Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 1938 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1774 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. University Lecturer in Statistics, Cam­ bridge Univer-sity, J 931-31. Author of- ' 'l'he National Income, 1924-1931.' 'National Income and Outlay.' 'Investment in Fixed Capital in Great Britain.' 'National Income in Australia' (>vith Mr. J. G. Crawford). 'The Economic Position of Great Britain' (with Professor Pigon). 'Industrial Britain' (with Professor Hilt on). Frances Wood Pri7eman of Royal Statistical Society, 1929. Winner of International Prize Com­ petition of 'Institut fur Weltwirtschaft,' Germany, 1935. Lecturer to Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth Universities. Business qualifications- Formerly chairman of Silexore Ltd. (paint manufacturers). Formerly sales consultnnt to United Steel Companies, Sheffield. Formerly consultant to Harold Whitehead and Co. Mr. Clark 's salary is £1,800 per annun1. ''I advise the hon. member to improve his mind by reading the books I have men­ WEDNESDAY, 16 NOVEMBER, 1938. tioned during the forthcoming recess.'' Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. G. Pollock Gregorv) SERVICE OF MR. E. A. FERGUSON. took the chair at 10.30 a.m. · I\lr. YEATES (East Toowoomba) asked the Premier- AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT. '' 1. ·was Mr. E. A. Fergnson in the public service continuously from 1913 until BRISBANE CITY COUNCII, ACCOUNTS. he was appointed to the position in the Itir. SPEA.KER announced the receipt Agent-General's Office in London~ If not, f'rom the Aurhtor-Gencral of the second annual how many years was he out of the service~ report on the books and accounts of the "2 What position did he occupy in the Brisbane City Council being for the year public service immediately prior to being 1937-38. appointed to the Agent-General's Office, and what was his salaryi "3. What is his salary now?" QUES'I'IONS. APPOINTMENT OF MR. COLIN CLARK TO PUBLIC The PRElUIER (Hon. W. Forgan Smitl1, SERVICE. Mackay) replied- " 1. No. He was not a member of the Mr. YEATES (East Toowoomba) asl;:ed the Premier-- Public Service for the period from 4 April, 1929, to 29 January, 1935. " I. Was Mr. Colin Clark appointed to '' 2. Liaison officer. Premier and Chief his present position from the public ser­ vieef Secretary's Departmc-nt, \Vith salary at the rate of £575 per annum. '' 2. What are his qualifications and '' 3. £600 per annum.'' salary~'' The PRE])HER (Hon. W. Forgan Smith, UNEMPLOYl\IENT, 12 NOVEMBER, 1938. Mackay) replied- )Ir. NICii:LIN (lVIurrumba) :-~skecl the " 1. No. Secretary for Labour ancl Industry- '' 2. M.A. Degree of Oxford University. " What was the number of (a) intermit­ Member of Staff of Economic AdYisory tent relief workers and (b) persons receiv­ Council, Cabinet Offices, \Vhitd1all, ing ration assistance in the weeL ended 12 1930-31. instanH" Questions. [16 NovEMBER.] Primary Producers', &c., Bill. 1775 The SECRETARY FOR ~liNES (Hon. ''The second test will be carried out by T. A. Foley, Norman by), for The SECRE­ the New South ·wales Department of Agri­ TARY FOR LABOUR AND INDUSTRY culture at its research farm at '.rrangie. (Hon. M. P. Hynes, Townsville), replied- Details of the lines on which this second '' I refer the hon. member to the report test will be conducted have not been fur­ of the Director for Labour which will be nished.'' ta.bled this morning. ' MINISTERIAL EXPENSES. ANNUAL REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR RETURN TO ORDER. AND INDUSTRY. The following paper was laid on the lUr. MACDONALD (Stanley) asked the Secretary for Labour and Industry- table:- Return to an order made by the House on '' When will the annual report of his 11 August last, on the motion of Mr. department be made available to hon. Walker, showing the expenses of Minis­ members 1'' ters for 1937-38. The SECRETARY FOR lUINl<:S (Hon. T. A. Foley, Norman by), for 'l'he SEC'RE­ PAPERS. TARY l<'OR LABOUR AND INDUS'I'RY (Hon. M. P. Hynes, Townsville), replied- The follo>ving papers were laid on the table, '' The report will be tabled this morn­ and ordered to be printed:- ing.'' Report of the Director of Labour and Chief Inspector of Factories and Shops for the RELIEF WORK AND RATIONS, TOOWOOMBA year 1937-1938. DIS'J'RICT; FAMILY INCOME COJ\IPU'l'ATIOXS. Eighth Annual Report of the Under Secre­ lUr. YEATES (East Toowoomba): I tary, Department of Labour and Indus­ desire to ask the Secretary for Labour and try, upon the Operations and Proceedings Industry whether he has an answer to the under The Income (Unemployment following questions which I addressed to him Relief) Ta.x Acts, 1930 to 1935, being for on 18 October and again on 9th November:- the year 1937-1938. '' 1. In respect of the Toowoomba Dis­ Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of trict-(a) how many persons were (i.) Industry, being for the year 1937-1938. on intermittent relief work, and (ii.) draw­ Report of the Department of Harbours and ing ration relief, in the week ended 17 Marine for the year 1937-1938. September last; (b) the corresponding figures for the week ended 15 October, The following papers were !aiel on the 1938; (c) what new work to absorb the table:- unemployed in full-time employment has Ordcr in Council, dated 10 November, 1938, been started since 1 September last~ under The Sugar Experiment Stations '' 2. Will he explain briefly the method Acts, 1900 to 1938. adopted in computing the relief allowance By-laws Nos. 368 and 369 under section 134 where there is some family income~'' of 'fhe Railways Acts, 1914 to 1934. The SECRETARY FOR ]}liNES (Hon. T. A. Foley, Normanby), for The SECRE­ INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND TARY FOR LABOUR ANn INDUSTRY ARBITRATION ACTS AND OTHER (Hon. M. P. Hynes, Townsville) replied- ACTS AMEND::\fENT BILL. '' The hon. member will find the fullest INITIATION. information that he requires in the report.'' The SECRETARY FOR JlliNES (Hon. T. A Foley, Normanby): I move- PREVENTION OF BLOWFLY INFESTATION. '' That the House will, at its present sit­ ]}~r. JIACDONALD (Sta·nley), without ting, resolve itself into a Committee of the not1ce, asked the Secretary for Agriculture \iVhole to consider of the desirableness of and Stock- introducing a Bill to amend The Industrial '' Has he obtained any further informa­ Conciliation and Arbitration Acts, 1932 to tion in connection with Dr. 'Watt's method 1937, The Profiteering Prevention Act of for the prevention of blowfly strike by 1920, and The Coal Production RBgulation colouring the breeches of ewes blue~' ' Acts, 1933 to 1935,' in certain particulars.'' The SECRETARY l<'OR AGRICULTURE Motion agreed to. AND STOCK (Hon. F. W. Bulcock, Barcoo) replied- PRHIARY PRODUCERS' ORGANISATION " I have recently received a reply from AND MARKETING ACTS AMEND­ the Council for Scientific and Industrial MENT BILL. Research, indicating that arrangements SECOND READING. have been made for two tests of Dr. Watt's method. One will be carried out at Gil­ The SECRETARY FOR AG.RICULTURE ruth Plains, Cunnamulla, where 100 wrinkly A~n STOCK (Hon. F. W. Bulcock, sheep will be treated with blue material, Barcoo) ( 10.40 a.m.) : I move- and 100 equally wrinkly controls will run '' That the Bill be now read a second with them. time.'' 1776 Primary Producers', &c., [ASSEMBLY.] Acts Amendment Bill. I do not think that I can add very much to tion, and so forth. The council is entitled the explanation that I offered this Assembly to fees and allowances, but we must avoid as yesterday when introducing this Bill in Com­ far as possible any duplication of effort in mittee. The principles of the Bill I think these matters because no doubt the boarils were not only adequately appreciated by hon. concerned have left nothing to chance but members of this Assembly but were corn­ have aecum'ulated important data, and their mended by both sides of the Chamber. It is, files will be found to contain much useful I think, a logical expansion in the desirable information about market surveys, costs, awl direction of a policy of organised marketing. other things of importance. It is, of course, particularly a Committee Bill, and it might be widely discussed on that Generally speaking, the Bill will provide a stage. I content myself therefore, with mov­ sound foundation for the work of the boards, ing the second reading.' and with the encouragement of the Minister ancl in co-operation with the State depart­ Jtfr. ll!AHER (West Moreton) (10.41 ments concerned, I am certain that a very a.m.) : In speaking to the second reading of valuable contribution will be made to tLe this Bill I cannot add much to what was said organisation of primaTy industTics, anc1 to tl.l() on the initiation stage yesterday. The Bill expansion of those repTesented on the counc1l. represents a determination by the Minister to There is a wide sphere of work to be done adopt the advice offered by members of the in such matters as the expansion of tradG Opposition when The Primary Producers' in this country and oveTseas, the reduction Organisation and Marketing Act of 1926 was of costs and the general efficiency. If thesa under consideration, and the hon. member for Mirani moved an important amendment. The matters are keenly and intensively studied by hon. member for Wide Bay quoted that amend­ the membeTs of the council very big things ment yesterday, and it sets out very clearly can be achieved. I think the Bill lays the what the members of the Opposition in that foundation for important wOTk, that the indus­ year felt about the whole problem of the tries concerned are alive to that fact, that organisation of primary producers.
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