CARRIER SEKANI TRIBAL COUNCIL CSTC Member Nations and Directors of the Board (as of July, 2009) 08-09Annual Report Box 36 Fort Fraser, BC V0J 1N0 Phone: (250) 690-7211 Fax: (250) 690-7316 Yin’krah Hun’zu Chief Larry Nooski Nadleh Whut’en First Nation Beautiful Earth TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Box 670 Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Carrier Sekani Tribal Council’s Board of Directors .................1 Phone: (250) 648-3212 Box 1329 Fax: (250) 648-3250 Tribal Chief David Luggi Report .................................................... 2-5 Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Phone: (250) 996-7171 Chief Thomas Alexis Vice-Tribal Chief Catherine Lessard Report ............................6 Fax: (250) 996-8010 Tl’azt’en Nation general Manager Jason Morgan’s Report .............................. 6-8 Chief Fred Sam Chairpersons for CSTC AGA 2009 .................................................8 Nak’azdli Band Elders Report • Cheryl Webster, Youth Mentoring Coordinator ...................................9-10 Fisheries Report • Bill Shepert, Program Manager ..........................................................11-12 • Christina Ciesielski, Senior Program Technician .............................. 11-12 Box 9000 RR 1, Site 12, Comp. 26 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Land Use Planning Report Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Phone: (250) 692-7717 Phone: (250) 567-9293 • Jaime Sanchez, Land Use Planning Coordinator.....................................13 Fax: (250) 692-4214 Fax: (250) 567-2998 • Janine Luggi, Conservaion Stratgy Coordinator .....................................13 Chief Robert Charlie • Marlene Flannery, GIS Analyst ...............................................................13 Chief Jackie Thomas Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation Saik’uz First Nation Economic Development Report • Thomas Pierre, Economic Development Officer......................................14 Education Report • Ben Berland, Education Technical Advisor ...............................................14 • Annette Shroeter, FNESS Coordinator ......................................................14 Natural Resources Department Box 760 Fraser Lake, BC V0J 1S0 • Paul Blom, Natural Resources Director .......................................................15 Phone: (250) 699-8747 Box 760 • Barry Vickers, Business Analyst .....................................................................15 Fax: (250) 699-6430 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: (250) 698-7309 Technical Services Unit Report Chief Mabel Louie Fax: (250) 698-7480 • Audrey Osterhout, TSU Coordinator ........................................................16-17 • Ron Prochot, Building Inspector .................................................................18-19 Stellat’en First Nation Chief Ruby William Wet’suwet’en First Nation Pacific Trails Pipeline Report ............................................................. 20-22 Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards 2009 ...............................23-26 AGA Sponsors List................................................................................................27 Financial Report .................................................................................................. 28-35 Takla Landing via Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Grad List ...........................................................................................................................36 Phone: (250) 564-3704 Fax: (250) 564-3704 CSTC Resolutions for 2008-2009 ..................................................................... 37-39 Chief Dolly Abraham Staff Contact List ..................................................................................................................40 Takla Lake First Nation A2 Carrier Sekani Tribal Council ANNUAL REPORT 2008 - 2009 TRIBAL CHIEF DAVID LUGGI’S REPORT community to refuse to participate and de- clare and to maintain our alliance to protect our inherent rights and our lands. Say “NO” to the proposed Recognition and Reconcili- ation Act. Join with us in the “cause” on Fa- cebook. In moving forward by living our cul- ture and traditional governance on the land, we know this is the way to truly decolonize our Nations and gain the collective strength we need to force the government to recognize and respect our people and our rights. Brothers and Sisters: We will not sur- David Luggi render. We will survive. The proposed Rec- ognition and Reconciliation Act will corrupt - Tribal Chief our souls, divide and destroy our people; B.C. is using this process to bankrupt us, to deny Hi to all the Carrier Sekani people: our rights, and to insult our ancestors. B.C will be the big jurisdictional winner and in- We acknowledge and offer our thanks digenous people will be the major losers. So, to the Takla Lake Band Chief and Council we say it is time to kill the proposed Recogni- and community for hosting the 2k9 Carrier tion and Reconciliation Act process so that Sekani Tribal Council AGA. It has been sev- our people can survive. eral years since the CSTC had the AGA event in Takla and we are very pleased and excited Alongside other First Nations in B.C., we with this opportunity. have identified several key areas that require immediate attention in order to re-establish a Recently, at the Carrier Sekani Family forum for a just resolution to our grievances Services AGA was held in Takla on June 22, within the context of the existing “Discussion 23, 2009. I had the opportunity to reconnect Paper”. It is clear, that “certainty” is a one- with some of my former Lejac School class- sided issue. The balance of certainty in this tion and Reconciliation Act environment. • Should be made available to the com- mates and briefly discussed our time that we case, favours B.C. and industry. The B.C. gov- Below are some of the main comments munities to evaluate all legislative pro- attended school together. We also discussed ernment wants to hear nothing about a fair about provincial laws the B.C. Supreme Court posals. the difficult transition from attending Lejac compensation package before the passage of enunciated in respect to the Tsilhqot’in ter- • First Nations have to spend their own School to attending the public school sys- this legislation in exchange for “certainty”. ritory: time and limited funds to evaluate the tems. I also met many more youth for the first time and connected with the elders and other The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) • Forest Act “does not apply to the for- existing “Discussion Paper” long time community members. and the First Nations Summit (FNS) (collec- est resources located on aboriginal title • Direct the FNLC to secure capacity tively known as the First Nations Leadership lands” (para 1013) In looking back, the CSTC is enjoying funds for communities to evaluate Council) both recently held chiefs’ meeting further development of the proposal. its 2nd year of freedom from the rhetoric of in Vancouver. Neither organization is will- • Interjurisdictional immunity – provincial British Columbia Treaty Commission pro- resource laws “inapplicable” to aborigi- ing to accept the Carrier Sekani proposal of Recommendation 5: cess. At Nak’azdli in March of 2007, our peo- including six recommendations as part of nal title lands (para 1045) ple said that the B.C. Treaty process is a dead the development process, carrying out due • “The right of exclusive use and posses- Indigenous Nations end. Today, our member bands are focused diligence and developing a sound financial on what is important to us and that is our use sion is fundamental to Aboriginal title” • More in-depth development in this part business case proposal. Both organizations (para 1048) of the proposal. and occupation of traditional lands. Whether received a presentation of a critique of the land use proposals develop business relation- “Discussion Paper” from the Carrier Sekani The following text is the information the • Reformation of leadership structures ships with us or our traditional lands need in the first of a series of regional meetings on Carrier Sekani presented to the First Nation based on our traditional ethics and gov- protection from unwanted development. Our May 28, 2009. Leadership Council: ernance models. “exclusive” use and occupation of the lands is a key to leveraging our position in any both We need not another promise to negoti- • Constitutions need to be developed respects. ate; the governments already passed legisla- Strategic Shift in the Ne- tion with a promise to negotiate by way of the • Resolution of territorial matters among As was the practice in my previous years B.C Treaty Commission Process. A promise gotiations with B.C. First Nations using our own processes as Tribal Chief, we are please to once again to “negotiate” revenue and shared decision- and protocols. deliver that Carrier Sekani Tribal Council making are two of the major columns sup- Recommendation 1: Annual Report right to your door step. If you porting the super structure of the “Discus- Shared Decision Making Recommendation 5: are not able to attend the CSTC AGA in per- sion Paper”. Indigenous Nations son, this publication gives you a snap-shot of • Drive to re-work the environmental re- the major political events and program activi- The Carrier Sekani says that revenue view processes. (free, prior & informed • Traditional governance models are more ties that are shaping our communities. If you and shared decision-making should be nego- consent) inclusive & consensus based in decision- plan to attend, I wish you safe travels. We I tiated first; business modeling and a business • First Nations already
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