of Mr. WELKER, and by Law 381, 80th Congress (Officer.Personnel Act 'unanimous consent, the .reading of the of 1947); title II, Public Law 365, 80th Con. William F. Herdrich Frank A. Rowe Charles E. Herr Rex C. Salisberry Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ gress (Army-Navy-Public Health Service Medical Officer Procurement Act of 1947); Edward S. Hinton James W. Saunders, Jr. day, April 29, 1953, was dispensed with. and section 307 (b), Public Law 150, 82d Jack G. Hoffman George C. Schuette Congress (Air Force Organization Act of Russell B. Ives Robert P. Schwartz 1951), with a view to designation for the Walter A. Jarrett Charles D. Seymour MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT performance of duties as indicated: James Johnson Richard N. Snodgrass John M. Jones Frank A. Sparrow Messages in writing from the Presi­ To be captains, USAF (medica_Z) Gerald J. Kaczkowski Forrest D. Sprehe dent of the United States were commu­ Ralph T. McCauley, A02241314. Robert M. Knodel James G. Taylor nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one Herbert V. Swindell, A02239590. Vernon G. Knourek Louis N. Taylor of his secretaries. To be first lieutenant, USAf (medical) Robert H. Laney Johnny L. Therrell Francis D. Leonard, Jr. Arthur N. Till, Jr. Warren W. Gremmel, A02213670. Robert D. Leonard Robert E. Todd MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-EN~ To be first lieutenants, USAF (veterinary) Billy C. Love Alfred H. Uhalt, Jr. ROLLED ·BILL SIGNED Jack ·D. Douglas, A01906457. Clyde L. Luther Wayne E. Whitlatch James R. Halstead, A0726230. Gilbert G. Luton Serge T. Winkler · A message from the House of Repre­ · Robert H. Sterrett, A01735460. Charles R. Maddox Robert A. Witt ' sentatives, by M~. Maurer, its reading William H. Watson, Jr., A0960264. Jimmy G. May clerk, announced that the Speaker had To be second lieutenants, USAF (Medical The following-named distinguished officer affixed his signature to the enrolled bill Service) candidates for appointment in the Regular <S. 1767) to amend and extend the pro­ Robert W. Braden, A02213747. Air Force in the grade indicated, with dates visions of the District of Columbia Francis A. Buckeridge, A02239057. of rank to be determined by the Secretary Emergency Rent Act of _1951, and it was William E. Burke, A02239067. of the Air Force under the provisions of signed by the President pro tempore. Harry R. Collins, A0967283. section 506, Public Law 381, ·80th Congress Howard Colon, Jr., A01546605. (Officer Personnel Act of 1947): Robert H. · Cortner, A02239633. To be second lieutenants COMMI'ITEE MEETING DURING Frank H. Dowell, A02239889. Oscar W. Agre., Jr., A02219710. SENATE SESSION Richard J. Gabel, A01863234. Theodore J. DeSchon, A02219778. Hollis B. Gray, A02013991. Richard H. Dietz III, A02219781. On request of Mr. WELKER, and by Jerome A. Hirsch, A0776556. Paul C. Lawrence, Sr., A02219873. unanimous consent, the Supcommittee James E. March, A02239629. Herbert H. McClintock, A02219897. · on Minerals and Fuel of the Committee Gebrge H. McLain, Jr., A02235587. Hugh A. Stump, Jr., A02219975. on Interior and Insular Affairs was au­ John A. Meloy,,A02213784. Charles W. Uhl, A02219985. to Marion H. Mixson, Jr., A02219301. thorized meet today during the ses- . Clifford D: Ovei-felt, Jr., A02214978. The following-named distinguished mm. sion of the Senate. Arthur H.· Perkins: A01857986. tary graduate of the Air Force Reserve Offi· · Maurice R. Seaquist, A078263.3. cers' Training Corps for appointment in the William D. Tribble, A02238790. Regular Air Force in· the grade of second TITLE TO CERTAIN SUBMERGED lieutenant, with date· of rank to be deter· LANDS The following-named persons for appoint· mined by the Secretary of the Air Force ment in the Regular Air Force in the grade under the provisions of sectiori 506, Public The Senate resumed the consideration indicated, with date of rank to be deter· Law 381, 80th Congress (Officer Persoimel of the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 13> mined by the Secretary of the Air Force Act Of 1947) : to confirm and ·establish the titles of the under the provisions of sectron 101 (c) or 102 (c), Public Law 36, 80th Congress (Army· Harry E. Mottley, Jr., A02250302. States to lands beneath navigable waters Navy Nurses Ac.t of 1947), as amended by _within State boupdaries and to the nat­ section 5, Public Law 514, 81st Congress; with ural resources within such lands and a view to designation for the performance of waters, and to provide for the use and duties as indicated under the provisions of SENATE control of said lands and resources. section 307, Public Law 150, 82d Congress (Air Mr. WELKER. I suggest the absence Force Organization Act of 1951) : · THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1953 of a quorum. · To. be second lieutenants, USAF (nurse) The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Harriett L. Cavenaugh, AN1912729. <Legislative day of Monday, April 6, clerk will call the roll. - Phyllis M. James, AN2243577:' 1953) The Chief Clerk called the roll, and Patricia A. Thomas, AN2243642. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, the k>llowing Senators answered to their To be second lieutenant, USAF (women's on the expiration of the recess. names: medical specialist) Rev. Arnold F. Keller, Jr., associate Aiken Dirksen Hendrickson May E. Goodrich, AM2240029. Barrett Douglas Hennings pastor, Church _ of Reformation <Lu­ Beall Dworshak­ Hickenlooper The following-named distinguished avla· theran> , Washington, D. c .. offered the Bennett Ellender Hill tlon cadets for appointment in the Regular following prayer: Bricker Ferguson Hoey Air Force in the grade indicated, with dates Bridges Flanders Holland of rank to be determined by the Secretary Most merciful God, our Father, in · Bush Frear Hunt of the Air Force under the provisions of sec· reverence and in humility we come be­ Butler, Md~ Fulbright Ives tion 506, Public Law 381, 80th Congress (Offi· Capehart George Jackson fore Thee. We would open our hearts Carlson Gillette Jenner cer Personnel Act of 1947): . and our minds in this brief moment to ,case Goldwater Johnson, Colo. To be second lieutenants Thy great and loving presence. Clements Gore Johnson, Tex. Cooper Green Johnston, S. C. Clifford S. AbrahamsonJames H. Aikman . Thou knowest our duties and our re­ Cordon Griswold Kilgore Donald W. Aiken William T. Atkins sponsibilities. Thou knowest our deci- Daniel Hayden Knowland 1953 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 4201 Kuchel Monroney Smathers . - Third-, it would earmark all the funds and the Anderson bill, which is incorpo-. · t!~~~n :~~~t ~:;;~~:lne ·. ·derived from these areas in the marginal rated in my proposal with respect to the Long Murray Stennia sea, to . which the Federal Government leasing provisions and control of the ~!fo~~son ~:;;~r~ ~~~ -holds title, for the exclusive use of the marginal sea-which no one can say does Mansfield Payne Tohey retirement of the public debt. not belong to the Federal Government­ Martin Potter Watkins Briefly; I should like to explain my are "half-baked." I do not believe the distinguished for­ ffig:~~~ iffi!Xson ~r~r!:a ~r~~~~ !;>~i:~p~~~i!nt~:~~~ at~i~~fe ~~; mer Senator from Wyoming, Mr. McClellan Saltonstall YounK toward making the joint resolution more O'Mahoney, who studied the subject for Millikin Schoeppel acceptable, certainly cannot in the final years, would submit to the Senate, or Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that analysis improve the giveaway features that the Committee on Interior and In­ the Senator from Nepraska [Mr. BuT- which are contained in the basic prin­ sular Affairs would do so, a "half-baked" LER], the Senator from Pennsylvania ciples of the joint resolution before .us. leasing measure. [Mr. DuFF], and the Senator from New I believe Congress will be endangering This subject has been before Congress Jersey [Mr. S:Mri'Hl are necessarily our relationships with all other Nations for many years.
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