INTERNATIONAL SDLNG ASSOCIATION J ...,!-\ SOLING GUIDE .n ~977 Z/73 \~ ELVSTROM SOLING SAILS MAINSAIL: For the 1977-season Paul Elvst rom and Wal demar Bandolowski have in co-operat ion with Elvstrom A/S deve­ loped the following: Two new mai nsa ils, which will suit the new, slightly stiffer mast, which is now being used. Light/medium, 5,0 oz Bai nbridge Y.T. 0- 5 m/sec. Medium/heavy (all-round), 5,75 oz Bainbridge Y .T. 3-30m/sec. JIB: Elvst rom Sails recommend 2 models also: Light/medium, 5,75 oz Bainbridge Y.T. 0 - 6 m/sec. Medium/heavy, 6,5 oz Bainbridge Y.T. 3 -30m/sec. SPINNAKER : Our spinnaker programme includes : Spinnaker No. 1 max., 0,75 oz Bain­ bridge Stabilkote Spinnaker No. 2 reachi ng, 0,75 oz Bainbridge (DYNAC) Spinnaker No.3 storm / reaching, 0,75 oz Bai nbridge A ll spinnakers are with butterfly cut and are among most of t he Soling sa ilors rega rded as being the fast est. The following results have already been achieved in 1977. I.a. at the Underberg Cup, Skovs­ hoved, Copenhagen 34 competitors f rom 8 nations: 1) Dieter Below GO X X 2) Bandolowski D X X X X 3) Gruenewald S X X 4) P. R.H0j Jensen D X 5) Kadelbach G X X X X SOLING GUIDE ~977 THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY INTERNATIONAL SOLING 3 CONTENTS Committees of the International Soling Association ..... 6 A Ten Years Adventure of the International Soling . 7 Soling Who's Who The Three Gold Medal Winners . 11 Soling Class-History in short . 10 Ho isting Colo urs in Norway . 1 0 Co untry Histo ry reports . 13 Denmark, Italy, Japan and U.K. (13). Australia, Bermuda, Hungaria and Austria (16), Sweden, Jugoslavia and U.S.A. (21 ), Switzerland (23). Women can Master Solings by Julia W. Rattray . 14 Soling Persons in ten years . 18 Inside Turn at Mark, two German Solings . 25 Soling Plaque, International . 26 Underberg Cup, First Recommended Event 1977 . 27 Soling Z -173 " Nadia" owner JIJrg Christen, Thuner Two Sailmakers prepare for the Olympics at Tallin . 30 Yacht Club. Soling Sto rm Sto ry, by John Rousmaniere ..... ... .. 32 The International Soling and Class Rules, the Diagram and Soling Scarf for the beauties . 32 the measurement forms are printed by permission from the !SA-Co nstitutio n, Rules, Addresses, Register of Solings, International Yacht Racing Union, London. IYRU-Information etc. etc. See Soling Guide SOLING GUIDE 1977 is printed in offset by Fossum Tryk, Appendix 1977, page 2 (enclosed) Birker~, Denmark on OMEGA COAT 145 gr for the cover, DANA COA T 115 gr for the colour sheets, MULINO COA T Soling Gallery of Persons pap er 85 gr for the sheets and GREY ROYAL for the appen· Andreadis, G. 19 Isler, E. 18 dix. Bakker, G. ... .. ... 9, 19 Jensen, P.R.H. 12, 18 Bandolowski, V. 12 Keizer,P .... .... .. .. 9 Berkeley, E. 18 Koch,M . .. .... .. ... 18 Advertisers in Soling Guide: ("A" refers to Appendix) Below, D. 27 Lightfott, J. 14 Abbott Boats . A-36 Linge Yachts A/S . 34 Buchan, M. 14 Melges, B ........ ... 9, 18 Bianchi & Cecchi . A-20 Linge, Jan Herman . 36 Croce, B. 19 Pon, Andrd du . 9 Buchan Sails . A-31 Melges Sails . 24 Devaud, G. .. .. .. .. 23 Rattray, J. 14 Elvstr0m Sa ils . 2 North Sails . A-20 Elmassian, A. 19 Samuel, B. 18 Elvstr0m Boats . 35 Polyform-Nautic S.A. 33 Fewster, J. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Schi0ttz, K . .. .. .. .. 18 Fogh Sails A-34 Raudaschl Sails . A-32 Hansen, Erik ..... ... 12 Schuh, R. 18 FR ED Jeweller . A-32 Servo Cleat ..... A-37 Hellemond, J. van. 9 Van Dyke, J.H. 19 THE INTERNATIONAL SOLING ASSOCIATION's CONTACTS A Argentine: Ricardo Boneo, Buenos Aires KZ New Zealand: Jack Scholes, Auckland AL Algeriet : Sli man Hoffmann, Alger L Finland: Vladimir Marschan, Helsinki AR Egypt: M. C. Nagger, Cairo M Hungary: Ist van N~meth, BalatonfUred B Belgium: Walter Haverhals, Antwerp MO Monaco: Gerard Battaglia, Y.C.Monaco BA Bahama : Robert Symonette, Nassau MX Mexico: Jorge A. Escalante, Mexico BL Brazil: A. L. De Campos Barraza, N Norway: lvar Tandberg, Oslo Rio de Janeiro OE Austria: Dr. Rudolf Schuh, Linz BU Bulgaria: B. Vass il ev, Sofia p Portugal: Bernardo Espirito Santo, Lisboa D Denmark: V. Bandolowski, Copenhagen PH The Philippines: Philippine Yachting Association E Spain: Miguel Company, Madrid PK Pakistan: P. N. Dockyard, Karachi F France: Thierry de Ia Villehuchet PR Puerto Rico: Juan R. Torruella, Old San Juan G Germany West: Herbert Reich, Munich PZ Poland: Polski Zwiazek Zeglarski GO DDR : Kurt Debus, Berlin, DDR s Sweden: Tom Nystrom, Stockholm GR Greece: GeorgeS. Andreadis, Athens SA South Africa: D. J. Hal iburton, Durban H Hol land: P. Rozendaal, Amsterdam SR U.S.S.R. : Andrei Kislov, Moscow I Italy: Sergio Orlandi, Varese TH Thailand: Yacht Racing Association of IR Ei re: Capt. P. Kirwan, Dun Laoghaire Thailand, Bangkok J Japan : Sumio Okumura, Tokyo us U.S.A.: Samuel V. Merrick, K United Kingdom: Duncan Simonds, London Washington D.C. KA Australia: Ken Berkeley, Sydney v Venezuela: Edmund Napp, Venezuela KB Bermuda : Harry D. Powell, Hamilton VI Virgin Islands: Jean A . Braure, St. Thomas KC Canada : Charles H. Steinbach, Toronto y Yugoslavia: David Antocie, Koper KJ Jamaica: J . A. Blackwood, Kingston z Switzerland: Jean-Pierre Marmier, Lausanne KR Rhod esia: Yachting Association Rhodesia For further informatio n see Register of International Mail all your correspondence to the addresses given in Soling Class Yachts. the Register. 4 .nn.n.n.n.n SOLING GUIDE ~977 10TH ANNIV ERSARY YEAR OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOLING Dear Soling Sailor, When the plans that were developed in the annual meeting in London can be realised, this 8 th edi­ tion of our annual Soling Guide will be the last on in its present form. In 1978 we hope to be able to publish for the first time a Soling Book, containing all information and articles about our class of more permanent interest, that can serve as a handbook for all yachtmen interested in our Class for a period of 3 to 4 years. At the same time, we propose to publish a supplement con taining all information that is subject to annual revision and which will be published and distributed every year together with the Spring Issue of Soling Sailing. When the life-time of a successful one-design international class is es timated to be a possible 30 to 35 years the 10th anniversary may be considered to mark the end of the adolescence-period. In this period the fine original design of Jan L inge was further developed- under a strict control to maintain the one-design character - to the perfect three men keelboat that it is to-day: perfect for racing at the top-level of yachting, at the same time suitable for local racing on club-level, also very good to be used for training in sailing schools and by many yachtsmen accepted and used for day-touring on all kinds of navigable waters! For the first as well for the last mentioned purpose it has moreover the important advantage that it can be trailed easily with a normal family-car. All these favourable properties have no doubt contributed to the unanimous vote of the IYRU Permanent Committee to adopt our Class again as one of the six Olympic classes in 1980. This is providing a sound basis for the expectation that such a decision can be repeated many more times I In the period that we have now begun your Committee will not support any drastic technical deve­ lopments that will endanger the one-design concept and the acceptance of which has created con­ siderable problems in other classes. We shall concentrate our endeavours on further improvements and strengthening of our Class-or­ ganization because we believe that many more yachtsmen in all yachting countries around the world could enjoy the thrill of sailing a Soling and can find new friendships in the friendly atmos­ phere of our Class Association. /~~ I. ...-- -· , Geert Bakker President 5 ~~~------------------~ II\A International SOLING Association Flag, white and light blue THE INTERNATIONAL BDLING ABBCICIATION CCMMI I I EE& ~977 Honorary Member of t he Committee: His Majesty King Konstantin Life Members The Technical Committee Eggert Benzon, Denmark Maurice Rattray Jr., U.S.A., Chairman Finn Chr. Ferner, Norway Tony Clare, U.K. V ice Chairman John H. Van Dyke, U.S.A. George Andreadis, Greece The !SA-Committee The Events Committee President (elected for 1976 and 1977) Henri Samuel, France, Chai rman Geert A . Bakker, Holland Walter Nielsen, U.S.A . Vice Chairman Vice-President (elected for 1977) Augusto Luiz de Campos Barrozo, Maurice Rattray Jr., U.S.A. Brazi l -South A merica Walter Nielsen, U.S.A . Elected Members - North A merica Ken Berkeley , Australia, Geert Bakker, Holland ( 1978) - Africa and Australia Valdemar Bandolowski, Denmark (1978) Augusto Luiz de Campos Barrozo, Brazil (1979) !SA-Editor Ken Berkeley, Australia ( 1979) John H. Van Dyke, U.S.A. Soling Sailing Tom Nystrom, Sweden (1977) Maurice Rattray Jr. U.S.A. ( 1979) Herbert Reich, Germany West ( 1977) !SA-Mailing Cent ers Henri Samuel, France (1978) For bunk mailings to National Soling Associations Duncan Simonds, U.K. (1977) Europe and Af rica : /SA Office Year in brackets after name: Last year of term North- and South America, Bermuda, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Jamaica , Philippines, Puerto Rico: Members appointed for 1977: US-Mailing center Philippe Chevrier, France Terry Bischoff JUrg Christen, Switzerland Nashotah Samuel V . Merrick, U.S.A. Wisconsin, 53058 Kenneth B. Miller, U.K. U.S.A.
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