2021 Undergraduate Prospectus Contents 2021 Message from the Vice-Chancellor 2 Faculty of Law 50 Using this Prospectus 4 Faculty of Science 54 Visiting the University 6 Student Housing 60 About Cape Town and UCT 7 Sports, Student Clubs and Student Societies 63 Application and Admission to UCT 8 International Students 65 National Benchmark Tests 14 Tuition Fees & Residence Costs 69 Faculty of Commerce 17 Funding your studies 70 Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment 24 Student Life at UCT 72 | UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS | UNDERGRADUATE Faculty of Health Sciences 30 Key Dates 79 1 Faculty of Humanities 39 Contact information 80 UCT is aware that the current crisis related to COVID-19 will impact the regular operational timelines. Given the fluid situation that prevails all dates contained in our publications and correspondence are subject to change. Message from the Vice-Chancellor With a proud tradition of academic excellence, UCT is can choose from over 40 sports clubs and more than 100 cultural currently the top-rated university in Africa and one of societies, volunteer groups and social activities where you can meet the top-rated universities in the world. As such, we look others who share your interests. You can hone your leadership skills forward to welcoming talented, motivated students to in residence committees, the Students’ Representative Council and our university – especially those who have an interest in Student Parliament, among others. engaging with the problems of our society and finding ways to live sustainably within our environment. We offer a full range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in six faculties: Commerce, Engineering & the Built Environment, UCT is committed to developing African-based solutions Health Sciences, Humanities, Law and Science. Our undergraduate to global problems, including issues relating to climate programmes are designed to prepare you for working in the 21st change, urbanisation, safety and security, education century. We recognise that a university education is expensive and and health, to name just a few. Studying here, you’ll even unaffordable for many, so we provide a range of financial learn from world-renowned experts in their fields who assistance to ensure that any student who excels academically, incorporate the latest scholarly work, teaching methods whether poor or middle class, will be able to afford to come to UCT. and practical experience into their courses. Many of our graduates have jobs before they qualify and almost all have jobs within a few months after graduating. Some choose Ours is a vibrant, multinational and multicultural not to enter formal employment, preferring to enter a postgraduate community, with staff and students from across South programme or start their own businesses as entrepreneurs – at UCT Africa, Africa and the rest of the world. Every person has we are committed to the development of future entrepreneurs. Welcome to the University of Cape Town! something to contribute to the university’s continuing excellence and growth, and our goal is to ensure that everyone feels Many UCT alumni are making outstanding contributions to society I’m so glad you are thinking about studying at our beautiful at home during their time here. through the skills they learned here. They demonstrate that higher institution. This prospectus tells you about what UCT has to offer education not only opens the door to exciting careers, it can also you as a student, and includes information about admissions testing, Our student support services can help you make the most of your help to transform South Africa. I invite you to become part of this degree requirements, financial aid options, accommodation and time at UCT. These include facilities for people with disabilities, transformation. much, much more. the Student Wellness Service to help you with mental health and physical wellbeing, and the Careers Service, which will help you to Yours sincerely Our aim is to prepare future leaders who can help improve our make decisions about where your degree will take you. And there are university, our country and our world. As a university, we are many academic support programmes available to assist students Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng committed to promoting transformation and to guaranteeing the who need help with their studies. Although it should be your main VICE-CHANCELLOR sustainability of our institution by striving for excellence in all we do. focus, being at university is not only about academics. At UCT you Umyalezo ovela kwiSekela-Ngqonyela Wamkelekile kwiYunivesithi yaseKapa! sikunika ithuba lokukrwaqula ubomi e-UCT, zininzi iinkonzo ezah- sibe ngabagqwesileyo egameni leAfrika. Ngoko ke, sikhangela lukeneyo nezibonelelo ezifumanekayo kubafundi kunye neenkcu- abafundi abanetalente abafundi abafuna ukusebenzisa izakhono Ukukhetha iyunivesithi linyathelo lobomi elibalulekileyo. Ndiyay- kacha zazo zonke iinkqubo zezidanga zokuqala zethu. zabo ukutshintsha ihlabathi libe ngcono. Uninzi lwabantu ababe- iqonda ukuba unemibuzo emininzi. Esi saziso sishicilelwayo si- funda kule yunivesithi benza kanye loo nto, yaye unokuzibanda- kuxelela oko i-UCT inokukubonelela ngayo njengesifundo. Sikuni- Kungenzeka ukuba sele nisazi ukuba i-UCT yiyunivesithi ebe- kanya nabo. ka ingcaciso malunga nendawo yokuhlala, uvavanyo lolwamkelo, kwa emagqabini eAfrika kwaye iyenye yeeyunivesithi ezibekwa iimfuno ezingummiselo zesidanga, iindlela ezikhethwayo zonce- emagqabini ehlabathini. Injongo yethu kukuba singapheleli E-UCT sinesithethe esiziqhenyayo ngaso sokugqwesa kwizifun- do lwemali nokuninzi, nangaphezulu. Esi saziso sishicilelwayo ekubeni sibe ngabona bagqwesileyo eAfrika kodwa kwakhona do, kodwa asoyiki ukwenza izinto ngokwahlukileyo ukuhlangabe- zana nemingeni yehlabathi elitshintshayo lethu. Ngokufunda eMzantsi Afrika, eAfrika nakwihlabathi. Oku kudala uluntu olud- entlalo, apho ninokudibana nabanye ababelana nani ngemidla apha, uya kufunda kwiingcali ezaziwa emhlabeni ngokubanzi lamkileyo, lwezizwe ngezizwe neenkcubeko ngeenkcubeko, yaye niphuhlise izakhono zobunkokeli zenu. kumacandelo abandakanya umsebenzi wezophando lobungca- apho wonke umntu akhuthazwa ukuba afake igalelo ekukhuleni li, iimethodi zokufundisa namava epraktikhali kwiikhosi zabo. Ba- kweyunivesithi. Njengeyunivesithi, sizinikele kutshintsho nasekuqinisekise- zimisele ukuphuhlisa izisombululo ezisekelwe eAfrika kwiingxaki ni ukusebenza ngokuzinzileyo kweziko lethu ngokuzondelela zamazwe ngamazwe asondeleneyo, kubandakanywa notshint- Sifuna ukuba uzive usekhaya apha, ngoko ke sibonelele ngeen- ukugqwesa kuko konke esikwenzayo. Siyayiqonda ukuba imfun- sho lwemozulu, ukufudukela kwabantu ezidolophini, ezokhuselo konzo zokuxhasa abafundi abanokuninceda nilixhamle kangan- do yaseyunivesithi ixhomile ngexabiso, ngoko sibonelela ngeen- nokukhuseleko, ezemfundo nempilo, ukuchaza nje ezimbalwa. goko ixesha lenu e-UCT. Ezi zibonelelo ziquka abantu abanokhu- tlobo zoncedo lwezemali ukuqinisekisa ukuba nawuphi na um- bazeko, iiNkonzo zeMpilo-qete yaBafundi ukukunika inkxaso fundi ogqwesayo kwizifundo uya kuba nako ukuza e-UCT. Sibonelela ngeenkqubo zabafundela isidanga sokuqala neen- yezempilo nentlalo-ntle ngokwasemzimbeni, kunye neNkonzo kqubo zabasele bephumelele izidanga kwiifakhalthi ezintand- yezaMakhondo oMsebenzi, eziya kuninceda ekwenzeni izigqi- Ukufumana isidanga e-UCT kwaba linyathelo lokuqala kwi- athu: kwezoRhwebo, kwezoBunjineli neziNgqonge uLwakhiwo, bo malunga nekamva lenu. Kukho kwakhona iinkqubo ezininzi inkokeli zanamhlanje eMzantsi Afrika nakwamanye amazwe. iiSayensi zeMpilo, ezoLuntu, ezoMthetho nezeSayensi. Iinkqubo zokuxhasa izifundo ezifumanekayo ukunceda abafundi abafuna Bayanceda ukutshintsha ihlabathi libe yindawo engcono – yaye zesidanga sokuqala zethu zenzelwe ukulungiselela nina ukwen- uncedo malunga nezifundo zabo. nawe unako, ngokufuna e-UCT. Sikulindele ngomdla ukudibana zela ihlabathi elitshintsha ngokukhawuleza lenguqu yezoshishi- nawe. no yesine (fourth industrial revolution), nkqu nokuba akuyong- E-UCT sifuna abafundi ukuba baphile indlela yokuphila elunge- caphephe yezobuchwepheshe. leleneyo yaye siyanikhuthaza ukuba niphonononge yaye nizame Ozithobileyo izinto ezintsha. Abafundi banokukhetha kwiiklabhu zezemidlalo I-UCT yiyunivesithi enombono wamazwe ngamazwe asonde- ezingaphaya kwama-40 nangaphezu kweeklabhu zenkcubeko UNjingalwazi Mamokgethi Phakeng leneyo. Ngoko ke samkela abafundi nabasebenzi abasuka ezingaphezu kwe-100, amaqela amavolontiya, nemisebenzi yez- ISEKELA-NGQONYELA Boodskap van die Visekanselier 2021 Welkom by die Universiteit van Kaapstad! insluitende kwessies soos klimaatsverandering, verstedeliking, By die UK wil ons hê dat studente ‘n gebalanseerde lewenstyl moet veiligheid en sekuriteit, opvoeding en gesondheid, om maar net handhaaf en ons moedig jou aan om nuwe dinge te ondersoek en Om ‘n universiteit te kies is ‘n groot lewensstap. Ek weet jy het baie ‘n paar te noem. te probeer. Studente kan uit meer as 40 sportklubs en meer as 100 vrae. Hierdie prospektus vertel jou meer oor wat die Universiteit kultureleverenigings, vrywilligheidsgroepe en sosiale aktiwiteite van Kaapstad (UK) jou, as student, kan aanbied. Dit sluit inligting Ons bied ‘n wye reeks voorgraadse en nagraadse programme in kies, waar jy ander kan ontmoet wat jou belangstellings deel en jou oor akkommodasie, toelatingstoetse, graadvereistes, finansiële ses fakulteite aan: Handelswetenskappe, Ingenieurswese en die leierskapsvaardighede sal ontwikkel. hulp en nog baie meer in. Dit
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